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15mukhi rudraksha

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15mukhi rudraksha




Fifteen Mukhi Bead from Nepal - large size Description :

Mantra: "Om Namah Shivaya"

Avg. Size: 25 - 30 mm

Description : Highly rare Rudraksha. This bead represents Pashupati and

has impact on the wearer's mind like improving intuitive, Abstract and

Lateral thinking. In addition the wearer finds high energy levels to put

into action his thoughts and ideas.








15 Mukhi Rudraksha




[15 Mukhi Rudraksha]


The 15 Mukhi is a very rare rudraksha. This represents Lord Pashupati

and is specially beneficial for economic progress. Its possesor is

neither bereft of wealth nor inflicted by any kinds of skin diseases.

This Rudraksa is a Highly Auspicious Rudraksa that influences the

gaining of Mukti from Paasha and helps to prevent the loss of attainment

of Moksa in this lifetime. This Rudraksa also pacifies emotional

disturbance in the mind caused by the limitations caused by Paasha or

bondage. The Lord Pashupati Rudraksa supports the Spiritual Path to

Moksa in this physical lifetime and enhances Rudra Consciousness that is

an aspect of Consciousness based in the process of actively destroying

ignorance, suffering and pain that is produced by bondage and or


[Lord Pashupati]



Importance of 15 mukhi Rudraksha


This is an immense powerful Rudraksa for those working with Spiritual

Techniques to accomplish Mukti that is freedom from bondage and Moksa

that is Liberation in this physical lifetime. Pashu means individual

soul or Jeeva , Pati means Lord and God and Master and Siva all as one

in the same. Pashupati is Lord of Individuals , Lord Siva Lord of



According to Saiva Siddhanta the individual soul that is Jeeva by nature

is infinite, pervasive and omniprescent. However due to what is

described as impurities individuals sometimes experience themselves as

finite, limited and ignorant. These impurities that can sometimes bind

an individual are called Paasha and are three in nature. They are anava

and karma and maya. Literal meaning of Paasha is a rope. It is comprised

of three strands that are anava the impurity of ignorance, karma the

impurity of action and maya the power of obscuration .These three can

tie the individual soul into bondage.


Anava is ignorance. It is a beginningless positive inert energy that can

causes delusion however it can be destroyed. It is said that this is

possibly the original cause of an individuals bondage.


Karma forges bondage of the individual resulting from actions of thought

work or deed. Karma can produce merit and demerit that can tie the

individual to the wheel of birth and death. Karma can also be pacified

and destroyed. Maya provides the individual with its bodies instruments

and objects of experience. It creates the universe for ones advancement

though under the influence of ignorance it can become misused and become

a fetter. Maya can be destroyed . According to Kashmir Saivism

individual souls are called bound or Pashu due to these three

limitations caused by impurities. As individual souls move forward on

thier Spiritual Path their true nature manifests that is eternal, real,

identical with Lord Siva and essentially unlimited, all pervading and

are an ever conscious luminosity.


Liberation comes when the soul remembers its identity with Lord Siva.

Once all the obstacles are removed this remembering can take place in

this physical lifetime .


The Lord Pashupati Rudraksa is the only one found to date that works

with Mukti and Moksa in this manner and is an exceptional Rudraksa for

the Spiritual Path.



Represents: Lord Pashupati

Ruling Planet: No ruling planet

Recommended for: Improving intuitive, Abstract and Lateral thinking.



Om Namah Shivaye



Rituals for wearing


Take one bead of fifteen faced Rudraksha, cap in gold or silver and

string in a red thread. It should be touched to the Shivalinga and

should be worn chanting the mantra.





, hiroppi122000

<no_reply wrote:


> I want to know 15mukhi rudraksha.


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