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after all discusions here about other faiths like judaism, islam and christianity.. what is the vaisnava look on for example magic, not low magic wich is for sense gratification etc, i mean high magic, like enochian, egyptian and hermetic magic, wich is to get closer to God, also evolve oneself..


what do the vedas say about conjuring and evoking angels from God? or do the vedas support the idea of angels? because many people have seen angels, don God have personal servents that He can send unto people?



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what do the vedas say about conjuring and evoking angels from God? or do the vedas support the idea of angels?


The Vedas do speak about evoking the gods and planetary spirits, which the western hermeticists engage in in Their Great Work (what they call their sadhana). They have their own set of rituals, and mantras which they use (not Sanskrit), but they appear to be effective.


Some say Hermeticism traces all the way back to Atlantis (10,000 yrs ago), and has since been preserved thru the Egyptian Mystery schools and occult societies who have continued to pass down the teachings in the Western Mystery Tradition.


The groups you mention, like the Rosicrucians, are groups which preserved metaphysical knowledge and practices in the west, during the darkest of ages when the Roman Church was at it's most powerful.


Now because the Church has losts its power to control people's beliefs and religious freedom, many of these teachings have become more out in the open. We can now see there has been a preserved tradition in the west, known among initiates, which has taught many of the same things as the Vedic tradition. Not that there aren't some differences in practices - there are - but there are also many similarities - certainly in the cosmology.


The western mystery tradition probably has it's closest parallel in the tantric traditions of the east. Kashmir Shaivism has parallels with Hermeticism. Sant Mat/Radhasoami also.

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are there any reference in the vedas of atlantis and its world?


im wery intrested in the amorc-order, but still im in the iskcon.. both is good for me

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are there any reference in the vedas of atlantis and its world?


Hi Govinda Das,


If Atlantis is mentioned in the Vedas, it's probably mentioned under another name.


I found this interesting quote in an old book on Atlantis entitled Atlantis, the Antediluvian World, by Ignatius Donnelly [1882]:



The Hindoo god Varuna is conceded to be the Greek god Uranos, who was the founder of the royal family of Atlantis.


In the Veda we find a hymn to "King Varuna," in which occurs this passage:


"This earth, too, belongs to Varuna, the king, and this wide sky, with its ends far apart. The two seas are Varuna's loins; he is contained also in this drop of water."


Again in the Veda we find another hymn to King Varuna:


"He who knows the place of the birds that fly through the sky; who on the waters knows the ships. He, the upholder of order, who knows the twelve months with the offspring of each, and knows the month that is engendered afterward."

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Missing link between Son and Father


Hari is father of universe and also father of Heaven. The entire cosmos is created and maintained by Hari. Hari created all human from His image. Hari also created Adam and Eve from His image after Noah. Hari had shown His blue color supreme image to Adam and Eve within their soul and they both believed Hari as father of heaven, Lord of universe. But due to the provocation from Eve and Satan later Adam and Eve denied Hari as supreme person Godhead and got separated from Hari.


Hari created one son named Jesus from His left foot who was His attendant and great devotee. This attendant in His previous birth was no other than Shukdev who was a great devotee of Hari, Lord of universe. Hari blessed Jesus and send Him to bring back all missing cattle those denied Hari as supreme person Godhead. Later Jesus was placed on Mary's womb and born as a child of a virgin to prove that Hari is father of universe and also father of Jesus.


Later Jesus came and explained His realization , claimed that God is His father and asked everyone to realize truth. He repeatedly asked everyone to realize supreme father of heaven and come back to the mercy of Lord Hari. Jesus asked everyone to search that supreme blue color image of His father Hari inside their soul. He explained that in Lord's mercy this whole universe is preserved as per rule of Dharma (religion).


But unfortunately Satan worked again within the follower of Jesus and they denied both Father and son. Jesus was crucified.


Jesus asked mercy for His followers to Lord Hari to forgive them by offering His blood. Lord Hari was merciful and wanted to prove that Jesus was His son and Lord resurrected Jesus 3rd Day after His Crucifixion. Jesus promised to His followers that He will come back again and give them same message from His father and also promised to save them becoming their savor.


Now the time has come to realize truth about Jesus and His father Lord Hari. Only this world can be saved today by praying to father of universe, Lord Hari. If father is denied, son also denied and Jesus will be denied before His father.


