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Declaration of Dawn

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Declaration of Dawn


an open-letter in concern of creating a healthy spiritual society as Blessed by the Love of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



forever there are stars shining in the darkest night

breathe now the celestial-light - dawning such a splendor

rising to birth a new-day


to hereby call forth all those who have will to declare freedom from the ####### of this institution we are all part of - for, in this moment we all hold the power to heal and overcome the diseases that have infiltrated the movement on all levels, thus to reveal the purity within...


Part 1-

* An effort should be made to clean up ISKCON and remove the influence of personally motivated leaders. In other words, we should fully awaken and inform the devotees to the politics and duplicity going on behind the facade.

* There is now a new imperative to inspire married couples to be bold and go out to open temples. This was Shrila Prabhupada's desire from the beginning. Shrila Prabhupada wrote often on that subject, especially in the early years before the 1970 conspiracy. When thousands of devotees are united, yet independently preaching the same message all over the world, it will be plainly evident who is actually becoming advanced through their sincere preaching effort.The ISKCON movement was never intended to be a movement of neophyte men posing as renunciates, as is the case today. Real society is dependent on responsible householders.


Within or Without -

(letters from beloved Shrila Prabhupada)

"Now I want that we shall concentrate on making our devotees Krsna conscious and ourselves becoming Krsna conscious, and not be so much concerned with expanding ourselves widely but without any spiritual content. Just like boiling the milk, it becomes thicker and sweeter. Now do like that, boil the milk." (Rupanuga, 5/9/72)

"You mention you like to speak now very often, but the first business should be to preach to the devotees. It is better to maintain a devotee than to try to convince others to become devotees. Don't be too much concerned for the time being with non-devotees, now we must fix up what devotees we have got in the knowledge of Krsna consciousness, then we will succeed. What good are many, many devotees if none of them are knowledgeable?" (Satsvarupa, 6/16/72)

"I have divided these departments to solve problems, but if in the end they are all sent to me and I have to tackle, then just imagine what is my position. The best thing would be to stop all activities and simply chant Hare Krishna." (Brahmananda, 5/15/69)

Note: Here Srila Prabhupada is saying to stop everything and simply chant to become purified.

"I am glad to hear that you are now concentrating on improving the life of the temple rather than so much advertising with brochures. This is very nice; this is what I want. A good example is better than precept. The pamphlet is precept, but if we don't follow the precepts ourselves then such advertisement is not good." (Mukunda, 2/7/74)

Note: You may ask: "How can distributing transcendental literature not be good?" Obviously, if someone reads a book, and, coming to the temple, sees hypocrites, who do not understand or follow the philosophy they are distributing, then the book distribution becomes counterproductive. If the newcomer is really intelligent, he may read the book and be able follow the instructions on his own. Generally, however, people will simply be repulsed by the hypocrisy. They will then often neglect the book or sometimes even throw it away. Why should Krsna send any sincere souls to ISKCON when ISKCON is not ready for them? So, as Prabhupada says above, if we cannot properly represent the truth, then better to stop all preaching and first become the proper example.

"We are not concerned with any other movement save and except Krsna consciousness in its pure form. In India it is said that a little bit of a pure thing is much better than huge volumes of impure, adulterated things. So please try to follow this policy..." (Brahmananda, 8/27/69)

Note: This is called simple living and high thinking. In many temples we see so much money coming in and so much opulence-especially the "gurus" quarters-but no real education system. Even the "gurus" themselves are unable to defend their claim of being bona fide gurus. They have yet to honestly defend their claim in any formal document compiled from Srila Prabhupada's teachings.

"It doesn't matter if things are going a little slow, but make everything slow but sure. That is a good principle. To do things hastily and incorrectly is not good. There is a proverb in Bengali; 'sabure mawaphale.' This means that all valuable nuts like almonds, macadamias, walnuts, coconuts, etc. all take a long time to fructify. Anything valuable takes a little time to come into existence. Therefore there is no harm in waiting for the best thing. But everything is well that ends well. That should be the principle." (Shyamasundar, 7/15/69)

Note: This statement "there is no harm in waiting for the best thing," is very important to new devotees. There is no rush to take initiation. Best is to study Srila Prabhupada's books and chant sincerely for some years and, only then, in knowledge, accept a bona fide guru. One must have faith in Krsna to send the guru. If we can become sincere, Krsna will send us a bona fide guru. This is the real process of getting a guru. First we must become sincere. Then we should know how to recognize a pure devotee. Otherwise, so many men will lure us to serve them and then cheat us as stated below.

"We will establish hundreds of temples, and they will all be very opulent. But if we do not follow the instruction of the Spiritual Master, they will just be showbottle. Do you know what showbottle means? It means colored water in a bottle which looks just like medicine, but which does not work." (Room conversation, NY, July, 1970)

Conclusion: In this way, the entire movement should immediately rectify themselves or stop "preaching." Hypocrites do more damage than good. The Society should come together, hold kirtana, chant 16 rounds together, study the books, have debates, make apologies, reinstate devotees, etc. and only then, when everyone is satisfied, should the precept be preached. "Example is better than precept." There is no point in doing any more preaching if our own house is unclean. It is doing more damage than good. Already it has become embarrassing to claim any affiliation with "ISKCON." Those who are not interested in cleaning our house, but are satisfied with their own little cults and worship, should be considered the real enemies of Srila Prabhupada's divine movement...


