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others ayanamsha v/sTC ayanamsha ..107

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we want u to show a few mails may be 2-3 where he has shown how he worked it and what event he has seen happen. and from any 2-3 other ayanmansa why it is not in the range.

I HAVE NOT SEEN ANYONE ask others of serious event dates here I have though for some events to be listed and even posted a small form to reply to as can help readers who want to elarn too. as we r doing afree service I felt sharign events with analysis of it can help new comers., privately quite a few have asked an d have helped them too, and do suggest tha they come on JR to help fellow learners to also learn same thing.

HERE TC has no donr anyting rather puts the onnes of testig using his ayanamssa on us as far as he is concerned he i sure it works. this if peope like LN RAO or his team says so we can go along. or Justice GS KAPOOR ICAS PRESIDENT in delhi a very learned scholar and helps people too

ur defense or suppor tof him is also hollow as no event and date analysis is there like RR says lool at the astrodatabank.com

or ROBERT HAUCKS models v good ones.


compassion_crusader <astro_guide (AT) rediffmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Respected prafullaji,

First of all I shall let you know that i m not a representative of

mr.tarun chopra and hence the reasons behind why he never gave technical

reasons r not unfolded to me bt yes prafullaji i did notice him

answering to other 100s of mails on his group thru his ayanamsha did u

care to look how is he doing that if you are so interested in it?2ndly

sir i have no idea how this fan mails are genrated nor i m doing it by

writing now,i just saw an issue and felt like participating in it and

cleared it in the beginning that i m just giving my small idea,and even

that i myself is shocked abt my incidents of life getting unfolded as my

whole lagna changes wid his ayanamsha.so i m in noway trying to create a

debate all i did was tell my exprience..and abt my chart and frnz...we

never knew that i will have to com here and post it that i saved those

details..i think we can ask mr.tarunji if hes interested and can unfold

anybodys chart here wid past events thru his ayanamsha.

Abt the mishandling issue well i believe mishandling dosnt only mean

abusing somebdy bt d way of writing too,sometimes as we words can make

all the difference,Maybe I as a soft spokn person found it that way

which you might not have noticed ji.And once again i repeat i m not

REPRESENTING tarunji in anyway,i myself would request him that if thers

any demand for technical answers he should answr them.bt again i wud

repeat u have seen him answering to many in his group wher u were very


And i would even suggest respectable members not to make this group a

group of fan mails..

I hope i cleared my stand in this whole issue prafullaji..may god bless


tak care



, Prafulla Gang <jyotish



> Dear Rishav


> Please post your TA chart and list of events read (along with forum

thread ID - as you mentioned, that you were answered on the forum by

Shri Tarun ji). To my knowledge, Tarun ji skips answering technical

answers based on hos TA chart. You may refer this experience on his own

Forum, where I requested him to predict.


> and If you (being astrology student) have experimented TA chart for

jyotish reading (of your chart or friend's chart) - then please also

share the events alongwith TA chart.


> I will be equally interested if you can point out the mishandling of

Tarun ji's mail by any of us; which prompted fan mail.


> regards / Prafulla Gang


> Let not the sands of time get in your lunch.



> >

> > astro_guide

> > Sun, 09 Jul 2006 19:18:57 -0000

> >

> > Re: tarun chopra ayanamsha/others ayanamsha[TC

ayanamsha ?]

> >

> >

> > Namaste rohiniji,

> >

> > well i have been reading your posts since ages and has been greatly

> > influenced,atleast for a person who is of just 21.well see rohiniji


> > i mostly liked abt this man is his patience i have seen him going


> > to people given them free predictions taking all the effort to mail


> > and then i have read his archives too how correct he has beeen thru


> > ayanamsha.well now we mite come to the topic which was discussed


> > astrologers to have intuitive eye and hence mite bring down


> > and results thru any chart..

> >

> > See like a normal learner of astrology i too argued wid him


> > that all of the people who hav been preaching astrology over the

years r

> > fool???the predictions which have come true r all fake??But then i

> > though ther times when somethings can b tried lik tatvamsi tries out


> > rahu eccentric theory..der r alwayz debate over issues in


> > other i recd a mail on ramayanas aauthencity and dates which we use


> > raksha bandhan and all are rong..

> >

> > Abt my experiences frankly speaking i gotta shock of my life as my


> > career and success changed through his ayanamsha,as through lahiri i


> > a nice rise of my career in life.But yes what amazed me and my


> > frnds of my city is EVENTS TAKING PLACE ON THE EXACT DATES we all


> > him do few charts and asked him queries of particular dates and he


> > up wid exact answer,example --MY FRND ASKED WHAT DO U SEE HAS






> >

> > As I was browsing through the messages here currently and even a


> > back i saw his posts mishandled,he even runs a group of his own

where he

> > answers to people very patiently abt tarun ayanamsha and even charts

> > through it.I would request you all that go through what this man has


> > say I have no personal connections with him as some might assume it


> > be.Its just out of the lust to learn more on this great science and


> > little more observant.

> >

> > If any respected member wants to go through my chart regarding any

> > issues then i do not mind that

> >

> > 15-02-1985 12:17 pm calcutta

> >

> > This is a divine group and i see no place around where such learned

> > people flock together so y shouldnt we use this opportunity and try


> > get the result out of his ayanamsha,who knows it might clik.

> >

> > I hope i have been able to clear the doubts and if needed i am ready


> > participate in the group as i see myself too small for last 1 yr to


> > anything in between such knowledgeable people like, ROHINIji,ARJUN


> > sercing people for so long.

