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The Glory of Shirdi Sai -Issue12-- 2006

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Fourth Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 12 / 2006

08- 06 -2006


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>From the Satsanghs of Saibanisa ji




Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.


260. Everybody knows that the life is diminishing like the water kept

in a pot leaking, diseases will attacking and old age will be pouncing

like a tiger. Even then human beings are seen running after

materialistic world. What a pity?


261. Unless the destined time comes nobody will die. Even that time

may come while taking food and food may choke in the gullet.


262. Daily we will see so many premature deaths. But still we expect

that we should live for a hundred years. What a wonder?


263. The frog in the mouth of a snake will try to a catch a fly.

Similarly, at any time we may be about to die, but we will not be

thinking of the God but still engross in thinking of the materialistic



264. The skill we employ in finding faults with others if is employed

in analyzing our own faults, we can be transformed in to a wonderful



265. Everybody will try to praise the rich to get the benefit from

them. If they do the same towards God will bring in lot of inner peace.


266. Consumption of salt water from the ocean will increase the thirst

instead of quenching the thirst. So enjoyments in the materialistic

world have no end.


267. We can perform all the acts whether they are good or bad with a

smile. But when result comes you will have to enjoy or suffer. So try

to engage in such acts which will give everlasting enjoyment.



268. If a person claims that he is spiritual man and if he preaches

that do not bother for any hard work and God will provide everything

to you, then he is not a spiritual man.


269. You can pre pone tomorrows work to perform today and today's work

to this moment. But you can't postpone or pre pone the death. So do

not bother for death and perform your duties.


To be continued…



June 1911: Kashinath Govind Upasani visited Shirdi for the first time

at the age of 41 years.


June 1929: Hemadri Pant (Anna Saheb Dhabolkar) completed writing

SaiSatcharitra in Marathi.


June 1940: Sakhram Balvanth, a staunch devotee of Baba and an advocate

from Nashik passed away at the age of 67 years due to heart attack.





These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSa Ji

>From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that

this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled

from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.




With a desire to know more about spiritualism, I talked to many

friends. But that did not yield any satisfactory results towards which

I was looking for. I asked Baba to help me in this regard.


Baba has shown me the following visuals –


Friends of mine were engaged in sweetmeat business by purchasing from

the nearest Township and selling them in the village to make money. I

was also one of their customers.


I knew that it was it was not quality stuff but I could not point

out, as my entire friend circle was involved. In the meanwhile a sweet

meet grocer from Shiridi came with readiness to offer good quality

sweets as and when I needed them. I could see Sai in the grocer's from



Baba thus advocated taking direct refuge in HIM rather than falling

prey to middlemen.


Why go to middlemen when Baba advocated direct contact to HIS devotees.





I asked SAI to tell me more about spiritualism.


SAI said in the fifteenth chapter "I know what you do even though you

are located seven seas apart. You may go any where, but still I keep a

track of yours". I happened to visit Brazil on official tour. I did

not know the local language, but I was lucky enough in getting a guide

who knew Telugu also. He was dressed in white. He kept my company

through out my stay in Brazil. Time passed quickly and on the day of

return, he said in chaste Telugu that we could meet again In India.

How was this dream related to my life?


Later I recollected that during (6-20, May) 1991, I had been to South

Korea & Mr. Lee from SAAMI Steels has taken full care of me.


Sai to help HIS devotees traverses past the seven seas, on seeking





Thoughts were reeling round what is right and what is wrong. What kind

of life should we lead? Baba has shown the following visuals-


Nobody talks of a person toiled and establishing world record after

cycling continuously for ten days, whereas a man clad in handlooms

with hardly any political base is more respected and sought after.


An Industrialist with no formal education set up a Blades

manufacturing unit and makes money in Lakhs, while an educated youth

is loitering on streets in search of a job.


In marriage parties, it is customary for the bride's side to eat food

after fully serving the groom's party, even though all feel hunger



Guest is God's form and it is our age -old tradition to feed the guest

first. The path of righteousness and established norms should not be



The overseeing God ensures that right always happens.



