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LalithA SahasranAma [896] kUtasthA

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KUta lit deception, ie veiling one's own nature which is bliss, etc. it

makes one fall into samsAa, hence kUta means ignorance. SthA, she

governs this. The Sruti [bh-gitA. XII. 3] says, "Governing ignorance

[kUtastha], immovable, firm"


or kUta, ignorance, stha, seat ie the foundation of ignorance is in

her. Or kUta, mountain peak, stha, she remains motionless like a

mountain peak. Or kUta, the iron anvil which remains on the ground

while iron instruments are fashioned on it; stha, she remains unchanged

like this. Or kUta, the multitude of universe, stha, these resides in



Or kUta, VAgvgava, etc [ the three divisions of PanCadasi mantra] stha,

she remains in them. Or kUta, the gate of the city, ie the three -

angled cakra which is within the Sricakra, stha she remains in it. The

Visva says, "kUta means a machine, deception, zodiac, anvil, illusion,

mountain peak, and summit, insignificance, part of a plough, vanity,

gate of the city"



BhAskararAya's Commentary

Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry.


Lalitha Sahasranama with commentaries now in SS homepage. See link


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1. She is the Original Deception; i.e. the Cause of the Universe.

[kUta = Deception; Ignorance]


2. She is a peak; the highest to be aspired to. [kUta = Peak]


3. She is like a blacksmith's anvil, immoveable and firmly

established. [kUta = anvil]


4. She is a multitude of Universe; they are all inside Her (see name

648/lilA-klapta-brahmAnda-mandalA: She creates the galaxy of

Universes for Her pleasure). [kUta = multitude of Universes]


5. She resides in the divisions of the Pancadasi Mantra. [kUta =

those divisions]


- Dr. C. Suryanarayana Murthy, Commentary on the Sri Lalita

Sahasranama, 1962



, "NMadasamy"

<ashwini_puralasamy wrote:



> kUtasthA


> KUta lit deception, ie veiling one's own nature which is bliss,

etc. it

> makes one fall into samsAa, hence kUta means ignorance. SthA, she

> governs this. The Sruti [bh-gitA. XII. 3] says, "Governing


> [kUtastha], immovable, firm"


> or kUta, ignorance, stha, seat ie the foundation of ignorance is


> her. Or kUta, mountain peak, stha, she remains motionless like a

> mountain peak. Or kUta, the iron anvil which remains on the ground

> while iron instruments are fashioned on it; stha, she remains


> like this. Or kUta, the multitude of universe, stha, these resides


> Her.


> Or kUta, VAgvgava, etc [ the three divisions of PanCadasi mantra]


> she remains in them. Or kUta, the gate of the city, ie the three -

> angled cakra which is within the Sricakra, stha she remains in it.


> Visva says, "kUta means a machine, deception, zodiac, anvil,


> mountain peak, and summit, insignificance, part of a plough,


> gate of the city"



> BhAskararAya's Commentary

> Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry.


> Lalitha Sahasranama with commentaries now in SS homepage. See link




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