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Sri Govinda Damodara Stotra

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(Great Meditation Prayers. Usually sang in Vrindavan during kartika. Need

Balarama or Tamal font family read. ys, Isvara dasa.)


Bilvamangala Thakura






agre kurüëäm atha päëòavänäà


kåñëä tadäkroçad ananya-näthä

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Before the assembled Kurus and pandavas, when Duùçäsana caught her hair and

clothing, Kåñëä (Draupadé), having no other Lord, cried out, " Govinda,

Dämodara, Mädhava!"



çré kåñëa viñëo madhu-kaiöabhäre

bhaktänukampin bhagavan muräre

träyasva mäà keçava lokanätha

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


O Lord Kåñëa, Viñëu, enemy of the Madhu and Kaiöabha demons; O Supreme

Personality of Godhead, enemy of Mura, merciful upon the devotees; O Keçava,

Lord of the worlds, Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava, please deliver me.



vikretukämä kila gopa-kanyä


dadhyädikaà mohavaçäd avocad

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Though desiring to sell milk, dahé, butter, etc., the mind of a young gopé

was so absorbed in the lotus feet of Kåñëa that instead of calling out "Milk

for sale," she bewilderedly said, "Govinda!", Dämodara!", and "Mädhava!"



ulükhale sambhåta-tanòuläìç ca

saìghaööayantyo musalaiù pramugdhäù

gäyanti gopyo janitänurägä

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Their grinding-mortars full of grains, the gopés minds are overcome as they

thresh with their pestles, singing "Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



käcit karämbhoj a-puöe niñaëëaà

kréòä-çukaà kiàçuka-rakta-tuëòam

adhyäpayäm äsa saroruhäkñé

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


A lotus-eyed girl instructed the red-beaked pet parrot that was seated in

the cup of her lotus hand; she said, "Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava . . ."



gåhe gåhe gopa-vadhü-samühaù

prati-kñaëaà piïjara-särikänäm

skhalad-giraà väcayituà pravåtto

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


In each and every house, a bevy of gopa-women is engaged in making the caged

parrots constantly utter with broken words, "Govinda,Dämodara," and




paryyaëkikäbhäjam alam kumäraà

prasväpayantyo 'khila-gopa-kanyäù

jaguù prabandhaà svara-täla-bandhaà

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


With the little boy lying in the swing, all of the gopés used to expertly

sing compositions set to musical notes and rhythm; they went, "Govinda,

Dämodara, Mädhava," while putting Him to rest.



rämänujaà vékñaëa-keli-lolaà

gopi gåhétvä nava-néta-golam

äbälakaà bälakam äjuhäva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


The younger brother of Balaräma, playing mischieviously, was dodging about

her with restless eyes. Taking a ball of fresh butter to lure Him over, a

gopé called Him: "O Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava . . ."




-bhidhehi vakträmbuja-räjaùaàse

sadä madéye rasane 'gra-raëge

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


O my tongue, since my mouth has become like a lotus by dint of the presence

there of these eloquent, ornamental, delightful syllables, you are like the

swan that plays there. As your foremost pleasure, always articulate the

names, "Govinda,Dämodara," and "Mädhava."



aìkädhirüòhaà çiçu-gopa-güòhaà

stanaà dhayantaà kamalaika-käntam

sambodhayäm äsa mudä yaçodä

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


The one and only Lord of Lakñmédevé, as an inconspicuous little cowherd

baby, was seated in the lap of mother Yaçodä, drinking her breast-milk.

