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Dear Teachers & Friends,

Would you please enlighten the REAL LIFE ???

I don't think any body is taking care of the real life, what is real

life , and how to approach ?

Life for others does'nt seem to be realistic.

Are we cheating woth ourselves ? or just doing what we want and

advising others to do like this and that .


I don't mean any thing ill, simply want to know the REAL LIFE ???

Thanks & regards

Sincerely yours

Zubair Aziz

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---- Original Message ----

"zaziz7672004" <zaziz7672004 >


Thursday, June 29, 2006 11:09 AM

Kundalini Yoga REAL LIFE ???


> Dear Teachers & Friends,

> Would you please enlighten the REAL LIFE ???

> I don't think any body is taking care of the real life, what is real

> life , and how to approach ?


I'm not sure of what you mean......but do you think yoga can be

something different or detached from real life?


AC Sujan Singh

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Dear Zubair:




[Zubair Aziz] Would you please enlighten the REAL LIFE ???




[Awtar] Addressed to the end of this e-mail.




[Zubair Aziz] I don't think any body is taking care of the real life, what

is real life , and how to approach ?




[Awtar] We are addressing the real life on this group. You are at the right




[Zubair Aziz] Life for others doesn't seem to be realistic.




[Awtar] You need to be more specific as to what you actually have in mind. I

can only make guesses. Do you mean that conversations you have with others

don't feel like they are about what's real? Are you talking about what you

hear people talk about or are concerned with?




[Zubair Aziz] Are we cheating ourselves ?




[Awtar] In a way I would agree with this if we avoid the real life.




[Zubair aziz] or just doing what we want and advising others to do like this

and that .


[Awtar] Are you talking about specific advice you have read on this group or

elsewhere or advice you have given yourself?




[Zubair Aziz] Would you please enlighten the REAL LIFE ???




[Awtar] Now I can start answering you. I am going to answer first by asking

you questions Zubair. What makes you aware that there is such a thing as

REAL LIFE? What makes you aware that there is something that you observe

around you that isn't real? When do you know something is real and when do

you know something isn't real? Reflect on this before reading further.




To me, when people stay in their minds and don't relate to their feelings

and their bodies as they speak, something is missing. It does not feel real.

When I talk with someone about something that is bothering me, the

conversation feels real when they say something that helps me breathe better

or helps me cry tears that were stuck inside, or help me find the joy

within. In other words, what's real for me is what allows the life force to

flow through me. In my healing practice that's what I look for. Where's the

life force blocked and how can I help it flow again. To do that I need to

get out of judgments, in a neutral space, to be able to see clearly, without

all the societal expectations, without my own personal expectations, and I

open to unconditional love consciously. I open myself to the unexpected, to

where the situation guides me.




At the same time we live in a material world. We have to survive and to just

live in the moment without any plans does not work very well. A farmer who

does not plant seeds to be harvested later won't harvest much at all. We

have to dream and plant the appropriate seeds and garden them until they

grow strong and then harvest what we receive. Each step is temporary if the

attitude is moody; the attitude you bring to it, the love and grace you

bring to it, that is forever.




What isn't real, is temporary. What is real is forever.




In this sense, every moment matters because every moment you plant seeds for

the future. These seeds receive your attitude as fertilizer.




Blessings, Awtar

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There's nothing actually fake. Its our individual perception. Now at this moment we all know we would die oneday but yet realisation is a completely different thing. So for us death is somewhat fake. After death it is said when the soul is liberated from the body then life seems fake. And through meditation you can experience a moment when both life and death exist in such perfect harmony that you will tend to lough at yourself for having discarded life or frightening death. So life is already real. And all is real about REAL LIFE.

What is somewhat fake is our AHAM or believing ourselves to be ourselves separately. We actually are merged with the supreme consciousness. The moment you realize that you will know theres nothing fake or real.

I am sorry if i have confused you.


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Dearest Zubair,

I havent read a post on KY for over a week, and this was the first

thing I read. How courageous of you to tackle such a direct question.

I have not read beyond this post and dont know if there was a series

of posts related to this subject prior (I will read up some more) But

I feel compelled to reply immediately as this is my largest struggle.

When I first started reading posts here I felt daunted by my inability

to conform to YB's lifestyle.

I did scuttle away with my tail low.

I am the parent of two challenging children, one is autistic suffering

from violent outbursts, the other has less severe problems, but made

more difficult by his brother in constant crisis.

