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Why my life is with full of problems?

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Why is my life full of problems related to money, relations, stress

etc? Why do all the decisions that I take always go wrong?


Man proposes and God disposes to show that you should not be too

much involved in the worldly affairs and that you should turn to

Him. The failures in the world show that God is very much interested

in your case and is constantly trying to divert you towards Him. The

failures and problems are real friends, who will turn you to God.

The success with fame is the real enemy, which drags you away from

the God. When Lord Krishna asked His aunt, Kunthi, to ask for a

boon, she asked Krishna to continue only problems in her life. Her

argument was that she remembered the Lord always in difficulties.

She wants to remember God continuously. All the things in this world

proceed according to the wheel of deeds (Karma Chakra).


You cannot change the destined route of things in this nature. They

reflect the systematic administration of rules and regulations laid

down by the Lord. You cannot change the nature of the external

atmosphere. You must cut your mental attachment to the external

atmosphere and remain peaceful. With the peaceful mind, you must

concentrate on God. You are standing in the sea and meditating upon

the Sun. You cannot stop the waves. The waves in the sea should not

move your mind. Your body or your cloths may be moved but not your

mind. For this you must think that you are not the clothes and you

are not the body. You are the soul, which is pure awareness. All the

external bonds are related to your body and mind (feelings) only.

This is called as self-realization through self-analysis. Sankara

stressed this first part of the spiritual path because this is

common to all the human beings in this world. The attainment of God

is the second part of the path. Mental worry is like fever.


Attainment of God is like attaining special strength. All the fever-

patients want to get rid of the fever. After liberation from the

fever, some of the patients may try to get special strength by

taking special tonics. Ramanuja and Madhva stressed this second part

of the spiritual path through the propagation of devotion. But, the

first part is common to all the patients as stressed by Sankara. The

self-analysis is like the anti- biotic medicine for the fever. First

you must get rid of the fever. Without subsiding the fever, you

cannot proceed for tonics to attain special strength. For the first

part, there is no need of even the concept of God.


Getting rid of the fever is peace. Attaining of God is bliss. Peace

is required to get the bliss. Peace should not be mistaken as bliss.

The soul is in your body only. If you attain the soul, you have

attained your money, which is misplaced, in your house. When you get

it, your worry is removed and you become peaceful. You need not

become happy because it is your money only. But when you get some

money on the road, outside your house, you are happy. The first part

is avoiding loss and second part is attaining profit.


The Advaita scholars are very happy when they have found their own

misplaced money in their houses. They feel as if they have attained

money from others. They are satisfied with `No loss' and feel that

itself is the profit. They invest money in business and want their

original money only at the end of business. They say that this is

only the maximum profit. They deny the merchants who have more money

as profits. Ofcourse, these innocent scholars are better than the

merchants who are in loss. They are better than mentally worried

people. But they think that peace is the bliss. For them, `no loss'

is the only profit.


I am therefore, advising you to take the antibiotic, which is the

self-analysis as the first drug. Even for this drug to act properly

and immediately, grace of God is essential as said by Sankara



At the lotus feet of Shri Datta Swami



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Sorry Surya,

I don't believe God will help or harm us. Life is definitely full of problems, and

sufferings . Those are bound to have according to our karma. We are our own

creator, all problems are also self created.

My points are , if we accept that all the sufferings are also self created. We

accept thems and create our new good karma in order to lessen our sufferings.

If we practise and react to those bad experience positively, we will see our

lives improve and thus experience lesser sufferings........

With Love,



surya <dattapr2000 > wrote:

Why is my life full of problems related to money, relations, stress

etc? Why do all the decisions that I take always go wrong?


Man proposes and God disposes to show that you should not be too

much involved in the worldly affairs and that you should turn to

Him. The failures in the world show that God is very much interested

in your case and is constantly trying to divert you towards Him. The

failures and problems are real friends, who will turn you to God.

The success with fame is the real enemy, which drags you away from

the God. When Lord Krishna asked His aunt, Kunthi, to ask for a

boon, she asked Krishna to continue only problems in her life. Her

argument was that she remembered the Lord always in difficulties.

She wants to remember God continuously. All the things in this world

proceed according to the wheel of deeds (Karma Chakra).


You cannot change the destined route of things in this nature. They

reflect the systematic administration of rules and regulations laid

down by the Lord. You cannot change the nature of the external

atmosphere. You must cut your mental attachment to the external

atmosphere and remain peaceful. With the peaceful mind, you must

concentrate on God. You are standing in the sea and meditating upon

the Sun. You cannot stop the waves. The waves in the sea should not

move your mind. Your body or your cloths may be moved but not your

mind. For this you must think that you are not the clothes and you

are not the body. You are the soul, which is pure awareness. All the

external bonds are related to your body and mind (feelings) only.

This is called as self-realization through self-analysis. Sankara

stressed this first part of the spiritual path because this is

common to all the human beings in this world. The attainment of God

is the second part of the path. Mental worry is like fever.


Attainment of God is like attaining special strength. All the fever-

patients want to get rid of the fever. After liberation from the

fever, some of the patients may try to get special strength by

taking special tonics. Ramanuja and Madhva stressed this second part

of the spiritual path through the propagation of devotion. But, the

first part is common to all the patients as stressed by Sankara. The

self-analysis is like the anti- biotic medicine for the fever. First

you must get rid of the fever. Without subsiding the fever, you

cannot proceed for tonics to attain special strength. For the first

part, there is no need of even the concept of God.


Getting rid of the fever is peace. Attaining of God is bliss. Peace

is required to get the bliss. Peace should not be mistaken as bliss.

The soul is in your body only. If you attain the soul, you have

attained your money, which is misplaced, in your house. When you get

it, your worry is removed and you become peaceful. You need not

become happy because it is your money only. But when you get some

money on the road, outside your house, you are happy. The first part

is avoiding loss and second part is attaining profit.


The Advaita scholars are very happy when they have found their own

misplaced money in their houses. They feel as if they have attained

money from others. They are satisfied with `No loss' and feel that

itself is the profit. They invest money in business and want their

original money only at the end of business. They say that this is

only the maximum profit. They deny the merchants who have more money

as profits. Ofcourse, these innocent scholars are better than the

merchants who are in loss. They are better than mentally worried

people. But they think that peace is the bliss. For them, `no loss'

is the only profit.


