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FW: Cleaned!!/total reply

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My humble pranms Maharajas and prabhus AGTSP


I responded to the mataji's request for info about gallbladder removal. I

assumes they had made up their minds and were going to proceed since she did

not request additional info. However, it got so many respnses, I decided to

go to my old Win 98 clunker and treansfer to my HP XP via diskette! Here is

the distlled wisdom of days past, including an exchange with a rather

puffed-up doctor to be who thought his job was to stop devotees from

alternatives. Finally, I was feqrlful of what eventually happened to Sridhar

Maharaja well over a year before, Srill, we may have been too late, but

anyone interested should know that there is a vaible alternative to the

double or triple coctail, in Chines medicine, Ghosh, I wish I had know

sooner about you.



Jayo das

--- Forwarded Message

Bhaktisiddanta swami <bss (AT) pamho (DOT) net>

Fri, 30 Jun 2006 22:36:57 +0530

"Gopijanaballabha (das) JPS (Mayapur - IN)"

<Gopijanaballabha.JPS (AT) pamho (DOT) net>, <Shachee (AT) pamho (DOT) net>

FW: Cleaned!!


Dear dr.Partap

I would like to know what is the diet for the person whose gallbladder is


Thank you in advance

ys bhaumasuta dd


Dear Bhaumasuta dd,


Thanks for writing us. I would love to write you diet for gall bladder

removed patients. Here it is -


Gall bladder is pear shaped organ, 10cm long and three to five cm wide,

attached to under surface of liver on the right side. The main function of

gall bladder is to store the bile secreted by the liver. It is helpful in

digestion and absorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins.


According to Ayurveda philosophy, it is helpful in digestion of all kaphaj

and pittaj foods.


White flour/white sugar products, puddings, creams, ice creams, chocolates,

fried and greasy foods are kaphaj foods. All meats, eggs, animal fats and

processed and denatured fats are kaphaj in nature. Foods which are difficult

to digest are also comes in this category. Spicy foods are supposed to be

pitta-aggravating foods.


So you should avoid all kaphaj and some pitta aggravating foods from your

diet. You should eat foods which easy to digest. Steamed vegetables, fresh

fruits (except citrus one) are some options. Cauliflower, broccoli, spinach,

carrots, beans and lettuce may be taken (all steamed). Fat free milk, fresh

cottage cheese, buttermilk are good to take. Grains, legumes may be added in

diet. Nuts and seeds may be eaten in moderate amount.


Make sure your bowels should be cleaned properly.


You should make some changes in life style. Try to get up early in morning

and drink four or five glass of water. It is better to store the water in

copper pot a night before. After that you should go for brisk morning walk.

Copper has properties of scrapping, so it is helpful in cleansing the

channels and cleans the bowels too..


You should not over eat. Eat less than your appetite.


You should minimize raw foods. Cooked foods are generally easier to digest.

You should try to keep regular meal times.


Light exercise should be included in routine.


If you are interested, I may prepare specialized combination of herbs, which

will be helpful to improve your digestion. These herbal combinations may

help you in digesting heavy foods, kaphaj and pittaj foods too. If you are

interested, please let me know, I will prepare them and send them by



best wishes!


Dr.Sapna Bhargava.

Assistant to Dr.Partap Chauhan


Dear Maharaj,




I'm copying the following information from "Healing Yourself" by Joy





The gallbladder is a small saclike organ located below the liver, where

bile is stored. Sometimes calculus in the gallbladder will form into

stonelike masses. This is most common in overweight women & in men &

women over the age of 35. If you have gallstones, you are probably

suffering from severe gas pains & sharp pains under the right rib cage

where the gallbladder is located. At first, these pains seem directly

related to eating certain foods, especially fatty foods, but after a

while it may seem like you can't eat anything without pain.


Though gallstones are considered a very serious disease, curable

only by sergical removal of the gallbladder, it is one of the easiest

ailments to cure naturally. I have known over a hundered poeple who have

used this technique, many of whom were already scheduled for surgery- & I

know of only one case where surgery was still needed ( & no harm was done

by using this remedy).