The demands of parenting these two wonderful, enlightening, bright

boys make my lifestyle IMPOSSIBLE to follow a model KY existence.


But KY does for me what other things have not (and Ive tried plenty)

so now I am learning to lower my expectations of myself, accept myself

and my life for what it is. There is still room for KY in my life.


I guess I could make a metaphor to Christianity (if noone minds).

Christians try to follow a life of Christ (which I will compare to YB

please no sacrilege intended, just a LOOSE metaphor) Are they capable

of that???? NO, There are a few who are capable of sainthood (coming

close), more who can be teachers (preachers and ministers) who are

still mere humans, and those who attend church services to recieve



I am receiving teaching.

Thank you so much for this topic as it has offered me a chance to

write my own thoughts.


And I also believe there is room on this list for those of us who

struggle to make a daily commitment (my longest 40 day practice lasted

7 days in two years) and feel grateful to be part of this group.

Love and light

Jeanette in Maine

> Dear Teachers & Friends,

> Would you please enlighten the REAL LIFE ???

> I don't think any body is taking care of the real life, what is real

> life , and how to approach ?

> Life for others does'nt seem to be realistic.

> Are we cheating woth ourselves ? or just doing what we want and

> advising others to do like this and that .


> I don't mean any thing ill, simply want to know the REAL LIFE ???

> Thanks & regards

> Sincerely yours

> Zubair Aziz


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Dear Jeanette,

That was so beautifully put. Thank you for posting your own experience.

I too do what I can do. I would love to live it more but rather than feel

guilty about days I miss or sometimes doing a half session, I have moved

into the place of just doing what I can.

And one step at a time I grow more peacefel and loving and centered.

The practices are the only thing I have ever found in a long journey that

can actually still the minds merry-go-round.

It is absolutley life changing.

And I am so very grateful for this journey.


Thank you all for your wise words.

My practice has always been solo , so it is so wonderful to hear others


In peace and love,

Sat Nam,

Cassie Hepburn

Dragonfly Bodyworks













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Sat Nam

I fractured my foot yesterday thru carelessness and was so upset I could

not meditate, chant nor did I feel like doing anything but

moan.............The temp was 102 deg. here yesterday and that made me cranky and

ornery........That is real life..........

This morning I did meditate and lowered my blood pressure quite a bit

before I even took my meds.......That is real life..


Finding peace for yourself in spite of all problems by doing

yoga(whatever you can)is also real life.



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Real Life is what you are CHOOSING for yourself. It is not something that you happen to just go with (e.g. suggestions from others, things that just "happen" because you are already in a certain situation, etc.). Those things are not your truth. Make a conscious choice and choose the way you want your life to be. Sometimes we are thrown into a situation and we know deep down inside we don't really want it, but we go along for whatever reason. When you do this you are not living in your own truth.


Hope this helps.


Sunder Kaur


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In regards to Zubair's message-

I also would like to thank you for the addressing the "real life" question. I have been reading the posts from this group for sometime myself but have not yet responded to any- I do very much appreciate the thoughts concerning God and living in a "higher" manner - however, I do not respond because sometimes I think that we are simply off target. I practice KY regularly and am a teacher of KY, so I support its practice and beliefs, however at the same time it seems to me as if many of its practitioners have a tendency to get stuck in dogmatic thinking and superstition/ metaphor. I believe that there is a synchronicity connecting all of life - a definite pattern of things/beings/events coinciding - some choose to call this God ( I do not because I believe God carries far too much baggage and preconceived notions that are difficult to break away from, also a superiority and elevation that I do not think that we should assign to him/it.) , and one aim of KY is to

connect to being, energy, connecting thread - Yes!! we should seek to align ourselves with this, however I do not believe that practicing at 6 am every morning rather than 2pm every other day or once a week will make this more likely, or eliminating dissonant music, or eating a purely sattvic diet.. Certainly these can be aids in becoming more aware of ourselves and our surroundings (which is the key to tuning into this synchronicity) - however not the only way or best way. It can be tiring to consistently read posts concerning the particulars of a "yogic" or "KY" lifestyle. We are always connected to this divine thread, we are this divine thread, and simply living our lives consciously,with feeling and sensitivity to our surroundings, and with lightness of spirit - meaning not getting bogged down in rituals, should and should nots, and worries about things we possibly cannot begin to know such as the nature of God, that which he expects from us, and the

after/next/previous life. Be here now.




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