I am therefore, advising you to take the antibiotic, which is the

self-analysis as the first drug. Even for this drug to act properly

and immediately, grace of God is essential as said by Sankara



At the lotus feet of Shri Datta Swami








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Renuka, the wife of saint Jamadagni, went to nearby river for fetching water. There she saw the king of that kingdom taking bath along with his queens. She momentarily wants to be in the midst of them. For that momentary mental feeling (like flash), Jamadagni asked his son Parasurama to axe her head. We can understand from this where we stand. Even a mental feeling is a sin.

Lord created this universe for the enjoyment without any selfish motive and we human beings are enjoying the creation. Like through nice parents, wife, children, beautiful nature consisting of pleasant looking mountains, rivers, sea, nature, changing weather etc. The greatest sin on the earth is to be unfaithful to God. So we have to be faithful to Lord and please the Lord otherwise the human life is incomplete.

We serve our family members by spending our hard earned money and also physically. Are we not serving family as Servant, and these family members are nearly equal to us. Where as, Lord is omnipotent and requires no help from us, many times satisfied our desires, saved us from mishaps etc. and if we cannot bow our head in front of Him, it is very ridiculous. It is very great honour to serve Him, this is the path followed by His real devotees. These real devotees could overcome ego and always wants to serve Him as servant.

Meaning of Pravrutti (Path of Justice):

In this, people desire the welfare of their body and family. They love their bodies and their families only. Their real love is not on the God but only on their body and family. When that welfare is disturbed and when it is not possible to rectify it by worldly means, then only they look at God. When you get fever and it is not subsided by the medicines you used, then you are approaching a doctor. Thus God is only an instrument to achieve the welfare of their body and family. They pretend real love on God, which is not real. When you go to the doctor you respect him too much. That respect is not real. That respect is only apparent and the aim of that respect is only that he will cure carefully your disease. These people do not bother about tomorrow.

They don’t bother about the hell after death and about the next birth. Their aim is only the temporary happiness confined to this birth only. They worship God for this purpose, which is not true love at all. God also acts accordingly. He postpones all your bad results to the next births like pro-notes with increased interest. He brings the good results from future births with reduced values like the pre-matured deposits.

The Lord will not save these people in the hell. They will go to the heaven and when the results of their good deeds are finished, they are thrown back to the earth. In the future births, which are full of difficulties only, these people weep scolding the Lord. But the Lord keeps silent, because He acted according to their prayers only in the previous birth. In this field one can worship the Lord with single face, who is Vishnu, the embodiment of Sattvam quality.

With this quality God will help you when you worship. But this quality always requires justice and logic. Therefore, within the rules of the cycle of justice God helps you. He will never harm you for your worship. In this field God in human form is not necessary. God will protect the justice by His power. In this field the aim of the people is not God. Their aim is only protection of justice and their families. Lord Krishna did not fight directly in the war because in this field His power is sufficient to protect the justice. Arjuna was charged with His power and Arjuna fought with the enemies. In this field the devotees can worship formless God or statues and can get apparent and temporary protection in this world.

At the lotus feet of Shri Datta Swami



norguma tara <tara_norguma > wrote:

Sorry Surya,

I don't believe God will help or harm us. Life is definitely full of problems, and

sufferings . Those are bound to have according to our karma. We are our own

creator, all problems are also self created.

My points are , if we accept that all the sufferings are also self created. We

accept thems and create our new good karma in order to lessen our sufferings.

If we practise and react to those bad experience positively, we will see our

lives improve and thus experience lesser sufferings........

With Love,



surya <dattapr2000 > wrote:

Why is my life full of problems related to money, relations, stress

etc? Why do all the decisions that I take always go wrong?


Man proposes and God disposes to show that you should not be too

much involved in the worldly affairs and that you should turn to

Him. The failures in the world show that God is very much interested

in your case and is constantly trying to divert you towards Him. The

failures and problems are real friends, who will turn you to God.

The success with fame is the real enemy, which drags you away from

the God. When Lord Krishna asked His aunt, Kunthi, to ask for a

boon, she asked Krishna to continue only problems in her life. Her

argument was that she remembered the Lord always in difficulties.

She wants to remember God continuously. All the things in this world

proceed according to the wheel of deeds (Karma Chakra).


You cannot change the destined route of things in this nature. They

reflect the systematic administration of rules and regulations laid

down by the Lord. You cannot change the nature of the external

atmosphere. You must cut your mental attachment to the external

atmosphere and remain peaceful. With the peaceful mind, you must

concentrate on God. You are standing in the sea and meditating upon

the Sun. You cannot stop the waves. The waves in the sea should not

move your mind. Your body or your cloths may be moved but not your

mind. For this you must think that you are not the clothes and you

are not the body. You are the soul, which is pure awareness. All the

external bonds are related to your body and mind (feelings) only.

This is called as self-realization through self-analysis. Sankara

stressed this first part of the spiritual path because this is

common to all the human beings in this world. The attainment of God

is the second part of the path. Mental worry is like fever.


Attainment of God is like attaining special strength. All the fever-

patients want to get rid of the fever. After liberation from the

fever, some of the patients may try to get special strength by

taking special tonics. Ramanuja and Madhva stressed this second part

of the spiritual path through the propagation of devotion. But, the

first part is common to all the patients as stressed by Sankara. The

self-analysis is like the anti- biotic medicine for the fever. First

you must get rid of the fever. Without subsiding the fever, you

cannot proceed for tonics to attain special strength. For the first

part, there is no need of even the concept of God.


Getting rid of the fever is peace. Attaining of God is bliss. Peace

is required to get the bliss. Peace should not be mistaken as bliss.

The soul is in your body only. If you attain the soul, you have

attained your money, which is misplaced, in your house. When you get

it, your worry is removed and you become peaceful. You need not

become happy because it is your money only. But when you get some

money on the road, outside your house, you are happy. The first part

is avoiding loss and second part is attaining profit.


The Advaita scholars are very happy when they have found their own

misplaced money in their houses. They feel as if they have attained

money from others. They are satisfied with `No loss' and feel that

itself is the profit. They invest money in business and want their

original money only at the end of business. They say that this is

only the maximum profit. They deny the merchants who have more money

as profits. Ofcourse, these innocent scholars are better than the

merchants who are in loss. They are better than mentally worried

people. But they think that peace is the bliss. For them, `no loss'

is the only profit.