To be continued…..



(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

"Shashi": shashi_31


23. Human Body is Dharmakshetra


A man is permitted to perform two types of actions. They are worship

and allotted duty. All the mundane and spiritual actions should be

performed for the welfare of others. The action performed for his

own-sake leads to bondage. Only human beings are entitled to perform

actions in the form of performing duty which is allotted by the God in

the wheel of creation. Person performing actions for the welfare of

others attains liberation. If it is performed for his own sake, which

is selfishness, binds him.


Human body has not been bestowed upon us to enjoy pleasures. Now here

it is mentioned that the man should enjoy worldly pleasures.


Sri SaiBaba advises to bring comfort to others and to do good to them

just like a father should fosters his son, but father cannot expect

service from his son, in son's youth. Similar is the case with others

such as son and wife.


Baba further advises that if we want to make a human birth is

fruitful, we must always give but no to revive, because the desire for

fruit is a stumbling block to salvation and also an obstacle to

receiving worldly things.


To be continued…..







>From the Satsanghs of Saibanisa ji


Sai through Reincarnations


Life after death:


(8)Generosity exploited:


One day, an orphan was fed with a sumptuous meal. The orphan boy

desired that he should be born as a son to the same lady and become

rich so that there would no dearth of money. Accordingly his wish

was fulfilled and he attained the age of twenty-four years and left

for USA. There he met with an accident and died. He was then reborn

in a rich American family.


These incidents are presented with an intention to fill our minds

with the thought that there exists a Supreme power that keeps on

regulating the process of life and death cycle. Perhaps that is the

reason why our elders always keep on saying, be good, think good

and do good in every sphere of life always. Constant thinking of

the Lord alone assures better future in our lives to come.


By: Sai Sevak Raghuraman Satulury






HOCKESSIN, DELEWARE, USA, May 27, 2006: Priests invited Lord Siva into

the Delaware Hindu Temple on Tuesday night. And in a few moments, 60

worshippers were reciting the God's name more than a thousand times.

By Sunday night, the names and attributes of Siva will have

reverberated in the temple more than 10 million times. If that seems

like an incredible number, consider that for 45 days worshippers have

gathered to take part in the recitation and a blessing known as Koti

Kum Kum Archana, a community prayer for peace and prosperity. The Siva

yagnam (sacred offering) is the year's most sustained period of

devotion for the hundreds who take part, said Patibanda Sarma,

president of the temple association, which serves 5,000 families in

the greater Delaware region. When holy names of Siva are recited, they

add to a temple's vibrational energy and sacredness, said Mani

Subramanian, a member of the temple's board of directors. For the full

report, click URL above.




MASSACHUSETTS, USA, May 30, 2006: Saturday, May 13, was declared a day

of Hindu Heritage by the Governor of Massachusetts. Over 1,350 people

attended the tenth anniversary celebration mela made auspicious by

life-giving rain, a record assembly for Hindu Heritage Day, and second

largest gathering of people of Indian origin to take place in the

Boston area to date. The auditorium of 1,100 seating was filled to

capacity with some people standing in the aisles to view the cultural

program, causing excitement in performers as well as safety disquiet

in volunteers. The hallways with stalls full of artists, vendors,

information booths, charitable organizations, health foods, and

meditation centers saw an unprecedented number of people stop by. Not

to be compared with the incomparable Kumbh Mela of India, this little

mela of our Indian community, organized by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad

of America, generated the same feeling of unity in the 29

participating organizat ions and attendees. This unity was visible in

all aspects of the mela. A united Indian community participated in

providing for 41 Ekal Vidyalaya (one teacher schools) with one

anonymous generous donor matching each school donation. In total, in

one afternoon alone, donations were received for 82 one teacher

schools for providing basic education in different parts of rural

India, no small contribution from Boston area residents.