Merged in bliss, she addressed Him as "Govinda,Dämodara," and "Mädhava."



kréòantam antar-vrajam ätmanaà svaà

samaà vayasyaiù paçu-päla-bälaiù

premëä yaçodä prajuhäva kåñëaà

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


In Vraja-dhäma, Kåñëa was playing with His playmates, the boys of His age

who protected the animals. With great love, mother Yaçodä called out to her

own son, "O Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



yaçodayä gäòham ulükhalena

go-kaëöha-päçena nibadhyamanam

ruroda mandaà navanéta-bhojé

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Being firmly tied up to the grinding mortar with a cow's rope by mother

Yaçodä, the plunderer of butter softly whimpered. "Govinda, Dämodara,




nijäìgaëe kaìkaëa-keli-lolaà

gopé gåhétvä navanéta-golam

ämardayat päëi-talena netre

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


In His own courtyard, Kåsëa was carelessly playing with a bracelet. So the

gopé took a ball of butter to Him, and shutting His eyes with her palm, she

distracted Him, "O Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava . . .(Guess what I have for




gåhe gåhe gopa-vadhü-kadambäù

sarve militvä samaväya-yoge

puëyäni nämäni paöhanti nityaà

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


In house after house, groups of cowherd ladies gather on various occasions,

and together they always chant the transcendental names of Kåñëa--"Govinda,

Dämodara, and Mädhava."



mandära-müle vadanäbhirämaà

bimbädhare pürita-veëu-nädam


govinda dämodara mädhaveti


His face is pleasing, and the flute at His lips is filled with Divine sound.

Amidst the cows, gopas, and gopés, He stands at the base of a coral tree.

Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!



utthäya gopyo 'para-rätra-bhoge

småtvä yaçodä-suta-bäla-kelim

gäyanti proccair dadhi-manthayantyo

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Having risen early in the Brahma-muhürta, and remembering the childish

activities of the Son of mother Yaçodä, the gopés loudly sing while churning

butter--"Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



jagdho 'tha datto navanéta-piëòo

gåhe yaçodä vicikitsayanté

uväca satyaà vada he muräre

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Having churned and then set aside a fresh lump of butter in the house,

mother Yaçodä was now suspicious--it had been eaten. She said, "Hey--Muräri!

Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava, now tell me the truth . . ."



abhyarcya gehaà yuvatiù pravåddha-

-prema-pravähä dadhi nirmamantha

gäyanti gopyo 'tha sakhé-sametä

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Having finished worship at home, a young gopé, (like) a strong current of

love for Kåñëa, churned the butter, and then joins together with all the

gopés and their friends and they sing, "Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



kvacit prabhäte dadhi-pürëa-pätre

nikñipya manthaà yuvaté mukundam

älokya gänaà vividhaà karoti

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


One time, early in the morning, just as a girl had put aside her churn in a

pot full of butter--she saw Mukunda. She then began to sing songs in various

ways, about Govinda, Dämodara, and Mädhava.



kréòäparaà bhojana-majjanärthaà

hitaiñiëé stré tanujaà yaçodä

äjühavat prema-pari-plutäkñé

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


(Without having even bathed or eaten,) Kåñëa was absorbed in play.

Overwhelmed with affection, mother Yaçodä, who thought only of her son's

welfare, called out, "Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava! (Come, take your bath and

eat something.)"



sukhaà çayänaà nilaye ca viñëuà

devarñi-mukhyä munayaù prapannäù

tenäcyute tanmayatäà vrajanti

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Devaåñi Närada and other Munis are always surrendered to Lord Viñëu, who

rests upon His couch. They always chant the names of "Govinda,Dämodara,"

and "Mädhava," and thus they attain spiritual forms similar to His.



vihäya nidräm aruëodaye ca

vidhäya kåtyäni ca vipramukhyäù

vedävasäne prapaöhanti nityaà

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


After giving up sleep at dawn, having completed their ritualistic duties,

and at the end of their Vedic chanting, the best of the learned brähmaëas

always loudly chant, "Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



våndävane gopa-gaëäç ca gopyo

vilokya govinda-viyoga-khinnam

rädhäà jaguù säçru-vilocanäbhyäà

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


In Våndävana, seeing Çrématé Rädhäräëé overwhelmed with separation from

Govinda, groups of gopas and gopés sang, with tears in their lotus eyes,

"Govinda! Dämodara! O Mädhava!"