I am therefore, advising you to take the antibiotic, which is the

self-analysis as the first drug. Even for this drug to act properly

and immediately, grace of God is essential as said by Sankara



At the lotus feet of Shri Datta Swami









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Hi all,


But what I believe is that ......GOD is above all this

karmaSidhantha.....That is why in Lalitha Sahasra nama

she is addressed as SARVAANULYANGHA SASANA .....the

sasanams i;e., the rules and regulations that were

created in the Universe are all NOT for HER.......so

our karma is reduced by the Bhakthi YOGA.....so if we

surrender whole hartedly to the SUPREME < who ever it

might be > and ask SARANAGATHI ...then all our KARMA

is washed away by the BLISS of the SUPREME ......the

great LEGEND of PRAHLADA ....is a BEST example for

this even there are severral examples like MARKANDEYA,

DRUVA, GAJENDRA, MOOKA KAVI ...and so on .........HE




























--- prakki surya <dattapr2000 > wrote:


> Renuka, the wife of saint Jamadagni, went to nearby

> river for fetching water. There she saw the king of

> that kingdom taking bath along with his queens. She

> momentarily wants to be in the midst of them. For

> that momentary mental feeling (like flash),

> Jamadagni asked his son Parasurama to axe her head.

> We can understand from this where we stand. Even a

> mental feeling is a sin.


> Lord created this universe for the enjoyment

> without any selfish motive and we human beings are

> enjoying the creation. Like through nice parents,

> wife, children, beautiful nature consisting of

> pleasant looking mountains, rivers, sea, nature,

> changing weather etc. The greatest sin on the earth

> is to be unfaithful to God. So we have to be

> faithful to Lord and please the Lord otherwise the

> human life is incomplete.


> We serve our family members by spending our hard

> earned money and also physically. Are we not serving

> family as Servant, and these family members are

> nearly equal to us. Where as, Lord is omnipotent and

> requires no help from us, many times satisfied our

> desires, saved us from mishaps etc. and if we cannot

> bow our head in front of Him, it is very ridiculous.

> It is very great honour to serve Him, this is the

> path followed by His real devotees. These real

> devotees could overcome ego and always wants to

> serve Him as servant.


> Meaning of Pravrutti (Path of Justice):


> In this, people desire the welfare of their body

> and family. They love their bodies and their

> families only. Their real love is not on the God but

> only on their body and family. When that welfare is

> disturbed and when it is not possible to rectify it

> by worldly means, then only they look at God. When

> you get fever and it is not subsided by the

> medicines you used, then you are approaching a

> doctor. Thus God is only an instrument to achieve

> the welfare of their body and family. They pretend

> real love on God, which is not real. When you go to

> the doctor you respect him too much. That respect is

> not real. That respect is only apparent and the aim

> of that respect is only that he will cure carefully

> your disease. These people do not bother about

> tomorrow.


> They don’t bother about the hell after death and

> about the next birth. Their aim is only the

> temporary happiness confined to this birth only.

> They worship God for this purpose, which is not true

> love at all. God also acts accordingly. He postpones

> all your bad results to the next births like

> pro-notes with increased interest. He brings the

> good results from future births with reduced values

> like the pre-matured deposits.


> The Lord will not save these people in the hell.

> They will go to the heaven and when the results of

> their good deeds are finished, they are thrown back

> to the earth. In the future births, which are full

> of difficulties only, these people weep scolding the

> Lord. But the Lord keeps silent, because He acted

> according to their prayers only in the previous

> birth. In this field one can worship the Lord with

> single face, who is Vishnu, the embodiment of

> Sattvam quality.


> With this quality God will help you when you

> worship. But this quality always requires justice

> and logic. Therefore, within the rules of the cycle

> of justice God helps you. He will never harm you for

> your worship. In this field God in human form is not

> necessary. God will protect the justice by His

> power. In this field the aim of the people is not

> God. Their aim is only protection of justice and

> their families. Lord Krishna did not fight directly

> in the war because in this field His power is

> sufficient to protect the justice. Arjuna was

> charged with His power and Arjuna fought with the

> enemies. In this field the devotees can worship

> formless God or statues and can get apparent and

> temporary protection in this world.


> At the lotus feet of Shri Datta Swami

> surya

> www.universal-spirituality.org


> norguma tara <tara_norguma > wrote:

> Sorry Surya,

> I don't believe God will help or harm us. Life is

> definitely full of problems, and

> sufferings . Those are bound to have according to

> our karma. We are our own

> creator, all problems are also self created.

> My points are , if we accept that all the

> sufferings are also self created. We

> accept thems and create our new good karma in

> order to lessen our sufferings.

> If we practise and react to those bad experience

> positively, we will see our

> lives improve and thus experience lesser

> sufferings........


> With Love,

> Tara


> surya <dattapr2000 > wrote:

> Why is my life full of problems related to

> money, relations, stress

> etc? Why do all the decisions that I take always go

> wrong?


> Man proposes and God disposes to show that you

> should not be too

> much involved in the worldly affairs and that you

> should turn to

> Him. The failures in the world show that God is very

> much interested

> in your case and is constantly trying to divert you

> towards Him. The

> failures and problems are real friends, who will

> turn you to God.

> The success with fame is the real enemy, which drags

> you away from

> the God. When Lord Krishna asked His aunt, Kunthi,

> to ask for a

> boon, she asked Krishna to continue only problems in

> her life. Her

> argument was that she remembered the Lord always in

> difficulties.

> She wants to remember God continuously. All the

> things in this world

> proceed according to the wheel of deeds (Karma

> Chakra).


> You cannot change the destined route of things in

> this nature. They

> reflect the systematic administration of rules and

> regulations laid

> down by the Lord. You cannot change the nature of

> the external

> atmosphere. You must cut your mental attachment to

> the external

> atmosphere and remain peaceful. With the peaceful

> mind, you must

> concentrate on God. You are standing in the sea and

> meditating upon

> the Sun. You cannot stop the waves. The waves in the

> sea should not

> move your mind. Your body or your cloths may be

> moved but not your

> mind. For this you must think that you are not the

> clothes and you

> are not the body. You are the soul, which is pure

> awareness. All the

> external bonds are related to your body and mind

> (feelings) only.

> This is called as self-realization through

> self-analysis. Sankara

> stressed this first part of the spiritual path

> because this is

> common to all the human beings in this world. The

> attainment of God

> is the second part of the path. Mental worry is like

> fever.


> Attainment of God is like attaining special

> strength. All the fever-

> patients want to get rid of the fever. After

> liberation from the

> fever, some of the patients may try to get special

> strength by

> taking special tonics. Ramanuja and Madhva stressed

> this second part

> of the spiritual path through the propagation of

> devotion. But, the

> first part is common to all the patients as stressed

> by Sankara. The

> self-analysis is like the anti- biotic medicine for

> the fever. First

> you must get rid of the fever. Without subsiding the

> fever, you

> cannot proceed for tonics to attain special

> strength. For the first

> part, there is no need of even the concept of God.


