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Supplementing to Mr. Dharma Vyaadha, astrology is not a subject followed by

weak minds or ....etc.. It is for the people who have strength of

character and will. Astrology gives you a picture of what is in store for

you in terms of future. A good indication does not mean that one can

happily engage in bad vices, similarly vice-versa. It is by doing good

karma only, one can navigate the troubled future !!! The good karma =

allevation can come in any of the five identified and extensively documented

divine paths to salvation i.e. Hatha, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana & Raj Yoga paths

or methods.


What Swami Vivekananda is saying while he is praying or invoking to Goddess

Durga or Kali, for her divine intervention to achieve the goals set by his

guru Sri Paramahansa Ramakrishna in spreading the divine message !!! Divine

intervention would only come to deserving few ( read "rare few" ).

Invoking God or Goddess is a secret technique known to advanced spiritually

awakened persons... atleast NOT by those persons seeking "selfish"

allevation arising from materialistic desires like money, promotion,

disease, escape from misery...etc.. ( often seen through many request mails

of members!!! ).


We often here in families of yester years where the family size used to be

atleast THREE CHILDREN, that birth of a PARTICUALAR child has brough

happiness or misery to the parents. If one analyses the parents horoscope

for the period between the births of two children ( i.e. between child

bringing happiness into family and the one who brough misery ), it is often

seen the karma of father or mother of the said children were not good. i.e.

either they did not do good karma or actions which has resulted in birth of

"misery childbirth"...etc..


Well, we have often long debates on the issues of longevity, has anyone done

proper research or study........My confidence says absolute NO. Reason

people are interested in "grabbing" information or collecting information

without contributing any original ideas. The God has designed a

calculated number of "human breaths" for every person which is equivalent to

120 years ( refer the vimshottari dasha ). The human body normally breathes

18 times a minute. A person during his life time undergoes various

physical & mental states, wherein the breathing increases or decreases i.e.

he is overdrawing or "under"drawing from his predefined & calculated ( for

people interested in mathematics 18 x 60 min x 24 hrs x 365 days x 120 years

= god given or designed total number of breathes possible ). The planets

in a horoscope has their own Tamasic, rajaswic....etc. qualities - More

tamaswic quality - early death,.....one can draw their own conclusions

thereon based on the dictums defined in the astro_classics. We often hear

people ( in newspaper columns ) persons living healthily even after 100

years of life. Did you notice that number of people crossing 120 years of

life - an extremely rare event or news... Even should you have read such

news did you make effort to know about his lifestyle and practises,

beliefs.....etc.. which can be later mapped to astro_analysis ?? Did any

one collect information on that ?? Absolute NO, No, NO. For we are today

interested to "read the mails in the forum" just to see if anyone has

responded to his submitted astro_query, so selfish, cannot think beyond



We talk of combinations of "Twins"....etc.. Did anyone know it is Sweden

which has extensive documented birth data on "Twins" for over six centuries(

600years ) till now ??? Did anyone make an effort to get or access that

database ??? No, No, No. We are all happy to earn $$$ and get free

advises in the forum.


I recently came across a person staying in USA of Indian origin (

messenger online), who requested some analysis on his 19years of married

life which is in "rocks", when took pity on him, did some quick analysis (

online - at late midnight ), when shared him the analysis, he was asking

for a GURANTEE or WARRANTY for the analysis - which made me "boil instantly"

and tell him, free things do not carry gurantee or warranty card and I

being in India, where the consumer courts do not exists or function !!! and

switched him off politely & instantly. With this approach of

"astro_customers" the days are not far away wherein people stop practising

astrology even as a hobby !!


Our ancient seers have understood the great link between the life & death

being = "breath" and hence designed or discovered the Pranayama techniques (

many many combinations are there - let member bodly confess - how many of

you really know about this yet practise astrology ??? ). In the samadhi

state the bodly does NOT breath and hence a state of "LONG LIFE" i.e.

remember the story of boy " Markandeya" in the Shiv Puran ??? Oh ! now I

remember it.....We all read but do not correlate or understand the divine

creation or the logics behind it neither make effort of delineating it. Yet

we run after GEMS or GEMNOLOGY.