The Takeover -

"At the present moment in our ISKCON campus, politics and diplomacy has entered. Some of my beloved students on whom I counted very, very much have been involved in this activity which I consider as disrespectful. So I have decided to retire and divert attention to book writing and nothing more.'' (Satsvarupa, 7/27/70)

Note: Shrila Prabhupada uses the terms "politics and diplomacy." It will not be the only letter which explicitly reveals the existence of this dreadful disease. We shall soon see that Shrila Prabhupada even disbanded the GBC for some time due to this contamination. But, what is not so well known, is the fact that Shrila Prabhupada once, in utter disgust concerning the politics and personal ambition, directly told his GBC members that they could take the whole movement, and he would simply go his own way. They begged him not to do this, yet were still not sincere enough to stop the personal ambition, diplomacy, and politics.

"Our life is very short. The Krsna consciousness movement is not meant for fulfilling one's personal ambition, but it is a serious movement for the whole world." (Satsvarupa, 7/31/70)

"Regarding the poisonous effect in our Society, it is a fact and I know where from this poison tree has sprung up and how it affected practically the whole Society in a very dangerous form. But it does not matter. Prahlad Maharaja was administered poison, but it did not act. Similarly Lord Krsna and the Pandavas were administered poison and it did not act. I think, in the same parampara system, that the poison administered to our Society will not act if some of our students are as good as Prahlad Maharaja. I have therefore given the administrative power to the GBC.

"You are also one of the members of the GBC, so you can think over very deeply how to save the situation. It is a fact however that the great sinister movement is within our Society. All of you may try to save the Society from this dangerous position." (Hamsadutta, 9/2/70)

Conclusion: From these letters it is clear that Prabhupada was not very pleased with the GBC.

Saintly persons do not engage in diplomacy and conspiracy. The pull of opulence and properties is illusory. No one can keep the control forever. In Shrila Prabhupada's personal presence, those "top men" he hoped to train instead became enwrapped in personal ambition. This GBC has become a Gang of Blasphemous Conspirators. It is a very dangerous conspiracy. The Krsna consciousness movement, as established by Shrila Prabhupada, is vital for the upliftment of the entire world. Now it has become almost completely spoiled by the GBC and particularly the guru sub-section. Of course they required help and so there are many fools keeping the thing propped up. And many innocent people, because of their ignorance, are also allowing this conspiracy to stay in power. We can only pray to our Beloved Radha and Krsna, and to the real guru-lineage, that some sincere disciples of Shrila Prabhupada will intently read these letters, as presented above, and, without prejudice, recognize the legitimacy of our explanations concerning them. Then the duty becomes obvious...


Freedom-Fighters -

"I am very glad that you are challenging all of these so-called swamis and gurus. My Guru Maharaja appreciated devotees who boldly presented our Vaishnava philosophy. We must take advantage of every opportunity to defeat these rascals and drive them away, so please continue this strong attitude." (Bahulasva, 11/30/71)

Note: There are a class of devotees today who are against "ISKCON" but are not in favor of any kind of confrontation. For those devotees who are adamant not to resist the deviation, we have no ill feeling. If they are taking the path of no criticism, then they should not be hypocritical. They should not criticize us for wishing to follow Shrila Prabhupada's directions above by confronting the representatives of the bogus institution. Otherwise, if these so-caned peaceful devotees, who are outside the walls of ISKCON, criticize us, the saner section should realize that such moral cowards are lending indirect support to the current imposition going on within the walls.

"The reports of your meeting are very encouraging, so try to purge out the contamination, which has entered our Society, uprootedly." (Bhagavan, 8/20/70)

Conclusion: So now the devotees-and the GBC should cooperate - arranging for an international conference. Everyone serious about Prabhupada's mission should be invited. ISKCON can immediately arrange for the plane fares for the devotees. They have a right to this. This conference can then go on until the self-evident truth is revealed. It may take months. This must take place immediately. Dreadful consequences are building up as the inevitable result of the GBC's original deviations. Those reactions have already began to fructify...


Meaningful Marriage -

All spiritual-paths of the world agree on the basic principle that everyone is equally loved. In a truly Vedic-culture, both men and women, in all the different levels of conscious development (caste system), are seen equally from the spiritual platform. Since Vedic culture means spiritual culture, all living beings are respected equally. Only then a healthy difference may be seen in regard to their bodies and their respective duties in life.

Women in a spiritual culture are not neglected, intimidated, or disrespected in any way whatsoever. In fact, women are adored. Pregnant women in India are practically worshipped for carrying that burden so nobly. Shrila Prabhupada has even stated that the closest thing in this world to spiritual love, is the love a mother has for her child. This ability in women, along with their goddess-nature, are real qualities that make a woman beautiful. How well society is able to keep appreciate women is directly related to how advanced the society is in spiritual culture.

The woman may be a natural-guide, and therefore a truly healthy marriage is fulfilled when both partners take proper guidance from one another...

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