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Where Are Bush's Critics Now?

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<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>Source: antisnore</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD vAlign=top>Published: July 19, 2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD vAlign=top></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


<!-- -->Where Are Bush's Critics Now?


by Patrick J. Buchanan

When Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert unleashed his navy and air force on Lebanon, accusing that tiny nation of an "act of war," the last pillar of Bush's Middle East policy collapsed.


First came capitulation on the Bush Doctrine, as Pyongyang and Tehran defied Bush's dictum: The world's worst regimes will not be allowed to acquire the world's worst weapons. Then came suspension of the democracy crusade as Islamic militants exploited free elections to advance to power and office in Egypt, Lebanon, Gaza, the West Bank, Iraq, and Iran.


Now Israel's rampage against a defenseless Lebanon – smashing airport runways, fuel tanks, power plants, gas stations, lighthouses, bridges, roads, and the occasional refugee convoy – has exposed Bush's folly in subcontracting U.S. policy out to Tel Aviv, thus making Israel the custodian of our reputation and interests in the Middle East.


The Lebanon that Israel, with Bush's blessing, is smashing up has a pro-American government, heretofore considered a shining example of his democracy crusade. Yet, asked in St. Petersburg if he would urge Israel to use restraint in its air strikes, Bush sounded less like the leader of the Free World than some bellicose city councilman from Brooklyn Heights.


What Israel is up to was described by its Army Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz when he threatened to "turn back the clock in Lebanon 20 years."


Olmert seized upon Hezbollah's capture of two Israeli soldiers to unleash the IDF in a pre-planned attack to make the Lebanese people suffer until the Lebanese government disarms Hezbollah, a task the Israeli army could not accomplish in 18 years of occupation.


Israel is doing the same to the Palestinians. To punish these people for the crime of electing Hamas, Olmert imposed an economic blockade of Gaza and the West Bank and withheld the $50 million in monthly tax and customs receipts due the Palestinians.


Then, Israel instructed the United States to terminate all aid to the Palestinian Authority, though Bush himself had called for the elections and for the participation of Hamas. Our Crawford cowboy meekly complied.


The predictable result: Fatah and Hamas fell to fratricidal fighting, and Hamas militants began launching Qassam rockets over the fence from Gaza into Israel. Hamas then tunneled into Israel, killed two soldiers, captured one, took him back into Gaza, and demanded a prisoner exchange.


Israel's response was to abduct half of the Palestinian cabinet and parliament and blow up a $50 million U.S.-insured power plant. That cut off electricity for half a million Palestinians. Their food spoiled, their water could not be purified, and their families sweltered in the summer heat of the Gaza desert. One family of seven was wiped out on a beach by what the IDF assures us was an errant artillery shell.


Let it be said: Israel has a right to defend herself, a right to counterattack against Hezbollah and Hamas, a right to clean out bases from which Katyusha or Qassam rockets are being fired, and a right to occupy land from which attacks are mounted on her people.


But what Israel is doing is imposing deliberate suffering on civilians, collective punishment on innocent people, to force them to do something they are powerless to do: disarm the gunmen among them. Such a policy violates international law and comports neither with our values nor our interests. It is un-American and un-Christian.


But where are the Christians? Why is Pope Benedict virtually alone among Christian leaders to have spoken out against what is being done to Lebanese Christians and Muslims?


When al-Qaeda captured two U.S. soldiers and barbarically butchered them, the U.S. Army did not smash power plants across the Sunni Triangle. Why then is Bush not only silent but openly supportive when Israelis do this?


Democrats attack Bush for crimes of which he is not guilty, including Haditha and Abu Ghraib. Why are they, too, silent when Israel pursues a conscious policy of collective punishment of innocent peoples?


Britain's diplomatic goal in two world wars was to bring the naive cousins in, to "pull their chestnuts out of the fire." Israel and her paid and pro-bono agents here appear determined to expand the Iraq war into Syria and Iran, and have America fight and finish all of Israel's enemies.


