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Look to your ancestors!

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Hail good folk!


This is a message to all European descended kith and kin. The Indian Dharma is a beautiful and wise path, but perhaps, it is proper only for Indians. The teachings are universal no doubt, but the culture in which they developed and the mindset in which it has been influenced are not. They are the sole heritage of the Indian folk. Germans, Celts, Slavs, Italians, and the like have their own ancient faiths which while trampled on with long ages of terror, hatred, and bigotry by Christianity and Islam, have been reborn and are calling out to reclaim their own people. I ask you not to just drop anything, and if you research and find it all to be worthless, you certainly won't have to fear "hell" or any such nonsense. I only ask that, if you still hold your heritage dear, look into the old Gods and faith of your people and their way of looking at the world. For fellow Germanics, search "Asatru" and "Heathenry". May the Gods see you!



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Hail good folk!


This is a message to all European descended kith and kin. The Indian Dharma is a beautiful and wise path, but perhaps, it is proper only for Indians. The teachings are universal ...




You're speaking from a materially based religious viewpoint, which mistakenly considers bodily characteristics and country of origin to be intrinsic to the nature of the soul.


"Indian Dharma", or correctly, Sanatana-dharma, deals with the eternal and unconditioned spiritual reality which is beyond any material manifestation, gross or subtle. It is a proper path for anyone who wishes to pursue it...any

notion that "Indianness" is inextricably associated with Sanatana-dharma is also a mistaken material one.

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Sanatana Dharma is not only for Indians. There have been western converts to Sanatana Dharma going back for thousands of years. Please read about the ancient Greek converts.


No offense but Asatru doesn't even have close the knowledge as the vedic tradition. They deny karma and reincarnation, they are hard polytheists, and so on. So those Germanics who believe in Karma and Reincarnation, Advaita or Visishtadvaita, etc., will not follow the Asatru path.


Asatru may be ethnic, but the vedic religion is the ORIGINAL religion of all mankind. Infact it was the ONLY religion on earth during previous Yugas (ages).

Please read the scriptures of Sanatana Dharma, and you will see they speak of Universal Truths that apply to all mankind.

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This is a message to all European descended kith and kin. The Indian Dharma is a beautiful and wise path, but perhaps, it is proper only for Indians. The teachings are universal no doubt, but the culture in which they developed and the mindset in which it has been influenced are not. They are the sole heritage of the Indian folk.


"The wisdom garnered by India, the eldest brother among the nations, is a heritage to all mankind. Vedic truths, as all truths, belongs to the Lord and not to India. The rishis, whose minds were pure receptacles ro receive the divine profundities of the Vedas, were members of the human race, born on this earth, rather than on some other, to serve humanity as a whole. Distinction by race or nation are meaningless in the realm of truth, where the only qualification is spiritual fitness to receive."


- Paramahansa Yogananda



I only ask that, if you still hold your heritage dear, look into the old Gods and faith of your people and their way of looking at the world. For fellow Germanics, search "Asatru" and "Heathenry". May the Gods see you!


Followers of Sanatana Dharma believe in the oneness of all mankind. We are not interested in identifying with our physical ethnicity, which we shed when the body dies, we are interested in discovering our Self, our Pre-existent Soul, which is unborn and eternal. The Soul is the same in all. There are no Indians, or Europeans, from the transcendental viewpoint. The Atman is the same in all.

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Hail all,


Actually, both "Sanatana Dharma" and Asatru(or any other Indo-European religion for that matter) developed from a single spiritual culture known as Indo-European(as was their language...the similarities between Sanskrit, Old English, Gaelic Irish, Slavic, Persian, and many other languages are astounding). Asatruars do believe in "karma", it is however called orlay and, though you might not want to hear it, is far more complex than the Indian conception of karma. Dharma is likewise summed up in the concept of Wyrd, though again, Wyrd is more complex and not just "divine law". Asatruars also do believe in reincarnation, typically happening through the lines of one's family. Asatru is a polytheistic faith, much like Shinto...but also like Shinto, they recognize an underlying Divine Absolute. This Cosmic Beam is known as the World Tree, Yggdrasil. Also, like Hinduism, the universe and all its potential is seen as derived from illusion as the source of all that is, known as the Ginnungagap is translated as "the deluding void". Asatru has traditions of folk magic, runic meditation, mandalas(now popularly known as "hex signs"), shamanic soul work, and wisdom traditions based on particular deities like Odhinn, Freyja, Freyr, and Thorr. Asatru has the unenviable state of having to had been rebuilt from the ashes of a thousand year Christian onslaught. Hinduism does not have this. The Hindu faiths have been around as long as the Heathen faiths, but they were not subjugated and mass murdered by Christian zealots. One person, known by Christians as "Charles the Great" onced burned over 5 wagon fulls of Heathen religious texts. All of that ancestral wisdom was lost on the whim of a madman. Those of European descent who leave their true heritage for something else, no matter how promising or beautiful it sounds, is doing that same thing as Charlamagne the Saxon Killer...killing their own folkdom and legacy. What good is an eternal soul if it is tainted with the shame of ignoring duty and honour?


