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I got possessed by Mataji

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Well, it can happen in some cases but it's rare, not like the things happening.... .........................I've witnessed superior Gods and Goddesses possessing the human body who have acquired some stage in spiritualism by sadhanas.


Even if you people are with such experiences, don't utter in the mass, you'll lose it to never getting back again.

Local witches kinda people can relate such things only if the spirits are from lower ranks called "Iter Yoni". The Gods and Goddesses like Shiva, Kali never possess people except those who have get their siddhis. This is the time when even the superior Lord Shiva cries in his helplessness with such person. If the gods to possess people then the world have been a better palce without polution, without war...so it's stupid talikg about gods possessing any one, i say, even if i declare you can spit on my face. It's only hallucination. Even if it is not hallucination, it is from Iter Yonis.


There was only one Krishna, only one Rama, Buddha, Jesus or such such...I guess you've figured out the things.

The day is approaching when the whole human kind gonna cry...but no help. The availabilty of divinity is going to fade away again....



Wake up people...

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hi, i do not know my kuldevi mata. i have made a detail inquiry from my family members too but was not able to get a proper idea.

what should be done so that i can come to know about the same.

if any one can help me out please this is a request to send a mail to me on rajeevrdarji@


thanking you






Finding out Kuldev/i is somewhat essential. In India there are lotta people who may find out it.But you gotta be sure they are genuine and not evil doer. Capable Guru ( only the Sadguru) can change your Kuldev/i even Gotra. After Vishwamitra ( i guess), in our time, came a personality who made it happen.


I pray you find the real path to your trueself.

There was only one Krishna, Rama, Buddha, Jesus, ....

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Can someone please explain what all this means. I don't actually get possessed, but when I pray I get a very, very strong energy running through me. I feel like my body has got really heavy (similar to many posts on here) and start to feel really hot.


Is all this good? I am not sure why this happens...does it mean god is pleased? Many of the posts on this thread give out confusing messages. Please can someone who has experienced the same tell me what it all means. It would be nice to share thoughts.


Oh, one more thing - I also get dreams where I can see Mataji. Sometimes as a child, or sometimes as a lady. She has spoken to me on two of the occasions, but in most cases she is just present in my dream. People say you should keep your dreams of god quiet. Is this true?


I happy to give out my personal email address if required.



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Can someone please explain what all this means. I don't actually get possessed, but when I pray I get a very, very strong energy running through me. I feel like my body has got really heavy (similar to many posts on here) and start to feel really hot.


Is all this good? I am not sure why this happens...does it mean god is pleased? Many of the posts on this thread give out confusing messages. Please can someone who has experienced the same tell me what it all means. It would be nice to share thoughts.


Oh, one more thing - I also get dreams where I can see Mataji. Sometimes as a child, or sometimes as a lady. She has spoken to me on two of the occasions, but in most cases she is just present in my dream. People say you should keep your dreams of god quiet. Is this true?


I happy to give out my personal email address if required.





sure, you should keep quite on these stuffs. Without any capable Guru you won't be able to relate yourself to any devine realm. You need a Guru. If you don't find any then you'll be with dreams only.Such incidents one day will creat frustraions. But Guru is not that who delivers speeches, lives in Ashram or wears oranges, with dread locks or else...the capable Guru lives simply away to the vast crowds growing behind so-called Gurus and Bhagavans.

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  • 1 month later...


Hi, please can someone explain what it means to experience being possessed. I experience similar things and am now not sure what to do, or why it happens.




dont use the word possessed she is not a demon she cames to you because you pray too her she manifests herself it is an honour

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i have been getting mahalaxmi mata since i was 22 yrs. on 8th day of navaratri my family arange a ritual of mahalaxmi. blowing air in earthen pot in front of mahalaxmi idol is a part of that ritual. when i started to blow in earthen pot i get possessed by mahalaxmi. is there anybody who gets possessed like me?

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i have been getting mahalaxmi mata since i was 22 yrs. on 8th day of navaratri my family arange a ritual of mahalaxmi. blowing air in earthen pot in front of mahalaxmi idol is a part of that ritual. when i started to blow in earthen pot i get possessed by mahalaxmi. is there anybody who gets possessed like me?

I never knew that people could get possessed by Lakshmi Maa, does this mean that you can get possessed by all the Devi's, such as Saraswati, and Santoshi Maa?

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see i never new that all these different devi and deota manifested in people..this is very interesting :)


anyone of them can manifest even bramha but i cant giv details on that as yet ok so sorry but anyone u would like to know bout u can ask me i dont know everything but i doh know alot:pray:

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  • 4 weeks later...