prabhäta-saïcära-gatä nu gävas

tad-rakñaëärthaà tanayaà yaçodä

präbodhayat päëi-talena mandaà

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


The cows having already gone out to graze early in the morning, mother

Yaçodä gently roused her sleeping son with the palm of her hand, softly

saying, "Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava."



praväla-çobhä iva dérgha-keçä


müle tarüëäà munayaù paöhanti

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


With long, matted hair the color of coral, and bodies purified by eating

only leaves, water, and air, the sages sit beneath the trees and chant,

"Govinda,Dämodara," and "Mädhava."



evaà bruväëä virahäturä bhåçäà

vraja-striyaù kåñëa-viñikta-mänasäù

visåjya lajjäà ruruduù sma su-svaraà

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


"After speaking these words, the ladies of Vraja, who were so attached to

Kåñëa, felt extremely agitated by their imminent separation from Him. They

forgot all worldly shame and loudly cried out,'O Govinda! O Dämodara! O




gopé kadäcin maëi-piïjara-sthaà

çukaà vaco väcayituà pravåttä

änanda-kanda vraja-candra kåñëa

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Sometimes a gopé is engaged in teaching a parrot within a jewelled cage to

recite names like: "Änanda-kanda" (source of bliss), "Vraja-candra" (moon of

Vraja), "Kåñëa,Govinda,Dämodara," and "Mädhava."



go-vatsa-bälaiù çiçu-käka-pakñaà

badhnantam ambhoja-daläyatäkñam

uväca mätä cibukaà gåhétvä

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


The lotus-eyed Lord was tying the çikhä of a cowherd boy to the tail of a

calf when His mother caught Him, lifted up His chin, and said, "Govinda!

Dämodara! Mädhava!"



prabhäta-käle vara-vallavaughä

go-rakñaëärthaà dhåta-vetra-daëòäù

äkärayäm äsur anantam ädyam

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


In the early morning a group of His favorite cowherd boys arrived,

stick-canes in hand, to take care of the cows. They addressed the unlimited,

primeval Personality of Godhead, "Hey, Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



jaläçaye käliya-mardanäya

yadä kadambäd apatan muräre

gopäìganäç cakruçur etya gopä

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


When Lord Muräri jumped from the Kadamba branch into the water to chastise

the Käliya serpent, all the gopés and cowherd boys went there and cried out,

"Oh! Govinda! Dämodara! Mädhava!"



akrüram äsädya yadä mukundaç

cäpotsavärthaà mathuräà praviñöaù

tadä sa paurair jayatéty abhäñi

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


After Lord Mukunda had met with Akrüra and entered Mathurä to attend the

ceremony of breaking the bow of Kaàsa, all the citizens then shouted, "Jaya

Govinda! Jaya Dämodara! Jaya Mädhava!"



kaàsasya dütena yadaiva nétau

våndävanäntäd vasudeva-sünau

ruroda gopé bhavanasya madhye

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


When both sons of Vasudeva had actually been taken out of Våndävana by the

messenger of Kaàsa, Yaçodä sobbed within the house, wailing, "Govinda,

Dämodara, Mädhava!"



sarovare käliya-näga-baddhaà

çiçuà yaçodä-tanayaà niçamya

cakrur luöantyaù pathi gopa-bälä

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Hearing how the son of Yaçodä, who was but a child, was wrapped within the

coils of the Käliya serpent at the pond, the cowherd boys cried "Govinda!

