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A missing link?Then I kick on your face. You're missing this kick. Now learn it...

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Prabhupada: A missing link? Then I kick on your face. You're missing this kick. Now learn it. Nonsense. Here is the missing point. Just learn it. Write vigorous articles to kick on the face of these rascals. All of you. You have got so much advanced laboratories, advanced knowledge. You do not... even you are defying the authority of God. You have become so great. And you cannot prove that life is coming out of matter. That you are leaving aside for future. And I have to believe such a rascal? Do you think it is nice? You are talking all nonsense, and I have to believe you?.....(Break) All these scientists, they discover so many things. Why they did not discover something that he would not die? He would not become old? Where is that discovery? They will say: "Yes, in future." One man is kicking on your face, and you are saying: "Yes, in future, when I shall become strong, I shall kick him." But you are, my dear sir, being kicked now. What you are doing now? "Yes, I'm getting strength by your kicking." So you all write very strongly, vehemently. Even it is little offensive, still these rascals should be taught good lesson. Yes. They're misleading. Godlessness. As soon as you say "God created", immediately they become arrogant. That is our protest. If they accept God, then we give them all credit. That's all right. Otherwise zero. We don't deprecate their intention of advancement in knowledge. But we simply protest against their defying the authority of God. That is our point [s.P. Morning Walk, April 19, 1973, Los Angeles]

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This was to His disicples. (very important point). In private. But the letter is Public Domain now. When a Guru is talking with His disiciples it is very intimate. So Guru can say many things even chastice His disicples.


When Prabhupada was talking with 'other's, (you can listen to His conversations, (see recommendations section!). Then Prabhupada was very different. So talks with disicples and talks with others is totally different.


That is Guru.!


I think there was one instance where Prabhupada says that if you goto a person (i.e bank) and ask for money and say, oh my Sir I will pay it in the future. (and you don't) then they will kick you on your face (they will!, court etc). It's best analogy. I mean if you don't pay up and you keep saying in future I will pay. And the other party believes you, then they are as stupid as you are!

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Avatara does not mean a big beard or big hair. We do not like to see such

ugly avatara. We kick on their face, this avatara. This is not avatara.

Avatara must be mentioned in the sastra. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, when He was

talking with Sanatana Gosvami, so Caitanya Mahaprabhu described about

avatara. So just to make a little joke, because they are personal

devotees... So he knew that Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the avatara. Still, he

inquired from Caitanya Mahaprabhu, "How we shall know one avatara?" So

Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Why? It is all mentioned in the sastra." So

avatara should be understood from the sastra, not by jugglery or magic. This

is rascal. As soon as one wants to establish his avatarship by jugglery and

magic, kick him out, immediately on the face, directly. Kick him. Let the

avatara take steps. I don't mind. If he's avatara, let him kill me, all

right. But I shall kick him on his face.


>>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.7.25 -- Vrndavana, September 22,


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