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Doing Havan at home

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Please sit in the morning to perform havan. Havan must be in sunlight

then it is more beneficial. Then half a bowl of fresh water with a

tablespoon must be with you with small twigs specially of mango tree if

possible. Havan samagri, ghee, camphor and match box must be there with

you. Please sit on such asan on four time folded blanket and blanket

must be on mat. Sukh asan i.e., sit on duly folded feet in comfortable

position. Then first close your eyes and concentrate between two

eyebrows and chant Gaytri mantra three times within heart and not by



Then open your eyes. Take one spoon of water in right palm. Chant this

mantra, OM AMRTIO UPASTRANMASI WAHA and drink the water put in your

palm. Then again take the spoon of water in right palm then chant the


AGAIN TAKE THE water in right palm and chant the mantra, OM SATYAM


the right palm while sitting, with the same water kept in bowl.


Then put the twigs into havan kund with one piece of camphor and burn

it. During this process chant the Gaytri mantra again and again till

such time the fire is lighted sufficiently. Then chant the Gaytri mantra

and at the last add the word Swaha and offer ghee with tablespoon,

quantity equivalent to 4 to 5 drops. And if you are alone then also

offer in fire pinch of havan samagri from your right hand's finger and

thumb avoiding forefinger. So this offering may be of 11 times, 21 times

or 51 times as the time suits.


The havan with Ved mantras are always offered as the best worship of God

only please. Do havan daily and both times.



Yajurveda gives knowledge to do pious deeds. The first mantra of

Yajurveda (1/1) says that human beings must perform Yajyen in which

offerings are put in burning fire with Ved mantras. Then mantra says it

will prevent the infectious disease and will give constant pleasure.

Saamveda mantra 534 says that the matters like ghee and samagri when

poured in fire while performing Yajyen, then these matters go in sky and

create rain and make the atmosphere pure. Saamveda mantra 536 says that

in YAJYEN, the matters (aahuti/offerings) goes up to sun and gives

strength to sun to cause rain. Saamveda mantra 537 tells the offerings

in a Yajyen must touch the ray of light of sun. Saamveda mantra 539 says

that the offerings in a Yajyen, goes to the sky to create rain so that

the animal, birds etc., are increased in number. Saamveda mantra 1379

says that Yajyen must be performed while chanting ved mantras and mantra

1380 says that age is increased by Yajyen. Saamveda mantra 1363 says

that one who loves Yajyen, he well concentrates/meditates. Saamveda

mantra 1270 says that the offerings in Yajyen goes in the sky through

ray of light of sun. Yajurveda mantra 1/2 says that Yajyen purifies the

earth. It is stable in ray of light of sun and goes to sky and sun

through air. Yajyen purifies the air and holds the universe spreading

pleasure all over. When Yajyen is performed then air touches the burning

fire and scientifically is purified just as water is boiled on fire and

becomes purified. Then the pure air goes up and the old air starts

touching the fire and after becoming purified goers to sky and this

procedure is continued till the end of Yajyen. Yajyen is basically

performed by using a stick of mango tree.


A scientist named Trelle of France did experiments on Yajyen. He found

that Yajyen is mainly performed by using mango tree. When the wood is

burnt then a gas, "formic aldehyde" comes out which destroys the harmful

bacteria and makes the atmosphere purified. Then only, the scientists

made "formalin" from "formic aldehyde" gas. He also did experiment on

jaggery Gur (in Hindi raw sugar) and found that on burning the jaggery,

jaggery also generates "formic aldehyde" gas. A scientist named Tautilk

came to know that if we stay in a Yajyen and its smoke for half an hour

then the germs of typhoid are destroyed and all these matters are used

in Yajyen. Yajurveda says that four types of things mainly used to

prepare offerings for a Yajyen- 1. Sweet Like honey, jaggery, raw sugar

etc., 2. Antibiotic herbs like gyol, etc., 3. Nutrition like pure ghee,

dry fruits etc., 4. Fragrant materials like elaichi (cardamom) dried

petals flowers etc.


So when all these are offered then it happens that when a household lady

in her kitchen fries chilly in ghee then you know the effect of the

chilly through air even goes to a far distance like drawing room and

other rooms too. So is the case of Yajyen and similarly the offerings of

all the things goes to the sky and to sun making contact with air and

ray of light of sun. chilly leaves its bad effect to the nose whereas

the above said things used in Yajyen leave the best affect in atmosphere

according to the qualities of each thing. That is why Saamveda mantra 3

says that burning fire is like messenger/ambassador which does work to

carry the effect of all above things to the sky i.e., spreads. Everybody

knows that things/matters are never destroyed but changes its shape

only. There is also a misunderstanding that in a Yajyen/havan carbon

dioxide gas is generated. Carbon dioxide is available in whole of

universe. Its huge quantity is harmful only but when carbon dioxide

comes out from havan, duly mixed with ghee and other things it becomes

beneficial to all human beings. Secondly in the mango tree, not much

carbon dioxide comes out while burning. Scientists also say that carbon

dioxide is taken by human beings in soda lemonade which becomes

digestible. Therefore the holy Yajyen in addition is a scientific action

which is beneficial to the whole universe.


Dr. Kundanlal (M.D.) was an allopathic doctor, he took twelve test tubes

made of glass duly purified scientifically , six sets of two test tubes

each made and each set was filled with milk and food i.e., six were

filled with milk and six were filled with food. In six test tubes, there

was air of Yajyen/havan. In other six test tubes there was only ordinary

air of garden filled. Now Dr. Kundanlal started regular watch on each

test tubes. He found the result that the food which was filled by

ordinary air of garden started decaying and giving bad smell quickly

whereas the food with air of Yajyen/havan started decaying slowly. This

experiment was based while performing a single havan but a spiritual

havan containing all things (minimum 21 herbs) will give the best



Therefore there are unlimited benefits of Yajyen which can not be

explained in full being much lengthy. I have forgotten about an article

I read in a leading newspaper of Indonesia about ten years back, in

which it was mentioned that in a country, a jungle up to the area of 30

miles started getting dried up due to a disease in herbs and trees. The

Govt. tried level best to nurse the jungles but all in vain. The country

came to know from somewhere about Yajyen and not Yajyen but a simple

havan without Ved mantras was started there and slowly, the whole jungle

was recovered and became greens, duly free from disease.


Yajyen in the night will contain only spiritual effect but the physical

effect for causing rain and purification of atmosphere will be decreased

as all the things used in Yajyen/havan will be unable to go to sky and

even to sun in the absence of ray of light of sun as mentioned in above







International Siddhashram Sadhak Pariwar, Bangalore Branch,



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