There are some members in , who write regularly, their e-mails

have NOT 0.1% of astrology or spirituality, ( simply meaningless messages )

yet regarded & respected. I am surprised - why such non-sense emails are

published in first place !! I can write about those identified few - can

share them privately to interested members. I am sure tracking those

members mails would definitely invoke similar reactions like mine !!


See the quality of response of Smt. Mahalaxmi Iyer or Smt Sulochana or Smt

Satya Sai KolachinaMr Chandrasekhar or.......


When Sri K.N. Rao talks or speaks about the Jyotisha nadi, we are all

elated - for we do not understand a "byte" of his crypted saying. Many

call him as "Old Man". but do anyone document horoscope analysis like or

him ??? He has such an extensive documentation either on events or

horoscopes types or combinations......mind blogling...collection... That

extensive research case studies gives him the "authority to speak" and

motivates us to listen or read to his every spoken or written word.


We often hear the debate of applicability of a horoscope after death of the

native. Do we know where to start and end this debate ?? Never tried so

hard ?? for astrology is a Hobby to be practised in mundane surroundings ???

!! Take the horoscopes of the popular persons say - Mahatma Gandhi, Lenin,

Jawarharlal Nehru ( the great hypocrite),.....etc.. They all were popular

in their times - in real terms. Assuming they are still alive, analyse

their dasha...... If you have the data of now popular Indian musician R.D.

Burman who was not popular during his lifetime, now eulogised every day.....



We often read in this forum extensive explanations or pointless discussions

without any authentic genuine research. I invite or challenge members if

they are true to astrology, let me know any research done on the above

mentioned logics. There is more of plagarism or copying of ideas without

any genuine original contribution by members.


One thing we should remember for the scriptures have said this again and

again - Karma has to be ENDURED. There are no short cuts!!!


With regards,

sreeram srinivas

sreeram64 (AT) satyam (DOT) net.in

cell : 98682-31817



vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] On Behalf Of dharmavyaadha

Friday, June 23, 2006 4:47 PM

vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Swami Vivekanandas Views on Astrology




Hello all


I was reading about Swami Vivekanandas views on Astrology, here is

a link








I especially love the following lines:


"And to be tricked by twinkling stars! It is a shameful condition.


are divinities; the twinkling stars owe their existence to you."


And also the ending:


"The highest things are under your feet, because you are Divine


all these things are under your feet. You can swallow the stars by


handful if you want, such is your real nature. Be strong, get beyond

all superstitions, and be free."


In the scheme of Swamiji's man-making religion, astrology was a weak

superstition to be followed by those who lack confidence on their

divine strength. I think though Swamiji did not believe astrology was

entirely false, he certainly found too much emphasis on it

degenerating. In Yoga Vasishtha too, the emphasis is on "Swadhyaya" -

self effort - above everything else.


Would like members view on Swamijis Views


Love and regards


Dharma Vyaadha

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Mr. SS,



I thought astrology *was* a tool and subject that was supposed to be

followed and sought after by weak minds! The householders worried

about money, jobs, relationships, children and death!! The human

nativities, the reading seekers, the average person on the street,

the kaliyugi dunce that must be led by the slightly higher Dunce for

whom Parashara created the ashtakavarga!! Of course, thanks to the

creativity of the modern Person, we have several versions of

Parashara's Ashtakavarga, not counting Varahamihira's minor



>From the Rhetorics I have heard and read from astrologers themselves

over the last few decades, in print and on the web etc --- the

concern I have is about astrologers being too hard -- almost like a

pristine diamond -- extremely hard and brittle. You know what brittle

means, right? (www.wikipedia.com)


Are we on the same page of reality as it envelopes us?







, "sreeram srinivas"

<sreeram64 wrote:


> Supplementing to Mr. Dharma Vyaadha, astrology is not a subject

followed by

> weak minds or ....etc..

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