Hail the Gods of the North!

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I'm with Oswynn and HH...all those whitey Hindus need to go back to their roots. You should see how they make fools of themselves trying to get into African, Native American, and other Asian religions(especially when they are expressly told it is not a religion for other "tribes"). Whiteys need to embrace their home cultures and leave ours alone.

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I'm with Oswynn and HH...all those whitey Hindus need to go back to their roots. You should see how they make fools of themselves trying to get into African, Native American, and other Asian religions(especially when they are expressly told it is not a religion for other "tribes"). Whiteys need to embrace their home cultures and leave ours alone.


You're no doubt the SAME poster or one of his friends. No one cares what ignorant pagan racists have to say on this forum.


The Asatru religion is not advanced like the eastern enlightenment traditions, so they can't get past ethinicity and tribalism. the Dharma traditions of the east are not based on body types, they are based on Self-Realization and enlightenment, that leads one past body identification.


Buddha and Lord Krishna did not start religions for asians. They spoke to the whole world. Lord Krishna said he is seated in EVERYONE'S heart, not just Indian hearts.


If you read the Bhagavad Gita or the Buddhist Sutras you'd know these spiritual leaders, these avatars, never spoke about tribalism. They spoke their enlightening words to the universal family of man, to help all those suffering in Samsara, escape the cycle of death and rebirth.


You're information about asian religions is way off. Neither Hinduism or Buddhism claim to be tribal religions!


Did you know Buddha was an Indian? he wasn't Chinese, he wasn't Japanese, yet his teachings have spread throughout Asia. By your logic Chinese and Japanese people should have rejected Buddha's teachings, since they started in a foreign land (India) and a foreign culture. All Chinese people should have remained Taoist or Confucian, and all Japanese should have remained Shinto. According to your faulty logic.

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Hail all,


Actually, both "Sanatana Dharma" and Asatru(or any other Indo-European religion for that matter) developed from a single spiritual culture known as Indo-European(as was their language...the similarities between Sanskrit, Old English, Gaelic Irish, Slavic, Persian, and many other languages are astounding). Asatruars do believe in "karma", it is however called orlay and, though you might not want to hear it, is far more complex than the Indian conception of karma. Dharma is likewise summed up in the concept of Wyrd, though again, Wyrd is more complex and not just "divine law". Asatruars also do believe in reincarnation, typically happening through the lines of one's family. Asatru is a polytheistic faith, much like Shinto...but also like Shinto, they recognize an underlying Divine Absolute. This Cosmic Beam is known as the World Tree, Yggdrasil. Also, like Hinduism, the universe and all its potential is seen as derived from illusion as the source of all that is, known as the Ginnungagap is translated as "the deluding void". Asatru has traditions of folk magic, runic meditation, mandalas(now popularly known as "hex signs"), shamanic soul work, and wisdom traditions based on particular deities like Odhinn, Freyja, Freyr, and Thorr. Asatru has the unenviable state of having to had been rebuilt from the ashes of a thousand year Christian onslaught. Hinduism does not have this. The Hindu faiths have been around as long as the Heathen faiths, but they were not subjugated and mass murdered by Christian zealots. One person, known by Christians as "Charles the Great" onced burned over 5 wagon fulls of Heathen religious texts. All of that ancestral wisdom was lost on the whim of a madman. Those of European descent who leave their true heritage for something else, no matter how promising or beautiful it sounds, is doing that same thing as Charlamagne the Saxon Killer...killing their own folkdom and legacy. What good is an eternal soul if it is tainted with the shame of ignoring duty and honour?