That Tel Aviv is maneuvering us to fight its wars is understandable. That Americans are ignorant of, or complicit in this, is deplorable.


Already, Bush is ranting about Syria being behind the Hezbollah capture of the Israeli soldiers. But where is the proof?


Who is whispering in his ear? The same people who told him Iraq was maybe months away from an atom bomb, that an invasion would be a "cakewalk," that he would be Churchill, that U.S. troops would be greeted with candy and flowers, that democracy would break out across the region, that Palestinians and Israelis would then sit down and make peace?


How much must America pay for the education of this man?

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<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>Source: antisnore</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD vAlign=top>Published: July 19, 2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD vAlign=top></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


<!-- -->Where Are Bush's Critics Now?


by Patrick J. Buchanan

When Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert unleashed his navy and air force on Lebanon, accusing that tiny nation of an "act of war," the last pillar of Bush's Middle East policy collapsed.


First came capitulation on the Bush Doctrine, as Pyongyang and Tehran defied Bush's dictum: The world's worst regimes will not be allowed to acquire the world's worst weapons. Then came suspension of the democracy crusade as Islamic militants exploited free elections to advance to power and office in Egypt, Lebanon, Gaza, the West Bank, Iraq, and Iran.


Now Israel's rampage against a defenseless Lebanon – smashing airport runways, fuel tanks, power plants, gas stations, lighthouses, bridges, roads, and the occasional refugee convoy – has exposed Bush's folly in subcontracting U.S. policy out to Tel Aviv, thus making Israel the custodian of our reputation and interests in the Middle East.


The Lebanon that Israel, with Bush's blessing, is smashing up has a pro-American government, heretofore considered a shining example of his democracy crusade. Yet, asked in St. Petersburg if he would urge Israel to use restraint in its air strikes, Bush sounded less like the leader of the Free World than some bellicose city councilman from Brooklyn Heights.


What Israel is up to was described by its Army Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz when he threatened to "turn back the clock in Lebanon 20 years."


Olmert seized upon Hezbollah's capture of two Israeli soldiers to unleash the IDF in a pre-planned attack to make the Lebanese people suffer until the Lebanese government disarms Hezbollah, a task the Israeli army could not accomplish in 18 years of occupation.


Israel is doing the same to the Palestinians. To punish these people for the crime of electing Hamas, Olmert imposed an economic blockade of Gaza and the West Bank and withheld the $50 million in monthly tax and customs receipts due the Palestinians.


Then, Israel instructed the United States to terminate all aid to the Palestinian Authority, though Bush himself had called for the elections and for the participation of Hamas. Our Crawford cowboy meekly complied.


The predictable result: Fatah and Hamas fell to fratricidal fighting, and Hamas militants began launching Qassam rockets over the fence from Gaza into Israel. Hamas then tunneled into Israel, killed two soldiers, captured one, took him back into Gaza, and demanded a prisoner exchange.


Israel's response was to abduct half of the Palestinian cabinet and parliament and blow up a $50 million U.S.-insured power plant. That cut off electricity for half a million Palestinians. Their food spoiled, their water could not be purified, and their families sweltered in the summer heat of the Gaza desert. One family of seven was wiped out on a beach by what the IDF assures us was an errant artillery shell.


Let it be said: Israel has a right to defend herself, a right to counterattack against Hezbollah and Hamas, a right to clean out bases from which Katyusha or Qassam rockets are being fired, and a right to occupy land from which attacks are mounted on her people.


But what Israel is doing is imposing deliberate suffering on civilians, collective punishment on innocent people, to force them to do something they are powerless to do: disarm the gunmen among them. Such a policy violates international law and comports neither with our values nor our interests. It is un-American and un-Christian.


But where are the Christians? Why is Pope Benedict virtually alone among Christian leaders to have spoken out against what is being done to Lebanese Christians and Muslims?


