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Beliefnet Looking for "Great Teachers" of Hinduism





Jul 4, NEW YORK (BELIEFNET) — Have you heard a great teachers speak about Hinduism recently? Do you have a favorite spiritual leader you wish the rest of the world could learn from? <A href="http://www.beliefnet.com/" target=_blank>Beliefnet is looking for the best Hindu teachers and preachers in America to take part in a new video initiative. Please contact Beliefnet.com for more information.


<CENTER></CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER> </CENTER><CENTER> </CENTER><CENTER>I nominate JNdas. Even though living in India he was born in America (I believe). He has a very well rounded view of Hinduism and it's tradtions and a solid Vaisnava understanding. American devotee goes to India, feeds prasadam to the hungry, builds alternative Jagannatha temple, gives a platform for peoples all across the globe to engage in spiritual talk; what a great story. And perfect for beliefnet and for preaching. Beliefnet is about to greatly expand their site. They are going to open up blogs for every member to run pretty much how they please. I've been over there since 2001 which was just after they started and they have grown a lot. This move is going to be huge and draw a gigantic audience.</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER> </CENTER><CENTER>Now how do we persuade JNdas to contact them? He is not one to tout his own horn but he can't let this oppurtunity to reach so many people slip by. Maybe the Admin's can contact beliefnet for more info. and if it looks good they can nudge him along in that direction.</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER>Please think about it seriously JNdas prabhu.</CENTER><CENTER></CENTER><CENTER>Hare Krsna</CENTER>

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