> Getting rid of the fever is peace. Attaining of God

> is bliss. Peace

> is required to get the bliss. Peace should not be

> mistaken as bliss.

> The soul is in your body only. If you attain the

> soul, you have

> attained your money, which is misplaced, in your

> house. When you get

> it, your worry is removed and you become peaceful.

> You need not

> become happy because it is your money only. But when

> you

=== message truncated ===







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HI dear friend,

If you always say God created us, then I would say it is unfair because

there are so many sufferings and do you mean God has created the

sufferings for people too. If God can create us, everything that comes

or make us unhappy is also created by God. Where is the logic?

I respect God and see as an aspirations to follow his path and to

develop those qualities and achieve the same imind.

God can help us in the sense that you must create the karma to being

help. Not out of no where.

For instance, a person wants to be rich, one must create the causes

by giving. That is what I mean about initating the cause of being wealthy.

You cannot expect God to give you and you do nothing about yourself.......

With Love,



prakki surya <dattapr2000 > wrote:

Renuka, the wife of saint Jamadagni, went to nearby river for fetching water. There she saw the king of that kingdom taking bath along with his queens. She momentarily wants to be in the midst of them. For that momentary mental feeling (like flash), Jamadagni asked his son Parasurama to axe her head. We can understand from this where we stand. Even a mental feeling is a sin.

Lord created this universe for the enjoyment without any selfish motive and we human beings are enjoying the creation. Like through nice parents, wife, children, beautiful nature consisting of pleasant looking mountains, rivers, sea, nature, changing weather etc. The greatest sin on the earth is to be unfaithful to God. So we have to be faithful to Lord and please the Lord otherwise the human life is incomplete.

We serve our family members by spending our hard earned money and also physically. Are we not serving family as Servant, and these family members are nearly equal to us. Where as, Lord is omnipotent and requires no help from us, many times satisfied our desires, saved us from mishaps etc. and if we cannot bow our head in front of Him, it is very ridiculous. It is very great honour to serve Him, this is the path followed by His real devotees. These real devotees could overcome ego and always wants to serve Him as servant.

Meaning of Pravrutti (Path of Justice):

In this, people desire the welfare of their body and family. They love their bodies and their families only. Their real love is not on the God but only on their body and family. When that welfare is disturbed and when it is not possible to rectify it by worldly means, then only they look at God. When you get fever and it is not subsided by the medicines you used, then you are approaching a doctor. Thus God is only an instrument to achieve the welfare of their body and family. They pretend real love on God, which is not real. When you go to the doctor you respect him too much. That respect is not real. That respect is only apparent and the aim of that respect is only that he will cure carefully your disease. These people do not bother about tomorrow.

They don’t bother about the hell after death and about the next birth. Their aim is only the temporary happiness confined to this birth only. They worship God for this purpose, which is not true love at all. God also acts accordingly. He postpones all your bad results to the next births like pro-notes with increased interest. He brings the good results from future births with reduced values like the pre-matured deposits.

The Lord will not save these people in the hell. They will go to the heaven and when the results of their good deeds are finished, they are thrown back to the earth. In the future births, which are full of difficulties only, these people weep scolding the Lord. But the Lord keeps silent, because He acted according to their prayers only in the previous birth. In this field one can worship the Lord with single face, who is Vishnu, the embodiment of Sattvam quality.

With this quality God will help you when you worship. But this quality always requires justice and logic. Therefore, within the rules of the cycle of justice God helps you. He will never harm you for your worship. In this field God in human form is not necessary. God will protect the justice by His power. In this field the aim of the people is not God. Their aim is only protection of justice and their families. Lord Krishna did not fight directly in the war because in this field His power is sufficient to protect the justice. Arjuna was charged with His power and Arjuna fought with the enemies. In this field the devotees can worship formless God or statues and can get apparent and temporary protection in this world.

At the lotus feet of Shri Datta Swami



norguma tara <tara_norguma > wrote:

Sorry Surya,

I don't believe God will help or harm us. Life is definitely full of problems, and

sufferings . Those are bound to have according to our karma. We are our own

creator, all problems are also self created.

My points are , if we accept that all the sufferings are also self created. We

accept thems and create our new good karma in order to lessen our sufferings.

If we practise and react to those bad experience positively, we will see our

lives improve and thus experience lesser sufferings........

With Love,



surya <dattapr2000 > wrote:

Why is my life full of problems related to money, relations, stress

etc? Why do all the decisions that I take always go wrong?


Man proposes and God disposes to show that you should not be too

much involved in the worldly affairs and that you should turn to

Him. The failures in the world show that God is very much interested

in your case and is constantly trying to divert you towards Him. The

failures and problems are real friends, who will turn you to God.

The success with fame is the real enemy, which drags you away from

the God. When Lord Krishna asked His aunt, Kunthi, to ask for a

boon, she asked Krishna to continue only problems in her life. Her

argument was that she remembered the Lord always in difficulties.

She wants to remember God continuously. All the things in this world

proceed according to the wheel of deeds (Karma Chakra).


You cannot change the destined route of things in this nature. They

reflect the systematic administration of rules and regulations laid

down by the Lord. You cannot change the nature of the external

atmosphere. You must cut your mental attachment to the external

atmosphere and remain peaceful. With the peaceful mind, you must

concentrate on God. You are standing in the sea and meditating upon

the Sun. You cannot stop the waves. The waves in the sea should not

move your mind. Your body or your cloths may be moved but not your

mind. For this you must think that you are not the clothes and you

are not the body. You are the soul, which is pure awareness. All the

external bonds are related to your body and mind (feelings) only.

This is called as self-realization through self-analysis. Sankara

stressed this first part of the spiritual path because this is

common to all the human beings in this world. The attainment of God

is the second part of the path. Mental worry is like fever.


Attainment of God is like attaining special strength. All the fever-

patients want to get rid of the fever. After liberation from the

fever, some of the patients may try to get special strength by

taking special tonics. Ramanuja and Madhva stressed this second part

of the spiritual path through the propagation of devotion. But, the

first part is common to all the patients as stressed by Sankara. The

self-analysis is like the anti- biotic medicine for the fever. First

you must get rid of the fever. Without subsiding the fever, you

cannot proceed for tonics to attain special strength. For the first

part, there is no need of even the concept of God.


Getting rid of the fever is peace. Attaining of God is bliss. Peace

is required to get the bliss. Peace should not be mistaken as bliss.

