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On Narada's request Brahma said-


"During the period of MahaPralaya (Final annihilation) nothing exist, except

Shiva. The power which Shiva manifested from his own self came to be known

as Ambika. This Ambika is understood to be the cause of the whole world as

well as the Nature. Lord Shiva then created a Shivaloka, which is known as

Kashi. It is the abode of Shiva and Parvati. A man who makes a pilgrimages

of Kashi attains salvation.


Lord Shiva, felt the need of somebody, who could look after the creation in

his absence, as he wanted to retire along with Ambika at Kashi. The unified

energy of Shiva and Ambika, resulted into a radiant physical form of a

child. The child asked Shiva about his name and purpose of his being.


Lord Shiva named the child as Vishnu and advised him to do a penance which

would help him to attain all kinds of accomplishment. He then offered him

the knowledge of Vedas, through his breath. For this reason it has been



"YASYA NISHVASITAM VEDAH " Meaning: Whose exhaled air is Veda.


Vishnu followed the instruction of Shiva and did a tremendous penance for

twelve years, but still he was not successful in having a darshan of lord

Shiva for the second time. He became worried. He heard a heavenly voice,

instructing him to do further penance.


Vishnu then recommenced his penance. It continued for many days. By the

blessings of Shiva, numerous fountain of streams errupted from his body,

which spread in all directions in the form of Brahma. Vishnu was very

pleased to see that stream. He went to sleep in that streams due to which he

also came to be known as 'Narayan'. One who has his abode in the water.

After that, all the five elements manifested from his self. The three

qualities- Salva, Rajos and Tamas as well as the ego manifested from his

body. Similarly, five Tanmantras (Subtle form of matter), Panchabhuta (Sky

water, air, fire and earth) and ultimately five sense organs and five organs

of action also manifested from. Altogether twenty-four types of element

manifested from the body of Sri Vishnu.


Brahma told Narada-


"While Vishnu was sleeping in the water, a lotus flower manifested from the

navel of Vishnu according to the wish of Shiva. On that lotus was seated

with four heads. I did not see anything except that lotus flower. I had a

desire to know about my identity. So I entered into the hollow tubular stalk

of that lotus flower, but I was not able to find the source. I returned back

to the same place. Suddenly I heard a voice which instructed me to do

penance. I did a tremendous penance for twelve years with a desire to know

about my creator. Being pleased with me, lord Vishnu manifested before me

with in his Chaturbhuj form, but I could not identify him, being influenced

by the illusionary power of Shiva. I quarreled with him."



Taken from shiva puran from gita society.com



Prasanna Kumar

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