So let us all pray to merciful Lord Hari for His mercy for the mistake that humanity with His command


Guru Rupena Bhagavatam Krishnam

Sarva Guru Moharupam

Jat Pujitam Pita Putrena

Tatra Midam Hari Rupam


Lord Krsna, being the heighest teacher of Bhagavatam declares that where Lord will be worshiped with His son, there He will present as Supreme Person Godhead Hari

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Missing link between Son and Father


Hari is father of universe and also father of Heaven. The entire cosmos is created and maintained by Hari. Hari created all human from His image. Hari also created Adam and Eve from His image after Noah. Hari had shown His blue color supreme image to Adam and Eve within their soul and they both believed Hari as father of heaven, Lord of universe. But due to the provocation from Eve and Satan later Adam and Eve denied Hari as supreme person Godhead and got separated from Hari.


Hari created one son named Jesus from His left foot who was His attendant and great devotee. This attendant in His previous birth was no other than Shukdev who was a great devotee of Hari, Lord of universe. Hari blessed Jesus and send Him to bring back all missing cattle those denied Hari as supreme person Godhead. Later Jesus was placed on Mary's womb and born as a child of a virgin to prove that Hari is father of universe and also father of Jesus.


Later Jesus came and explained His realization , claimed that God is His father and asked everyone to realize truth. He repeatedly asked everyone to realize supreme father of heaven and come back to the mercy of Lord Hari. Jesus asked everyone to search that supreme blue color image of His father Hari inside their soul. He explained that in Lord's mercy this whole universe is preserved as per rule of Dharma (religion).


But unfortunately Satan worked again within the follower of Jesus and they denied both Father and son. Jesus was crucified.


Jesus asked mercy for His followers to Lord Hari to forgive them by offering His blood. Lord Hari was merciful and wanted to prove that Jesus was His son and Lord resurrected Jesus 3rd Day after His Crucifixion. Jesus promised to His followers that He will come back again and give them same message from His father and also promised to save them becoming their savor.


Now the time has come to realize truth about Jesus and His father Lord Hari. Only this world can be saved today by praying to father of universe, Lord Hari. If father is denied, son also denied and Jesus will be denied before His father.


So let us all pray to merciful Lord Hari for His mercy for the mistake that humanity with His command


Guru Rupena Bhagavatam Krishnam

Sarva Guru Moharupam

Jat Pujitam Pita Putrena

Tatra Midam Hari Rupam


Lord Krsna, being the heighest teacher of Bhagavatam declares that where Lord will be worshiped with His son, there He will present as Supreme Person Godhead Hari


This is not Vedic teaching; it's not even enlightened Christian (gnostic) teaching, and certainly not an enlightened Jewish teaching (Kabbalah).


Christ represents a state of consciousness. Jesus became the Christ, and Paul said let this mind be in you which was also in the Christ(ed) Jesus.


In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus makes it clear that we are all sons of the Father, not that he is the only son of God. He also says, that as we drink from his mouth, we become Like Him; we become Christed. Paul says, as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Adam represents the fallen man, Christ represents the new creature - the liberated jiva in it's pure form and state of consciousness..


The idea that God has only one Son, is not a Jewish teaching, unless you see Christ as a picture of the Archetypal Man, Adam Kadmon, of the Kabbalists. Oneness in this case does not refer to one person.


Also, Adam and Eve COME before Noah in the biblical texts. So I don't know where you are getting your info that Adam and Eve came after Noah. I also hope we all realize Adam and Eve are not the first 2 human beings who were created 6,000 yrs ago. The Universe is much, much older, and there have been people on our planet for millions of yrs. Thus, we must see the story of Adam and Eve as an allegory. Besides, our souls have always existed, so there are no first 2 human beings who were the first souls created.


Another point of interest is that in traditional Jewish understanding, ha-Satan is a servant of God, to test and purify devotees. He is not a fallen angel at war with God. Paul also shares this understanding, when he says to deliver people over to ha-Satan for the destruction of their flesh, that their spirits may be saved. The authentic ha-Satan, not the mythical red-tailed monster, may be none other than Lord Yamaraja.

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Kaha Janu Hari Mana

Hari Radha Sundara

Sarva Janna Hari

Hari Rupe Bhaskara


How do I know the mind of Hari, Hari is Radha and very beautiful. Hari is all knowledgeable and Hari is glorious like sun


Hari Hari Hari Bol

Hari Radha Hari Bol

Hari Mata Hari Bol

Hari Pita Hari Bol


Only pray to Hari. Hari is Radha, Radha is Hari. Hari is mother and Hari is father


Jay Hari Hari Bol

Jay Hari Hari Bol

Radha Hari Hari Bol

Kahna Hari Hari Bol

Jay Hari Hari Bol

Prema Hari Hari Bol


Say every one Hari, Jay Hari, Radha, say Hari, Kahna, say Hari, Jay Hari, Say in Love Hari, Haribol

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