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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 13-2006 from Saidarbar.

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Fourth Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 13 / 2006

22- 06 -2006


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>From the Satsanghs of Saibanisa ji




Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.


270. At times preaching intellectuals are worse than uneducated, when

it comes to implementation.



271. The list of desires is never-ending. Most unfortunate lot keeps

thinking of unfulfilled desires even on the death bead instead of

turning to God.


272. The way, wind is needed for the traveling of the clouds, but the

same wind with higher velocities, drive away the clouds. In the

similar way, the attachments are created by your mind and you should

balance the same mind for practicing detachment also.



273. If you feed more to the body or starve the body, the body will

not perform its duties well. Similarly in the name of Spiritualism if

you engage in spending disproportionate time in daily life, one cannot

achieve anything.


274. The way the river finally merges in the ocean, you have to leave

the body and your Atma should merge with Paramatma. So use the body

only as a carrier to reach the Paramatma.


275. In the childhood we spend the life in playing, in the youth we

spend the life in enjoyments and in the old age we will be thinking

about the all unfulfilled desires. When is it proper to think about

the God?



276. A person who entertains the Sanyasis with money, students with

luxury items and protecting the thieves is worse than sinner.


277. If you start learning the spiritualism by reading the books,

definitely you will land in trouble. Bookish knowledge will help for

the materialistic life and not for the spiritual life. So search for a

Guru who can lead you in spiritual path.


278. We know that for every action there will be a reaction. In a

similar way, if you do harm to others, the same harm will pounce on

you in some form or other.


279. A bad person will earn money by wrong means. If you are in the

company of such a person, enjoying the wealth earned by him then you

will also get the same punishment as he is going to get.


To be continued…




June 1991: All India SaiSamaj celebrated its Golden Jubilee at

Mylapore, Madras.


Ashada -1908 (Gurupoornima): Prompted by BABA, Dadha Kelkar and others

started the "GURU WORSHIP" in Shirdi.





These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSa Ji

>From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that

this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled

from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.





Sai, how can I learn to live in peace?

Sai appeared in the form of an unknown person and said- Peace is not a

commodity that is readily available for purchase from outside. Peace

to the mind comes from within and for that desire should be there

followed by the required efforts to be put in. Baba quoted with

examples to learn from:


- The Lady Doctor with two kids and husband is able to serve the

society in spite of so many problems surrounding her.

- The rich lady managing to push through the life even though she lost

her two kids in a tragic road accident.

- The woman engaged in selling vegetables, while taking care of her

two little kids, undeterred.


Strong Will power alone can make the impossible to happen.




I prayed Baba to indicate HIS mind on Satsanghs.

Sai appeared in the form of an unknown person and said


-Satsanghs are meaningful only when the contents are put into

practice. There should be no room for personal likes and dislikes.

Treat all participants as Saibandhus and God in different forms.


Mere words without actions are futile.




I was offering Aarti to Baba regularly, still I was discontented that

Baba was not taking due care of me. I requested HIM to show me a way

out. He has shown me the following visuals-


I was freely mingling and moving with my childhood friend Mr. without

any reservations. Same amount of reciprocation was however not

forthcoming from the other side as he treated me like any of his other

normal friends. My friend's parents had a special liking towards me

and extended maximum help to me.


Thus I concluded that I should continue worshiping Baba with the same

love and devotion to be taken care of.


- In another visual Sai appeared as an Eye –Specialist. He was talking

with all the wit and humor to the patients. Some of the patients were

not very comfortable with the Doctor's aptitude and were leaving the

clinic. Baba said -There is very little that I can do to open their

Jnana (wisdom) netras (eyes) as they are all lacking `Shraddha and

Saburi' (faith and patience).


Faith and patience are the two essentials required for all and forever.


To be continued…..



(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

"Shashi": shashi_31


23. Human Body is Dharmakshetra


Baba says: "A man can attain the Supreme God by performing his

ordained duty in a disinterested manner without having any desire for

reward and always nourish other people for their advancement. Those

who perform the duty allotted to them attain perfection and make

proper use of this freedom."


Baba said to one of His devotees – "Trees and plants give flowers and

fruits, but their growth is luxuriant, if they are tended properly.

Similarly a man should perform his duty by nourishing and fostering

the Gods by doing worship and service to them. By doing so, he is

nourished by the Gods. When de does not perform his duty properly, the

Gods are not properly nourished and so he has to face calamities such

as deluge and drought etc."