The soul is in your body only. If you attain the soul, you have

attained your money, which is misplaced, in your house. When you get

it, your worry is removed and you become peaceful. You need not

become happy because it is your money only. But when you get some

money on the road, outside your house, you are happy. The first part

is avoiding loss and second part is attaining profit.


The Advaita scholars are very happy when they have found their own

misplaced money in their houses. They feel as if they have attained

money from others. They are satisfied with `No loss' and feel that

itself is the profit. They invest money in business and want their

original money only at the end of business. They say that this is

only the maximum profit. They deny the merchants who have more money

as profits. Ofcourse, these innocent scholars are better than the

merchants who are in loss. They are better than mentally worried

people. But they think that peace is the bliss. For them, `no loss'

is the only profit.


I am therefore, advising you to take the antibiotic, which is the

self-analysis as the first drug. Even for this drug to act properly

and immediately, grace of God is essential as said by Sankara



At the lotus feet of Shri Datta Swami








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Q) If everything is according to the will of the Lord, who is the overall controller, there is no independence for any human being in this world. In such case the human being should not receive the fruits of its actions. How do you justify this?

The Lord is controlling all the souls as per Veda “Aatmeshwaram”, which means that all the souls are ruled by the Lord. Gita also says the same “Bhuthanaam Eeswarah”. But this does not mean that there is no independence for the soul. When the king rules the kingdom, all the people in that kingdom are independent in their activities, but they are within the rules of the king. Thus a short span of independence in the human life exists under the control and supervision of the Lord. A cat caught a rat by its jaws. It leaves the rat after a bite for a short span of time. In that span the rat gets independence and runs in any side as it likes. But the cat is watching the rat and catches it again whenever the rat is out of the limits of the supervision. Similarly the Lord called “Kaala” (death) catches a human being and bites. The bite is the illness of the human being. The repeated diseases are the repeated bites of the ‘Kaala” or the Lord. During the bite the rat looses

completely its independence.

Similarly any human being, which is attacked by the disease becomes a patient and looses its independence completely. The cat plays with the rat for sometime like this and finally swallowes the rat. Similarly, the human being is swallowed by the Lord at the end. The whole creation itself is like a rat for the cat like Lord, which is told in Brahmasutra “Atta Charaachara Grahanaat”. Thus the short span of independence of human beings under the supervision of the overall controlling Lord creates the full game and entertainment for the Lord.

The entertainment is the basic reason of the creation by the Lord as said in Veda (Ekaaki Na Ramate) and as said in Brahmasutra (Lokavattu). Within the limits of the supervision of the cat, the rat will receive the result of the direction in which it runs. In one direction there may be fire and the rat may receive the heat. In another direction there may be cold water and the rat will receive the coolness in that direction. The rat is independent to receive the result of the direction and has full independence to go in any direction. The final death of the rat shows that the rat is under the control of the cat during its choice of direction also, which is not interfered by the cat.

Similarly the human life is with full of independence but the final end proves that the independence is under the control of the Lord. Yet, since there was no interference of the Lord during the human life, the human being receives the results according to its actions. Thus the “whole game is perfectly justified in any angle.”

At the lotus feet of Shri Datta Swami




norguma tara <tara_norguma > wrote:

HI dear friend,

If you always say God created us, then I would say it is unfair because

there are so many sufferings and do you mean God has created the

sufferings for people too. If God can create us, everything that comes

or make us unhappy is also created by God. Where is the logic?

I respect God and see as an aspirations to follow his path and to

develop those qualities and achieve the same imind.

God can help us in the sense that you must create the karma to being

help. Not out of no where.

For instance, a person wants to be rich, one must create the causes

by giving. That is what I mean about initating the cause of being wealthy.

You cannot expect God to give you and you do nothing about yourself.......

With Love,



prakki surya <dattapr2000 > wrote:

Renuka, the wife of saint Jamadagni, went to nearby river for fetching water. There she saw the king of that kingdom taking bath along with his queens. She momentarily wants to be in the midst of them. For that momentary mental feeling (like flash), Jamadagni asked his son Parasurama to axe her head. We can understand from this where we stand. Even a mental feeling is a sin.

Lord created this universe for the enjoyment without any selfish motive and we human beings are enjoying the creation. Like through nice parents, wife, children, beautiful nature consisting of pleasant looking mountains, rivers, sea, nature, changing weather etc. The greatest sin on the earth is to be unfaithful to God. So we have to be faithful to Lord and please the Lord otherwise the human life is incomplete.

We serve our family members by spending our hard earned money and also physically. Are we not serving family as Servant, and these family members are nearly equal to us. Where as, Lord is omnipotent and requires no help from us, many times satisfied our desires, saved us from mishaps etc. and if we cannot bow our head in front of Him, it is very ridiculous. It is very great honour to serve Him, this is the path followed by His real devotees. These real devotees could overcome ego and always wants to serve Him as servant.

Meaning of Pravrutti (Path of Justice):

In this, people desire the welfare of their body and family. They love their bodies and their families only. Their real love is not on the God but only on their body and family. When that welfare is disturbed and when it is not possible to rectify it by worldly means, then only they look at God. When you get fever and it is not subsided by the medicines you used, then you are approaching a doctor. Thus God is only an instrument to achieve the welfare of their body and family. They pretend real love on God, which is not real. When you go to the doctor you respect him too much. That respect is not real. That respect is only apparent and the aim of that respect is only that he will cure carefully your disease. These people do not bother about tomorrow.

They don’t bother about the hell after death and about the next birth. Their aim is only the temporary happiness confined to this birth only. They worship God for this purpose, which is not true love at all. God also acts accordingly. He postpones all your bad results to the next births like pro-notes with increased interest. He brings the good results from future births with reduced values like the pre-matured deposits.

The Lord will not save these people in the hell. They will go to the heaven and when the results of their good deeds are finished, they are thrown back to the earth. In the future births, which are full of difficulties only, these people weep scolding the Lord. But the Lord keeps silent, because He acted according to their prayers only in the previous birth. In this field one can worship the Lord with single face, who is Vishnu, the embodiment of Sattvam quality.

With this quality God will help you when you worship. But this quality always requires justice and logic. Therefore, within the rules of the cycle of justice God helps you. He will never harm you for your worship. In this field God in human form is not necessary. God will protect the justice by His power. In this field the aim of the people is not God. Their aim is only protection of justice and their families. Lord Krishna did not fight directly in the war because in this field His power is sufficient to protect the justice. Arjuna was charged with His power and Arjuna fought with the enemies. In this field the devotees can worship formless God or statues and can get apparent and temporary protection in this world.