One way to find your kuladevata is to consult nadi jyodish. If you can consult an authentic nadi text with this question you will get an answer.

In fact Everything about you, known and unknown are contained in nadi.


Another way is to consult an austrologer dealing with temple and gods. You will find them mostly in kerala, as there the quiries related to temple and gods atre consulted and expertise is awailable there. To know who they are you need to only enquire any big temple at kerala, as tghey have their bord of astrologers.

Third method of finding out is to ask the goddess herself. Consult any genunely goddess possesed person and ask. In the possessed state the goddess will answer your question.



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Dear Devi bhakt,

There are two kinds of "possessions"

1) Genune possessions by higher forces gods and goddessess.

2) Hysteria - a kind of nervous disorder.


In the case of genune possessions, the person possessed will have some miraculas powers. They anser questons put correctly, fore warn future, cure diseases, solve problems, and give siddhis to chosen people. An example is Edgar Caisee of America who used to enter in to transe state and accurately diagnose peoples diseases, with out phically exammining them and even from faraway with only name and address of people. He dint have any medical education. He was possessed by a healing spirit.


If it is a case of neurosis , the person will speak and behave like god/ goddess and might answer questions , give instructions. but they are utterly barron of truth or usefulness. They will lake the wisdom and power of the godess which they claim to be possedded of, That is ,upon close examinatoion these people are with out any knowledge and power of anysort. Hysteria is very common among women.


The first thing in a possession case is to make this distinction and decide whether it is hysteria or genune goddess possession. If it is hysteria then Psychotherapy is to be resorted. If it is genune goddess comming in the body then it must be nurtured. I know the ways of nurturing it but more of it latter.


My suggesstion is to experiment and find out whether you possess genune power or false manifestations of goddessess. Perhaps you can find out about me in your trance state. You can let me know what goddess has to tell about me and to me. I have a very important question for the goddess in my mind right now at this stage of my life . ( I am not revealing it - perpusily) You can ask the goddess what her answer for my important question. If it is a genune possession of the goddess possession She will know what i am seeking and annswer approprately. If it is not a genune possession , then in the trance state either innappriate answer will come or some escuses will be offered without directly answering .

Perhaps you can try this test. Besides being fun it is a very useful expiriment for both you and me.

One more thing . You will not remember anything of what you said in the possessed state. You need someone to pose the question to you in the possessd stare and latter tell you what were the instructions. Or you could use atape recorder and record the instructions ( Edgar Caisee use to record hid murmuring in trance state).


Looking forward to hearing from you and the goddess.




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Hello Bhairo,


It is interesting to know that you have so many gods and goddesses manifesting through you. That is quite impressive. How did you develop your abilities? If it is a confidential matter and you cannot tell anyone, I understand.:)


Would the dieties that manifest through you answer any questions?

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yes they do answer questions and yes anybody can get them, but very few would do the things to get them.

but the first thing you have to do is get a master,

what i mean is an ista god or goddess that you love more than any other one that you can relate to, one that you consider a mother or father.

that is the one you need to do devotion too thats the one which will open your cakras,

your cakras are like a gate once open by a god or goddess you can do devotion too anyother to let them enter that gate and manifest in you.

hope you understand wat i am saying and its not for the faint at heart you have to be determined, cuz it might take a few months or years it depends on the individual.

my ista is kala bhairo.

if you tell me your ista i will give you a method how to do there devotion and gain there shakti.:)

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yes they do answer questions and yes anybody can get them, but very few would do the things to get them.

but the first thing you have to do is get a master,

what i mean is an ista god or goddess that you love more than any other one that you can relate to, one that you consider a mother or father.

that is the one you need to do devotion too thats the one which will open your cakras,

your cakras are like a gate once open by a god or goddess you can do devotion too anyother to let them enter that gate and manifest in you.

hope you understand wat i am saying and its not for the faint at heart you have to be determined, cuz it might take a few months or years it depends on the individual.

my ista is kala bhairo.

if you tell me your ista i will give you a method how to do there devotion and gain there shakti.:)



Dear Bhairo Ji,


Thank you!! I would love to have my chakra's opened by my ishta devata. Yes, Please provide me the instructions.:pray:


However, I have a question about my ishta devata. According to my horoscope my ishta devata is signified by Sun which indicates Rama. Although I have great reverence for Rama I am not an ardent devotee of Rama. I am very drawn to the Divine Mother - Durga being my favorite. Astrologically I have a very strong and benefic moon in my chart. So I would presume praying to the Divine Mother is beneficial for me. So I am very drawn to choosing Durga as my ishta devta. What is your advice on this matter?


If I consider Durga as my ishta devata how can I gain her shakti? I would very much appreciate your guidance.


Many thanks!:)

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