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My humble offering to our beloved Sathya Sai Baba

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My brother and sisters in Sai-

My humble obeisances at the divine lotus feet of SRI SRI SRI Sathya Sai

Baba. This wonderful email list has given me the opportunities to read many

of Baba's teachings that I otherwise would not have been able to find. I bow

to all of Baba's blessed children. A few weeks ago Baba used me as his pen

to write down this story. Although I have not met Baba in this incarnation I

no doubt feel his infinite love. I know some day soon I will be able to bow

at his feet. I offer this story humbly at the divine lotus feet of SRI SRI

SRI Sathya Sai Baba.

Sai Ram





Today I built a ladder, a ladder from my prayers. I climbed the ladder to

the heavens and searched for God. When I stopped looking God came to me. I

sat down and closed my eyes and God came before me. And to God I posed some



“Where are you?” I asked. “Why do you live in the clouds with all the

suffering on Earth?”

God smiled and said, “My darling child, I am EVERYWHERE. I am not limited to

the Earth or the Heavens. I am always with you, always watching over you,

always there to pick you up when you fall. I am WITHIN AND WITHOUT you. I am

you and you are Me. You need not look farther than your own true self. You

ask where is God? I ask you where is God NOT?”


And to God I asked, “Why can’t I see you? Why can’t I feel you?”


And God replied, “Everything you see is me. There is nothing that is not

filled with my divine energy. I am the tree. I am the flower. I am your

mother and your father. There is nothing on Earth that is not me. You say

that you cannot feel me, but you don’t realize that ALL you feel is me. When

you breathe, the air in your lungs is me. When your heart beats the blood is

me. When you love, that love is me, and when you help those in need you are

actually helping me. Men, animals and all things on Earth are but hollow

instruments and it is my divine love that flows through all.”


“Why do I feel separate from you?” I asked.


God replied, “You are not separate from me. Is a wave separate from the sea?

They are both the same. Is a rain drop different than the ocean? Look no

further than yourself and you will see my face. I am you and you are a

reflection of me. I am with you at all times and in all places. I have been

with you since I created this Earth. I have watched over you for thousands

of lifetimes, and I will watch over you for thousands more. You are never

separate from me. I ask you again, is a wave separate from the sea?”


“Why don’t I see you?” I asked.


And God said, “You do not see me because your mind will not let you. Your

mind tells you that you are alone and that I am nowhere to be found. Quiet

the mind. Don’t be driven by desires. Desires will never end. Look within

the stillness of your heart. I am that stillness. The mind will tell you

more, more, more. The mind always wants more. I am the Creator and the

Destroyer. I know exactly what you need. The thoughts you create in your

mind will create your world. Positive thoughts, positive world. Negative

thoughts, negative world. Your thoughts create your world. When you realize

you have all you need you will need to seek nothing more. All you need I

will give you. Do I not take care of the birds? Do I not give the flowers

their fragrance, and the Earth sun and rain?”


“How do I reach you,” I asked.


And God said, “You don’t have to build a ladder to the heavens to reach me.

Talk to me and believe me when I tell you I hear everything. An ant does not

lift his foot without my knowledge. Just talk to me. No one talks directly

to me anymore. I miss hearing from my children. Tell me your worries and

share with me your triumphs, for I am you and you are me. I smile through

you. I love through you. I long to hear my children’s voices. Sing to me,

write to me, pray to me. These are all ways you can reach me.”


And then I asked, “Who am I? And why am I here?”


And God responded, “You are my beloved child. Inside your heart is where I

reside. Your heart is my greatest temple. You are a direct reflection of my

love. You are here on Earth to get closer to me. You are here to be an

example to the world. You are here to help people in need. You are here to

wipe tears, to give hugs and to perform self-less actions. You are here to

teach the world with your loving example. When you serve man you ultimately

serve me. You, my darling child, are here to teach your brothers and

sisters. To teach them to see everything as a reflection of me. To teach

them that we are never separate, that we are never apart. Tell them to talk

to me, and trust that I hear everything. Tell them to wipe each other’s

tears and console those in need. Tell them when they help others they are

truly helping me. Tell them God is Love and Love is God. My darling child,

take this with you and when you want to see me, open this box, and look



I took the box, and God held me in His divine embrace. And as I turned to

walk back to my ladder I saw millions of other ladders reaching into the

heavens. I saw millions of others climbing up to find God. As I climbed down

my ladder I felt peace that I have never felt before. I sought out my family

and in them I saw God, and I found my dog and in his smile I saw God.

Everything I laid my eyes on I saw as God. When it was time to sleep I said

my prayers and had a conversation with God. Then I remembered about the box

God gave me.


On the box it said, “If you ever want to see God simply look inside.” And

when I opened the box I found a mirror, and when I looked in the mirror I

saw myself, and on the back of the mirror God had written, “Some spend their

whole life searching for God. Look no further than yourself. I am you and

you are me.”


Sai Ram

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