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subagh kriya

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hi to everyone!


i've been enjoying your messages and posts for some time now and here's my first:

i've been doing the prosperity kriya and i really enjoy the upcoming "results". what ever it

is, there's something to it...! but i have several questions that are not answered on my

kriya- "describtion"....

in the first part it's said to focus the eyes on the tip of the nose. well this is the only part i

don't like about this kriya. my eyes hurt. what do i do wrong? what, if i may ask, is this

good for? can't i just close my eyes...? are the eyes mostly closed when focussing on the

tip of the nose?

plus: in the other four parts there is nothing said about what to do with the eyes - what

should i do?


second part, arms cross in front of my face - no chanting required. can i if i want to? ...

whats the navel doing? no chanting - no navel movement?


third part: chant "god"... I ve had problems with it. why god? i know i ask "why" all the

time, but these questions come up every day and keep me from doing it with all my

heart... i have been doing KY for some years now, but the mantra "god" never occurred so

far, to me, i mean. okay, i'm doing it now, i chant "god", try to do it from the navel, but not

loud out, just whispering. i have a problem with calling out to god! i'm not used to this. i

once did the kriya in a class and don't remember us chanting "god". - but: I love this third

part the most! i'm moving my arms very fast and the time moves very fast, too...


there might be more questions, but not coming to my mind at the moment...


who can help?

sat nam and thank you!

v. thuempl

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Dear V. Thuempl:


Thanks for asking, many more probably have similar questions as yours. I

will first answer your questions as you ask them. But then I will put a

twist on my answers in my answer to your last question.


[Thuempl] [. . .]in the first part [of Subagh Kriya] it's said to focus the

eyes on the tip of the nose. well this

is the only part i don't like about this kriya. my eyes hurt. what do i do

wrong? what, if i may

ask, is this good for? can't i just close my eyes...? are the eyes mostly

closed when

focussing on the tip of the nose?


[Awtar] The eyes are 9/10 closed as you look at the tip of the nose. In the

beginning the eyes will hurt. The forehead will hurt. This readjusts the

nervous system. It is important to relax through it. It is part of the

healing. After several minutes, maybe even 10 or so, the pain should go away

and you should feel a new lightness. The eye focus is about opening up the

third eye, calming the mind and letting go of something. So the harder it is

to let go the more of a fight / resistance you'll be going through. Yes it

is important to hold that eye posture as best you can so don't close your

eyes. Instead embrace the inner struggle, be curious about it, notice your

mind's attachment and distance yourself from the attachment by realizing the

attachment is happening but it is no longer yours. Who's is it?



[Thuempl] plus: in the other four parts there is nothing said about what to

do with the eyes - what should i do?


[Awtar] Close your eyes.


[Thuempl] second part, arms cross in front of my face - no chanting

required. can i if I want to? ...

whats the navel doing? no chanting - no navel movement?


[Awtar] Here you keep playing the Tantric Har tape. No chanting. Just listen

to the tape and feel the rhythm of your arms going with the rhythm of the

chant, experience what the rhythm does inside you. (If you do it without the

tape, then imagine the tape playing, hear it from within). No navel

movement. Just feel your arms. Let go of using your muscles because that

generates tension, instead let your nervous system take over to create the

criss-crossing motion of the arms. Relax into it. Watch it happen from



[Thuempl] third part: chant "god"... I ve had problems with it. why god? i

know i ask "why" all the time, but these questions come up every day and

keep me from doing it with all my heart... i have been doing KY for some

years now, but the mantra "god" never occurred so far, to me, i mean. okay,

i'm doing it now, i chant "god", try to do it from the

navel, but not loud out, just whispering. i have a problem with calling out

to god! i'm not used to this. i once did the kriya in a class and don't

remember us chanting "god". - but: I love this third part the most! i'm

moving my arms very fast and the time moves very fast, too...


[Awtar] You have answered your own question. One of the very reasons we do

this yoga is to merge with the infinite. Any resistance we feel is in the

way of this merging. But it is also our guide because the resistance points

to where the closed door to this infinite is for us. You have found your

resistance, your closed door. Keep knocking, it'll open up! Don't fight the

resistance, acknowledge it, make peace with it, and you will see it is no

longer yours, and you will see where the pain is/was.


[Thuempl] there might be more questions, but not coming to my mind at the




[Awtar] Try just experiencing. When a question comes, the mind gets engaged,

but you want to be in your body otherwise there is no meditation. So let the

question rest, it won't really help you anyway. My answers above are just a

way to calm your mind a brief moment to bring you back to yourself. I have

just quieted your mind a moment. But it can only be temporary. So instead of

going on asking more questions, go first to how your body feels, go to your

experience. Don't get me wrong, your questions are welcome, but in another

way than you may think. By feeling the energy behind your questions and

detaching from seeking an answer and instead experiencing where the need for

the question arises and making peace with that, you can go deeper in your



Do you know the story of the man who wanted so bad to seek answers from the

Zen master? He was willing to climb up a mountain to ask his questions. When

he reached the top and he finally faces the Zen master, he can't help it, he

blurts out his questions. It was like throwing up. He has been holding them

for so long. He barely listens to his own voice, to the energy behind his

words, he is disconnected from himself. The Zen master tells him: "Let's

have tea first, one thing at a time." He puts a cup in front of his guest

and starts pouring tea into it, and he does not stop pouring, the cup

overflows and the guest screams: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!! CAN'T YOU PAY

ATTENTION?" You can imagine the scene. He is so impatient, he gets angry.

The Zen master very peacefully sits down and looks at him with kindness.

Like a father loving his son. After a moment, he tells him: "You are like

this cup of tea, you are so full of questions, there is no space for the

answers to be heard. Empty yourself first, empty yourself, then you will

hear the answers!"




I am not saying this man is you. That's only for you to decide. But there is

a good lesson in it for all of us. So my global answer is: Just do the

kryia. Don't change anything. Make peace with whatever comes: questions,

resistances, all experiences. Let yourself be blessed. God is in your

struggles too, teaching you, supporting you, loving you.






Awtar S


Rochester, NY

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dear awtar!


thank you so much for your answers! your adwise is like a present to me. first time I did

the kriya after reading your words I felt insecure. But I'm going on and the kriya works.

before I only practiced KY in classes, trusting a teacher for telling me what to do (and what

it is good for..), but I felt it's time to start my own experience and disciplin at home. so

thank you so much for calming my mind for a while ;-) and encouraging me to trust the

teacher/feeling/wisdom in me...


also I want to say that reading all the messages here motivates me very much - thanks for

the opportunity and for running this project so carefully.


sat nam


veri (thuempl)

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Dear Veri,


Regarding your problem in gazing at the tip of your nose, It seems you are staring very hard. Instead of that, you should look at the tip of the nose very softly not putting too much pressure on the eyes and then once you have finished this kriya, you should softly massage the eyebrows as well as your closed eyes just for a minute each. Anybody gazing at the tip of the nose must not increase the time rapidly. Initially it must start with 30 secs and then gradually reach a time of 15 minutes in one year.




[Thuempl] [. . .]in the first part [of Subagh Kriya] it's said to focus the

eyes on the tip of the nose. well this

is the only part i don't like about this kriya. my eyes hurt. what do i do

wrong? what, if i may

ask, is this good for? can't i just close my eyes...? are the eyes mostly

closed when

focussing on the tip of the nose?





K.L. Sharma





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dear K.L. Sharma!

thanks for the advice about the tip-of-the-nose! it works better now. I only have to take

care that my eyes are

relaxed but don't close by themselves as soon as I concentrate on my navel area or

chanting... it's a learning process and its going on!


sat nam


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