This wonderful remedy comes from a book called Herbal Cures of

Duodenal Ulcer & Gall Stones by Frank Roberts. The complete program takes

about 24 hours, though there are rare cases that go on for longer. You

will need 1 pint (2 cups) of pure olive oil & 4 or 5 medium-size lemons.

If fresh lemons are not available, use bottled lemon juice. Try to find a

brand of olive oil that is resonably palatable.


Before begining the treatment, do not eat any solid food after

your midday meal. Wait for about 2 hours before your normal bedtime &

then begin the treatment.


Every 15 minutes for the next 2 hours, drink 1/4 cup (4

tablespoons) of olive oil followed by 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. The

lemon juice acts as a chaser, helping you to hold down the olive oil &

making a better taste in your mouth. The last dose or two is usually the

most difficult tl take, & it may help to mix the lemon juice with the

olive oil & take them both at once.


It is essential that all of the olive oil be taken each time, and

that the entire pint should be taken on the same evening - even if

vomiting occurs. The oil softens the stones & lubricates the ducts so

that the stones will move easily through the ducts & come out in the



After taking the full dose, you can go directly to bed. You will

probably sleep through the night, though you may wake up either to pass

stool or vomit. During the 24 to 48 hours after taking the remedy, poeple

pass at least 50 and up to 150 green rubbery " stones" varying in size

from a split pea to a ping-pong ball. The passing of large stones is

sometimes accopanied by a feeling of nausea or faintness or pain, but

this passes very quickly. Nevertheless, I recomand having someone present

to give you support if you need it.


Frank Roberts says that in 20 years, he has never seen a case that

has not cleared completely within 6 months ( and stones passed within 48

hours), provided that poeple took the full dosage. Some of these poeple

had stones that were lodged in the gall duct. I only know of one case

that might be called unsuccessful, where a woman passed sand ( it

literally looked exactly like sand) every day for 2 months, and she did

feel cosiderably better, but she felt eager to be totally done with it &

so she opted for surgery. Robert says that he has seen 2 cases of

bilirubin stones, which were red like strawberries.


Do not plan to do anything during the day and night following your

treatment because you will probably feel quite weak and may need to make

frequent and sudden trips to the bathroom. However, after 24 to 48 hours,

you will probably feel better than you have felt in a long time.


For the next month, take the following herbal formula to alleviate

the inflammation of the gallbadder and gall duct.


Recipe: Gallbladder Formula. Using powdered herbs, combine the following:

1 tablespoon Oregon grape root

1 teaspoon wild yam

1 teaspoon cramp bark

1 teaspoon fennel seed

1 teaspoon ginger

1 teaspoon catnip

1 teaspoon peppermint

Fill 00 capsules with the mixture and take 2 caps with warm water before

each meal for the next month. Try to take them 15 to 20 minutes before

each meal.


Also take 1 capsule of lecithin before each meal. The lecithin

will help to break down fats, and the herbs will soothe the inflammation

and prevent gas. During this month, be carefull to aviod fried, fatty,

greasy, and spicy foods, as well as pastries and cakes. Minimize your use

of oils of all kinds in order to give your gall bladder a rest. After 1

month, you can begin to gradually bring oils back into your diet, but it

is just as well to avoid most of these foods if you want a healthy diet.

Nevertheless, within 6 months, you should be able to eat normally without





Hope this helps.

your servant,

Nikunja-rasa-vilasi d.d.





I tried it before after parasite cleanse and got litlle result.


I didn't try a second time and now my stones are 2 cm large. The pipe where

the gall stones would have to go is very small and it would be very hard to

enlarge to 2 cm size. If the stones did come out of bladder but got stuck I

would have to be rushed to the hospital for an operation. Otherwise the pain

and even physical damage could be serious.j


Camp: Radha Govinda Mandir, New York


As I am not on holistic health I will take this chance to send a letter

requesting information.


I have Gall Stones. One is at least 2 cm. in size. I have had one gall stone

attack 10 days ago which was terribly painful. I had to take a painkiller to

stop the spasm.