DES MOINES, IOWA, USA, May 25, 2006: Iowa's first Hindu temple,

nestled at a bend in the Des Moines River near Madrid, was consecrated

in a five-day ceremony in early March. The Hindu Temple and Cultural

Center of Iowa is the realization of a four-decade-old dream of about

1,000 Indian families who have settled here, according to Sri Krishna

Kumar Pandey, priest of the temple. Built in a Hindu tradition, the

shrines and towers make the place of worship authentic, said Shashi

Tenneti, spokeswoman for the congregation. Skilled craftsmen from

India completed the "Indianization" of the temple, dedicating 30

months to carving intricate designs into the 12 shrines and sculpting

depictions of the deities out of cast concrete. During the

consecration ceremonies, Hindu priests anointed each shrine, and

mantras were chanted several times a day. The shrines were decked with

flowers and bathed with river water. Prayers and other ceremonies took

place for an additional 43 days after the initial consecration was





DENVER, COLORADO, May 28, 2006: The remarkably successful quiz contest

"Kaun Banega Ramayan Expert" (KBRE) is helping to fuel the Hindu

Swayamsevak Sangh's (HSS), continuing pursuit of excellence in youth

leadership, Dharmic education and service to society as it continues

along its path as one of USA's leading Hindu youth organizations. The

results of the KBRE contest were announced today. More than 3,000

children between ages 5 and 15 years, from 30 states, participated in

the contest which began on Makar Sankranti and concluded May 28. The

contest was a national effort focused on creating and maintaining

awareness in children about Ramayan. The life of Shri Rama, as told in

Ramayan, teaches timeless values like brotherly love, devotion,

sacrifice, valor and personal integrity, all important for the

children to understand and internalize. Children of all ages proved

that they were up to the challenge of the KRBE contest, a fun and

educational experience, but also a nostalgic one for many of the

parents and older family members. For more information and the list of

winners, click URL above.






Tryambakeshwar Jyothirlinga


Of the twelve JyotirLingas of Lord Shankara, the tenth one is known as

Tryambakeshwara. Tryambak is near Nasik in Maharashtra. This great

JyotirLinga on the banks of Gautami has a unique form. The Lord in

this temple's Grabhagriha is not worshipped with Abhisheka with water

(Jalahari) unlike others. There is just a bottom part of the pounding

stone (Ukhali), instead, like a hole.


In that hole there are three Lingas shaped like the Thumbs. Hence

Tryambakeshwara. Of these three Lingas, the Linga of Mahesha has a

constant shower of water from an orifice above. It is a natural source

of water coming down as Abhisheka for the Lord.

Purana of Tryambakeshwar Temple


Ahalya's husband, Gautama was doing Tapas or penance on the Dakshina

Mountain. It did not rain there for a hundred years and the land was

drying up and life forms disappearing. Seeing these conditions of

drought, the residents, the saints, and all the birds and animals fled

from there. Saint Gautam did a great Mangalik tapas through Pranayama

for six long months. Varuna, the deva of rains, was pleased and

appeared before Gautama, who in turn asked for water. At the behest of

Varuna, Gautam dug a hole on his hand. With the help of Varuna's

miraculous power, it filled with water. Varuna said, "Due to the power

of your penance, this hole would be an unending source of water

"Akshya". It will become famous by your name. It will augment all holy

rituals like Yagna, Dana, Tapa, Homa Shraadha, and worship of Gods.

After this water was thus acquired, the saints started making

preparations for the Yagna and the production of "Breehika".


Once when the disciples of Gautama went to fetch some water, from that

waterhole, just then some of the saints wives were also there for the

same purpose. They insisted on taking water first. The disciples of

Gautama called Gautama's wife. She intervened and allowed her

husband's disciples to fetch water. The wives of the Rishis felt

insulted at this and complained to their husbands and while doing so

added a few lies here and there. The great saints at once started the

worship of Ganesha as an initial Puja in sheer scheme of vendetta.

