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Dear Vai,snavaas, if these words offend you, please do not blame me. Suta is supposed to have said these. If this is a lie, how can you prove it? Is the world in Vaai,snavaas hands or in Shaaktaas hands? What one sees in the world is that Shaaktaas and not Vaai,snavaas rule. If it is true, you waste your whole life in useless worship. Do not tell me "yes and no". This phalashruti is true OR false.


Thus, O pot-born one, the thousand names declared to you, the secret of secrets which pleases Lalita

There has been no stotra equal in merit to this, nor is there ever to be one such. This stotra causes all disease to subside and confers all prosperity.

It averts untimely death, avoids timely death, removes the pain caused by fever and confers longevity.

It blesses the issueless with sons and confers all the purusarthas. This stotras especially is hightly pleasing to Sri Devi

The devotee of Lalita should always with effort repeat this. After the morning bath he should perform the worshp Sri Cakra. Then he should repeat the Vidya a thousand times, or three hundred or one hunderd times at least.

Then again he should repeat this secret Sahasranama. The Wise one who repeats it at least once in his life time attains the following results.

Listen thou, O Pot-born one! I will declare to thee the results of such a virtue of repeating this names. Bathing in Ganga and all othe holy waters numberless time.

Instituting crores of Lingas in the Avimukta, giving away in charities crores of candles of go to learned dvijas during the solar eclipse; performing innumerable horses sacrfices on the banks of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place>Ganga</st1:place>.

Digging a number of wells in arid tracts, feeding brahmanas by crores in times of dearth and famine daily.

All these being done in supreme faith regularly for a thousand years, the resulting punya multiplied times without numbers equals it.

The supreme punya which results from a repetition of a single name of the secret Sahasranama. The accumulated sins, of him who repeats at least a single name of this secret Sahasranama, are all destroyed. There is no doubt in this.

All sins of omission of prescribed daily duties and commission of prohibited actions, are surely destroyed. Why describe in so many words? Listen, O Pot-Born one:

No person, in all the fourteen worlds, is capable of committing a sin which cannot be removed by a single name in this Sahasranama which is the antidote of all sins

He who desires to cleanse himself of all sins by any other means than this Sahasranama is like one who, to get rid of cold, goes to the Himalaya mountains.

If the devotee repeats this Sahasranama daily, Lalitha is pleased and confers on him the desired objects.

How can one who does not repeat this hymn be called a devotee? If he is unable to repeat it daily, let him do so on auspicious days at least.

On Samkranti day, during the summer and winter solstices, on the three birthdays, in the Ayanas, on Navami ( 9th or 14th day of the bright fortnight ), and on Fridays.

This Sahasranama should be repeated especially on the Paurnamasi ( the full moon ) day, meditating on mother Lalitha as seated in the disc of the Moon.

And worshipping her with five kinds of upacaras one should repeat this Sahasranama. Such a person gets all his diseases destroyed and obtains a long lease of life.

This process is called the Ayuskara (tending to increase the length of life) prayoga and is mentioned in the Kalpas.

By touching with the palm of the head of a feverish person, reciting this Sahasranama, fever and headache are immediately alleviated.

By the external application of ashes potentised with this Sahasranama for healing purposes, all disease are immediately cured.

O Muni! Potentised a pot-full of water with this Sahasranama and pour it on the head of a person who is possessed, and the graha ( elemental) will at once leave that person.

By mediating on Mother Lalitha as seated in the midst of the nectar-ocean, and repeating this Sahasranama, poison (if taken in) can be digested (and assimilated).

By taking butter Potentised with this Sahasranama barren woman will surely beget children.

At night meditating on Devi, as binding the desired woman by the noose and drawing her by the elephant hook, if one recites the Sahasranama, she comes to his side, even if confined in a harem.

To conquer a king, one should turn to the side in which he (the king) lives and repeat this Sahasranama for three nights, fully devoted to the worship of Devi.

And the King losing his independent sprit, rides a horse or an elephant would go to him (the devotee) before whom he prostrates like a servant.

The King being thus controlled offers him his kingdom and treasury.

By a mere gaze at the face of him who repeats daily this secret Sahasranama, the three worlds get bewitched.

Enemies of him, who repeats this Sahasranama with devotion once (at least) are killed by Sarabhesvara. Any black (magical) act practiced against the repeater of this Sahasranama (is ineffectual but) is made by Pratyangiras to rebound upon the performer of the act and kill him (instead)

Him, that looks upon the repeater of this Sahasranama, with a cruel eye, soon does Martanda-Bhairava make blind.

The robber, who dispossesses the repeater of this Sahasranama, of his property, is, wherever he conceals himself, killed by Ksetrapala.

The learned man, who dares discuss or argue about the Vidyas with him, who devotes himself to the chanting of this Sahasranama, is at once made dumb (held spell-bound) by Nakulesvari.

When a king makes war with the devotee of this Sahasranama, Dandini herself destroys all his army.

If one chants this with devotion continuously for six months, the goddess of wealth will reside permanently in his house.

If one reads this Sahasranama once a month (at least) or daily (if he can), or (still better) thrice a day (if possible), the goddess of speech will keep dancing forever on the tip of his tongue.

By reading this Sahasranama without laziness for a fortnight, a woman can be seduced by a mere glance.

Persons accidentally coming in contact with him, who has read this even once in his life-time, are freed from sins.

The twice-born man who knows this Sahasranama should be offered food, cloth, money and paddy, and never to any one else.