Dämodara! Mädhava!" and scurried down the path.



akrüra-yäne yadu-vaàça-näthaà

saàgacchamänaà mathuräà nirékñya

ücur viyogät kila gopa-bälä

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Seeing the Lord of the Yadus proceeding towards Mathurä upon Akrüra's

chariot, the cowherd boys, upon realization of their impending separation,

said, "O Govinda! Dämodara, Mädhava! (Where are you going? Are You actually

leaving us now?)



cakranda gopé naliné-vanänte

kåñëena hénä kusume çayänä


govinda dämodara mädhaveti


At the edge of a lotus forest, a gopé lay down upon the bed of flowers,

bereft of Kåñëa. Tears flowed from her lotus eyes (as she wept,) "Govinda,

Dämodara, Mädhava."



mätä-pitåbhyäà pariväryamäëä

gehaà praviñöä vilaläpa gopé

ägatya mäà pälaya viçvanätha

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Being very restricted by her mother and father, the lamenting gopé entered

the house, thinking, "(Now that) I have arrived home, save me, O Lord of the

universe! O Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



våndävana-sthaà harim äçu buddhvä

gopé gatä käpi vanaà niçäyäm

taträpy adåñöväti-bhayäd avocad

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Thinking that Kåñëa was in the forest, a gopé fled into the forest in the

middle of night. But seeing that Kåñëa wasn't actually there, she became

very fearful, and cried, "Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



sukhaà çayänä nilaye nije 'pi

nämäni viñëoù pravadanti martyäù

te niçcitaà tanmayatäà vrajanti

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Even the ordinary mortals comfortably seated at home who chant the names of

Viñëu, "Govinda, Dämodara," and "Mädhava," certainly attain (at least) the

liberation of having a form similar to that of the Lord.



sä nérajäkñém avalokya rädhäà

ruroda govinda-viyoga-khinnäm

sakhé praphullotpala-locanäbhyäà

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Seeing Çrématé Rädhäräëi crying from the pangs of separation from Govinda,

the blooming lotus eyes of Rädhä's girlfriend also filled with tears, and

she too cried, "Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava."



jihve rasajïe madhura-priyä tvaà

satyaà hitaà tväà paramaà vadämi

ävarëayethä madhuräkñaräëi

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


O my tongue, you are fond of sweet things and are of discriminating taste; I

tell you the highest truth, which is also the most beneficial. Please just

recite these sweet syllables: "Govinda,Dämodara," and "Mädhava."



ätyantika-vyädhiharaà janänäà

cikitsakaà veda-vido vadanti


govinda dämodara mädhaveti


The knowers of the Vedas say that this is the cure-all of the worst diseases

of mankind, and that this is the seed of the destruction of the threefold

miseries of material existence--"Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



tätäjïayä gacchati rämcandre

salakñmaëe 'raëyacaye saséte

cakranda rämasya nijä janitré

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Upon Rämacandra's going into the forest due to his father's order, along

with Lakñmaëa and Sétä, (and thus becoming) a forest-rover, His mother

cried, "O Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



ekäkiné daëòaka-känanäntät

sä néyamänä daçakandhareëa

sétä tadäkroçad ananya-näthä

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Left there alone, Sétä was carried out of the forest by the ten-headed

Rävaëa. At that time, accepting no other Lord, Sétä cried, "O Govinda!

Dämodara! Mädhava!"



rämädviyuktä janakätmajä sä

vicintayanté hrdi räma-rüpam

ruroda sétä raghunatha pähi

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Separated from Räma, the daughter of King Janaka was completely anxious, and

with the form of Räma within her heart, she cried, "O Raghunätha! Protect

me! O Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



praséda viñëo raghu-vaàça-nätha

suräsuräëäà sukha-duùkha-heto

ruroda sétä tu samudra-madhye

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


"O Lord Viñëu, be gracious! Lord of the Raghu clan, cause of the happiness

and distress of gods and demons alike, O Govinda, Dämoadara, Mädhava!" Thus

Sétä cried, (by the time she had been carried) over the middle of the ocean.



antar-jale gräha-gåhéta-pädo


tadä gajendro nitaräà jagäda

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Caught by his foot and pulled into the water, Gajendra, his friends all

harassed and frightened away, then called out incessantly, "Govinda,

Dämodara, Mädhava!"



haàsadhvajaù çaìkhayuto dadarça

putraà kaöähe prapatantam enam

puëyäni nämäni harer japantaà

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Along with his priest Çaìkhayuta, King Haàsadhvaja saw his son Sudhanvä

falling into a vat, but the boy was chanting the transcendental names of

Hari, Govinda, Dämodara, and Mädhava.