Hail the Gods of the North!


What the Christians did to the European religions is sick. It is very sad to hear how they destroyed whole cultures and traditions throughout Europe. The same is true as to what Islamic madmen did to the ancient cultures and traditions of Persia. The Abrahamic religions of Christian and Islam have left a path of destruction in their path. And just now a few, determined souls are trying to piece together these ancient traditions and cultures. More power to them.


However, when you start telling other people what tradition to follow, you are becoming just as intolerant as the Christian bigots!


Most people born in America have no connection to the ancient traditions of cultures of Europe. They may not even agree with them. Because someone is born Irish, doesn't mean their beliefs are in line with the Druid. They may believe quite different.


If someone lets his race determine his beliefs, his vision is very small. People with wide vision only care about Eternal Truths. They do not care what their parents or ancestors taught. For all they know, their parents and ancestors could be ignorant. What if my ancestors were from a cannibal tribe? should I honor them by eating people? of course not. What matters IS what our Soul is drawn toward. Our Soul identifies with Truth alone. It's our EGO, which identifies with body type, family, etc. But our Soul is beyond these distinctions. It is unborn, eternal and ONE with the Truth.


Those who want to come to identify with their eternal Soul, will be led on a far deeper journey, than those who care to identify with their Ego-self, and who they think they are in this life.


In our past lives, we may have been many different races. But our Soul is no race. Be true to your Self. It's not your family that can lead you to moksha (liberation). You must cross the ocean of Samsara on your own. Whatever boat helps you cross that ocean, may you find it. As for most of the members of this forum, it is Bhakti Yoga. And your words will not change the realizations that have dawned in our heart, no matter what race we are.

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What is my ancestory? On one side of my immediate family my grandparents were a German grandfather ("Aryan") married to a German Jew. That was on my mothers side. On my fathers side is Scot/Irish mixed with Native American.


Is my tradition then Jewish? A Rabbi once said that I am truly Jewish because the tradition is passed down through the genes of the mother. He saw me as a lost Jew and tried to convince me to return to the tradition and claim my rightful position as a chosen soul of Yahweh.


If I considered myself a western European "Aryan" then I should pick another tradition according to some. Am I really a Scot/Irish Druid?


Then there is the American Indian side to be dealt with. From that angle I am a native of the land of my birth already so I should follow the ways of that set of ancestors.


Of course we see it is all quite proposperous for me to pick a lifestyle based on my genetics.


All of this is besides the fact that I am not some geneticly based machine meant to simulate a real living being in the first place. I am the real living being. I can take my birth in any land or species or anywhere in the universe but that has nothing to do with my natural tradition. The only natural lifestyle that I need to get in touch with is Sanatan Dharma. I am eternal so my tradition must also be eternal. That "tradition" is the eternal servant of the Lord.


Now the only source for this level of knowledge in my experience is being kept in in those wisdom books that are called Indian. The wisdom itself is not Indian, it is eternal knowledge that existed before this entire world was formed. Since it has been kept within the Indian culture for thousands of years it naturally comes in garb of Indian culture but yet is very distinct from Indian culture. Just as my body is distinct from the clothes it wears from day to day.


So I can accept that wisdom without taking to Indian cultural traditons in terms of food clothing or basic living habits. Just as I have no interest in becoming a Druid, American Indian or Jew, I likewise have no intewrest in becoming a cultural Hindu. I find many things in that culture attractive but that is another thing of no great importance.


So Heartland Heathen if you really want to draw me to your way of thinking you will have to do so with knowledge superior to that found in Bhagavad-gita and not with pleas based on genetics. I am open to that.


peace bro,


West Coast Hare Krsna

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Hail good folk!


This is a message to all European descended kith and kin. The Indian Dharma is a beautiful and wise path, but perhaps, it is proper only for Indians. The teachings are universal no doubt, but the culture in which they developed and the mindset in which it has been influenced are not. They are the sole heritage of the Indian folk. Germans, Celts, Slavs, Italians, and the like have their own ancient faiths which while trampled on with long ages of terror, hatred, and bigotry by Christianity and Islam, have been reborn and are calling out to reclaim their own people. I ask you not to just drop anything, and if you research and find it all to be worthless, you certainly won't have to fear "hell" or any such nonsense. I only ask that, if you still hold your heritage dear, look into the old Gods and faith of your people and their way of looking at the world. For fellow Germanics, search "Asatru" and "Heathenry". May the Gods see you!




