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Overseas Sishyas Pledges of support for this year's ChAthurmAsyam ( July 10-Sep 7).

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Dear SishyAs and AbhimAnis of Sri Ahobila Matam :


I am pleased to let you know that the pledges for all

the 60 days have been recieved .This includes pledges

from 15 sishyAs , who will be or have sent their samarpaNams

directly to HH the Jeeyar at His Chennai office .


I am waiitng to hear from a dozen sishyAs , who have pledged but not

sent in their samarpaNams .Since the First day of ChAthurmAsyam is

less than a Month , May I urge them to contact me As soon as possible ?

It will be good to recieve all the pledged samarpaNams and brief

Sriamth Azhagiya Singar on the details about the Participants from

Australia , Singapore , India , Middle East and USA .


Thanks very much for your help in thsi matter .


Daasan , V.Sadagopan

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