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Who's Less Intelligent?

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Both are less intelligent.


In fact any one who does not seek the shelter of Guru and Gauranga are LESS INTELLIGENT and above all VERY UNFORTUNATE!





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Who is less intelligent? Women who put much effort in beautifying themselves to attract men, or the men who chase after such women?



No one is intelligent. they dont get the glory of Lord Krishna. They go on doing their own karma but dont think about their next life.

I think they are foolish.



One who falls in loving Lord Krishna - is intelligent.

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Neither of them is intelligent. they are going after false things.


they are very unfortunate until they come in contact with sadhus who can show them the right. One who falls in loving Lord Krishna - is intelligent(qoute from shuvo). this we all should remember.


Hare krsna...


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They both are like children playing in a beach. They try very very hard to build a nice castle of sand and engage all their hearts and souls in that work, but when the wave of the Sea comes, all their work is destoyed. The children do not understand and can't see the naked true that their castle will be destroyed in due course of time, when the wave will come, and therefore engage in such a stupid activity.

The worse thing is not this stupid activity, but a lost chance to make a better activity - engage in devotional service to Krishna and derive eternal result.

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