I presented someone with the contents of your post, and this is the answer he gave:


An important, but sometimes misunderstood or even unknown, aspect of the ancient "pagan" religions, particularly (but not only) the Indo-European ones, including those of India: there are two general "tiers" or "levels" of religiosity, one of which is often tied directly to one's body's heritage, and the other of which is universal. On the lower level, we have the karma-kanda level, which is often defined by jati-dharma (the religion of the tribe or so-called "caste"). The karma-kanda means that section of religion that is involved with simply trying to be pious, and to achieve material well-being thereby. On the higher level, we have the jnana- and

bhakti-kandas, the level of seeking enlightenment and union with the Absolute (however that be understood in one's philosophy and theology). This is a pattern that is normal in most or all of the Indo-European cultures,and others as well. Even in the Abrahamic fanatic cults where there is theoretically supposed to be only blind faith in the one claimed to be "God", most of the people are really only on the karma-kanda level, withonly a few saints actually achieving spirituality.

The higher level is what really deserves and takes the name "Sanatana Dharma", or the similar European phrase "Philosophia Perennis". And people on this higher, transcendental level of vision are much more likely than those on the karma-kanda level to see their own similarities with those on this level from other cultures. Practical experience has shown this... "interfaith" discussions and cooperation are far more popular among those who are on, or who seek, the higher or esoteric level than those on the exoteric level.

People who are on the karma-kanda level, at least those who are content to stay there, should indeed adhere to their body's ancestral heritage. (Although this gets much more complicated for those of us with several different ethnic roots in the family tree...) Those who seek the higher levels, however, are perfectly justified in finding and accepting the tradition and teacher(s) that truly best suit their needs and their realization. Too, karma and other influences have their effect on which spiritual tradition one ends up in.

So, one who is of Germanic ancestry could seek higher spirituality through the ancient Germanic higher traditions, such as in the ways of Lord Woden and the runes; or he might instead find his way in Gaudiya Vaisnavism or any other tradition.

Another important point in response to this person's post is that all of the Indo-European traditions are alike part of the Indo-European family, and although they are distinct from each other in some ways, in other ways they share many similarities, common customs, legal principles, even sometimes rituals. Thus, none of those in this family of peoples are really alien to the others. Even if one might in principle prefer all to keep to the customs of their own ancestors, is it not at least preferable to adopt a closely

related culture. Too, many people from European cultures choose to adopt Indian culture instead because of the pragmatic truth that the Christians and Muslims did manage to destroy much of the aspects of European culture that they did not choose to steal and use for their own purposes. While much has survived despite their efforts, there is much knowledge that is lost, and some people simply prefer to join a relatively complete branch of the family instead. Even the Indian tradition has lost much, as the tradition itself recognizes (eg, the authorities maintain that the complete Veda was much bigger than the parts of the four Samhitas which are now available) but it is mostly still there, instead of having the great losses that our European traditions must deal with.

BTW, this concept of large parts of the original Veda being lost to India does leave open the possibility that aspects of ancient European sacred literature and "mythology" that are not found in India could be remnants of those lost portions.

Finally, a brief mention of the theological issues: on the higher level, the Absolute Truth, Supreme Being is One; on the lower level, the many Gods (devas, Latin dii, Celtic deuoi, etc.) have their function, and although only a few names can be traced as shared among the various branches, the various Gods and Goddesses in the Indo-European world (and to a lesser extent, various other traditions) can be seen to generally correspond by functions and duties, even when not by names. If one recognizes a common

origin to the Indo-European peoples and their cultures and religions, it follows logically that the Gods among them are not really different, they have just shown themselves in slightly different ways to meet different needs in different areas. Of course, this is only a general picture, and the details are more complex to understand.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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If Odin is Varuna, Tyr is Mitra, Thor is Indra, Loki is Agni, and Frey and Freya are the Ashvins, then clearly the Nordic Asatru pantheon are Aditya demigods in origin, and therefore servitors of the Supreme God Vishnu. In the Eddas the Aesir gods refered to the superior powers as the Mighty ones, and in Iceland the supreme being was known only as The Almighty As. He was too high for the pagan priests to understand, so why should we seek to revive a religion of mere demigod worship?

