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Vimsottari dasa question

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Dear Laksmi ji,

Hare Krsna!



> Hare Krishna

> Dear Govinda,

> What are you looking for- tripod of life, from Lagna(also AL) Sun

> and Moon?





> But in regards to what you said

> Yes, that is part of the story, to sum it up jupiter is in a


> from the moon.gejakeshari . And MOOn is the LL in the 9th anyway,


> fortunate position.But will this dasa be fortuante for the native


> for someone else and then the native benefits by it??

> But, first who is the MAHA dasa lord and what is its relationship

> with the moon?and AL.



Maha Dasa lord is Mercury, Moon is its dispositor.



> Notice that Moon is in the 5th from AL and Jupiter is in the 2nd.!

> from AL.

> And of course you need to examine the rest of the planets for the

> other half of the picture, as if the malefics are influencing


> benefics it will alter the results.etc

> With regards,

> Lakshmi

> P.S before you pass judgement, check out the strength and


> of these planets in the navamsa chart and D-10.



OK, thank you!!


Govinda d








> -- In , "govinda108m" <govinda108m@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Gurus and Jyotishis,

> > Hare Rama Krsna!

> >

> > It is said that if we want to know events pertaining to

> > an antardasa, then we should find the position of the antardasa

> > lord from the Moon and examine its results.

> >

> > Let's take a chart which has Cancer rising, Moon in 9th

> > and Jupiter in 6th. Jupiter is in Sagittarius, and lets study

> > the Jupiter antardasa.

> >

> > This would mean that Jupiter as the antardasa lord is positioned

> in

> > 10th house from the Moon and it is the lord of the 1st house


> the

> > Moon.

> >

> > Can that mean that during the Jupiter antardasa the person will

> excel

> > at his profession(Jupiter in 10th), and can we take all the


> > influences the Jupiter has in that Moon-relative chart and read

> them,

> > like

> >

> > 1. Jupiter the lord of the 1st house

> > 2. Jupiter has graha dristi on 2nd, 4th, 6th house

> > 3. rasi dristi on 1st, 4th, 7th house

> > 4. primary argala on 11th, 1st and 8th houses

> > 5. secondary argala on 2nd and 9th houses

> > 6. tertiary argala on 4th house

> >

> > And also influences of other elements of this Moon-related

> > chart on Jupiter? In this chart Venus stands in 12th house, so


> > will be in 4th relative to the Moon, and it will give graha


> > to Jupiter. Can we analyse any antardasa like this?

> >

> > Thank you

> > Govinda

> >


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Dear Rafal,

Hare Rama Krsna!



> klim datta guru,

> dear Govinda,

> comments under your notes.

> regards Rafal Gendarz



>> >

> > Dear Gurus and Jyotishis,

> > Hare Rama Krsna!

> >

> > It is said that if we want to know events pertaining to

> > an antardasa, then we should find the position of the antardasa

> > lord from the Moon and examine its results.


> [Rafal] Its called Satyachara principle.

> >

> > Let's take a chart which has Cancer rising, Moon in 9th

> > and Jupiter in 6th. Jupiter is in Sagittarius, and lets study

> > the Jupiter antardasa.


> [Rafal] Vimshottari works well with Moon in ninth.


> >

> > This would mean that Jupiter as the antardasa lord is positioned


> > 10th house from the Moon and it is the lord of the 1st house

from the

> > Moon.

> >

> > Can that mean that during the Jupiter antardasa the person will


> > at his profession(Jupiter in 10th), and can we take all the


> > influences the Jupiter has in that Moon-relative chart and read


> > like


> [Rafal] In that period person will have support for work (moon -


> people) and feel demand for Job. Sun is supply, Moon is demand. So


> this period person wants to have job (this should also be seen in

> dasamsa).








> >

> > 1. Jupiter the lord of the 1st house

> > 2. Jupiter has graha dristi on 2nd, 4th, 6th house

> > 3. rasi dristi on 1st, 4th, 7th house

> > 4. primary argala on 11th, 1st and 8th houses

> > 5. secondary argala on 2nd and 9th houses

> > 6. tertiary argala on 4th house


> [Rafal] You can read the Udu dasa book and see how Sanjay Ji play


> it.



[Govinda]I am reading it, but am still a beginner.





He take the Mahadasa position from SUN but also Lordship.




Can you explain this little bit more. Does this mean, find the MD

Lord's position relative to the Sun, and also the Lordship of the

MDL realative to the Sun? In this case I am studying, which is mine,

Mercury is MD Lord, together with the Sun in the Cancer lagna, so no

rotation of the chart needed, and Mercury is the Lord of 12th house.

So MDL in kendra relative to the Sun, and the Lord of the 12th and

3rd houses. From these I should be able to say the MD quality?



There is

> an example that Surya was in 10 but 8L from Sun, so person took


> in Job/career/mana etc.




Which example is that? I would like to see the chart. "Surya in

10th" means Surya was in 10th house relative to lagna? And "8L from

Sun", means when we rotate the chart to put the Sun in the first

house, then Leo was in 8th house, making the Sun the 8th Lord?





Antardasa's should be seen from AL and see the

> Arudha in Kona to Antardasa-graha - they will indicate people You

> associate with..








> >

> > And also influences of other elements of this Moon-related

> > chart on Jupiter? In this chart Venus stands in 12th house, so


> > will be in 4th relative to the Moon, and it will give graha


> > to Jupiter. Can we analyse any antardasa like this?




> [Rafal] You can do everything but the point is WHAT IS RELLATIVE


> what will manifest because the energy can be too subtle to


> Jyotish is ARUNDHATI principle like Sanjay said, it is diagram from

> which we deduct what will manifest. So this things which You


> can be in subtle manner but can be to subtle to manifest,

therefore my

> suggestion is : look on examples in Sanjay Ji book and learn from


> what is important.




OK, this is important. Thank you.










> >

> > Thank you

> > Govinda

> >


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