When Ganesha appeared before them and granted some boons, they asked

for the power of being able to insult and chase away Gautama, as an

undesirable person from there. Ganesha understood that Gautama was

very helpful by nature, tried to persuade the saints from getting

their way. He knew that, but for Gautama's efforts, the saints would

be craving for even a drop of water. But the saints would have none of

it. Reluctantly, Ganesha had to accede to the request of the adamant

Rishis, but warned them to be ready to face the consequences of

angering a great saint like Gautama.


One day, when Gautama went to get some "Breehi", he saw a thin,

starving cow there. Just when he lifted a little twig to show away the

cow, the cow fell dead. The other Rishis caught the opportunity and

accused Gautama of slaying a cow "Gohatya". They insulted him and said

that he must leave that place immediately in order to save it from the

aftermath of Gohatya. Gautama became very sad and left feeling greatly



Gautama wanted to absolve himself of the sin of Gohatya "Cow

slaughter". He thus resorted to the method of Tapas recommended by

great saints. He began the difficult task of bringing Ganga water with

the power of his Tapas, take bath with that water and chant Shiva

mantras a crore times and worship the Parthiva Linga. Shiva was

pleased and told him that he is indeed a pure soul and a great

Mahatma. A great injustice was done to him, Shiva told him that he

could ask for some boons. Gautama asked for Ganga, which would be of

great help to the humanity. Shiva gave Ganga to Gautama, in the form

of Tatwarupa Avishishta Jal. After taking the water, Gautama requested

Shiva to absolve him of the sin of cow slaughter. Shiva purified

Gautama and wanted to go back to His abode after that. But he told the

Lord to remain on the earth till the end of Kaliyuga. Ganga prayed to

him and requested him to stay on the earth, along with his consort

Parvati. For the welfare of the world, Lord Shiva granted Ganga her wish.



Ganga wanted to know from Lord Shiva, how people will know about her

greatness. The Rishis said that until Brihaspati stays on the Simha

Rashi (Leo), we will stay here on your banks and will take a holy dip

in your waters thrice a day before taking the Darshan of Shiva. Only

by doing so, would we able to war our sins. On hearing this Lord Shiva

and Ganga stayed there. Ganga has also come to be known as Gautami and

the Linga came to be known as Tryambaka.


The river which gave away cows as Go-Daan became Godavari. Ganga who

came on the request of Gautama became Gautam Ganga. That was the

auspicious time of Brahmagiri, the time in between, when the

Kurmavatar was over and before the assumption of Varahavatar, the

Sanghiparva. The planet Guru (Jupiter) was in the sign of Simha (Leo),

Magha Shuddha Dashami, Thursday after noon, when Gautami Ganga was

born. The area of Brahmagiri too looks like the Lingamurthyy. From the

tip, the water of Gautami Ganga flows.

Other speicialities of Tryambak zone


The spring at Brahmagiri from where Godavari comes out, is known as

Gangadwar. The Ganga water flows from a rock shaped like a cow face,

constantly. The temple of Godavari mata is located here. The idol

looks happy and peaceful. The Varaha Teertha is close by.


After emanating from Gangadwar, the river Godavari thins down and

almost disappears, only to appear again at Tahalhati. In order to

prevent it from disappearing, Gautam Rishi threw Darbhas on all four

sides. Because of this, Godavari flows in Kushavarti. The Kushavarti

Maha Teerth is a circle of 27 meters. It is built very strong. There

are steps on all four sides to facilitate going down to the waters.


At the time of Simhasta (in Leo), every 12 years, a Kumbhmela is held

here. Lakhs of people take a holy dip in Kushavarta. On all the four

sides of Kushavartha corridors are built. Beautiful statues are also

carved here in the Brahmagiri Talhati, near Kushavarti, there is a big

lake called Ganga Sagar.


On the parikrama path, there are beautiful places like Ram Teerth.

Prayag Teerth and Nrisimha Teerth etc, The Peshwa kings planted trees

at every 25 hand distance. During the reign of the Peshwas, criminals

were asked to do the Parikrama (circumbulation) of Brahmagiri as



The Tryambakeshwar JyotirLinga is unique, great, holy and wonderful

place of pilgrimage.


