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Now my Numerology curiosity is sparked

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So I was curious as to what tantric numerology had to say about my life path

and career choices as well, as I'm at that fork in the road concerning

school and finding a "real job" and I came up with the following, but as far as

careers go I have no idea what it means. Anyone with any insight on it, please

comment. lol You all have sparked my curiosity. Jai Maa!



Tantric Numerology

Name: Katie -------- Birth date: 09/20/1985





The SOUL Number is the core of your identity. It indicates your own internal

relationship with yourself. Your relationship to the infinite, unlimited

part of yourself. It is the key to tapping into your creativity and depth.

You have a deep "Longing to Belong". This longing to connect, this feeling

of wanting to merge with someone, can cause you to "give yourself" to people

who may want to use you or exploit you for their own purposes. Your longing to

connect can put your spirituality in danger. You must process your longing

to the point of neutrality. Ask yourself, "What can I learn from this

relationship or this situation?" Remember first that you are always connected to God,

then evaluate the situation neutrally to see if there is anything which

could affect your soul in a negative way. Make a "road map" in your mental

process in such a way as to connect yourself consciously to your spiritual teacher.

When you feel your connection to God, to your own Infinity, then your

connection to people will not be that important. The solution is to learn how to be

discriminating in your relationships in order to protect your own

spirituality and your own Soul. When you connect yourself to your Soul, you will

experience your own inner identity. Your inner essence is Devotion.

Your identity as a person of higher consciousness is someone who "longs to

belong" only to God. Your love of God, your devotion, is the expression of who

you truly are.


Just as the SOUL number indicates the nature your relationship with your own

soul, the KARMA number indicates the nature of your relationships with other

people. This is the number that describes your 'test' in life... the thing

you must break through in order to be successful in your relationships with


You lack the ability to be subtle in your external relationships, and have a

tendency to communicate on a somewhat blunt and crude level lacking in

gentleness and flowing grace. While you may see the negative sides of situations,

you blur them out. You tend to take people at face value with a certain

innocent naiveté. This lack of insight into other people's underlying motivations

makes you gullible and can get you into trouble. Your test in this life is to

learn how to stick with things and master them. The solution is to pick somet

hing that works for you and stick with it! Mastery of subtle perception and

the accompanying insight and awareness which that brings, are necessary for

you to experience your own depth and dimension. Whatever you do, live it,

breathe it and become a master at it! A master understands the subtlety of his



This number indicates your natural GIFT in life. This is your God-given

talent. You don't have to work for it; it's yours... IF you accept it!

The key to accepting your GIFT is to connect with your soul. You cannot

accept and use your gift unless you feel that you deserve it. Remember, this gift

is already yours. Relax, use it and enjoy it.


Your gift is the yogic neutral mind. You can be clear, neutral and humble,

and you will love serve others by listening to them and taking care of them.

Your gift is to serve and take care of many people. Your neutral detachment

will bring many people to you, because just by being near you they will become

elevated. If you keep up on a spiritual path in your life, you will

experience the depth of your gift.


The DESTINY number indicates the main trait that you have worked on within

yourself for many lifetimes. It is the thing you have mastered through

personal sacrifice and effort. You may not see this mastery in yourself, but in

actuality, it shows in everything you do. The destiny number is a description of

how OTHER people see you. It is a mirror. It is YOU seen through the eyes of

others, not through your own eyes.

Your ability to sacrifice has been developed through many lifetimes. Other

people see you as a Godly person, someone who knows how to sacrifice for

others. People relate to you as a teacher and look to you and your lifestyle as

examples to be imitated.


Your PATH number is the key to living a fulfilled life. It is the key to

understanding who you are and why you are here on this planet at this time. Your

PATH is the the single aspect of yourself that you must manifest in your day

to day life in order for you to feel fulfilled and successful within

yourself. Without understanding and manifesting your path in your life, you will

always feel that 'something is missing' from your life. Live your path and all

else will work out naturally.

Your key to success in this life is to be kind and merciful to others. You

must learn to always uplift all those who surround you, to always give people

inspiration, and to make them feel that there is hope where there appears to

be no hope. Your presence is very powerful. You are naturally able to uplift

others. Use this energy to uplift the humanity through your words, your

music, and your actions.

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