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Stanza 76

bhootaavaaso vaasudevah sarvaasunilayo-analah

darpahaa darpado dripto durdharo-athaaparaajitah.


708. Bhootaavaasah –“The very dwelling place of the Great Elements.” “Since the Beings (Elements) dwell in You, You are called ‘Bhootaavaasa,’ “ so says Harivamsa. Bhagavaan Himself says in the Geeta: “I am the Source of all Creation.” Therefore He is also called the ‘Bhootayoni.’


709. Vaasu-devah -One who envelops the world with His Maayaa-powers of veiling and agitations. The Lord discloses: “I pervade the whole world with My Glory, as the Sun with its rays.”


710. Sarvaasu-nilayah –“The Abode of all Life-Energies.” One who is the very Substratum for the life and existence of all creatures. He is the Self, the Life in all of us-therefore, He is the very support for the Praana in each living creature.


711. Analah –“One who is unlimited wealth, power and Glory.” There is no boundary for his Glories – there is no limit for his greatness, and All-pervasive. ‘Of my Divine Glories there is no end’, Bhagavan Himself reveals to Arjuna.


712. Darpahaa –“The Destroyer of the pride in evil-minded people.” Easily He curbed the pride of Indra and others by lifting the mountain and protecting the cows of the Yamuna banks.


713. Darpadah –“One who gives pride to the righteous,”- meaning, one who creates in the Good an Anxious urge to be the best among the righteous and virtuous. This pride is their protection from compromising in even in a small way in any act. This is a positive ‘pride’ of the higher order. There is also a reading of A-darpadah when the meaning would be: “One who never allows his devotees to become proud.” In this way, devotees would totally surrender unto him all their virtues, acting on purely as His agents, are feed by him from bondage of spiritual pride. For such pride, resulting from a preponderance of Sattva guna and sense of doership, would make them vain-glorious of their goodness.


714. Driptah –One who is ever drunk with the infinite Bliss of his own essential nature as Sat-chit-Ananda.


715. Durdharah –the object of contemplation which is indeed very difficult to attain: -the one who is realized by yogis through radios process of intense, single pointed contemplation. Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Geeta admits: “Greater in their trouble whose minds are set on the unmanifest; for the goal, the unmanifested, is very hard for the embodied to reach.”


716. A-paraa-jitah –“The Unvanquished.” “Never-Conquered” is the Glory of the self, for, conquering is of ‘objects’; the ‘subject’ can be conquered. This, being the reality in all, the senses, mind, etc., including the faculties (Devas) can never reach or conquer him. Even when the mighty senses and the terrible Asuras fight against it, still this over whelming powers of desires and passions can never vanquish the self, the divine Narayana.




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