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Hare = Radha?

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As they are names of Narayana, why would anyone want to think about something else? For what purpose? As Narayana is the ultimate goal of all living beings according to the scriptures. On the other hand, thinking about a Radha does not make any sense and has nothing to do with reality.


There is only ONE God, ladies and gentlemen...

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As they are names of Narayana, why would anyone want to think about something else? For what purpose? As Narayana is the ultimate goal of all living beings according to the scriptures. On the other hand, thinking about a Radha does not make any sense and has nothing to do with reality.


Do the names of Narayana include Lakshmi?

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yadAsya ShoDaSikasya sArdhatrikoTIrjapati tadA brahmahatyAm tarati| tarati vIrahatyAm | 8


"'When a brahmana chants this mantra of sixteen names, for a total of one and one half crore times, he becomes free from the sin of killing a brahmaNa. He overcomes the sin of neglecting his domestic fire.'"


Looks like you need to chant 15 million names of Narayana to be freed of killing just a single brahmana. Whereas just walking around a tulasi plant removes the same sin.

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Are there any Sri Vaishnavas who believe in the existence of Radha? I did not know they did not believe in Radha before reading madhavachari's posts.

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yadAsya ShoDaSikasya sArdhatrikoTIrjapati tadA brahmahatyAm tarati| tarati vIrahatyAm | 8


"'When a brahmana chants this mantra of sixteen names, for a total of one and one half crore times, he becomes free from the sin of killing a brahmaNa. He overcomes the sin of neglecting his domestic fire.'"


Looks like you need to chant 15 million names of Narayana to be freed of killing just a single brahmana. Whereas just walking around a tulasi plant removes the same sin.

Yeah, well, this is not an upanishad that Srivaishnavas emphasize. But you Gaudiyas have taken your "maha-mantra" from it. And it says that by chanting the mantra one and a half crore times you get that particular result. If you rather walk around a tulasi plant instead of chanting it, feel free to do so. :cool:

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Madhavachari is unique, Sri Vaishnava's believe in Sri Radha.


I could quote some verses to nulify the exsistance of Narayana and Lakmi, (if I was an impersonalist). I don't know whether Madhachari is an impersonalist or a personalist, from the way he speaks about Krishna and Sri Radha.


Ok, let´s see those quotes!

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It´s been fun to see your reactions. Very few persons on these forums actually understand what I am talking about. Study more, unless you are already too brainwashed by your Bungla gooroos, and you will find out what is what. Take care.


Why not plainly tell us what you are speaking of. If anything, we may better understand Sri Vaishnava perspective on the Divine Feminine. As I understand Sri Vaishnavas are divided on their understanding of the Divine Feminine. Some see Lakshmi as a Supreme Goddess, all-pervasive like Lord Vishnu, and another sect sees her just a special chosen Jiva.

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To tell you the truth I don't enjoy talking with you, you seem to already know everything, on a previous thread we (me and Bhavap and others) presented verses to you. I don't want to play silly little beggers with you (that's an old saying in Uk- english, old people say this to children).


You seem to be very imature. Either your trying to establish your own faith or you lack faith. I don't know which it is. I don't think Sri Vaishnava ever preach against Gaudiya Vaishanava in the fasion you are doing. You sound more like an impersonlist then a Vaishnava.


I like that you have faith in Laskmi-Narayana, and they are your Ista-deva. But now your even disrespecting our Sadhu's and Guru's. I think your going to far. If you want to talk about it in a spiritual way that is fine. But if you offend any devotees, even Vishnu cannot save you.

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in the maha-mantra, is chanting Hare a cry to Radha?


Is Hari and Radha is different?




Radha, I had created you again

within me to love you forever

in every heart that mine

with my divine soul

touching every heart with tear of my love

that flows forever


You become one sacred river

that flows from heaven

with the goddess of love

by singing my song

that I had written for you


Your prayer reaches me

with the vapor of your eyes

that dries every heart with pain

of separation


You are not separate from me

but you are always me

my part that belongs to you

within my universe

with your name Radha

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You seem to be very imature. Either your trying to establish your own faith or you lack faith. I don't know which it is.

Madhavachari, or Premananda as he used to be called when he worshipped Gadadhar Pran as his guru, has always been imature. He tries to strengthen his weak faith by criticizing other people's beliefs. He has always done this. Anyone who becomes a Gauranga Nagari and worships the wacko Gadadhar Pran can't have all his marbles in place.

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Madhavachari should learn his own religion before criticizing others beliefs. Radha is refered to in Swami Vedanta Desikar's Yadhavabhudayam.


devaki danuja sthuna divyam dhama vrajankanam rama radhadhayascheti rashi bhedaihi na bhidyase


So Madhavachari should just learn to be quiet and study his own scriptures before trying to speak as though he knew what he was talking about. This is a clear case of the empty pot making sound. If Radha did not exist, Sri Vaishnava acharyas would not have spoken about her.

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He has changed his name and beliefs many times. But each time his mood stays the same. Instead of preaching a positive message of his new found beliefs, he just goes to boards and tells people their beliefs are wrong. I think it was Jagat who said he expected him to be back some day as Brother Stephen, telling everyone they would not be saved unless they accepted Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

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