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first ayushya homam

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I purchased a ayushya homam at the temple I've been attending (Rama temple, I am a American woman). It went well although I must say the priest was obviously very angry he had to do a homam for a white person that doesn't speak Hindi or whatever.(he stormed off at the beginning and started yelling at the temple administrator in Hindi right in front of me) and was quite testy until the fire ceremony. I was quite near tears actually and was exhausted by the end of the homam.

Is this how all temples treat new non-south asian (white) devotees? What do I have to do to show the "regulars" that I am in ernest? I attend frequently, attend pujas, show deference, donate money all the time, ask questions constantly and never get an answer.

I have thought about talking to the temple administrator about how we were treated today but am not sure if I should, if it will make a difference.

This may seem like an inappropriate question to be in a "spiritual" forum but most assuredly my spirituality is at stake at this point.I have reached my limit of abuse and am considering abandoning the only religion I have ever wanted to practice. This is it, I have no other resources than the Hinduism websites for education and mentoring. That is painful, disheartening and alienating.

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The problem with most Hindu temples in the west is that the priests are hired brahmins from India, whose sole aim is to make a good income in the west. As a result many hold on to caste prejudices, and discriminate against those born in lower castes or those from foreign countries. What you are actually looking for is a spiritual environment where the priests are actually spiritually dedicated people, not simply hired ritual performers. For that you may have to look around awhile, as true spiritual practitioners are pretty rare in this world. You should find a temple where the people are actually devotees of the Lord, not just hired priests. In such an environment, surrounded by devotees, there will never be a question of discrimination. Everyone will be filled with love for one another, as they see that Bhagavan is situated in the heart of all living entities.

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I purchased a ayushya homam at the temple


I was quite near tears actually and was exhausted by the end of the homam.


What do I have to do to show the "regulars" that I am in ernest?


I attend frequently, attend pujas, show deference, donate money all the time, ask questions constantly and never get an answer.

I have reached my limit of abuse and am considering abandoning the only religion I have ever wanted to practice. This is it, I have no other resources than the Hinduism websites for education and mentoring. That is painful, disheartening and alienating.


Hari OM


When you "purchase" something it will eventually create sorrow for you...


There is no need to show the "regulars" you are in ernest... only you need to be ernest and the God will know that which is all what that is matters.


Even though the priest is at some fault, not treating you properly, there is probably some fault with your side also (probably the social setup of purchasing and showing off), even though the priest is prejudiced, he is not greedy that he takes advantage of your interest and starts minting money.


The person who does homam or Yagna is called Karta or Yajumana, he tries to pleases the God (or devatas/demi gods) through some of his acts and asks some return in favour (like health, wealth, progeny, elagonated life ...), the priest or brahamana is the one who helps/instructs the karta in completing the Yagna, if somebody takes money from you to help you perform homa, but not doing his duty properly then all that sin will go to him, and double the amount of virtue will reach you.


However all said and done, it had been stated that in Kaliyuga, it would be very difficult to find real, learned and tejasvi (powerful) brahamanas (or spiritual persons) to conduct yagnas, homams,etc properly (all will do it just for the sake of money), so the recommended method is Japa , i.e., constantly trying to chant His names...

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ah yes! But you see, EVERYTHING is paid for at this temple! This has nothing to do with "showing off". The very fact I pay for blessings almosts disgusts me and reminds me of the old Christian days of paying for indulgences hundred of years ago.

I am very new to our beautiful religion and enjoy and am lifted with every ritual participation. However, this was difficult. This was for my son is very ill, not for me.

You have once again opened my eyes and made me think even more deeply and I thank you all.

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Hare Krishna!


Please dont feel disheartened due to the so called priests who think they are above everyone spiritually and hence better people.


I agree with JN Das in that in todays world, hinduism and every "isms" are about money and self-pleasure....so we should expect this everywhere especially if you look different in a different setting.


I dont want to speak for the entire Hindu religion but these things happen in big temples in India as well. But that does not mean everyone is like this. Truly not the people i have met.


It also depends on how serious you are in seeking spiritual growth and how far you want to go and be determined. So, please dont feel deterred by such incidences but rather learn from it and see that just because one is a Hindu or one visits Hindu temples does not make them any better than anybody.


It requires constant practice and patience to be compassionate to everyone especially in this day and age where everyone is with everyone only for selfish motives. So, reside your mind in the actual literature/scriptures and dont give too much importance to rituals. Spend more time on reading the glories of God as per the Vedic scriptures and chant his Holy name.


The rest is all a means to get that love for God!







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However, this was difficult. This was for my son is very ill, not for me.

You have once again opened my eyes and made me think even more deeply and I thank you all.


Hari OM


Sorry i was not aware your son was ill, please forgive me for the post.


it is said in puranas that even though the blessings of parents, elders, teachers protect a jiva, still a jiva suffers from disease and other misfortunes etc., due to his past karma.However in spite of that you can try your best to protect your son.


many people in India perform something called "Adithya Hriduyam" the prayer towards Sun God, which if performed regularly and sincerely can not only improve the perform and well-being of the performer, but even a different person whom the performer intends to benefit (since we think Sun is not a simple physical nuclear reactor , but abode of Devathas and all health and wealth as well He can answer to individual prayers)


please give this is a sincere try and by His grace your son will recover soon.

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Is this how all temples treat new non-south asian (white) devotees?


No, definitely not. Infact there are Vedic temples in the west, that have a large amount of white people (and other non-asian races) who visit. Especially the Krishna temples.


Also, the Saiva Siddhanta (Shiva) Church and associated Temples throughout the west feature a larger amount of mixed devotees.



Notice the white faces in the background at this Yagna:



The largest Hindu temple in America is in Austin, Texas and you will see a lot of white people there.


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