I have found out that the only thing for gall stones according to allopathy

is to take out the gall bladder. They say you don't need it in older age as

it only regulates the flow of bile into the stomach for digestion. I, of

course, don't like the idea but gall stones have been known to facilitate



Does anyone know of an actually effective method to dissolve gall stones ?

Remember these are not your ordinary small stones. I have heard that these

herbs and those herbs have given results to some people. This will probably

not work with larger stones. Ultra sound blasting which is done for kidney

stones doesn't work for gall stones as far as I know (because the gall

stones are too soft). An operation to just take out the stones also doesn't

work because you can not suture (sow up) the gall bladder.


So, any suggestions ? Homeopathy or some other ? Should I just go ahead and

have the gall bladder cut out like tonsils or appendix ?


Your stoned servant

Sridhar Swami


---------- Forwarded Message ----------


Comment 211 (114 lines)


23-Sep-98 20:42

Internet: Krishna Susarla <krishna (AT) ticnet (DOT) com>

Ugresa (das) HKS (Cintamani Intl, Oslo - N)

Holistic Health (and related topics)

Cc: Sridhar Swami

Reference: Text COM:1706228 by Internet: Krishna Susarla

<krishna (AT) ticnet (DOT) com>

Re: gall stones cure/reply/comments


My dear medical prabhu, HKS: AGTSP


Most of the comments you addressed in your reply were mine; you could have

made that clear for purposes of continuity.

To begin with, I said:

<>Soon to be MD Krisnha Susarla wrote very expertly and thoroughly in answer

>to his questions. However, since most medical schools devote very litle

>time to the study of nutrition and alternative medicine,>

I said you wrote very expertly, etc. but in your present comments you seem

to demonstrate some of the qualities associated negatively with medical

doctors, particularly those who may take a more holistic view of medicine.

You seem to cast doubt on any information that is not coming from your

traditional sources of information or your medical school professors.( I

doubt if you ever bother to challenge them to supply you with references to

a lot of the nonsense they put out under the guise of knowledge. Caveat

emptor.) This in spite of the fact that many of their efforts has lead to

the decreased health of many patients. Take the standard treatment for

hyperthroidism: Either surgical removal or zapping with radioactive iodine!!

Number one treatment for gallstones is also surgical removal.The MEDICAL


I said,<since most medical schools devote very litle

>time to the study of nutrition and alternative medicine,> to which you

>replied, <Actually, this is not really true. About 2/3 of US medical

>schools do have some sort of course like this in place.> Since you

>challenged me, where do you get that 2/3 of all US medical schools have

>such a program and how does that, even if true, detract from "devote little

>time". How many hours do you think they take as part of their normal

>curriculum, compared, for example, the amount of time medical students

>spend killing cats, mice and frogs in the study of ANATOMY and physiology?

>What % of the total hours is nutrition or alternative medicine, and what is

>the reason? ( Very few school offer this as real alternative medicine, as a

>few enlightened med schools do, but just as a means of "keeping up with the

>opposition",to monopolize the bucks. The AMA's fight against chiropractic

>in this country is very germane.) What "nutrition stuff" do you learn on

>your family practice rotation?

<Really? How so? Is there any evidence in this regard?> You asked in regard

to my comments on cardivascular or aerobic exercise. I refer you to the June

1998 Harvard Medical Letter,"Exercise prevents gallstones" and to two

Scientific journal abstracts, I enclose as an attachment, in the same

file:1)"The relation of physical activity to risk for symptomatic gallstone

disease in men." Source: Ann Intern Med, 1998 Mar, 128:6, 417-25

2) "Exercise and gall bladder function."