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People should stick to their respective cultures. There's no bigotry in saying this. A tennis player cannot play football, can he? Likewise, a person from western origins should spend more time on making money, than in spiritual pursuits. Krishna (God) wants certain people to follow religion, which is why he's created eastern peoples. And he wants certain others to generate wealth, which is why he's created western peoples. If you don't agree, then that would make Krishna an irrational creator, but Krishna creates with a specific purpose in mind. So westerns should forget about eastern religion and focus on creating wealth, eastenres can worry about religion.

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People should stick to their respective cultures. There's no bigotry in saying this.


Sanatana Dharma is not a "culture", it is the Eternal Way.



A tennis player cannot play football, can he?


Why can't he?



Likewise, a person from western origins should spend more time on making money, than in spiritual pursuits.


This sounds like the gospel of Donald Trump. $$$$



Krishna (God) wants certain people to follow religion, which is why he's created eastern peoples. And he wants certain others to generate wealth, which is why he's created western peoples. If you don't agree, then that would make Krishna an irrational creator, but Krishna creates with a specific purpose in mind. So westerns should forget about eastern religion and focus on creating wealth, eastenres can worry about religion.



We are each in the same predicament, no matter where we are born. All of us are eternal souls, suffering in Samsara, and all of us need to seek God.


Get a clue!

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accually, the paganism and old egyptian religion is a mere shadow of the vedic faith.. many of the norse gods and egyptian gods are almost the same as the vedic gods but under different names.. but to see "whiteys" being pathetic because they chose a religion beyong there border and "heritage" is absurd, and plain dumb..


and NO there are no karma law in the asatru faith or reincarnation theory, stop making things up!! and u cant say that the Ginnungagap is the same as maya or illusion because the Ginnungagap is just the void before anything existed.. and the world tree is no divine beam or whatever, where did u read this nonsense!? the world tree is where all the different worlds are seated, from the human world to the giants etc.. and in the asatru there are no almighty supreme God, because Odin dyes after ragnarok.. stop making things up, its sad to see that people like u are trying to convert people by lyes and diception!

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People should stick to their respective cultures. There's no bigotry in saying this. A tennis player cannot play football, can he? Likewise, a person from western origins should spend more time on making money, than in spiritual pursuits. Krishna (God) wants certain people to follow religion, which is why he's created eastern peoples. And he wants certain others to generate wealth, which is why he's created western peoples. If you don't agree, then that would make Krishna an irrational creator, but Krishna creates with a specific purpose in mind. So westerns should forget about eastern religion and focus on creating wealth, eastenres can worry about religion.


im sorry to say this but this is a stupid thread.. how can u compare different athletes with religion, thats just dumb.. sorry..


yeah, making money will make us sooo happy, and why is the west going down the drain then? read the Gita and get a clue about what u are talking about.. Krsna/God doesnt whant sum people to come to Him, He whants ALL to come to Him.. if u read more u would know more.. to talk about Krsna and have no idea what or what He whants is just plain stupidity! read the Gita, then u can start talking..


this is why one shouldnt convert to a faith thats just whant to eat meat, drink and have as much sex and wealth before they dye

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Hey Das,


I can't believe that you are so stupid that take mythology as literal instead of symbolic or theological. I am an Asatruar, and YES we have "karma" and reincarnation and the Gap IS seen as the Ultimate and the Irminsul is a manifestation of that divine origin and the "worlds" are seen on many various levels of reality. You guys may have the pleasure of not having been interrupted in your practice by warfare and genocide and destruction of temples and teachings, but obviously my folk are nonetheless superior in their religion IF all of Hinduism is to been seen as represented by your feeble narrow mindedness. I know it isn't, but you make a very horrid presentation of your faith through your ignorance of mine.


Hail the Holy Esan and Wanen!

