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Does killing small insects like mosquitoes causes sin in Kali Yuga?

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Again this word practically means some what material in nature. Can you define what is practically....


The most appropriate definition I can find in Webster's is "concerned with voluntary action and ethical decisions".


You might take a look there...practical has several definitions.


I'd say it means dealing appropriately with the material necessities in our lives.

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The most appropriate definition I can find in Webster's is "concerned with voluntary action and ethical decisions".


You might take a look there...practical has several definitions.


I'd say it means dealing appropriately with the material necessities in our lives.


Only ethical decision is finding your own cows. Prabhupada already thought how to find your own cows. To protect and find your own cows you have to follow Prabhpada's teaching 1) No illicit Sex 2) No Meat eating 3) No Gabmling 4) No Intoxication 5) Body of the cow is chanting holy name of Krsna.


That is only the thing you have to practice and help other to practice. If you understand this you are always with Krsna.


If you don't follow the above teachings of Prabhupada then you are a bull. So you have to go to Lord Shiva and have to take birth in this material world again and again, suffer like a dog and eat like pig.


It is your choice, whether you want to enjoy in Golok Vrindavan with association of Krsna becoming cowherd boy or you want to live in this material world like a dog and eating like pig all filthy stuffs. You only have this two choice and choice is yours.

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That is only the thing you have to practice and help other to practice.

It is your choice, whether you want to enjoy in Golok Vrindavan with association of Krsna becoming cowherd boy or you want to live in this material world like a dog and eating like pig all filthy stuffs. You only have this two choice and choice is yours.


Yes, practice makes perfect. But my teacher once tell me thhat nobody perfect, so I stop practissing. If warm air is always rising, does this meen heaven is hotter than hell?


Only 2 choices? I thaught there were 14, or mabye it was only 9. 9 choices better than 2, becaues bulls annd cows are dear to Krsna, and He has unlimited cows and bulls, so what is 1 more, or even 7 mroe? 7 + 2 = 9, and 9 is better t han 2. I will aks me teacher, tho she said nobuddy perfect. What is prefect number, 2 or 9? I think 9. Well, actually 108, so maybe 108 choices.


What is your choice, and how do you no it be yours, and not someeone elses.


Why only bulls? Krsna loves cows too. You not know that? Cows belong to Krsna, but you only speak of dogs and hogs in material worlds. This is not fair to Lord Shiva. Please be frank, speaking wise. Frankly speaking, that is.


Do no what I saying? Happiness runs in a circular motion.

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