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parivartana effects on vimshottari/narayana dasa: Visti-Guruji please guide

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Om Sri Gurubhyo Namah:


Pranaams to Visti-ji and all gurus:


It has been mentioned that planets in parivartana (and situated in the

same house) give each others results.


Somehow I am not able to understand this concept.


Just considering the following example:


Libra lagna, Surya in Lagna with Rahu and Shukra in Leo.


So in this case two exchanges are possible:

Surya and Rahu being in the same house

Surya and Shukra due to the parivartana.


Applying parivartana first and then yuti we have Surya giving Rahu's

results, while Rahu giving Shukra's results and then Shukra giving

Surya's results. Does this make any sense ?



Also does this mean that in Surya's mahadasa we have the effect of

Shukra as lord of 1st and 8th house being placed in the 11th house ?


Also from Visti-ji's parivartana article it is seen that since the

parivartana involves the lagna the guna is changing from rajas to

Sattva. (Shuka to Surya) But Surya is debilitated with neechabhanga.

My understanding here is that the person suffers due to the debility of

Surya in lagna when this change occurs (Surya is taking a lot of energy

from lagna lord). Is this correct ?



Thanks and kind regards.




Planetary positions


Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa


Lagna 17 Li 29' 53.84" Swat 4 Li Pi

Sun - GK 5 Li 30' 26.29" Chit 4 Li Sc

Moon - PK 7 Ta 22' 07.59" Krit 4 Ta Pi

Mars - PiK 7 Ge 43' 56.22" Ardr 1 Ge Sg

Mercury - BK 17 Vi 25' 43.84" Hast 3 Vi Ge

Jupiter ® - AK 24 Pi 52' 06.63" Reva 3 Pi Aq

Venus - AmK 19 Le 52' 10.03" PPha 2 Le Vi

Saturn - MK 8 Cn 58' 25.47" Push 2 Cn Vi

Rahu - DK 29 Li 26' 51.42" Visa 3 Li Ge

Ketu 29 Ar 26' 51.42" Krit 1 Ar Sg

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