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Honouring the Guru (3)

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G. Gita vs 101 and 102 -  Isvara continues his discourse to  Parvati


"Oh Great Goddess, whoever spreads or listens to gossip about the Guru will remain in the

deepest conflict as long as the moon and sun shine.

So long as the body may remain, remember your Guru as a worshipful God.  Do not give

up on the Guru, even if he moves according to his own rhythm."


B. Gita Chap 2 vs 4 and 5 Arjuna (Clarity of Pure Devotion) asks of Krsna –


"Slayer of Too Much (Krsna), how shall I engage Who Knows no Fear and Who injures his

foes with Weapons in armed confrontation?  They are both worthy of adoration oh

Destroyer of Enemies.

Rather than slaying Gurus of such great feelings, it is better to enjoy begging in this

world.  With the slaying of Gurus, I understand that all desires and objects of enjoyment

will be stained with blood,"


In an earlier posts Swamiji had advised to read Chap 12 of the Chandi to overcome any

such difficulty and vs 8 of that Chap Beloved Goddess says "This presentation of my

glories, the Great Destroyer of all disturbances, will bring peace to the three-fold nature of

confusion (physical, mental, vital: or myself, others and acts of God)."

Please share your thoughts.


Jai Guru


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The two verses you had written,


the first says never do anything against a Guru as the consequences are

very bad...


but the second verse literally asks Krishna a way out of the first verse

since Arujuna has to fight and kill his Gurus - and if i am not wrong

Krishna gives him advice on how to do it...


i would love to know more on your understanding of these two verses as

they seem to be contradict each other in the results they seek ?


especially questions like - is there a Guru hiearachy? if Krishna is

Arjuna's guru now, then on His advice can he go against his previous

Gurus like Drona? do we need a better Guru to go against a Guru we are

in conflict with without dire consequences?


or the verse from the Guru Gita just states a well known fact that if

you are in conflict with anyone even the person who means you harm your

mind is in turmoil and you suffer - its a general observation retold for

the Guru Gita putting Guru in it when it could be anyone...


and Arjuna was trying to get out of a tough situation by emotionally

stating rules to suit his purpose - everyone does that - emotionally

stating highly ethical statements to suit our purposes...


can anything done to a Guru result in anything but good - but then the

question who is this Guru - the person who teaches or advices or leads

- the sense of wonder in us which wants to expand

as for me if the later leads me into conflict with the former its ok but

I will never give up the later for anything - if I do I am lost ?


Jai Sri Ramakrishna!


, "kaliananda_saraswati"

<kaliananda_saraswati wrote:


> G. Gita vs 101 and 102 - Isvara continues his discourse to Parvati


> "Oh Great Goddess, whoever spreads or listens to gossip about the Guru

will remain in the

> deepest conflict as long as the moon and sun shine.

> So long as the body may remain, remember your Guru as a worshipful

God. Do not give

> up on the Guru, even if he moves according to his own rhythm."


> B. Gita Chap 2 vs 4 and 5 Arjuna (Clarity of Pure Devotion) asks of

Krsna –


> "Slayer of Too Much (Krsna), how shall I engage Who Knows no Fear and

Who injures his

> foes with Weapons in armed confrontation? They are both worthy of

adoration oh

> Destroyer of Enemies.

> Rather than slaying Gurus of such great feelings, it is better to

enjoy begging in this

> world. With the slaying of Gurus, I understand that all desires and

objects of enjoyment

> will be stained with blood,"


> In an earlier posts Swamiji had advised to read Chap 12 of the Chandi

to overcome any

> such difficulty and vs 8 of that Chap Beloved Goddess says "This

presentation of my

> glories, the Great Destroyer of all disturbances, will bring peace to

the three-fold nature of

> confusion (physical, mental, vital: or myself, others and acts of



> Please share your thoughts.


> Jai Guru



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Thank you for responding. The purpose of using these two text is

for the sole purpose of showing that even attained beings seek

guidance from the Guru. In physical life we have many teachers, the

first being our earth Mother. This existence is a learning

experience and whether external or internal, guidance is needed.


Jai Guru



, "n_mallan" <n_mallan wrote:



> The two verses you had written,


> the first says never do anything against a Guru as the

consequences are

> very bad...