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Hey Das,


I can't believe that you are so stupid that take mythology as literal instead of symbolic or theological. I am an Asatruar, and YES we have "karma" and reincarnation and the Gap IS seen as the Ultimate and the Irminsul is a manifestation of that divine origin and the "worlds" are seen on many various levels of reality. You guys may have the pleasure of not having been interrupted in your practice by warfare and genocide and destruction of temples and teachings, but obviously my folk are nonetheless superior in their religion IF all of Hinduism is to been seen as represented by your feeble narrow mindedness. I know it isn't, but you make a very horrid presentation of your faith through your ignorance of mine.


Hail the Holy Esan and Wanen!


i hvae studyed the different text in swedish in several years, i have studyed the runes for equal long time in swedush, i have also had classes and have teached at the college here in sweden about it, i have also talked to scholars on the subject.. so call me what ever u whant, my knowledge in the subject is very good..


tell me "guest", what is the name for karma then? u cant have karma if u have 3 destiny goddess that weave ur destiny before u come to life, and u cant change ur destiny.. destiny is sumthing that cant be change, therefor u cant change ur position, hence no karma ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destiny ).. the gap is nothing, emtyness, how can u call nothing, nothing, no light or life for divine? the gap was a void and AFTER the creation all came to be!


how can u call urself superior in a religion? what is ur supreme god? what is his name? the asatru is a mere shadow, like the egyptian faith of sanatana dharma, when people left india they started their own man-made religion, that is a perversion of the vedic dharma.. the nordic asatru is a materialistic faith that indulge their followers to vengence, hate at war, meat-eating and alcohol drining.. look at "the heaven" of ur faith, every day eat meat, have sex and drink alcohol and fight.. thats a materialistic religion, like the muslim faith that "gets" virgins in heaven..


call me what u whant, narrowminded or whatever, thats fine with me, that is ur lame argument for making things up and cant handle the arguments handled to u!! ur making things up, stop that, man-made religion and fantasy isnt reallity, u know this, therefor u call me narrow-minded!


i havent maked anything more then trying to make u asatrus stop making ur own fantasys and telling u how it is, truth stings my dear friend.. making up things only pollutes the faith u are trying to represent here.. and look at the orginal poster, about "whiteys" being pathetic.. their u have narrow-mindeness and all the fantasys u tryed to fix on me


i rest my case!


Hare Krsna! Jai Gauranga!

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accually, the paganism and old egyptian religion is a mere shadow of the vedic faith.. many of the norse gods and egyptian gods are almost the same as the vedic gods but under different names.. but to see "whiteys" being pathetic because they chose a religion beyong there border and "heritage" is absurd, and plain dumb..


and NO there are no karma law in the asatru faith or reincarnation theory, stop making things up!! and u cant say that the Ginnungagap is the same as maya or illusion because the Ginnungagap is just the void before anything existed.. and the world tree is no divine beam or whatever, where did u read this nonsense!? the world tree is where all the different worlds are seated, from the human world to the giants etc.. and in the asatru there are no almighty supreme God, because Odin dyes after ragnarok.. stop making things up, its sad to see that people like u are trying to convert people by lyes and diception!


Some Odinists look upon All-Father Odin as the supreme, formless Spirit, whose magical breath manifested and combined Fire and Ice in the primal Void and thus began creation, before He took form in the three sons of Bor (Trimurti) who shaped and ensouled the Universe.

In this Avatar, as the anthropomorphic King and Father of gods and men, He underwent Shamanic initiation ordeals of death and rebirth, in order to unleash the hidden wisdom latent in His own cosmic 'collective unconscious', as an example to human wizards (Vitkies). In the same way God's Avatars Rama and Krishna appeared to be human kings, subject to birth and death, but in reality they are deathless, eternal and infinite.

After Odin is swallowed by the Wolf at Ragnarok, His son Vidar rips open the beast's jaws, so that His spirit may soar free and come to dwell in Gimle,

the new Asgard, as the indwelling Spirit-Soul (Ond=Atman) of His resurrected godly offspring. Such are the visions of some of All-Father's chosen ones.


Hail Odin!

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Some Odinists look upon All-Father Odin as the supreme


how can he be supreme if he can dye? God do not die, but odin thus





formless Spirit, whose magical breath manifested and combined Fire and Ice in the primal Void and thus began creation, before He took form in the three sons of Bor (Trimurti) who shaped and ensouled the Universe.


odin, vile and ve was born of adhumbla, a cow, and they are born, Krsna, God is Aja, unborn and eternal.. he o r she whom is born cannot be the supreme..