To be continued-------




>From the files of Saidarbar 1998:


Gadi Hari BapiRaju, Virginia, USA, wrote to us of his experiences:

I want to share my experience. But for Saibaba, I would not have been

able to pursue my education in United States. When I was studying my

undergraduate in India, there was a Sai temple near my room (I used to

stay alone in a rented room).

So I occasionally used to visit the temple, whenever I used to feel

lonely or depressed. I used to get peace of mind and motivation. With

Baba's grace, I secured first rank in my undergraduate. In this way, I

became a follower of Sairam.


My ambition was to do a Master's, degree, but financially we could not

afford that. So we had to take a loan from bank. I did not try for a

loan until I got Visa (Even though I was sure of getting visa since I

visited Shirdi before I went to the embassy). Once I got visa I had

only fifteen days to try for a loan. I did not know what to do; I just

used to pray to Sainath. I needed to take Life insurance policy and

get all the documents ready.


The insurance company was on a strike at that time, so there was no

way I could get that. I just approached the bank manager and told my

problems. With divine grace, the bank manager was also an ardent

follower of Sainath, took my signatures on the forms, so that my

father can apply for the insurance at a later late.



Also I was supposed to submit some security to the bank. We were

supposed to take signatures of the local government officials. This

proved to be a difficult task due to the corrupt nature of the one of

the officers. However, the bank officer approved the loan although the

documents were not completely satisfactory as required by the loan

issuing authority. I was able to accomplish all the necessary tasks in

two weeks' time only due to the grace of Sai Baba. Now I am doing my

masters in Virginia and will be finishing by Fall.






Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. For the last 2

years I have told you about Lord Krishna's Leelas and Lord Rama Story.

Now I want to tell the stories what heard in my child hood.


The story of the Monkey and the crocodile


Once upon a time there lived a monkey named Red-face on a tree by the

side of the sea. The tree was an apple tree and the fruits it bore

were sweet as nectar. Once a crocodile named Ugly-Mug swam ashore and

Red-face threw apples at him and asked him to taste them. Ugly-Mug

started coming everyday ashore and eat the fruits thrown by Red-face

and soon they became good friends. Ugly-Mug used to take some fruits

to his home to his wife.


His wife was a greedy lady and asked him as to where he got the nectar

filled apples. Ugly-Mug told about his friend the monkey. The lady was

greedy and pleaded with her husband that she would like to eat the

monkey's heart, as a person who gave such tasty fruits must have a

heart filled with nectar. Ugly-Mug was angered and did not agree to

deceive his friend. But she then insisted on not eating anything till

he brought her his friend's heart. Out of desperation, Ugly-mug

started making plans for killing his friend.


He came back to Red-face and entreated him with an invitation to his

house for supper stating that his wife would be thrilled to have him

home and also that she was very anxious to meet such a nice friend.

Poor Red-face believed the story but was asking his friend as to how

he could cross the sea to reach the house of the crocodile on the

other side. Ugly-mug then offered to carry him on his back and the

monkey agreed.


In the middle of the sea, Ugly-mug took the crocodile deep into the

ocean to kill the monkey. The monkey was frightened and asked the

crocodile why he was doing this. Ugly-mug told him that his wife

wanted to eat the monkey's heart filled with nectar. Red-face

immediately asked it to take him back to the tree as he told him that

he had left his other heart which was full of nectar back at the tree.

The foolish crocodile then swam back to the tree and the terrified

monkey jumped up the tree never to return. Upon being asked as to why

she was not returning, the monkey answered to the crocodile that he

had only one heart and he had been fooled and scolded his friend for

misusing his friendship.


The crocodile was ashamed at what happened and asked the monkey if he

could make any amends. And he was also scared that his wife would not

let him back in because he had returned without the monkey's heart.

Just then he heard that a huge he-crocodile had occupied the house of

his. The monkey advised him to fight the he-crocodile and drive him

out of his home and gain his wife's confidence. His advice the

crocodile followed and he was back happy with his wife.


MORAL: Wit is superior to brute force.