> but the second verse literally asks Krishna a way out of the first


> since Arujuna has to fight and kill his Gurus - and if i am not


> Krishna gives him advice on how to do it...


> i would love to know more on your understanding of these two

verses as

> they seem to be contradict each other in the results they seek ?


> especially questions like - is there a Guru hiearachy? if Krishna


> Arjuna's guru now, then on His advice can he go against his


> Gurus like Drona? do we need a better Guru to go against a Guru we


> in conflict with without dire consequences?


> or the verse from the Guru Gita just states a well known fact that


> you are in conflict with anyone even the person who means you harm


> mind is in turmoil and you suffer - its a general observation

retold for

> the Guru Gita putting Guru in it when it could be anyone...


> and Arjuna was trying to get out of a tough situation by


> stating rules to suit his purpose - everyone does that -


> stating highly ethical statements to suit our purposes...


> can anything done to a Guru result in anything but good - but then


> question who is this Guru - the person who teaches or advices or


> - the sense of wonder in us which wants to expand

> as for me if the later leads me into conflict with the former its

ok but

> I will never give up the later for anything - if I do I am lost ?


> Jai Sri Ramakrishna!


> , "kaliananda_saraswati"

> <kaliananda_saraswati@> wrote:

> >

> > G. Gita vs 101 and 102 - Isvara continues his discourse to


> >

> > "Oh Great Goddess, whoever spreads or listens to gossip about

the Guru

> will remain in the

> > deepest conflict as long as the moon and sun shine.

> > So long as the body may remain, remember your Guru as a


> God. Do not give

> > up on the Guru, even if he moves according to his own rhythm."

> >

> > B. Gita Chap 2 vs 4 and 5 Arjuna (Clarity of Pure Devotion)

asks of

> Krsna –

> >

> > "Slayer of Too Much (Krsna), how shall I engage Who Knows no

Fear and

> Who injures his

> > foes with Weapons in armed confrontation? They are both worthy


> adoration oh

> > Destroyer of Enemies.

> > Rather than slaying Gurus of such great feelings, it is better to

> enjoy begging in this

> > world. With the slaying of Gurus, I understand that all desires


> objects of enjoyment

> > will be stained with blood,"

> >

> > In an earlier posts Swamiji had advised to read Chap 12 of the


> to overcome any

> > such difficulty and vs 8 of that Chap Beloved Goddess says "This

> presentation of my

> > glories, the Great Destroyer of all disturbances, will bring

peace to

> the three-fold nature of

> > confusion (physical, mental, vital: or myself, others and acts of

> God)."

> >

> > Please share your thoughts.

> >

> > Jai Guru

> >

> >


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Dear all,

It is mentioned in Mahabhararta that Yudhistar, the eldest Pandav, before starting war went to enemy army and bowed before Bhishama Pitamaha (Great gand father of the family), Dronacharya (their teacher or Guru for learning warfare), Kripacharya (their Kulguru) touching their feet to seek their blessings and ask for their permission to fight this Dharma Yudh (Dharmic war). Each one of them not only blessed him with victory but also advised him that when war starts he and all Pandavas should forget all other relationships and fight them as the opposing enemy. Dronacharya was their Guru at physical level and taught them how to use arms, whereas Krishna was a spititual Guru teaching them what is right and wrong and what is beneficial for their spiritual good. A spiritual guide is far superior to any other guide and he alone is considered as an embodiment of God Himself.





Chetan Merani



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Thank you for this very inspiring and timely reminder.


Pranams to Beloved Guru.


, Chetan Merani <cvmerani



> Dear all,

> It is mentioned in Mahabhararta that Yudhistar, the eldest

Pandav, before starting war went to enemy army and bowed before

Bhishama Pitamaha (Great gand father of the family), Dronacharya

(their teacher or Guru for learning warfare), Kripacharya (their

Kulguru) touching their feet to seek their blessings and ask for

their permission to fight this Dharma Yudh (Dharmic war). Each one

of them not only blessed him with victory but also advised him that

when war starts he and all Pandavas should forget all other

relationships and fight them as the opposing enemy. Dronacharya was

their Guru at physical level and taught them how to use arms,

whereas Krishna was a spititual Guru teaching them what is right

and wrong and what is beneficial for their spiritual good. A

spiritual guide is far superior to any other guide and he alone is

considered as an embodiment of God Himself.