So we must perform our duty, by serving others, without taking any

heed of what others do. He, who cares for the duties of other people

and deviates from his ordained duty, has a downfall.


As we are born as human beings, we have to perform our duty of helping

others and doing good to them to the best of our resources such as

intellect, power, time and material.


Baba saysYou are all born here to get out of debt by serving

others, because you are all indebted to them. It is an error on your

part if you expect any reward from them. You have to serve all beings.

If you sincerely, perform your respective duties, it gives welfare to

all living beings in the world."


To be continued…..









ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Over 40 temples have registered so far for the

upcoming Hindu Mandir Executives' Conference scheduled for June 23 to

25 here in Atlanta. More than 70 temple executives are enrolled from

temples in 20 states, Canada and the Caribbean. According to the

invitation on their website, URL above, "2006 Hindu Mandir Executives'

Conference (HMEC) is an annual initiative seeking development of

network between the executives of all Hindu mandirs of America. You,

as a mandir executive, are the natural leader of Hindu society by

virtue of your intense motivation, deep experience, and selfless

service. You understand Hindu-American needs and challenges. At

HMEC-2006 you will deliberate on ways of ensuring the sustenance of

Hindu Dharma in N. America. A key component to this deliberation would

be to explore ways of anchoring Hindu Dharma's sanaatan values in the

hearts of coming generations and roles which mandirs can play to make

that happen. The Conference will also be a place where you could offer

your wisdom in specific areas, for everyone else's benefit. The

conferees would also explore avenues of expanding mandir's' roles to

meet the ever changing needs of the N. American Hindu. Finally, this

annual Conference would be a place of formal recognition of your

efforts." For more information on this welcome initiative of the VHP

and to register on-line, click URL above.


EDMONTON, CANADA, June 7, 2006: The Mahaganapati Temple here will have

several special events during June and July, including their annual

festival, anniversary celebrations and visit of Hinduism Today

publisher Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami from July 1 to 3. For

details, click URL above.


ORLAND, FLORIDA, June 3, 2006: The Hindu University of America located

here hosted its fourth graduation commencement. This particular

graduation made history with an award of the very first Master's

degree in Ayurveda outside of India to Dr. Kumar Upadhyayula. It also

awarded the very first Master's Degree to a European student, Jan

Willem van Doorn. The ceremony awarded degrees to students from USA,

Canada and Holland. The ceremony started auspiciously with traditional

Hindu prayers recited by Professor Dr. B. V. V. K. Sastry. Chanting

was offered to the presiding Deity of Hindu University shrine, Sri

Vishnumaya Durga, by the graduating students led by Dr. Sastry, and

Professor S. R. Tiwari. Dr. Ram Prakash Agarwal, Vice-Chairman of the

Board, Dr. Kuldip C. Gupta, President of HU, and Abhinav Dwivedi,

Vice-President and Secretary, BOD of HU, presided over the ceremonies.

For details and photos, click URL above.


KAUAI, HAWAII, June 6, 2006: HPI is please to announce the posting of

the hand-written translation of Kirana Agama, Charya, Kriya and Vidya

portions, by Dr. Sabharathnam S. Pattusamy of Chennai, India. To our

knowledge, this is the only English rendering of this Agama. The Vidya

sections are important sources of Saivite philosophy.


We are looking for someone to type up this manuscript using the

translator program of Omkarananda Ashram. The Sanskrit text is

included in Dr. Sabharathnam's rendering in Roman alphabet with

diacritical marks, as taken from the original Grantha script.



Rameswaram Jyotirlinga


Taking the Ganga water to Rameshwar is considered as a very auspicious

and pious thing to do after the pilgrimage of the four holy shrines.

After taking a holy bath in Ganga water, the holy water is carried and

offered to Lord Shiva of Rameshwaram. After this a little sand from

here is carried to Ganga and immersed there. Completing this ritual is

believed to make one's pilgrimage complete and successful.


On the southern seaside of India, Rameshwar sea shrine is located.


In classics like the Skandha Purana, Shivapurana etc., Rameshwar is

shown as a very important place. The story of Rameshwara goes like this:


Puranam of Rameshwar Jyothirlingam


After Sita's abduction, Ram wandered in the jungles looking for her.

While doing so, he met Sugriva and made friends with him. Later with

the help of special messenger Sri Hanuman, he found out where Sita was

taken. Then Rama prepared an army to invade Ravana's empire and

reached the southern seashore. He did not have any means of crossing

the sea. Lakshman and Sugriva saw Rama, who is a Shiva devotee in

great anguish and could do nothing. But Ravana received some special

boons from Lord Shiva. Rama was aware of this and therefore, his fears

could not be set at rest. In the mean time, Rama was full thirsty.