> >

> > thank u for making me post it feels good

> >

> > regards

> >

> > Rishav

> >

> > graha_nakshatra

> > <graha_nakshatra>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , "crystal pages"

> > jyotish_vani@ wrote:

> >>

> >> Dear Compassion Crusader,

> >>

> >> What a beautiful handle! Very catchy!

> >> I like your sincerity too. Though I am not a senior member here, I

> >> felt I should assuage your fears and underscore that no one is


> >> being or trying to be rude towards Mr. Chopra or his ayanamsha.

> >> Particularly since he has recently indicated that he did not mean

> >> that everyone else using other ayanamshas is sadly mistaken.

> >>

> >> I understand that Mr. Chopra is working on a write-up to illustrate

> >> and demonstrate the effectiveness of his ayanamsha. This is

> >> wonderful. In the meantime, why don't you share with the forum more

> >> details of your chart and what convinced you. It seems like you did

> >> find some very strong evidence in favour of T.C. ayanamsha. i

> >> sincerely request that you and others who have experienced like you

> >> have the benefits of the ayanamsha share findings.

> >>

> >> You will find that people will listen more attentively. We are all

> >> experimenters at heart (well most, anyway) and if given full

> >> information sincerely, are willing to listen.

> >>

> >> So, will you share more?

> >>

> >> RR

> >>

> >>

> >> , "compassion_crusader"

> >> astro_guide@ wrote:

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> Respected preshant kumarji and other sernior members,

> >>>

> >>> I am too small to b a part of such an intense and importnt

> >>> discussion,nor do i possess gr8 knowledge of calculation of

> >> ayanamsha,bt

> >>> the reason i m here is i tried using tarun ayanamsha wid my other

> >> fellow

> >>> friends ..though my lagna changes and my whole charts show a

> >> different

> >>> picture for the life ahead bt wot we noticed is that THE EVENT


> >>> PLACE WHEN SUB PRATYANTAR CHANGES and we all followed it for a

> >> month fo

> >>> other people and it did come true,wot i mite say is we can try


> >> we

> >>> shudnt be so rude to a gentleman nor shud we say that hes looking

> >> for

> >>> som instant fame...hes been on the groups from 2002,mebbe much

> >> earlier

> >>> also..so wher does instant word comes from?????instant is within

> >> weeks

> >>> or months hes been practicing astrology for yrs..so we shall not

> >> say hes

> >>> rubbish..we shall try using it once..

> >>>

> >>> i am sorry if nehow my words offended ne individual as i had no

> >>> intentions of doing so..

> >>>

> >>> regards

> >>>

> >>> crusader

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> , "Tarun Chopra"

> >>> <occultwizard.tarun@> wrote:

> >>>>

> >>>> Dear Rohini Ranjan

> >>>> i use constant annual rate of precession which is approved by

> >> Indian

> >>> govt

> >>>> the same which lahiri use. 50.2719

> >>>>

> >>>> Tarun Chopra

> >>>>

> >>>> On 7/9/06, crystal pages jyotish_vani@ wrote:

> >>>>>

> >>>>> Mr. Chopra,

> >>>>>

> >>>>> Do you recommend using the annual rate of 50.x sec as a constant

> >>> rate

> >>>>> or does it vary over a period of time?

> >>>>>

> >>>>> RR

> >>>>>

> >>>>> --- In

> >>> <%

> >> 40>,

> >>>>> "Tarun Chopra"

> >>>>> occultwizard.tarun@ wrote:

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> Dear members i have never said that lahiri or any other

> >> ayanamsha

> >>>>> are wrong

> >>>>>> totaly.

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> a event can be seen from every ayanamsha you can see but

> >> there is

> >>>>> one thing

> >>>>>> acuracy you will find that if you use

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> *Tarun Chopra's Ayanamsha ie. 01/01/1155 and precession rate

> >> is

> >>>>>> 50.2719seconds / year

> >>>>>> *

> >>>>>> <http://basicstat.com/> <http://basicstat.com/>you will get a

> >>>>> event precise

> >>>>>> as a lay man who does not know abc of astrology can also see

> >> if

> >>> the

> >>>>> dasha is

> >>>>>> going to change on this day he can expect some event on that

> >> date.

> >>>>> this is

> >>>>>> what i am telling people right now

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> so be open and flexible dont throw away the things which you

> >> are

> >>>>> using but

> >>>>>> do consider this one also

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> regards

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> Tarun Chopra

> >>>>>> On 7/9/06, Tatvamasi om_tatsat_om@ wrote:

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> ISBN: SP81950034

> >>>>>>> Publisher: Sagar Publications Nrew Delhi

> >>>>>>> Our Price: Rs. 235.50

> >>>>>>> Description:

> >>>>>>> The Authorobviously was a man of letters in astrology and

> >> had

> >>>>> mastered

> >>>>>>> various Nadi Granthas. He specialized in use of Nadiamsa

> >> apart

> >>>>> from

> >>>>>>> employing Parasarian principles. He had consulted, in the

> >>> present

> >>>>> work,

> >>>>>>> several Nadi Granthas including Surya Nadi, Chandra Nadi,

> >> Kuja

> >>>>> Nadi, (Guru

> >>>>>>> Nadi, Sukra Nadi, Sard Nadi, Lagna Nadi, Lagnadhipathi Nadi,

> >>>>> Sarva Nadi and

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> Sneak preview the all-new .com. It's not radically

> >>>>> different. Just

> >>>>>>> radically better.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>

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