> Regards

> Chetan



> Chetan Merani




> Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and

30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.


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I wholeheartedly agree - my post was intended only if the understanding

arose out of a sense of fear.


fear - hidden or unfinished desires

only a deep longing for liberation at any cost(mumuksha) - a perfect



when one approaches in fear he will be taken advantage of and fall prey

to charlatans, whereas anything done to true Guru will only push one

forward - then why emphasize the negative (Guru Gita Vs 101 & 102)...


Jai Sri Ramakrishna!



, "kaliananda_saraswati"

<kaliananda_saraswati wrote:


> Thank you for responding. The purpose of using these two text is

> for the sole purpose of showing that even attained beings seek

> guidance from the Guru. In physical life we have many teachers, the

> first being our earth Mother. This existence is a learning

> experience and whether external or internal, guidance is needed.


> Jai Guru



> , "n_mallan" n_mallan@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > The two verses you had written,

> >

> > the first says never do anything against a Guru as the

> consequences are

> > very bad...

> >

> > but the second verse literally asks Krishna a way out of the first

> verse

> > since Arujuna has to fight and kill his Gurus - and if i am not

> wrong

> > Krishna gives him advice on how to do it...

> >

> > i would love to know more on your understanding of these two

> verses as

> > they seem to be contradict each other in the results they seek ?

> >

> > especially questions like - is there a Guru hiearachy? if Krishna

> is

> > Arjuna's guru now, then on His advice can he go against his

> previous

> > Gurus like Drona? do we need a better Guru to go against a Guru we

> are

> > in conflict with without dire consequences?

> >

> > or the verse from the Guru Gita just states a well known fact that

> if

> > you are in conflict with anyone even the person who means you harm

> your

> > mind is in turmoil and you suffer - its a general observation

> retold for

> > the Guru Gita putting Guru in it when it could be anyone...

> >

> > and Arjuna was trying to get out of a tough situation by

> emotionally

> > stating rules to suit his purpose - everyone does that -

> emotionally

> > stating highly ethical statements to suit our purposes...

> >

> > can anything done to a Guru result in anything but good - but then

> the

> > question who is this Guru - the person who teaches or advices or

> leads

> > - the sense of wonder in us which wants to expand

> > as for me if the later leads me into conflict with the former its

> ok but

> > I will never give up the later for anything - if I do I am lost ?

> >

> > Jai Sri Ramakrishna!

> >

> > , "kaliananda_saraswati"

> > <kaliananda_saraswati@> wrote:

> > >

> > > G. Gita vs 101 and 102 - Isvara continues his discourse to

> Parvati

> > >

> > > "Oh Great Goddess, whoever spreads or listens to gossip about

> the Guru

> > will remain in the

> > > deepest conflict as long as the moon and sun shine.

> > > So long as the body may remain, remember your Guru as a

> worshipful

> > God. Do not give

> > > up on the Guru, even if he moves according to his own rhythm."

> > >

> > > B. Gita Chap 2 vs 4 and 5 Arjuna (Clarity of Pure Devotion)

> asks of

> > Krsna –

> > >

> > > "Slayer of Too Much (Krsna), how shall I engage Who Knows no

> Fear and

> > Who injures his

> > > foes with Weapons in armed confrontation? They are both worthy

> of

> > adoration oh

> > > Destroyer of Enemies.

> > > Rather than slaying Gurus of such great feelings, it is better to

> > enjoy begging in this

> > > world. With the slaying of Gurus, I understand that all desires

> and

> > objects of enjoyment

> > > will be stained with blood,"

> > >

> > > In an earlier posts Swamiji had advised to read Chap 12 of the

> Chandi

> > to overcome any

> > > such difficulty and vs 8 of that Chap Beloved Goddess says "This

> > presentation of my

> > > glories, the Great Destroyer of all disturbances, will bring

> peace to

> > the three-fold nature of

> > > confusion (physical, mental, vital: or myself, others and acts of

> > God)."

> > >

> > > Please share your thoughts.

> > >

> > > Jai Guru

> > >

> > >

> >


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