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How do we clean our mind?

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Cetah is a Sanskrit word that eludes English translation. It is often rendered as heart, mind, or consciousness. It derives from the verbal root cit, which means to know or to become aware. Thus it refers to that internal faculty by which one becomes conscious of oneself. Here Gaura Raya compares this faculty to a mirror, the mirror of awareness. A mirror has no image of its own but reflects whatever image comes before it. If the mirror of our awareness is affected by material desire, it will project a material image or sense of identity. Sriman Mahaprabhu has compared such desire and the subsequent image it projects to dust covering the mirror of our awareness.

The jiva soul exists, it can be aware of its existence, and it exists for a purpose. The purpose of the jiva is to serve and thus love. When its existence is identified with matter (misra-sattva), its lack of awareness of its true self gives rise to a material identity (ahankara), and consequently its purpose remains unfulfilled by serving desires born of material identification (kama). This dust of material motivation can be wiped away, leaving the mirror of our awareness clean.

Cleansing the mirror of our consciousness is the goal of nishkama-karma-yoga, the yoga of selfless action. By realizing this goal, the jiva is no longer identified with matter (suddha-sattva), it attains knowledge of the self as consciousness (brahma-jnana), and its purpose is partially fulfilled yet suspended in the joy of identifying with Brahman (brahmananda). However, cleansing the heart is only the initial effect of nama-sankirtana, not the end result. Furthermore, nama-sankirtana cleanses the mirror of our awareness in a way that involves using our head (su-medhasa) to soften our heart. It does so by placing the mirror of our awareness before Krishna nama, the perfect object of love. This results not only in cleansing the mirror of our awareness from the dust of material desire and identification but further in positioning us to experience a pure state of existence (visuddha-sattva), to become aware of our spiritual identity (samvit), and to fulfill our purpose in love (hladini).

from Siksatakam of Sri Caitanaya, by Swami B. V. Tripurari


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Cleansing the mirror of our consciousness is the goal of nishkama-karma-yoga, the yoga of selfless action. By realizing this goal, the jiva is no longer identified with matter (suddha-sattva), it attains knowledge of the self as consciousness (brahma-jnana), and its purpose is partially fulfilled yet suspended in the joy of identifying with Brahman (brahmananda). However, cleansing the heart is only the initial effect of nama-sankirtana, not the end result. Furthermore, nama-sankirtana cleanses the mirror of our awareness in a way that involves using our head (su-medhasa) to soften our heart. It does so by placing the mirror of our awareness before Krishna nama, the perfect object of love. This results not only in cleansing the mirror of our awareness from the dust of material desire and identification but further in positioning us to experience a pure state of existence (visuddha-sattva), to become aware of our spiritual identity (samvit), and to fulfill our purpose in love (hladini).

God..... help us to clean our mind:pray:

Hare Krishna.........


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