Rama and Krishna appeared to be human kings, subject to birth and death, but in reality they are deathless, eternal and infinite.


Krsna/Rama appered AS living humans, but they where the same God, eternal and unborn.. when Odin hang in the yggdrasil for 9 days and 9 night, he almost died, and again this shows that he isnt supreme.. God cannot die..


i will now stop speaking about asatru because u make things up and see a finite being as God..

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i will also add that i have no problem with different faiths for different peoples.. that isnt the issue, i just dont like people making things up, trying to make a bird out of a feather.. i have respect for my ancestors faith when im living in sweden and are half german/half sed.. i usally work for interreligious matters.. but still i dont like when people try to change the core of a faith after their own fantasy.. and that is what u pagans are trying to do here.. their are no karma or reincarnation in the asatru.. karma and reincarn. is from the sanatana dharma..

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You say you have studied the elder faith, runes, and are half German and Swedish...but obviously you lie. You know nothing of the tru faith and were probably "taught" by malicious christian "scholars" who will do anything to paint the superior asa-faith as evil and ignorant. Now, if you had actually read the Eddas, Icelandic Sagas, and other works such as Volsunga Saga you would know that there are numerous references to reincarnation, typically within the same family line or tribal affiliation...stories of men incarnating as elves, dwarves, and demi-gods...and that the afterlife itself was extremely varied with paradise being Odainsakr, and Gimle, along with an ancestral Hall in Helheim, and places for the damned in Nastrond. Valhalla is nothing but a tip of the iceberg when it comes to the complex heathen afterlife. There are also stories of folk "dying into the mountain" and being seen in visions as feasting in wonderously golden halls with the ancestors. Erbyggja Saga, Erik the Red's Saga and Njall's saga itself is also replete with tales of magic and mysticism and how the gods interact with us and guide us. As for "karma" and "fate"...you just simply don't understand. The Norn's "weaving our fate" is not some cosmic determinism. You have to understand the heathen concept of time to understand what it means. Heathen time is Urd(what is)...Verdandi(what is becoming)...and Skuld(what should become). It is based on intent, free will, and the heroic ethic. The Norns carve down what we do and "weave fate" based on every specific action which we take on our own as free individuals. Our fate is not determined by the Norns, it is simply recorded by them. Now, are you familiar with Orlog? Orlog, which means "primal law" is exactly karma. I cannot say it any simpler than that. Either you truly understand, or you are just don't and keep repeating the nonsense you have been saying so far. You need to also understand that a heathen conception of the Absolute is non-personality based. Of course we don't have a "krishna" or "vishnu". We see "The Source" as simple that...the absolute oneness of spirit and matter in the Primal Soul as pure energy, consciousness, and potential...but NOT as a distinct personality which limits itself and logically denies such a being as being the Absolute. In closing, I would also point out that language is extremely important in understanding heathen spiritual concepts, and unless you understand those languages and the elder words, you will fall short of understanding the full scope of Germanic spirituality. Mythology also, is not to be taken literally, but symbolically and religiously. Odin dying on the world tree to gain runic wisdom is nothing more than a symbolic story of how one may die to the self to gain the Self. The runes themselves(not the staves) are the energy patterns of the cosmos and man and can be understood and manipulated as many Sadhus do with your own version of mysticism. Do not allow the hatred and narrow-mindedness of christian pundits to mar and sully the holy faith of your ancestors. If you truly wish to be Hindu, fine...but do not desecrate the wisdom of your forefathers with regurgitated ignorance and lack of the will to actually study and know on your own.


Hail the Gods and Ancestors!

May the Shining Ones see you!

Frith and Speed!

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Not to mention that Odin, Vili, and Ve were NOT born of Audhumbla...but rather of Bor and Bestla, primal God and Jotun entities who themselves were also not born from the holy cow. Das...speak not unless you know...and well, you don't.

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after half ur thread i was bored and stop reading.. say what u will but still u only worship halfgods.. read the Gita and see what Krsna, GOD say about that.. true religion is to worship God, not making up a lot of crap and come spread it here after.. say waht u will about me, i do not care for ur insult.. only show that the things u wanna stamp to me is accualy the things from urself

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