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Sadar Pranam,

I am seeking your advice on my family life troubles. In addition to a very painful, arranged and mismatched first marriage, I have huge student loan on my head, I have just begun residency( I am MD) but it pays very little. My parents never cared to find a right match for me and I was also not allowed to talk to any guyes who wanted to even just talk to me. The only thing they wanted me to do was do good in school, which I always did, and to serve them which I always do too....even now I do, I totaly respect and care for them,But I was never cared for...

I feel that my whole life was stolen from me and now I am left alone to suffer the poverty, misery and a single, widowlike loveless life.

But could you suggest me some remedy and guidance as far as getting a happy family life is concerned?

My date of birth 16th Sep 1969

place Nagpur, Maharashtra

time 16.37 or 16.37 min and 10 sec.

Respect to you all,


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