When al-Qaeda captured two U.S. soldiers and barbarically butchered them, the U.S. Army did not smash power plants across the Sunni Triangle. Why then is Bush not only silent but openly supportive when Israelis do this?


Democrats attack Bush for crimes of which he is not guilty, including Haditha and Abu Ghraib. Why are they, too, silent when Israel pursues a conscious policy of collective punishment of innocent peoples?


Britain's diplomatic goal in two world wars was to bring the naive cousins in, to "pull their chestnuts out of the fire." Israel and her paid and pro-bono agents here appear determined to expand the Iraq war into Syria and Iran, and have America fight and finish all of Israel's enemies.


That Tel Aviv is maneuvering us to fight its wars is understandable. That Americans are ignorant of, or complicit in this, is deplorable.


Already, Bush is ranting about Syria being behind the Hezbollah capture of the Israeli soldiers. But where is the proof?


Who is whispering in his ear? The same people who told him Iraq was maybe months away from an atom bomb, that an invasion would be a "cakewalk," that he would be Churchill, that U.S. troops would be greeted with candy and flowers, that democracy would break out across the region, that Palestinians and Israelis would then sit down and make peace?


How much must America pay for the education of this man?



Gotta admit that Pat Buchanan a lot of the time raises good questions but the neo-cons just dismiss him as a nutcase which I personally don't think is fair.

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"The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization"


"State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America"



I would say he is Ignored because he is a Racist, Isolationest kook.

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"The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization"


"State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America"



I would say he is Ignored because he is a Racist, Isolationest kook.



That maybe true, I don't know what is in his heart but he does have some good analysis on the Iraqi conflict imo wether you agree or disagree with it.

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I am not sure Buchanan is ignored. Ignored by whom? He continues to publish and speak in the media, meaning he is NOT ignored. He is not a paid puppet of powerful lobby, thats for sure. Many right wing Republicans listen to him, as well as many Libertarians and Independents. You try to knock down his arguments by calling him names? That is typical for children and partisan shills. For your sake I hope you are a child.

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I am not sure Buchanan is ignored. Ignored by whom? He continues to publish and speak in the media, meaning he is NOT ignored. He is not a paid puppet of powerful lobby, thats for sure. Many right wing Republicans listen to him, as well as many Libertarians and Independents. You try to knock down his arguments by calling him names? That is typical for children and partisan shills. For your sake I hope you are a child.



I have to say when I read Buchanan he makes intelligent well thought out arguments on a lot of issues whether I agree or disagree with him. Just because a person believes in protecting the nations borders or is not 100% for unregulated immigration I don't think that automatically makes them a racist and to make such an overgeneralization I agree would be indicative of a childlike intellect. Maybe Buchanan is a racist, I haven't read the books mentioned by our friendly guest but I sincerely hope he is not racist in his heart. I am sure our friendly guest is a fine chap deep in his heart and we all have made vast overgeneralizations or false assumptions on a subject or at least I know I have.

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You try to knock down his arguments by calling him names? That is typical for children and partisan shills. For your sake I hope you are a child.


And you try to prop him up because he said one thing you agree with. Have you read any of his books ? I would assume books are to long for someone your age so I would guess that is a no.

Calling him a Racist and Isolationist is not name calling it is fact stating. He constantly speaks and writes of the need to shut down Immigration to the US and the dire need to preserve The Christian and European heritage of the country. Now you tell me skippy is that not Racist and Isolationist ?

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And you try to prop him up because he said one thing you agree with. Have you read any of his books ? I would assume books are to long for someone your age so I would guess that is a no.

Calling him a Racist and Isolationist is not name calling it is fact stating. He constantly speaks and writes of the need to shut down Immigration to the US and the dire need to preserve The Christian and European heritage of the country. Now you tell me skippy is that not Racist and Isolationist ?


he he... you jump to a lot of conclusions here and you obviously know nothing about me :)


do you call the state of Israel and most of it's representatives and inhabitants racist and isolationist too? look at their policies and statements: nothing but racism and isolationism to me. an Israeli loses their I. citizenship when he or she marries a Palestinian. I think they were similarly racist in the Third Reich. Even the old apartheid state of RSA would not go that far.


so... are you ready to apply the same criteria to the people of Israel that you are applying to Buchanan? if not, define your understanding of the terms racist and isolationis to us before we proceed any further.