Just as he was about to drink water, he remembered that he was yet to

perform Shiva pooja. He immediately made a Prathiv Linga and

worshipped it with sixteen methods, i.e., Shodasopachar Vidhis.


Ramji prayed to Lord Shiva ardently and soulfully, and sang songs of

Lord Shiva's praise in a loud voice. He danced and made the sounds of

"Aagad bam bam". This pleased Lord Shiva immediately and instantly

appeared before Rama and told him that could ask for any boons and

that he would grant them. Ram showed a lot of care, affection and love

to Lord Shiva and prayed and paid obeisance. Rama said "If You want to

grant me my wishes, please stay on this earth for the sake of all make

it holy" Shiva granted the same by saying "Evamastu" meaning "so be

it". He thus stayed there and came to be known as Rameshwara, in the

form of a Shiva Linga and became popular.


With the blessings of Lord Shiva, Rama killed all the demons including

Ravana and became victorious. Any one who takes a Darshan of the

JyotirLinga at Rameshwar and sprinkles the holy water of Ganga,

attains salvation, Kaivalya Moksha or Nirvana.


To be continued-------







6/08/2006 10:33:07 -0600




Sai Ram,


My Sai and I, I don't no what kind of experience I can write

about my Baba because there's too many things. First, My Baba is

"BHOLA", he excuses all his devotees. When I am in trouble he is

always here for me by my side. When I listen to the Bhanjan, Working,

Cooking & etc., I feel Baba is here watching me and the smell of

VIBHUTI. I have lots of things to write, but I don't know how to

express my experience. Surrender all yours problem to Baba, he will

take care. Baba will never let you down.


There is no true relation in this whole universe; all relations

are so weak, so selfish, so temporary, so doubtful. Only one relation

is really true that's between a mother and her child, "BUT THE RARE



Baba says, "as you put the first step at my 'DHWAR' I will never

leave you because you are a part of me. Although you want to escape

from me, I will never leave you, come to me empty hand I will fill you

with blessing and grace. THAT'S MY BABA. "Believing in BaBa means

believing in yourself. Never hurt anyone, help everyone". So forget

all your SORROWS, come to BABA "DHWAR" and taste HAPPINESS BE IN PEACE.


Thank you for giving me an opportunity to share my experience and

feelings with all the SAI DEVOTEES.


Aarti (Devotee of Sai)




"Swamy": swamymain

Thu, 15 Jun 2006 08:03:46 -0700 (PDT)


Sai Ram. I apologise for failing to submit my (Oh my Sai! What an

egoism? Who am I? Is it really mine? Can I do anything without your

will?) Column in the last issue of Glory of Shirdi Sai. Let us now

take up where we left the wonderful chapter if Isa Upanishad.


Unique Method of Teaching

"From the above incident, the reader will see that Baba's method was

unique and varied. Though Baba never left Shirdi, He sent some to

Machhindragad, some to Kolhapur or Sholapur for practicing sadhanas.

To some He appeared in His usual form, to some He appeared in waking

or dreaming state, day or night and satisfied their desires. It is

impossible to describe all the methods that Baba used in imparting

instructions to His Bhaktas." Sai Ram. Sadguru sees the qualification

of the disciples and chooses the most apt method of instruction. Just

as a doctor chooses the medicine depending upon the condition of the

patient, Sadguru, who is the doctor of the soul, chooses the right

remedy (it could be fulfillment of a boon through puja, it could be

steadiness of mind through dhyana etc.) for the disciple. Sai Ram.


"In this particular case, He sent Das Ganu to Vile Parle, where he got

his problem solved, through the maid-servant. To those, who say that

it was not necessary to sent Das Ganu outside and that Baba could have

personally taught him, we say that Baba followed the right or best

course, or how else could Das Ganu would have learnt a great lesson,

that the poor maid-servant and her Sari were pervaded by the Lord."

Sai Ram. Practical demonstration is far superior to theoretical or

class room instructions. This is true in science lessons also. So, in

spiritual class room too, a practical demonstration is much more

effective. Sadguru Sai knew the stage of development of His disciple

and chose this method of spiritual instruction. Sai Ram.



We will close the Chapter with another beautiful extract about this

Upanishad and some insights given by Sadguru Sai's grace by Sri Jnana

Saraswati, Who is One with Sai. Sai Ram.