Utter A; Goss F


Sports Med, 1997 Apr, 23:4, 218-27


(Copies of abstracts as attachments)

<but I have never heard of any

hard evidence which links cardiovascular excercise to prevention of gall

stones. I would appreciate it if you could refer me to the exact journal

from which you got this information.> I think the above answer your

request. <Incidentally, dancing before the deities and yogic breath

excercises are not really cardiovascular in nature.> This comment is pure

speculation on your part. I've personally seen Prabhupada, on several

occaisions, jump up very vigorously with his hands raised high over his

head. I am sure he was reaching his target heart rate! ( I guess you

haven't been to any kirtans lead by Urjasvat or Vakreshwar Pandit prabhus,

at the Dallas temple lately.) Now as many of my godbrothers could attest,

I do know something of dancing devotionally, and the key thing is not really

the particular technique, but the spirit of devotion in which it is

rendered. Prabhupada would be pleased to see the bhakta engaged, however

imperfectly. He said if a wino remembers Krsna when he drinks his wine, he

is offering it and making spiritual porgress; I heard him say this in LA in

'74 or'75, if you want a reference. (I think Madhava Ghosh prabhu may be a

more "traditional stylist", even after so many years in NV.) Try this

experiment doctor: Do the simple swami two-step with your hand overhead for

10-15 minutes MINIMUMMLY and Continuously WITHOUT EVER LOWERING THEM. I

guarantee you will be doing aerobic exercise and you'll reach your target

heart rate! (As far as yogic breath exercises and aerobic or cardivascular

fitness, there are many more expert than me, but I remember the "breath of

fire" would definetely get your heart pounding.)

I said,>Consumption of 2-3 liters or more of good liquids- such as water,

juices and >herbal teas- can help prevent kidney stones> to which you said,<


That's for some kind of kidney stones.>

Now what is YOUR PROOF for some kind and not others? Any kind helps prevent

in any case, yes? Also 2-3 lieters of liquid does't mean juice but in this

diabetic's case, it has been sadly true at times.

<However, I don't know that there is any relation between low-fat diets and

kidney stones. Again, can you please refer me to the journal from which you

got this information? Secondly, I don't know how an "extremely low fat diet"

(whatever that means) can cause or worsen gallstone formation. Evidence?>

As to the latter, I sent an e-mail to Dr. Stanley Heshka of Obesity Research

Center at Columbia-Presby Med Center. He is a leading expert in the field of

very low-fat diets and gallstone formation and I hope to hear from him in a

few days; if you have the time you could look him up in Sci Cite; for the

former, I said a high fiber low-fat diet; this is well known in

epidomological studies; you could ask one of the residence or instructors in

in urology or nephrology, at your med school. There is well documented

research supporting the role of olive oil, and my speculation on MCTs and

Omega-3 is not idle speculation but informed philosophical speculation based

on more than preliminary research. Loosen up: you must become more

braminical or liberal minded in your thinking: Don't take the biased

attitude of many doctors and scientist not to accept or believe any new

discoveries or paradigms until it hits them in the face.<

This is because Vitamin D causes calcium retention. Vitamin D is added to

store-bought milk in the form of fish liver oil, FYI.> Evidence please; some

cases, most cases?

<A lot of the other methods you mentioned are not available everywhere.

Furthermore, they probably are recommended for different kinds of patients.

Surgery is still the most effective cure.>

I heartily disagree; where is YOUR evidence or proof?

An important thing is to have an open, flexible mind and to learn to more

effectively evaluate sources of knowledge and opinion. This requires wisdom

and this comes from, my formula, IntelligenceXKnowledgeXExperience(Time),

filtered through persoanlity= wisdom( With the blessings of the Lord.) in

the scientific sense. I hope this all makes you a better doctor. Thanks for

your contributions.

Yours in service, Jayo Das

(Text 211)


---------- Forwarded Message ----------


Answer 205 (85 lines)


15-Sep-98 15:31

Subtract: Bhava-sindhu (das) HKS (Abentheuer - D)

Reference: Text COM:1685695 by Bhava-sindhu (das) HKS (Abentheuer - D)

subj. Gall stone/Reply



I enclose a copy of a previous reply to Sridhar Maharaja following a china

of e-mails in Holistic Health conference. Apparently the good Ayurvedic

doctor is weeks behind his e-mail. There is an all purpose hospital in

Bombay, partially started by devotees last Jan and an Ayurvedic

clinic/hospital in Juhu, I forgot the name but life membership devotees

should know. Hope this helps; you may also want to see how Maharaja made

out although his situation is compounded by Hep C.

Yours in service, Jayodas

PS Do you know how I can contact your godbrother, Mahavirya?

