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How do you know that you are NOT enlightened ?

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From the fact that I have no clue about anything in this world or beyond.



The Question once again.


How do you know that you are NOT enlightened ?



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The Question once again.


How do you know that you are NOT enlightened ?




Everylight is thine. As long as you are in light, you are enlightened.

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The Question once again.


How do you know that you are NOT enlightened ?




the fact that you're calling yourself "Lord Shiva Himself" might be a clue

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The fact that we are experiencing threefold sufferings (adhidaivika, adhibhautika, and adhyatmika klesha) is proof we are not enlightened. There are many other proofs, but one is sufficient.


Who is that "we" when everything is "I" only? All "we" consists of many bodies but all souls merges with one "I". Does "I" suffer? Where is that proof that "I" suffers? As long as "we" merges into "I" there is no suffering but when "i" separated from "I" there is suffering. That's what told in Gita, Puranas, Bible and also Koran.


Today we need to be enlightened how all "i" can merge with "I". Gita, Bhagavatam, Puran, Koran and Bible every scripture mentioned that "i" is image of "I"? Where is the scientific proof of that? Why don't "we" seek that proof through the injunction of all scriptures? Why don't "we" discover that Truth that all "i" is image of one big "I". What are the secrets to realize that truth that all "we" are image of same God "I"?


This is the challenge of today in religion. Until "we" find this secret by following all scriptures, "we" will suffer in the form of "i" that is seperated from "I". Solve this puzzle and find the scientific way to realize the basic Truth of all scriptures that "i" is image of "I", all suffering will stop.


The simplest path mentioned in all scriptures is devotion to Hari, Father of Heaven, Allah etc. There is no escape for that. Devotion only can give you that realization that "i" belongs to "I" by seeing the image of God within you.


So the suffering of "we" will stop only through devotion to Hari and seeking His mercy otherwise not.

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The fact that we are experiencing threefold sufferings (adhidaivika, adhibhautika, and adhyatmika klesha) is proof we are not enlightened. There are many other proofs, but one is sufficient.


WHO suffers, Jahnava ?


There are unnumerable other proofs, but I forgot em :D;)

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Who is that "we" when everything is "I" only? All "we" consists of many bodies but all souls merges with one "I". Does "I" suffer? Where is that proof that "I" suffers? As long as "we" merges into "I" there is no suffering but when "i" separated from "I" there is suffering. That's what told in Gita, Puranas, Bible and also Koran.


Today we need to be enlightened how all "i" can merge with "I". Gita, Bhagavatam, Puran, Koran and Bible every scripture mentioned that "i" is image of "I"? Where is the scientific proof of that? Why don't "we" seek that proof through the injunction of all scriptures? Why don't "we" discover that Truth that all "i" is image of one big "I". What are the secrets to realize that truth that all "we" are image of same God "I"?


This is the challenge of today in religion. Until "we" find this secret by following all scriptures, "we" will suffer in the form of "i" that is seperated from "I". Solve this puzzle and find the scientific way to realize the basic Truth of all scriptures that "i" is image of "I", all suffering will stop.


The simplest path mentioned in all scriptures is devotion to Hari, Father of Heaven, Allah etc. There is no escape for that. Devotion only can give you that realization that "i" belongs to "I" by seeing the image of God within you.


So the suffering of "we" will stop only through devotion to Hari and seeking His mercy otherwise not.

"i" is never separated and CANNOT BE SEPARATED from "I", dear guest.


There are no "i" and "I". Are there two i's in you ? :D


There is only I AM, which is not an imageTHE FATHER (to speak in your terms)


And the "simplest" path to realize it is to realize that. To KNOW


Have an unusual day :)

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"i" is never separated and CANNOT BE SEPARATED from "I", dear guest.


There are no "i" and "I". Are there two i's in you ? :D


There is only I AM, which is not an imageTHE FATHER (to speak in your terms)


And the "simplest" path to realize it is to realize that. To KNOW


Have an unusual day :)


I think I must open an account here, so I can edit posts.


The right sentence in previous post should say:


There is only I AM, which is not an image of THE FATHER - but THE FATHER HIMSELF and nothing but THE FATHER (to speak in your terms).

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...ready to waste everyone's time. You are enlightened so please go sit in the corner of your room being enlightened. Don't waste people's time here.


Do enlightened beings post fake questions, and then try to display their advanced knowledge by showing they knew the answer all along? That's the answer to your question right there.

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