Author, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book Reviewer






Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. For the last 2

years I have told you about Lord Krishna's Leelas and Lord Rama Story.

Now I want to tell the stories what heard in my child hood.


Right and Might


While a deer was eating wild fruit, he heard an owl call, "Haak,

haak", and a cricket cry, "Wat", and, frightened, he fled. In his

flight he ran through the trees up into the mountains and into

streams. In one of the streams the deer stepped upon a small fish and

crushed it almost to death. Then the fish complained to the court, and

the deer, owl, cricket, and fish had a lawsuit. In the trial came out

this evidence:


As the deer fled, he ran into some dry grass, and the seed fell into

the eye of a wild chicken, and the pain of the seed in the eye of the

chicken caused it to fly up against a nest of red ants. Alarmed, the

red ants flew out to do battle, and in their haste, bit a mongoose.


The mongoose ran into a vine of wild fruit and shook several pieces of

it on the head of a hermit who sat thinking under a tree. "Why did

you, O fruit, fall on my head?" cried the hermit. The fruit answered:

"We did not wish to fall; a mongoose ran against our vine and threw us

down." And the hermit asked, "O mongoose, why did you throw the fruit?"


The mongoose answered: "I did not wish to throw down the fruit, but

the red ants bit me, and I ran against the vine." The hermit asked, "O

ants, why did you bite the mongoose?" The red ants replied: "The hen

flew against our nest and angered us."


The hermit asked: "O hen, why did you fly against the red ants' nest?"

And the hen replied: "The seed fell into my eyes and hurt me." And the

hermit asked, "O seed, why did you fall into the hen's eyes?" And the

seed replied: "The deer shook me down."


The hermit said unto the deer, "O deer, why did you shake down the

seed?" The deer answered: "I did not wish to do it, but the owl

called, frightening me, and I ran.O owl," asked the hermit, "why

did you frighten the deer?" The owl replied: "I called, but as I am

accustomed to call - the cricket, too, called."


Having heard the evidence, the judge said, "The cricket must replace

the crushed parts of the fish and make it well," as he, the cricket,

had called and frightened the deer. The cricket WAS smaller and weaker

than the owl or the deer, therefore had to bear the penalty.




ajay tacouri ajay_tacouri

6/8/2006 02:10:35 -0700





Much of the unhappiness in the world can be attributed to lack of

understanding or wrong understanding with regard to a given situation.

Things happen the way they have to happen and not necessarily as we

would like them to happen. We have to develop self –awareness and the

ability to put things in the proper perspective. Bhagawad Gita tells

us that we are all bound by the inexorable law of `karma' which not

only accounts for the inequality among the individual embodied souls

but also clearly indicates that our life is not a mere accident but

part of a `Great Design' not comprehensible to us. Karma follows man

like his shadow. Seen in this light, even sufferings and hardships

acquire a new meaning, and as far from being instruments of

punishment, are meant to contribute to our growth and development. The

moment we enter the precincts of this world we find ourselves not just

individual entities but placed in relation to certain people and

circumstances beyond our control .Initially, it is the family towards

which we have certain obligatory duties which have to be accepted

without resentment. As we grow older our area of interaction expands

into ever widening circles.


The important thing to remember is that we are inseparable from others

in our personal or social relationship and we are constantly

interacting with circumstances, favorable or otherwise. There are

occasions when no fault of ours we get ill- treatment from our near

and dear ones, when in spite of our best efforts things go awry and we

find ourselves beleaguered by seemingly insurmountable problems. All

this is due to our prarabdha karma [actions done in previous birth]

from which there is no escape. We have to reap the fruits of our past

actions, good or bad, and have to pay off according to our balance

sheet. Whenever things go wrong we tend to blame the external

circumstances or lack of proper opportunities or fate but disown our

responsibility. We forget that the real trouble lies not with the

external factors but with us who react to a particular situation in a

particular way.



The same external factors may affect different people differently. One

may have an exaggerated notion of a problem and get upset easily while

another may take things in his stride and can work positively to solve

the problem. If an individual does not have the courage and the

confidence to face a difficult situation, he will try to run away from

it but that is nothing but self-deception. No one can avoid the laws

of karma .The only remedy is that you have to change your bad karma

..You have to perform good deeds, stay away from sins and evils. And

what is needed is patience and training of mind towards poise and

equanimity so as to bring about a change in the habitual reaction

pattern and develop the capacity to handle the situation in a

constructive way. Have unflinching faith in God / Ishta Dev and rest

assured that even though he may place you in a trying situation he

will never test you beyond your capacity and will always give you

guidance and strength throughout the period of pain.