Any recent news on HKS?



Sorry Maharaja for the lateness of my reply: I have over 500 conference

messages I'm catching up with after travels.


<I have Gall Stones. One is at least 2 cm. in size. I have had one gall

stone attack 10 days ago which was terribly painful. I had to take a

painkiller to stop the spasm.


I have found out that the only thing for gall stones according to allopathy

is to take out the gall bladder. They say you don't need it in older age as

it only regulates the flow of bile into the stomach for digestion. I, of

course, don't like the idea but gall stones have been known to facilitate



Firstly, there are other nom-surgical allopathic techniques"

1) The use of prescription bile salts, sold under various names in tablet

and other orms, can increase bile acid production which than dissolves

stones caused y cholesterol, but not bile pigment stones. This may take many

months, or longer

2)Contact Dissolution: a CATHETER is inserted into the abdomen by a

physician, that injectrs a special drug that dissolves the stones within a

few hours. Several treaments may be required in severe cases.

3)Shock Wave Therapy use high frquency sound waves to pulverize the stones,

followed up by taking bile salts to diasolve freagments. (This is a

different technique than that traditionally use for kidney stones; a

variation of this kind or hi freq. sound is now also used for kidney stones)

< An operation to just take out the stones also doesn't work because you can

not suture (sow up) the gall bladder.>

When they operate, it is most common for them to totally remove the

gallbladder- and the stones- so no suturing is required.


Before any procedure is attempted, it sure be ascertained if there is an

infection involved- this can be determined by blood and other test- before

any treatment decision is made.


Alternative Treatments"

Homeopathic remedies:Belladonna( Dioscorea Colosynthis) is useful for pain-

as is Acupuncture- and other things for inflammation.

Chinese medicine: Herbals like Pyrrosia(lingua) leaf, Rhubard, and

especially,Jinqiancao or (golden) coin grass, Glenchoma longituba.

Ayurvada This can very effective treat gallstones but you need a viable

practitioner, and I don't mean that cheater in Bombay, Pankaj Naram.

Herbs and Nutrition: Raw fruits and vegetables and juices; pears are

especially soothing to the gallbladder and beet greens increase bile flow.

There has been reports of cures with an equal portion of a glass of lettuce

and beet juices. Peppermint and other mints are very useful, (The British

use "gallstone tea", called Rowachol, derived from various mints.) as is

tumeric. Useful herbs include Celandine and Milk thistle,from which

silymarin is derived. Because of absorbtion problems connected with impaired

liver function and in gallstones, I reccommend taking supplements of the fat

soluble vitamins, A,D,E,(K) frequently: 25,000A, 2-400 D, 2-600E- in

divideded dosage- along with Vit C, B-Complex, 300mg Magnesium and a

tablespoon of lecithin daily, but not for too longfor lecithin because of

your liver problems. Do Not go on a very low fat diet; fats are required:

One old remedy was to take a teaspoon or two of olive oil with grapefruit

juice before meals. Chamomile, dandelion, comfrem and fennel teas, along

with mint and tumeric are very good. Cardiovascular exercise and proper

nutrition help prevent further occurances and help relieve current problems.


I am not in favor of an operation. I am more in favor of Ayurvedic or

Chinese Moneredicine if you can get a good practitioner, along with

nutrition and herbs. Hiowever, you could very seriously consider contact

dissolution if it couldb be done, relatively, cheaply and by a good doctor.

Hope this proves of some help to you.



PS" You looked well when you got back from Hong Kong last Jan.

PS Naomi Judd has been in remission for her Hep C so its possible. I think

there are some new developments. You may want contact her on Internet for

support and new info.

PS Do you support Ritvik there in Mumbai? Bhima? (referring to Ravi

Gomatam, formerly rasaraja.)

(Text 205) ----------------




After I sent the following to Maharaja, I realized that many others would

want to read my reply. Removing the gallbladde even late in life can

contribute to diarrhea and other digestive problems, particularly in fat

metabolism. Some medicine may have to be used, even for life. I am against

this rather savage allpathic method.

Jayo Das


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