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false gurus or false accusers?

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Vedic Astrology, "Dionisis" <mprgrandmaster



> This is an astrology place,not a place for followers of different

teachers to propagate tjeir so-called gurus, especially when they are

false gurus harming their students.

> Jai Shri MatajI!

> P.S. Maye some group owner-moderator may help and clear this thing


Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!




your comments about false gurus and "harming their students" betrays

your abysmal ignorance of the facts. if anyone belongs on a Jyotish

list, the devotees of Sri Mata Amritanandamayi do...because the Holy

Mother has been promoting Jyotish all over the world with far more

effect than your negative comments will ever do.


Before you make such negative comments about someone that you know

NOTHING about, i would suggest that you check out your facts FIRST!


Otherwise keep your comments to yourself. There might be many members

of this list who ARE devotees of the Holy Mother...and your ignorant

comments will only arouse their anger or pity, bringing a wealth of

negative karmas down upon your ignorant but well deserving Head!


you seem to forget that karmas really are the results of curses and

blessings from the other persons in our lives...and if we are to

deliberately invoke the curses of the devotees of the Holy Mother, we

are indeed asking for trouble....but it's up to you!


Also you should look at the headline above stating the purposes of the

Group, before you rant off in any directions....it says:


Vedic Astrology · vedic astrology,astrology,indian




under those categories, i believe that the person seeking other

devotees of the Holy Mother is perfectly legitimate in posting his

comments here....instead YOU are the one who is out of order.


i didn't particularly like the style of the Amma Devotee's writing on

his post either, but that doesn't give me the right to say that he

cannot post here or anywhere else!


in Divine Mother's Love,

and in Her Service,

as ever,

your own self,




Om Namah Sivaya!

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