You have to learn to accept things as they happen, without getting

agitated about them and draw your attention on positive alternative.

Everything in this world is in a state of flux, so change is bound to

come. Every phase is transitory and will be superseded by another.

Escapist tendency will not take you anywhere; you have to learn to

accept the reality. Remember, the root cause of all our inner tension

and turmoil is the intensity of our reaction. It can lead us to a

violent outburst or throw us into an abyss of depression. In either

case, one loses the sense of discrimination and cannot see things

objectively. Hence the need to develop self-awareness and to accept

the inevitable.


Life demands adjustment if we are to live in harmony with ourselves

and with our environment, whether at home or the place of work. Life

is what we think. What is needed is clarity of thinking which may

enable us to evaluate a given situation so that we can arrive at a

correct judgment. We should look at the positive aspects of everything

that happens from within and without. Through critical self-awareness

we have to examine the validity of our value judgment which will

ultimately determine whether a thing should be taken as good or bad.

Personal adjustment involves a certain flexibility of outlook and a

skill for better adaptability so that you feel at ease in any

situation and can avoid extreme reactions. All that you need is proper

self-direction and strong will-power to overcome negative emotions

which manifest themselves in psychosomatic conditions. Our inner

tension is reflected in external symptoms like sweating, hair pulling,

shivering, stomach upset and so on. Our preoccupation with the

external symptoms alone will not help since the real malady is in the

mind, in our psyche. It is your behavior and your reaction pattern

which has to be changed. Yoga (humanity, morality, etc.) lays great

emphasis on the inner personality which has to be properly molded

through constant practice. In order to follow the yoga way, we have to

cultivate the right attitude towards others:


Friendliness towards those who are happy.

Compassion for those who are miserable.

Joyful participation with those who are virtuous.


This statement of Patanjali for better adjustment in life practically

covers the whole gamut of human relationships. If we follow this

advice, we will be able to live in harmony with others and keep our

mind calm and steady.


Dedication :- We dedicate this work at the holy lotus feet of our

beloved Sathguru SRI SHIRDI BABA MAHARAJ , and lets pray to Baba on

this very auspicious day :-

Oh our cherished Shirdi Sainath! We are ashamed of our sins we

committed intentionally or unintentionally you have the power to

forgive, please forgive us Sainath. Oh our merciful Baba we dedicate

all our actions ; body, mind, intellect, ego, doubts , wrath, love,

sincerity, good and bad deeds, five vital forces ,five senses with

actions and perception, desire, anger, avarice, wealth, speech,

organs, lust, attachment, passion, greed and jealousy. Please accept

our offerings as you accepted from your devotees whom you loved very

much. Oh sathguru Sainath we are very weak help us, we are very dirty

clean us with the water of your blessings, we are in danger protect

us; we know that you don't need us but we need you very much Sai.

Please accept us as your slaves Sai Baba, the one who love his

devotees, the one who care very much for his devotees, the one who

protect his devotees.


Pyaar se bolo : Jai Sainath

Jhoum ke bolo: Jai Sainath

Zor se bolo : Sathguru Shirdi Sai nath maharaj ki jai


Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Mahima Mandir,

Dispensary Road,





info (AT) saisumirangroup (DOT) com

Sun, 18 Jun 2006 01:01:32 -0700


"SAI SUMIRAN GROUP CHARITABLE TRUST"`s aim is to provide better food,

education and medical treatments to the needy people.


We have internationally fame Sufi vocal artist team who perform Sai



Please Visit our website www.saisumirangroup.com for details,

arrange program or get free VCDs of Live Program.


Umesh Kabrawala


vandita_pl (AT) (DOT) ca

Fri, 16 Jun 2006 11:00:52 -0400 (EDT)


Dear Saibandhu,


Yesterday Night I read "The Glory of Shirdi Sai" and visited the

website and read the book, "Sai In Dreams". After reading the book I

felt so confident that I prayed Sai hoping that he will definitely to

talk to me in my dreams.

After waking up this morning I remembered my dream from last night

where one of my childhood friend was leaving me some messages saying

"Love is Good and Love is Unifying" I instantly remembered that these

lines where from a book about SaiBaba called "God who walked on the

earth" I felt so happy for getting sai's messages I began to choke and

Cry with Love for Baba.

Thanks for writing such a wonderful book


With Regards,

A Sai Devotee.




