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[vedic astrology] set back in career

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What are the indications for a set back in career. Would the Gochara

Jupiter in 10th from Moon result in a career shock?


I have a reference here of a male born at Vijayawada on 19-Nov-1955 at

22:55. Bal Sun dasa at birth: 3years-8months-29days-6.7ghatis

Rasi: Kadakam = Lagna; Simham= Jupiter; Tula= Mars, Mercury;

Vrishcikam= Sun, Sat, Venus, Ragu; Makaram= Moon; Vrishabham= Ketu


Navamsam: Dhanu= Lagna; Makaram= Moon; Kumbam= Venus, Ragu; rishabham=

Merc; Midhunam= Jupiter; Kadakam= Sun, Sat; Simham= Ketu; Tula= Mars


I had been predicting an elevation in career for this person based on

(a) vimshottari dasa Jupiter-Moon-Mars/Ragu [Jan-Feb-Mar] and (b)

kaalachakra dasa Kataka.Chandra-Kataka.Chandra-Meena.Guru [Apr.06

onwards]. Surprisingly, he had a severe set back in the career.


Could one of our learned friends throw some light on the factors

leading to the position.

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