For, the wise-recognize him to be the fit (recipient) guest who knows the Pancadasi, who worships the Sri Cakra, and who chants this Sahasranama.

Hence to him and to him alone one should with effort offer presents, if he wants to please Devi.

He who does not repeat the Sahasranama, nor knows the Pancadasi, is like unto a beast; a presents made to him are useless. Hence the learned should test the knowledge (of the recipient) and offer him any presents.

Just as there is no mantra to match with the SriVidya, no deity to equal Lalitha, so also, O Pot-Born one, there is not hymn equal to this Sahasranama.

With him who writes out this supreme Sahasranama in a book and worships it with devotion, Sundari will be pleased.

Why so many words? Listen thou, O Pot-Born one, in all the Tantras there is no hymn to be found with is equal to this.

Therefore should the devotee repeat this with full devotion. The good results accruing from the worship of the SriCakra done once with the lotus, Tulsi flower, Kalhara, Kadamba, Campaka and Jati flowers, with Mallika, Karavira, Utpala, Bilvapatra, Kunda, Kesara, Patala and other fragrant flowers such as Ketaki and Madhavi, accompanied with the chanting of these names - the results of such a worship are indescribable even by Mahesvara. It is only Lalitha who can realize (the greatness of) the results of worshipping Her (Sri) Cakra.

How can Brahma and other gods who have a limited knowledge know it? He who worships the supreme Devata in the Sricakra with these names on the night of the full moon day in every month, himself becomes (one with) Lalitha and Lalitha with him.

There is no difference between them both (Lalitha and the devotee), and to draw any distinction between them is to sin. If a devotee worship Sri Devi on the Mahanavami day with these thousand names locating her in the Sricakra, his salvation is in his hands.

Listen thou!! To know the result of worshiping the great Devi with this Sahasranama in the Sri Cakra on Fridays. All desires in this world are fulfilled; he is attended with all prosperity and is blessed with sons and grandsons. And after enjoying all the desired objects he is sure to attain at the end the state of Lalita-sayujya, which is hard to reach and which is also coveted by Siva and others.

With him, who with devotion entertains, repeating this Sahasranama, a thousand Brahmanas with food consisting of Payasa, Apupa and six kinds of Rasas - with such a person Lalitha is pleased and gives him salvation (samrajya)

If a person chants this supreme hymn without hoping for any (specific and selfish) result, there is nothing in all the three worlds which is unattainable by him. He gains brahma-jnana (knowledge of Brahman) by which he will be freed (from all misery). He that longs for wealth will get wealth; he that courts fame will get fame.

He who is anxious of learning (knowledge) becomes learned by chanting this Sahasranama. O Muni, there is no other hymn equal to this in merit which confers both worldly attainments and salvation at the same time.

This should therefore be repeated by persons desiring both worldly enjoyment and salvation, also by those who are in (any of) the four ashrams.

To make up for the imperfect performance of dharma in this Kali age which is noted for the prevalence of sin and delinquency on the part of people in doing their duty, there is no protective mantra except the repetition of this Sahasranama.

To a thousand names of Vishnu a single name of Siva is preferred. To a thousand names of Siva, one single name of Devi is preferred.

There are Crores of sets of thousand names to Devi, O Pot-born one. Of these, ten sets of thousands are the best.

And of those ten sets of names (each of thousand), this holy one is the best. Therefore it should be repeated daily to ward off the sins of the Kali Age.

The ignorant do not recognize these hymns of Devi as the best. Some devote themselves to the names of Vishnu and others to those of Siva.

Rarely one in this world is devoted to the names of Lalitha. It is by repeating the names of other deities in Crores of births, that faith is generated to repeat the names of Sri Devi.

Just as it is in the last of all his births that a person devotes himself to SriVidya, so it is that the repetition of this Sahasranama is taken up by him whose (present) birth is the last (or who is to have no more births).

As there are only a few who know the method of Sricakra worship, even so there are only a few who chant this Sahasranama.

The practice of SriVidya, the worship of Sricakra and the repetition of this holy Sahasranama are not attainable by a slight penance.

He that wishes to please the great Isvari without chanting this Sahasranama, is like one, who is confounded and wants to see objects without eyes.

He who aims at attaining siddhis except by means of this Sahasranama is indeed like who tries to satisfy hunger without taking food.

The devotee of Lalitha should always repeat this; and in no other way can Devi be pleased, even for Crores of years to come. .Therefore should one chant this secret Sahasranama of the holy mother with devotion.

Thus, O Pot-born One!! is this secret hymn declared to you. You should not impart this to one who is not initiated into the SriVidya or to one who is not a devotee.

Just as SriVidya is to be kept secret, so also, O Muni, this Sahasranama, should be kept concealed from the eyes of the uninitiated. This holy hymn ought not to be promulgated among those whose nature resembles that of beasts.

If a person so loses his wits as to impart this to one who is not initiated into SriVidya, the Yoginis curse him and it is a source of great loss to him.

Therefore should this Sahasranama be kept concealed. Even to thee, O Pot-born One!! I did not declare it of my own accord.

It is by the command of Lalitha that this holy hymns is declared to thee. Therefore, O Pot-born One!! do thou chant this always with devotion.

Thus pleased, the great Devi will grant thee all desired objects.

Suta said : Having thus instructed Agastya, Hayagriva meditated on Mother Lalitha and got himself merged into the bliss, when his hair stood on end.

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