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Tibet and China: Two Distinct Views

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Tibet and China: Two Distinct Views*

International Tibet Independence Movement

PO Box 592 Fishers, Indiana 46038-0592 United States

e-mail: rangzen (AT) aol (DOT) com


Chinese History of Tibet | Tibetan History of Tibet

World Governments Do Not Recognize Tibet | World Governments Do

Recognize Tibet Tibet Was Liberated | Tibet Was Not Liberated


The Chinese History of Tibet

Tibet has been part of China since the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368).

Centuries ago Mongol and Manchu Emperors ruled or influenced large

parts of Asia. During the Tang period (618-907), the Tibetan King,

Songsten Gampo, married Princess Wen Cheng. The Princess is thought

to have had alot of influence in Tibet. During the Yuan dynasty

(1271-1368), Tibet was part of the Mongol Empire which was under

Yuan rule. At this time, the Yuan Government implemented residence

registration, levied taxes, and imposed corvee duties in Tibet.

China's "White Paper" claims that the Ming Dynasty (1368-

1644) "replaced the Yuan dynasty in China and inherited the right to

rule Tibet." During the Manchu rule (1644-1911), the Qing army on a

number of occasions entered Tibet to protect it. Finally, in 1951,

China and the Tibetan Local Government signed a 17-point agreement

concerning the peaceful liberation of Tibet. During this time, The

14th Dalai Lama supported this liberation and acknowledged Tibet is

one part of China.


The Tibetan History of Tibet

Tibet has a recorded history of statehood extending back to 127 B.C.

In the seventh to ninth centuries, the Tibetans often bested the

Tang dynasty in battle. Additionally, during this dynasty, the

marriage of Princess Wen Cheng and King Gampo was viewed as a

strategic move to achieve cooperation and peace between Tibet and

China. In 821, after centuries of periodic fighting, China and Tibet

signed a treaty where boundaries were confirmed, and each country

promised respect for the other's territorial sovereignty. During the

Yuan dynasty (1271-1368), the Mongol leader, Genghis Khan, conquered

most of Eurasia including China. Thus, instead of China claiming a

right to Tibet, Mongolia could assert claim to both China and Tibet.

There is no historic evidence to support the assumption that the

Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) ruled Tibet. In fact, the Qing Emperor in

1652 not only accepted The Fifth Dalai Lama as a leader of an

independent state, the Emperor also treated Him as a Divinity on

Earth. During this period, Tibet was known in Chinese as Wu-si Zang

or Wu-si Guo (guo meaning country). During the Manchu rule (1644-

1911), the Qing army was asked by Tibetans to settle disputes. But,

this does not support China's right to Tibet. If it did, then the

U.S.A. should claim Kuwait and Haiti since it assisted these

countries. In fact, on a number of occasions, Tibet exercised power

over China, suggesting that perhaps Tibet should claim China! At the

time of China's invasion in 1949, Tibet possessed all the attributes

of an independent country recognized by international law, including

a defined territory, a government, tax system, unique currency,

unique postal system and stamps, army, and the ability to carryout

international relations. Two years later, the 17-point agreement was

imposed on the Tibetan Government by the threat of arms after 40,000

PLA troops had already seized Tibetºs eastern provincial capital,

Chamdo. The Tibetan delegates were threatened. The seal of the

Tibetan Government was forged by Peking. In Tibet, The 14th Dalai

Lama could not freely express His disapproval. However, soon after

arriving in India, He repudiated this Agreement stating it

was "thrust upon the Tibetan Government and people by the threat of

arms." If Tibet had always been a part of China, why was there a

need for the 17-point agreement? Finally, the Atlas of Chinese

History Maps (published by Chinese Social Science Institute in

Beijing) depicts Tibet as an independent country that was never part

of China at least before 1280.




World Governments Do Not Recognize Tibet: China's Perspective

China asserts that no country has ever recognized Tibet. China also

contends that Britain masterminded the Simla Conference (1913-1914)

in collusion with Tibetan pro-British individuals. Both wanted to

separate Tibet from China. At the time of the Simla Conference, even

though the "McMahon Line" was negotiated between Tibet and Britain,

at the end of the tripartite conference on Tibet's status and

boundaries, Chinese officials who were present refused to recognize

the "Line" on the grounds that Tibet was subordinate to China and

had no power to make any treaties.


World Governments Recognize Tibet: The Tibetan Perspective

International law states that recognition can occur by explicit or

implicit acts including treaties, negotiations, and diplomatic

relations. Mongolia and Tibet signed a formal treaty of recognition

in 1913. Historically, Nepal and Tibet had peace treaties. Tibetºs

independence was also confirmed at the Treaty of Simla (1914) which

was concluded by Tibet and British India. In 1949, Tibet maintained

diplomatic, economic, and cultural relations with such countries as

Nepal, Sikkim, Mongolia, China, British India, and to some extent,

Russia and Japan. Further, Nepal maintained an Ambassador in Lhasa

and told the U.N. in 1949 that it conducted international relations

with Tibet. In fact, Britian, Bhutan, India, and even China also

maintained diplomatic missions in Tibet's capitol, Lhasa. The

Tibetan Foreign Office conducted talks with President Franklin D.