At the lotus feet of Shri Datta Swami



norguma tara <tara_norguma > wrote:

Sorry Surya,

I don't believe God will help or harm us. Life is definitely full of problems, and

sufferings . Those are bound to have according to our karma. We are our own

creator, all problems are also self created.

My points are , if we accept that all the sufferings are also self created. We

accept thems and create our new good karma in order to lessen our sufferings.

If we practise and react to those bad experience positively, we will see our

lives improve and thus experience lesser sufferings........

With Love,



surya <dattapr2000 > wrote:

Why is my life full of problems related to money, relations, stress

etc? Why do all the decisions that I take always go wrong?


Man proposes and God disposes to show that you should not be too

much involved in the worldly affairs and that you should turn to

Him. The failures in the world show that God is very much interested

in your case and is constantly trying to divert you towards Him. The

failures and problems are real friends, who will turn you to God.

The success with fame is the real enemy, which drags you away from

the God. When Lord Krishna asked His aunt, Kunthi, to ask for a

boon, she asked Krishna to continue only problems in her life. Her

argument was that she remembered the Lord always in difficulties.

She wants to remember God continuously. All the things in this world

proceed according to the wheel of deeds (Karma Chakra).


You cannot change the destined route of things in this nature. They

reflect the systematic administration of rules and regulations laid

down by the Lord. You cannot change the nature of the external

atmosphere. You must cut your mental attachment to the external

atmosphere and remain peaceful. With the peaceful mind, you must

concentrate on God. You are standing in the sea and meditating upon

the Sun. You cannot stop the waves. The waves in the sea should not

move your mind. Your body or your cloths may be moved but not your

mind. For this you must think that you are not the clothes and you

are not the body. You are the soul, which is pure awareness. All the

external bonds are related to your body and mind (feelings) only.

This is called as self-realization through self-analysis. Sankara

stressed this first part of the spiritual path because this is

common to all the human beings in this world. The attainment of God

is the second part of the path. Mental worry is like fever.


Attainment of God is like attaining special strength. All the fever-

patients want to get rid of the fever. After liberation from the

fever, some of the patients may try to get special strength by

taking special tonics. Ramanuja and Madhva stressed this second part

of the spiritual path through the propagation of devotion. But, the

first part is common to all the patients as stressed by Sankara. The

self-analysis is like the anti- biotic medicine for the fever. First

you must get rid of the fever. Without subsiding the fever, you

cannot proceed for tonics to attain special strength. For the first

part, there is no need of even the concept of God.


Getting rid of the fever is peace. Attaining of God is bliss. Peace

is required to get the bliss. Peace should not be mistaken as bliss.

The soul is in your body only. If you attain the soul, you have

attained your money, which is misplaced, in your house. When you get

it, your worry is removed and you become peaceful. You need not

become happy because it is your money only. But when you get some

money on the road, outside your house, you are happy. The first part

is avoiding loss and second part is attaining profit.


The Advaita scholars are very happy when they have found their own

misplaced money in their houses. They feel as if they have attained

money from others. They are satisfied with `No loss' and feel that

itself is the profit. They invest money in business and want their

original money only at the end of business. They say that this is

only the maximum profit. They deny the merchants who have more money

as profits. Ofcourse, these innocent scholars are better than the

merchants who are in loss. They are better than mentally worried

people. But they think that peace is the bliss. For them, `no loss'

is the only profit.


I am therefore, advising you to take the antibiotic, which is the

self-analysis as the first drug. Even for this drug to act properly

and immediately, grace of God is essential as said by Sankara



At the lotus feet of Shri Datta Swami













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  • 2 weeks later...
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Datta is having all the three qualities (Trigunas). He has Satvam

which is a good quality like divine knowledge. He also possesses

Rajas and Tamas which are bad qualities. Satvam is Vishnu. Rajas is

Brahma. Tamas is Siva. But He is beyond these three qualities. These

three qualities are like the three colors of His shirt. He is not

having these three colors. Therefore Datta exhibits Rajas and Tamas.

In this final test again nine people out of ten are slipping.


The reason for this slip in the final test is that these people do

not know that He is beyond the three qualities.


The Lord is beyond qualities because the qualities consist of the

subtle body or mind (Gunateetah—Gita). These qualities are tools of

His divine play and He is not the subtle body. Therefore He is not

the qualities and is untouched by them. A human being is the subtle

body and is controlled by the qualities. He is a tool to the game

played by the qualities (Nanyam Gunebhyah—Gita). The Lord uses the

bad qualities as His mask so that the undeserving devotees do not

approach Him for any favors. He is also using these bad qualities to

test the firm faith of the sincere devotees. No human being can

understand the Human incarnation. Every human being easily

misunderstands the Lord in human form.


The Lord is the fire of knowledge and any stick will be burnt to

ashes. When the Lord comes in the human form, He plays with all the

qualities existing in the universe. He created all the qualities

only (Yechaiva Sattvikah—Gita) for His divine play meant for the

entertainment. The Lord created even Satan. In a cinema the role of

villain also exists and the actor of that role is also paid. Any

quality that is used for the entertainment and pleasure of the Lord

is good and sacred. Any quality that is turned towards selfish

pleasure and these worldly bonds is bad and impure. The ultimate aim

of this universe is only His entertainment. Even Satan is sacred

since he is playing his role sincerely by testing the firm faith of

the devotees.


At the lotus feet of Shri Datta Swami





sampath koundinya <sampath_koundinya > wrote: Hi all,


But what I believe is that ......GOD is above all this

karmaSidhantha.....That is why in Lalitha Sahasra nama

she is addressed as SARVAANULYANGHA SASANA .....the

sasanams i;e., the rules and regulations that were

created in the Universe are all NOT for HER.......so

our karma is reduced by the Bhakthi YOGA.....so if we

surrender whole hartedly to the SUPREME < who ever it

might be > and ask SARANAGATHI ...then all our KARMA

is washed away by the BLISS of the SUPREME ......the

great LEGEND of PRAHLADA ....is a BEST example for

this even there are severral examples like MARKANDEYA,

DRUVA, GAJENDRA, MOOKA KAVI ...and so on .........HE



























--- prakki surya <dattapr2000 > wrote:


> Renuka, the wife of saint Jamadagni, went to nearby

> river for fetching water. There she saw the king of

> that kingdom taking bath along with his queens. She

> momentarily wants to be in the midst of them. For

> that momentary mental feeling (like flash),

> Jamadagni asked his son Parasurama to axe her head.

> We can understand from this where we stand. Even a

> mental feeling is a sin.


