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hamas' hostage

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Bhakta Don Muntean

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May God make the Hamas see that it's abduction of that soldier was a cowardly and sick thing to do - may God help them to see that they better return him unharmed - otherwise - who can have any sympathy for the palestinians? They already murdered a young man - what does that say?


I don't think that Hamas can be trusted - i don't think they can change.


They will not recognize Israel's right to exist and - why not? :eek4: Could it be that Hamas' whole ideology is like a nazi one? It most certainly is based in hate and the mode of ignorance!


The people of 'palestine' should have NEVER elected these hamas frauds who are nothing more than - terrorists and - they cannot expect the world to now deal with them as though it's all - 'in the ordinary course of activities'...

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Still hamas has not done the right thing - they dug a tunnel and abducted the soldier - like some ENVIOUS serpent emerging from a hole.


This is just months into their leadership - the people who are now suffering because of this action aught to think about 'why' they voted for these terrorists - even fatah with all their problems would not have done this.


I'm pleased that Israel is punching hard in this case because if they don't - then hamas will try to walk all over them - on the plea that it's all for the [so-called] 'resistance' - they'll continue to do heinous things - such as this abduction.


Israel cannot negotiate [on any issue] with these leaders - how cannot that be clear?


So if hamas is really motivated by the future needs and interests - of the people who elected them then they will step aside and - there shall be a new election and - they shall not run again.


Instead i think that they don't have the interests of their people at heart - no - their real motivation is the global islamic revolution - for which they shall 'use' the palestianians and their conflict.


Clearly hamas hates Israel and Jews and hindus and christians - really - they too want that all of the world should be caught-up in the islamic global 'revolution' - and for that - to attack at the jews [who they think control the world] - they manipulate this noted conflict and - the peoples who are their pawns - mean nothing to them.


It [democracy] really is a sad thing [in some places] in one sense - in that democratic choice can lead to such radicals taking office.:mad:


So I pray that this matter can be concluded without further issues and - to do that hamas must send the soldier home - so what are they waiting for?


Just think - one day we may read [in future generations] - we may read that - 'WWIII started over one soldier'....[and that is what hamas and their hell-bent allies want?].

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  • 2 weeks later...

So it looks like the freaks who ascribe to terror are making things worse - now there are justified IDF strikes on Lebanon and - what looks like a warning to Syria and - of course - that blood thirsty despot in Iran [i refuse to use his name] is trying to make threats now too [using the term "zionist regime" - yet he has a problem with us who call his country a "terrorist regime" - he can try to defend Syria - but what shall be the result?


So let them all see - ISRAEL AND THE [free] WORLD SHALL PREVAIL.


As Prime Minister Harper has said - Israel's response has been measured - under these circumstances.

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