Roosevelt when he sent representatives to Lhasa to discuss the

allied war effort against Japan during World War II. In 1950, El

Salvador formally requested that China's aggression against Tibet be

placed on the agenda of the U.N. General Assembly. The issue was not

discussed. However, during four U.N. General Assembly debates on

Tibet (1959, 1960, 1961, & 1965), many countries (e.g., Philippines,

Nicaragua, Thailand. United States, Ireland) openly stated that

Tibet was an independent country illegally occupied by China. In

fact, the U.N. passed three resolutions (1959, 1961, & 1965)

concerning Tibet stating that Tibetans were deprived of their

inalienable rights to self-determination. Even Mao Zedong during the

Long March admitted that Tibet was an independent country when he

passed through the border regions of Tibet remarking, "This is our

only foreign debt, and some day we must pay the Mantzu (sic) and the

Tibetans for the provisions we were obliged to take from them."

Tibetans clearly constitute a people under international law, as

described, for instance, by the UNESCO International Meeting of

Experts on Further Study of the Concept of the Rights of Peoples.

They are a distinct people and fulfill all the characteristics of

this concept: commonality of history, shared language, culture, and



Tibet Was Liberated: Chinaºs Perspective

China states that its invasion and occupation of Tibet was designed

to liberate Tibetans from medieval feudal serfdom and slavery.

Tibetan serfs were thought to have no freedoms. They were regarded

by their masters as talking animals. China argues that the masses of

Tibetan serfs lived in extreme poverty. Since the liberation in

1959, China asserts that Tibetans have enjoyed all rights of

equality and they have embarked on the road of freedom and

happiness. China claims that Tibet is now a modernized community

benefitting from economic growth and social progress. Millions of

serfs are now the masters of their fate, and large numbers of

Tibetan workers, intellectuals, and officials have taken up the task

of building and managing Tibet. China argues that all Tibetans now

have equal rights in politics, the economy, and in their daily life.

Tibetans are also thought to enjoy full religious freedom. China

claims that Tibetans have greatly benefitted from their presence.

There are now over 2,500 primary schools in Tibet. Moreover,

according to Chinaºs White Paper, China has invested 1.1 billion

yuans to develop education in Tibet. Big strides have been made in

education, science, culture, and public health. For instance, China

argues that it has rebuilt Tibetan Monasteries, Nunneries, and

monuments. Further, it asserts that the Tibetan population has

soared to 2 million from 1 million in the 1950's. China also claims

that the Tibetans fully support the Communist Party and Government

officials in Tibet. China argues that negotiation is the only

solution for Tibet, stating that The 14th Dalai Lama should size up

the situation, go with the tide of historical development and make a

correct choice.


Tibet Was Not Liberated: The Tibetan Perspective

Old Tibet was not perfect. The current Dalai Lama has admitted this.

However, The 14th Dalai Lama initiated far-reaching reforms in Tibet

as soon as He assumed temportal authority. Throughout Tibet's

history, the mistreatment of peasants was forbidden by law and

social norms. The largest portion of land in Tibet was held by

peasants. Famine and starvation were unheard of in Tibet.

The "liberation" has resulted in the death of over 1.2 million

Tibetans and the destruction of over 6,000 Tibetan Monasteries and

cultural centers. Before the "liberation" in 1959, the population of

Tibet was 6 million. Prior to the invasion, Tibet was a simple and

self-reliant nation with a very rich cultural heritage. Tibetºs

citizens, in comparison to its' neighbors, enjoyed much greater

freedom. Currently, Tibetans have become veritable serfs. In

independent Tibet, over 6,000 Monasteries and Nunneries served as

schools. Most were destroyed, and many have been reconstructed as

result of Tibetan finances and labor. The teachers in China's "new

schools" are unqualified to teach the Tibetan language, culture, or

history. Chinese students are the main beneficiaries of these

schools. Since 1980, over 15,000 Tibetan children have fled Tibet to

receive education in India.The primary beneficiaries of Chinaºs

presence in Tibet have been the Chinese settlers, their government

and military, and their business enterprises. Former Communist Party

Secretary, Hu Yaobang, even admitted in 1980 that the living

standard of Tibetans had declined since 1959 and that the large

Chinese presence was an obstacle to development. China's policies in

Tibet do not even receive full support from Tibetan cadres, let

alone the Tibetan people. China has never found a trustworthy

Tibetan to serve in a key government post in Tibet. For the past 21

years, The Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government In-Exile have

offered a number of proposals for negotiations for the mutual

benefit of Tibet and China. All have been ignored or rejected by



*Note. These views were extracted from various Tibetan and Chinese

printed materials.


International Tibet Independence Movement

PO Box 592 Fishers, Indiana 46038-0592 United States

e-mail: rangzen (AT) aol (DOT) com


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