> Lord created this universe for the enjoyment

> without any selfish motive and we human beings are

> enjoying the creation. Like through nice parents,

> wife, children, beautiful nature consisting of

> pleasant looking mountains, rivers, sea, nature,

> changing weather etc. The greatest sin on the earth

> is to be unfaithful to God. So we have to be

> faithful to Lord and please the Lord otherwise the

> human life is incomplete.


> We serve our family members by spending our hard

> earned money and also physically. Are we not serving

> family as Servant, and these family members are

> nearly equal to us. Where as, Lord is omnipotent and

> requires no help from us, many times satisfied our

> desires, saved us from mishaps etc. and if we cannot

> bow our head in front of Him, it is very ridiculous.

> It is very great honour to serve Him, this is the

> path followed by His real devotees. These real

> devotees could overcome ego and always wants to

> serve Him as servant.


> Meaning of Pravrutti (Path of Justice):


> In this, people desire the welfare of their body

> and family. They love their bodies and their

> families only. Their real love is not on the God but

> only on their body and family. When that welfare is

> disturbed and when it is not possible to rectify it

> by worldly means, then only they look at God. When

> you get fever and it is not subsided by the

> medicines you used, then you are approaching a

> doctor. Thus God is only an instrument to achieve

> the welfare of their body and family. They pretend

> real love on God, which is not real. When you go to

> the doctor you respect him too much. That respect is

> not real. That respect is only apparent and the aim

> of that respect is only that he will cure carefully

> your disease. These people do not bother about

> tomorrow.


> They don’t bother about the hell after death and

> about the next birth. Their aim is only the

> temporary happiness confined to this birth only.

> They worship God for this purpose, which is not true

> love at all. God also acts accordingly. He postpones

> all your bad results to the next births like

> pro-notes with increased interest. He brings the

> good results from future births with reduced values

> like the pre-matured deposits.


> The Lord will not save these people in the hell.

> They will go to the heaven and when the results of

> their good deeds are finished, they are thrown back

> to the earth. In the future births, which are full

> of difficulties only, these people weep scolding the

> Lord. But the Lord keeps silent, because He acted

> according to their prayers only in the previous

> birth. In this field one can worship the Lord with

> single face, who is Vishnu, the embodiment of

> Sattvam quality.


> With this quality God will help you when you

> worship. But this quality always requires justice

> and logic. Therefore, within the rules of the cycle

> of justice God helps you. He will never harm you for

> your worship. In this field God in human form is not

> necessary. God will protect the justice by His

> power. In this field the aim of the people is not

> God. Their aim is only protection of justice and

> their families. Lord Krishna did not fight directly

> in the war because in this field His power is

> sufficient to protect the justice. Arjuna was

> charged with His power and Arjuna fought with the

> enemies. In this field the devotees can worship

> formless God or statues and can get apparent and

> temporary protection in this world.


> At the lotus feet of Shri Datta Swami

> surya

> www.universal-spirituality.org


> norguma tara <tara_norguma > wrote:

> Sorry Surya,

> I don't believe God will help or harm us. Life is

> definitely full of problems, and

> sufferings . Those are bound to have according to

> our karma. We are our own

> creator, all problems are also self created.

> My points are , if we accept that all the

> sufferings are also self created. We

> accept thems and create our new good karma in

> order to lessen our sufferings.

> If we practise and react to those bad experience

> positively, we will see our

> lives improve and thus experience lesser

> sufferings........


> With Love,

> Tara


> surya <dattapr2000 > wrote:

> Why is my life full of problems related to

> money, relations, stress

> etc? Why do all the decisions that I take always go

> wrong?


> Man proposes and God disposes to show that you

> should not be too

> much involved in the worldly affairs and that you

> should turn to

> Him. The failures in the world show that God is very

> much interested

> in your case and is constantly trying to divert you

> towards Him. The

> failures and problems are real friends, who will

> turn you to God.

> The success with fame is the real enemy, which drags

> you away from

> the God. When Lord Krishna asked His aunt, Kunthi,

> to ask for a

> boon, she asked Krishna to continue only problems in

> her life. Her

> argument was that she remembered the Lord always in

> difficulties.

> She wants to remember God continuously. All the

> things in this world

> proceed according to the wheel of deeds (Karma

> Chakra).


> You cannot change the destined route of things in

> this nature. They

> reflect the systematic administration of rules and

> regulations laid

> down by the Lord. You cannot change the nature of

> the external

> atmosphere. You must cut your mental attachment to

> the external

> atmosphere and remain peaceful. With the peaceful

> mind, you must

> concentrate on God. You are standing in the sea and

> meditating upon

> the Sun. You cannot stop the waves. The waves in the

> sea should not

> move your mind. Your body or your cloths may be

> moved but not your

> mind. For this you must think that you are not the

> clothes and you

> are not the body. You are the soul, which is pure

> awareness. All the

> external bonds are related to your body and mind

> (feelings) only.

> This is called as self-realization through

> self-analysis. Sankara

> stressed this first part of the spiritual path

> because this is

> common to all the human beings in this world. The

> attainment of God

> is the second part of the path. Mental worry is like

> fever.


> Attainment of God is like attaining special

> strength. All the fever-

> patients want to get rid of the fever. After

> liberation from the

> fever, some of the patients may try to get special

> strength by

> taking special tonics. Ramanuja and Madhva stressed

> this second part

> of the spiritual path through the propagation of

> devotion. But, the

> first part is common to all the patients as stressed

> by Sankara. The

> self-analysis is like the anti- biotic medicine for

> the fever. First

> you must get rid of the fever. Without subsiding the

> fever, you

> cannot proceed for tonics to attain special

> strength. For the first

> part, there is no need of even the concept of God.


> Getting rid of the fever is peace. Attaining of God

> is bliss. Peace

> is required to get the bliss. Peace should not be

> mistaken as bliss.

> The soul is in your body only. If you attain the

> soul, you have

> attained your money, which is misplaced, in your

> house. When you get

> it, your worry is removed and you become peaceful.