durväsaso väkyam upetya kåñëä

sä cäbravét känana-väsinéçam

antaùpraviñöaà manasäjuhäva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Accepting Durväsa Muni's request (that she feed his thousands of disciples,

even though she hadn't the means to do this) Draupadé mentally called out to

the Lord within, the Lord of a forest dweller (like her), and she said,

"Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



dhyeyaù sadä yogibhir aprameyaù

cintä-haraç cintita-pärijätaù


govinda dämodara mädhaveti


He is always meditated upon by the yogés as being inscrutable. He is the

remover of all anxieties, and is the desire-tree of all that is desireable.

His bluish complexion is as attractive as Kastürikä. Govinda! Dämodara!




saàsäre-küpe patito 'tyagädhe

mohändha-pürëe viñayäbhitapte

karävalambaà mama dehi viñëo

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


I am fallen into the deep, dark well of material life, which is full of

illusion and blind ignorance, and I am tormented by sensual existence. O my

Lord, Viñëu, Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava, please grant me Your supporting

hand to uplift me.



tväm eva yäce mama dehi jihve

samägate daëòadhare kåtänte

vaktavyam evaà madhuraà su-bhaktyä

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


O my tongue, I ask only this of you, that at my meeting the bearer of the

sceptre of chastisement (Yamaräja), you will utter this sweet phrase with

great devotion: "Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



bhajasva mantraà bhava-bandha-muktyai

jihve rasajïe su-labhaà manojïam

dvaipäyanädyair munibhiù prajaptam

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


O my tongue, O knower of rasa, for release from the hellish bondage of

material existence, just worship the charming, easily obtainable mantra that

is chanted by Vedavyäsa and other sages: "Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



gopäla vaàçédhara rüpa-sindho

lokeça näräyaëa déna-bandho

ucca-svarais tvaà vada sarvadaiva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


You should always and everywhere just loudly chant, "Gopäla, Vaàçédhara, O

ocean of beauty, Lord of the worlds, Näräyäëa, O friend of the poor,

Govinda, Dämodara," and "Mädhava."



jihve sadaiva bhaja sundaräëi

nämäni kåñëasya manoharäëi


govinda dämodara mädhaveti


O my tongue, just always worship these beautiful, enchanting names of

Kåñëa,"Govinda, Dämodara," and "Mädhava," which destroy all the obstacles of

the devotees.


govinda govinda hare murare

govinda govinda mukunda kåñëa

govinda govinda rathäìga-päëe

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


"O Govinda, Govinda, Hari, Muräri! O Govinda, Govinda, Mukunda, Kåñëa! O

Govinda, Govinda! O holder of the chariot wheel! O Govinda! O Dämodara! O




sukhävasäne tv idam eva säraà

duùkhävasäne tv idam eva geyam

dehävasäne tv idam eva jäpyaà

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


This indeed is the essence (found) upon ceasing the affairs of mundane

happiness. And this too is to be sung after the cessation of all sufferings.

This alone is to be chanted at the time of death of one's material

body--"Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



durvära-väkyaà parigåhya kåñëä

mågéva bhétä tu kathaà kathaïcit

sabhäà praviñöä manasäjuhäva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Somehow or other accepting the unavoidable command of Duùçäsana, Draupadé,

like a frightened doe, entered the assembly of princes and within her mind

cried out to the Lord, "Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



çré kåñëa rädhävara gokuleça

gopäla govardhana-nätha viñëo

jihve pibasvämåtam etad eva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


O tongue, drink only this nectar (of the names), "Çré Kåñëa, dearmost of

Çrématé Rädhäräëé, Lord of Gokula, Gopäla, Lord of Govardhana, Viñëu,

Govinda, Dämodara," and "Mädhava."