Please visit:




Please visit for Sai Aartis in Telugu:



Please visit for Sai Aaratis Audio:





Please contact: saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org & saidarbar



Due to space constraints of E-magazine, we are not able to give the

full report on activities of Sai organizations. However, we are

providing their contact e-mail ID's and web site address for

interested readers.



The Following Saidarbar chapters are functioning around the Globe;

devotees may be contacted for necessary information about their

activities to the following E-maid ids:


Saidarbar Orlando, Florida USA: sathgurusai2002


http:// and http://www.geocities.com/brindavan47


Saidarbar Laurel, MD USA: murali_krishnamurthy2003


Saidarbar Chennai-India: saidarbarchennai (AT) (DOT) co.in


Saidarbar-Canberra -AU: kandra (AT) iprimus (DOT) com.au

For Further details visit: http://angelfire.com/sd/SaidarbarCanberra


Saidarbar Wallingford-PA- USA: technical (AT) saidarbarusa (DOT) org

For further details please visit: www.saidarbarusa.org


Sai Darbar Portland OR USA: shanthi (AT) sigmacgi (DOT) com


Sai Darbar Kitwe, Zambia : raoas (AT) zamnet (DOT) zm


Saidarbar Danbaru-Canitcut-USA: zutshi_anil_k (AT) sbcglobal (DOT) net


Saidarbar Woodland Hills-CA-USA: vskachanta (AT) hotmail (DOT) com


Saidarbar Livermore-CA-USA happythursday999


Saidarbar-London UK : suresh (AT) vaghela (DOT) net,suresh (AT) somtek (DOT) com


Saidarbar – Hyderabad -INDIA: saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org

For Further details visit: http://www.saidarbar.org


Sai Activities in NJ Visit: www.shirdisaidham.org or email at

shirdisaidham (AT) hotmail (DOT) com


Sai Sansthan, Singapore: www.saisansthana.com


"The Shirdi Sai Mandir, Toronto": visit www.theshirdisaimandir.com

Or send an email to info (AT) theshirdisaimandir (DOT) com


"Atlanta Sai Temple News": Visit: www.templeofpeace.org

Or send an email to webmaster (AT) templeofpeace (DOT) org


"Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center":

All the issues are now available online. Please visit the

website www.hamaresai.org or click on URL


Visit: http://www.hamaresai.org/

Email: hamaresai


"Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW" USA: Visit:


E-mail: admin (AT) shirdisaidallas (DOT) org


"Om Sai Mandir"

This issue of Sai Sandesh can be read online at:


E-mail: saisandesh (AT) omsaimandir (DOT) org




SaiMandir-Houston-TX-USA: Visit


E-mail: babamandir (AT) babamandir (DOT) org



info (AT) dwarakamaishirdi (DOT) org


Sri Shirdi Sai Florida Center: E-mail:voora




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Publisher: Indiainabook

E-mail: vijishvanya & vijishvanya


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We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side

Hyderabad, India on prior intimation. For further details please

contact saidarbar


Sai is Rama , Krishna and Dattatreya

Dear Saibandhus,


From Sai Satcharita we can understand He was Sri Dattatreya in the

Kruthayug, He was SriRama in Tretayug and HE was SriKrishna in

Dwaparyug. To prove this, Saibanisa GopalaRao Ravadaji has given

discourses in TELUGU language on the topics - Sai Sampoorna

Dattavataram, Ramayanamlo Sai and Bhagavatamlo Sai. Saidarbar-

Hyderabad has recorded these three discourses in three Digital Audio

C.Ds and ENGLISH version in VCD s. As a part of SaiTatva Prachar,

these C.Ds will be sent by post to the interested Saidevotees across

the Globe. For details contact on the E-mail id saidarbar

With best regards,

SaiSevak SrinivasaRao Kasturi





Things impressed me from this Magazine:


If you feed more to the body or starve the body, the body will not

perform its duties well. Similarly in the name of Spiritualism if you

engage in spending disproportionate time in daily life, one cannot

achieve anything.


.. In the childhood we spend the life in playing, in the youth we spend

the life in enjoyments and in the old age we will be thinking about

the all unfulfilled desires. When is it proper to think about the God?


Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to "The Glory of Shirdi Sai" – they

may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org with a copy marked to webmaster (AT) saidarbar (DOT) org


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish

them as a matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative by

submitting e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org


Also read the old issues from:



If you are subscribing this E-magazine for your friend or a relative,

we request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving

the same.


Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

articles published.


This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi—Saidarbar—HYDERABAD--INDIA


P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory of Shirdi Sai ",

Kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.


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