> You need not

> become happy because it is your money only. But when

> you

=== message truncated ===










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Lord Datta means God given to the world in human form for the upliftment of humanity and hence, He is the highest as far as humanity is concerned from the point of convenience in worship. He is the only means of reaching/serving/pleasing the Lord. Lord Jesus stressed the same when He told ‘I am the only way’ and Lord Krishna said it through ‘Vasudevah Sarvamiti…’ in the Gita. Such, Lord in human form is called the human incarnation. The ‘I’ in the above statement of Jesus refers to the human incarnation of Lord only, who comes in every generation otherwise, He becomes partial for a generation of people, place and time. The scriptures of both Christianity & Hinduism i.e., Bible and Gita support the human incarnation concept through the statements ‘God-in-flesh and Manushim Tanumaasritam…’ respectively. Even in Islam also, Mohammed is treated as a Prophet, which definitely means, He is above normal human beings because all the human beings are not treated as Prophets. The

worship of such contemporary human incarnation/Prophet gives the highest fruit as in the case of Hanuman (attained the post of future creator), who worshipped Lord Rama and Gopikas (attained Goloka), who worshipped Lord Krishna. Likewise, the disciples of Jesus, Mohammed Prophet, Buddha, Shankara, Mahavir, Rama Krishna Paramahamsa and Shirdi Sai worshipped the respective human incarnation only as Lord. Worship means not mere words and feelings, but by participating in His mission through service, which consists of donating money & physical service. His mission is only to spread the divine knowledge and devotion in this world and to uplift everybody.

1. In the materialistic plane one person says that the aim of his life is to achieve a particular post and then help his family members. Some other says that the aim of his life is to serve the mankind. We appreciate the second aim as higher than the first one. The highest aim of human life can be known only in the spiritual plane. The sole aim of this creation is to please God through the entertainment. The human life becomes fruitful if it pleases the Lord through the service. Service means sacrifice of work and sacrifice of fruit of work. Service is the proof of the real love. The mother serves her child by sacrifice of work like giving bath, dressing etc., for years together continuously. The father serves the child by sacrifice of fruit of his entire hard work. It is a clear practical point that the proof of the real love is only service. If you serve your family, you love your family. If you serve the entire world, you love the creation. If you serve the

creator, you love the creator. It is a very simple point.

Very little money is sufficient to eat and drink which the animals and birds also do even without money. If the aim of the money is only to eat, drink and enjoy, how is a human being different from an animal or bird or worm? If the file is opened in upper world, you will not get definitely the human birth. When you serve the Lord in this world, who comes in human form then only, can you get human birth without any enquiry in order to serve Him when He reincarnates.

Human birth, urge for salvation and to come in contact with the human incarnation are the three real fortunes and the importance increases from left to right in the order (Manushyatvam Mumukshatvam, Mahapurasha Samsrayah Durlabham—Shankara). Therefore, simply human birth and to have the urge by taking orange robe are not sufficient. Unless you contact the Lord in human form and get the right knowledge for correct implementation, everything is waste.

At the lotus feet of Shri Datta Swami




sampath koundinya <sampath_koundinya > wrote:

Hi all,


But what I believe is that ......GOD is above all this

karmaSidhantha.....That is why in Lalitha Sahasra nama

she is addressed as SARVAANULYANGHA SASANA .....the

sasanams i;e., the rules and regulations that were

created in the Universe are all NOT for HER.......so

our karma is reduced by the Bhakthi YOGA.....so if we

surrender whole hartedly to the SUPREME < who ever it

might be > and ask SARANAGATHI ...then all our KARMA

is washed away by the BLISS of the SUPREME ......the

great LEGEND of PRAHLADA ....is a BEST example for

this even there are severral examples like MARKANDEYA,

DRUVA, GAJENDRA, MOOKA KAVI ...and so on .........HE



























--- prakki surya <dattapr2000 > wrote:


> Renuka, the wife of saint Jamadagni, went to nearby

> river for fetching water. There she saw the king of

> that kingdom taking bath along with his queens. She

> momentarily wants to be in the midst of them. For

> that momentary mental feeling (like flash),

> Jamadagni asked his son Parasurama to axe her head.

> We can understand from this where we stand. Even a

> mental feeling is a sin.


> Lord created this universe for the enjoyment

> without any selfish motive and we human beings are

> enjoying the creation. Like through nice parents,

> wife, children, beautiful nature consisting of

> pleasant looking mountains, rivers, sea, nature,

> changing weather etc. The greatest sin on the earth

> is to be unfaithful to God. So we have to be

> faithful to Lord and please the Lord otherwise the

> human life is incomplete.


> We serve our family members by spending our hard

> earned money and also physically. Are we not serving

> family as Servant, and these family members are

> nearly equal to us. Where as, Lord is omnipotent and

> requires no help from us, many times satisfied our

> desires, saved us from mishaps etc. and if we cannot

> bow our head in front of Him, it is very ridiculous.

> It is very great honour to serve Him, this is the

> path followed by His real devotees. These real

> devotees could overcome ego and always wants to

> serve Him as servant.


> Meaning of Pravrutti (Path of Justice):


> In this, people desire the welfare of their body

> and family. They love their bodies and their

> families only. Their real love is not on the God but

> only on their body and family. When that welfare is

> disturbed and when it is not possible to rectify it

> by worldly means, then only they look at God. When

> you get fever and it is not subsided by the

> medicines you used, then you are approaching a

> doctor. Thus God is only an instrument to achieve

> the welfare of their body and family. They pretend

> real love on God, which is not real. When you go to

> the doctor you respect him too much. That respect is

> not real. That respect is only apparent and the aim

> of that respect is only that he will cure carefully

> your disease. These people do not bother about

> tomorrow.


> They don’t bother about the hell after death and

> about the next birth. Their aim is only the

> temporary happiness confined to this birth only.

> They worship God for this purpose, which is not true

> love at all. God also acts accordingly. He postpones

> all your bad results to the next births like

> pro-notes with increased interest. He brings the

> good results from future births with reduced values

> like the pre-matured deposits.


> The Lord will not save these people in the hell.

> They will go to the heaven and when the results of

> their good deeds are finished, they are thrown back

> to the earth. In the future births, which are full

> of difficulties only, these people weep scolding the

> Lord. But the Lord keeps silent, because He acted

> according to their prayers only in the previous

> birth. In this field one can worship the Lord with

> single face, who is Vishnu, the embodiment of

> Sattvam quality.


> With this quality God will help you when you

> worship. But this quality always requires justice

> and logic. Therefore, within the rules of the cycle

> of justice God helps you. He will never harm you for

> your worship. In this field God in human form is not

> necessary. God will protect the justice by His

> power. In this field the aim of the people is not

> God. Their aim is only protection of justice and

> their families. Lord Krishna did not fight directly

> in the war because in this field His power is

> sufficient to protect the justice. Arjuna was

> charged with His power and Arjuna fought with the

> enemies. In this field the devotees can worship

> formless God or statues and can get apparent and

> temporary protection in this world.


> At the lotus feet of Shri Datta Swami

> surya

> www.universal-spirituality.org







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