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Thoughtful Liberty

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Thoughtful Liberty

by Niscala dasi


Posted June 28, 2006


I would like to thank the author of "Stop Empire-building; Do What Is Right" for his/her courageous honesty in expressing what so often devotees try to cover up, i.e. doubts. Srila Prabhupada wrote that doubt is an indication of intelligence. He also indicated in various letters and discussions that Krsna Consciousness should be given to all, but particularly to the most intelligent class, or in other words, the most doubting class. The reason for this is that faith that has not stood the test of scrutinizing doubt must necessarily be blind and based on sentiment or fanaticism, but not truth.



I think this is a good point, I have so many doubts. Usually I come here but I feel sometimes many are too tired or bored, or think probably not again, this guy is always doubtful. (I hope you don't think that). But since I do that sometimes I think others do as well. Maybe that's why we get' know it alls' coming here. And end of having non-discussions, (i see them). That I know better then you, I know it all. And I seen that sometimes, the other party is defeated totally, and they don't accept it. Because they know it all.! Namaste.

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