"Sankaraiah Dubagunta" sainama




(Baba attends Puja on 28-2-1944)


Sai Baba declared that those who think that HE was at Shirdi did not

understand Him. He further declared He did not require any conveyance

to go anywhere. It is stated that in Chap 40 of SSC, when the devotees

surrender themselves completely to Sadguru, He sees that the religious

function in their houses are duly executed and comply with all the

necessary formalities. Let us know from the narration given by

Mrs.GS.Devi in Sai Sudha of May 1944 that the above statements are

true to the word and letter:


HH BV Narasimha Swamiji, Founder President AISS visited Konakandla

village in Ananthapur district of AP on 28-2-1944.He was taken in a

procession, of course with Sainath's photo with full honors to the

residence of the Host, Sri Venkoba Rao. The person resembling a fakir

with a dirty and torn cloth, bundle of rags on his head and old papers

bundle in his hands accompanied them in the procession. He even took

Arathi with Pujya Narasimha Swamiji, three persons observed him but

thinking he is a mad man they ignored. Pujya Swamiji distributed

thirtha, prasad to the devotees present. This fakir went to some other

house and had his food. He came to Swamiji again and remarked "Are you

meeting me tomorrow at Vajrakarur Mister?" This he asked in English

(We know that Baba used to speak all languages including English from

the statement of Shama to HH BV NarasimhaSwamy). Venkoba Rao felt the

fakir was disturbing Pujya Swamiji and asked him to leave the place.


That night Mrs. GS Devi had a dream in which she saw a 6 yr old known

boy addressing her "Aunty, Aunty What is this sleep? Food without Ghee

was served, I was driven out thinking I was a mad man by your brother,

Did you notice?"


She was initially confused on hearing this but later caught hold of

boy's feet and repented for what had happened. Sri Venkoba Rao was

informed of this dream at the time of Thursday Puja. On hearing this

he and his wife took a vow not to touch food till the fakir comes in

the same fashion. On the second day evening at 8 pm "Baba" entered

their house, Venkoba Rao without taking any chance fell on the fakir's

feet. He offered hot milk and delicious food. Mrs Devi expressed her

desire of writing Sri Sai Charitra and sought His blessings. He

advised her to go to Shirdi for a reply. He advised Mr and Mrs Rao to

have food as they did not have anything for the past two days. Though

He wanted to tell about some worldly problems they did not give any

chance because again Maya would play her part. Later he took rest and



Dear readers, What a fine message Baba has conveyed through the above

incidence. Let us call Him from the bottom of our heart and enjoy His

bliss. He declared "I rest where there is full devotion".







rajamm (AT) starhub (DOT) net.sg

5/25/2006 17:06:21 +0800


Sai Satsang, Singapore

To all Shirdi Sai Baba devotees in Singapore, Shirdi Sai Sansthan,


is organizing Shirdi Sai Baba prayer session every Saturday between 18:30

hrs to 20:30 hrs at 3rd floor function hall, Sri Vadapathira Kaliamman

temple, (Opp. to Sinda), 555, Serangoon Road, Singapore-218174. We invite

you all to participate and seek Baba's blessings. For further details,

please visit www.saisansthan.com


Thanks & Regards,





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Please contact: saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org & saidarbar



Due to space constraints of E-magazine, we are not able to give the

full report on activities of Sai organizations. However, we are

providing their contact e-mail ID's and web site address for

interested readers.



The Following Saidarbar chapters are functioning around the Globe;

devotees may be contacted for necessary information about their

activities to the following E-maid ids:


