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Self-Control 15

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Om Namah Sivaya

“Meditate upon the Knowledge and the Bliss Eternal, and you will have bliss. The Bliss indeed eternal, only it is covered and obscured by ignorance. The less your attachment to the sense-objects, the more will be your love for God.”

-----Sri Ramakrishna

Tirumantiram by Rishi Tirumular (verse 2034): Mere Control Does Not Avail

Loud they roar, the elephants in MAST triple, (Pasas)

I applied the goad of knowledge to them control;

But they romped about and in fury escaped,

They fat became, causing destruction in their train,

And sweet fields of sugarcane (goodly qualities) devastating.

Bhagavad Gita:


>From Chapter VI: The Yoga of Meditation

23. Let that be known by the name of Yoga, the severance from union with pain. This Yoga should be practised with determination and with an undesponding mind.

24. Abandoning without reserve all the desires born of Sankalpa, and completely restraining the whole group of senses by the mind from all sides,

COMMENTARY: The mind is so diplomatic that it keeps certain desires for its secret gratification. So one should completely abandon all desires without reservation.

25. Little by little let him attain to quietude by the intellect held firmly; having made the mind establish itself in the Self, let him not think of anything.

26. From whatever cause the restless, unsteady mind wanders away, from that let him restrain it and bring it under the control of the Self alone.



(361) At all times and to all creatures, the seed of ceaseless births is desire.


(362) If you must desire, desire freedom from birth. That will only come by desiring desirelessness.



Sivaya Namah




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