çrénätha viçveçvara viçva-mürte

çré devaké-nandana daitya-çatro

jihve pibasvämåtam etad eva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


"Çrénätha, Lord of the universe, form of the universe, beautiful son of

Devaké, O enemy of the demons, Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!" O my tongue,

just drink this nectar.



gopépate kaàsa-ripo mukunda

lakñmépate keçava väsudeva

jihve pibasvämåtam etad eva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


"Lord of the gopés, enemy of Kaàsa, Mukunda, husband of Lakñmédevé, Keçava,

son of Vasudeva, Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!" O my tongue, just drink this




gopé-janähläda-kara vrajeça


jihve pibasvämåtam etad eva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


"O You who give bliss to the gopés! Lord of Vraja, You who have entered the

forest for herding the cows, O Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!" O my tongue,

just drink this nectar.



präëeça viçvambhara kaiöabhäre

vaikuëöha näräyaëa cakra-päëe

jihve pibasvämåtam etad eva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


"O Lord of my life! Upholder of the universe, foe of Kaiöabha, Vaikuëöha,

Näräyaëa, holder of the Sudarçana-cakra! Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!" O my

tongue, just drink this nectar.



hare muräre madhusüdanädya

çré räma sétävara rävaëäre

jihve pibasvämåtam etad eva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


"O Lord Hari, enemy of Mura, Madhusüdana, Çré Räma, dearmost of Sétä, enemy

of Rävaëa, Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!" O tongue, now just drink this




çré yädavendrädri-dharämbujäkña


jihve pibasvämåtam etad eva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


"O best of the Yadus, O bearer of Govardhana hill, O lotus-eyed expert in

giving happiness to the cows, the gopas, and the gopés, Govinda, Dämodara,

Mädhava!" O tongue, please just drink this nectar.





jihve pibasvämåtam etad eva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


"O uplifter of the earth's burdens in the guise of a cowherd boy, Lord of

sportive pastimes in which Ananta-çeña has become Your brother! O Govinda,

Dämodara, Mädhava!" O my tongue, just drink this nectar.





jihve pibasvämåtam etad eva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


"O enemy of Baké (Pütanä), Bakäsura, Aghäsura, and Dhenuka, O Lord who

expertly smashed Keçé and Tåëävarta!" O tongue, just drink this

nectar--"Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



çré jänaké-jévana rämacandra

niçäcaräre bharatägrajeça

jihve pibasvämåtam etad eva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


"O Rämacandra, O life and soul of the beautiful daughter of Janaka Mahäräja,

enemy of the night-roving demons, O elder brother of Bhärata!" O my tongue,

just drink this nectar--"Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



näräyaëänanta hare nåsiàha

prahläda-bädhähara he kåpälo

jihve pibasvämåtam etad eva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


"O Lord Näräyaëa, Ananta, Hari, Nåsiàhadeva, remover of the afflictions of

Prahläda, O merciful Lord! Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!" O my tongue, simply

drink this nectar.





jihve pibasvämåtam etad eva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


O Lord who assumed the man-like form of Räma, who by dint of Your prowess,

turned all other kings into Your servants! "O Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!" O

tongue, just drink this nectar.



çré kåñëa govinda hare muräre

he nätha näräyaëa väsudeva

jihve pibasvämåtam etad eva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


"Çré Kåñëa! Govinda! Hari! Muräri! O Lord, Näräyaëa, Väsudeva!" O tongue,

please drink only this nectar--"Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"



vaktuà samartho 'pi na vakti kaçcid

aho janänäà vyasanäbhimukhyam

jihve pibasvämåtam etad eva

govinda dämodara mädhaveti


Even though anyone is able to chant, still no one does. Alas! How determined

people are for their own undoing! O tongue, just drink the nectar of these

names--"Govinda, Dämodara, Mädhava!"


iti çré bilvamaìgaläcärya-viracitaà

çré govinda-dämodara-stotraà saàpürëam


Thus the Çré Govinda Dämodara Stotram composed by Çré Bilvamaìgaläcärya is


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