Saidarbar Orlando, Florida USA: sathgurusai2002


http:// and http://www.geocities.com/brindavan47


Saidarbar Laurel, MD USA: murali_krishnamurthy2003


Saidarbar Chennai-India: saidarbarchennai (AT) (DOT) co.in


Saidarbar-Canberra -AU: kandra (AT) iprimus (DOT) com.au

For Further details visit: http://angelfire.com/sd/SaidarbarCanberra


Saidarbar Wallingford-PA- USA: technical (AT) saidarbarusa (DOT) org

For further details please visit: www.saidarbarusa.org


Sai Darbar Portland OR USA: shanthi (AT) sigmacgi (DOT) com


Sai Darbar Kitwe, Zambia : raoas (AT) zamnet (DOT) zm


Saidarbar Danbaru-Canitcut-USA: zutshi_anil_k (AT) sbcglobal (DOT) net


Saidarbar Woodland Hills-CA-USA: vskachanta (AT) hotmail (DOT) com


Saidarbar Livermore-CA-USA happythursday999


Saidarbar-London UK : suresh (AT) vaghela (DOT) net,suresh (AT) somtek (DOT) com


Saidarbar – Hyderabad -INDIA: saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org

For Further details visit: http://www.saidarbar.org


Sai Activities in NJ Visit: www.shirdisaidham.org or email at

shirdisaidham (AT) hotmail (DOT) com


Sai Sansthan, Singapore: www.saisansthana.com


"The Shirdi Sai Mandir, Toronto": visit www.theshirdisaimandir.com

Or send an email to info (AT) theshirdisaimandir (DOT) com


"Atlanta Sai Temple News": Visit: www.templeofpeace.org

Or send an email to webmaster (AT) templeofpeace (DOT) org


"Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center":

All the issues are now available online. Please visit the

website www.hamaresai.org or click on URL


Visit: http://www.hamaresai.org/

Email: hamaresai


"Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW" USA: Visit:


E-mail: admin (AT) shirdisaidallas (DOT) org


"Om Sai Mandir"

This issue of Sai Sandesh can be read online at:


E-mail: saisandesh (AT) omsaimandir (DOT) org




SaiMandir-Houston-TX-USA: Visit


E-mail: babamandir (AT) babamandir (DOT) org



info (AT) dwarakamaishirdi (DOT) org


Sri Shirdi Sai Florida Center: E-mail:voora





Author's Name: Sai Ananda

Publisher: Sri Sai Spiritual centre, 1st Block, Thygarajanagar,

Bangalore – 560 028- INDIA.

Web: www.ssscsaipadananda.org

Telephone: 6766922.

Price: Rs.50/-



The present book by `Sai Ananda' completes the trilogy of the author

on Baba. Having been a follower of Poojya Narasimha Swamiji, Poojya

Saipadananda Radhakrishna Swamiji and Poojya Narasimha Baba, `Sai

Ananda has been a silent Sadhak. While his first book focused on the

path of Dharma propounded by Baba, the second one highlights the role

of Sadguru. The present volume `The light of wisdom – Shirdi Sai Baba'

complements the Guru's role as a destroyer of darkness unto light.

Hardwork and a lot of patience have gone into the book. To serious

students of SAIISM, the present volume along with the two others

mentioned above is a must.


Please Note:

Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book

World) to spread the word about their books may send

ONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar, for details


webmaster (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org , saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org &


Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by

E-mail only.

Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained by

Saidarbar and cannot be returned.


3d Page turning E- Books on SriSaiBaba FREE to all.






You can obtain your free copy at




Contact for further details: Sai Sevak-Vijay Agarwal:

vijishvanya or vijishvanya





We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side

Hyderabad, India on prior intimation. For further details please

contact saidarbar




Things impressed me from this Magazine:


Daily we will see so many premature deaths. But still we expect that

we should live for a hundred years. What a wonder?


The skill we employ in finding faults with others if is employed in

analyzing our own faults, we can be transformed in to a wonderful society.


You can pre pone tomorrows work to perform today and today's work to

this moment. But you can't postpone or pre pone the death. So do not

bother for death and perform your duties.


Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to "The Glory of Shirdi Sai" – they

may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org with a copy marked to webmaster (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish

them as a matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative by

submitting e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org


Also read the old issues from:



If you are subscribing this E-magazine for your friend or a relative,

we request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving

the same.


Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

articles published.


This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi—Saidarbar—HYDERABAD--INDIA


P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory of Shirdi Sai ",

Kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.


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