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I was wondering how a Krishna Conscious philosopher King would handle the issue of nationalism and immigration? Would they get rid of all borders and nations so there would be no need for immigration laws? Wasn't there an incarnation of Krishna that actually divided people up into different nations or regions or something so they wouldn't quarrel with each other. Can't remember the specifics of that so I could be wrong. Maybe nationalism will eventually go the way of the dinosaur to be replaced by a global governing body which with if it is comprised of people that are truly intelligent vaisnavas might actually work. Maybe all the American paranoia about globalism is unjustified, I don't know.

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he he... you jump to a lot of conclusions here and you obviously know nothing about me :)


do you call the state of Israel and most of it's representatives and inhabitants racist and isolationist too? look at their policies and statements: nothing but racism and isolationism to me. an Israeli loses their I. citizenship when he or she marries a Palestinian. I think they were similarly racist in the Third Reich. Even the old apartheid state of RSA would not go that far.


so... are you ready to apply the same criteria to the people of Israel that you are applying to Buchanan? if not, define your understanding of the terms racist and isolationis to us before we proceed any further.


Wow way to strawman once your original post is destroyed :)

I have posted plenty of examples of Israels tolerance you just have a habit of ignoring a thread once your lies are disproven. Latest lie, show me a source to your claim on marriage, bet you can`t because it is untrue :)

You are so blinded by your hate, it is really sad in a way.

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Wow way to strawman once your original post is destroyed :)

I have posted plenty of examples of Israels tolerance you just have a habit of ignoring a thread once your lies are disproven. Latest lie, show me a source to your claim on marriage, bet you can`t because it is untrue :)

You are so blinded by your hate, it is really sad in a way.



I say lads, no need to get quarrelsome with each other. Best of luck friends and lets not sweat the small stuff. Political debates are just a bit of fun, no reason to drive a wedge between you two fine fellows.

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I am not sure Buchanan is ignored. Ignored by whom? He continues to publish and speak in the media, meaning he is NOT ignored. He is not a paid puppet of powerful lobby, thats for sure. Many right wing Republicans listen to him, as well as many Libertarians and Independents. You try to knock down his arguments by calling him names? That is typical for children and partisan shills. For your sake I hope you are a child.


Prabhuji - all of this is nothing but a tricky assembling of the material energy, mainly tamas and rajas. This tricky combination of the modes should not be given the permission to distract our transcendental activity to serve our eternal Lord Sri Krishna. Or as the Lord Himself puts it:


"Rise above these modes, O Kulapavana. Be transcendental to all of them. Be free from all dualities and from all anxieties for gain and safety, and be established in the Self."


Just see, the Lord even says: "all of them"!

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Prabhuji - all of this is nothing but a tricky assembling of the material energy, mainly tamas and rajas. This tricky combination of the modes should not be given the permission to distract our transcendental activity to serve our eternal Lord Sri Krishna. Or as the Lord Himself puts it:


"Rise above these modes, O Kulapavana. Be transcendental to all of them. Be free from all dualities and from all anxieties for gain and safety, and be established in the Self."


Just see, the Lord even says: "all of them"!



Yes I would agree with you 100% being established in the Self is truely the only peace a man can have in a world that is constantly full of material strife everywhere you turn.

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Prabhuji - all of this is nothing but a tricky assembling of the material energy, mainly tamas and rajas. This tricky combination of the modes should not be given the permission to distract our transcendental activity to serve our eternal Lord Sri Krishna. Or as the Lord Himself puts it:


"Rise above these modes, O Kulapavana. Be transcendental to all of them. Be free from all dualities and from all anxieties for gain and safety, and be established in the Self."


Just see, the Lord even says: "all of them"!


we all serve in our natural way. Arjuna's service was different than Vyasadeva's. sometimes the problem with devotees is that they practice pseudo-transcendence and fail to take a stand on material issues that do matter in the world around them.


as a devotee with a kshatriya nature I tend to take interest in social matters pertaining to the world around me. I see it as part of my service to Krsna. how do you know Krsna is not using my tendencies to perform service for Him? how do you measure my surrender to His will?


fake brahmanas are dime a dozen and they are responsible for the sorry social state of our movement today. most people see us as completely irrelevant, caught up in their own pseudo-vedic fantasy. people who claim they can save the world but who cant save their own society... it's a joke.


who around you is truly established in the Self? do you really understand what it means? how many devotees truly established in the Self do you know?


our Krsna consciousness needs to manifest in a practical way. we need to follow the path of justice, truth, and kindness in life. FIRST establish yourself on the level of goodness before you can reach for transcendence.

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:eek3: whatever...


and you can try to have a conversation by answering direct questions.




Oh so you can`t answer my question about the source of your untrue claim ?



Pot meet Kettle.


It is one thing to form an opinion based on facts it is entirely different however to be blinded by half truths and lies like you have so obviously fallen for.

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what was your question? ask it again, as I must have missed it.


Show me a source to your claim on marriage, bet you can`t because it is untrue.

You stated that Israelies lose citizenship if they intermarry with Palistinians which is 100% not true.

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Show me a source to your claim on marriage, bet you can`t because it is untrue.

You stated that Israelies lose citizenship if they intermarry with Palistinians which is 100% not true.



Israeli Parliament Adopts Racist Marriage Laws

By Frances M. Beal

The current Israeli regime has provided further ammunition to those fighting for Palestinian sovereignty who have long promoted the slogan that “Zionism is racism” and a “form of apartheid.”

This ammo entails a newly passed law affecting Palestinian marriages that mirrors those of our own southern racists, which provides measures to strip Arab Israelis of their citizenship if they marry Palestinians. For African Americans who were subjected to a hundred years of anti-miscegenation laws promulgated by the white supremacists that ruled in Dixie, it is an all too familiar story. [Webster’s dictionary defines miscegenation as “a mixture of races; especially marriage or cohabitation between a white person and a member of another race.”]

The story first appeared in an August 3, 2003 report by the Jerusalem-based writer, Justin Huggler. It was printed in the Independent, a well-known British newspaper. This racist marriage law was passed in the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament) and goes into effect immediately.

Components of the law also include the following:

• Palestinians will be excluded from obtaining citizenship or residency. Anyone else who marries an Israeli will be entitled to Israeli citizenship.

• Israeli Arabs who marry Palestinians from the West Bank or Gaza Strip will either have to move to the occupied territories, or live apart from their husband or wife.

• Children of these unions will also be affected: from the age of 12 they will be denied citizenship or residency and forced to move out of Israel. The statute is a direct reversal of one of the provisions of the ten-year old Oslo Agreement, which allowed family reunions for Arabs inside Israel. In fact, many marriages of Palestinian Arabs with Israeli Arabs did occur. In practice, the Palestinian spouse was automatically eligible for Israeli citizenship and it was understood that Israeli citizenship would be denied in only very extreme cases. http://www.zmag.org/Sustainers/Content/2003-08/13beal.cfm

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Well condsidering that it would be too easy to abuse such an open system - I guess for now it should be like this and - when there is no more terror and no more propensity for terror - then I'm sure that the law shall reflect the then circumstances.

In that same manner which this one reflects the circumstances of today.


You metion Oslo - again we are far away from the spirit of openness and respect that the Palestinians were showing - at that time - yes - an understanding of time and circumstances is what's needed here.

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Well condsidering that it would be too easy to abuse such an open system - I guess for now it should be like this and - when there is no more terror and no more propensity for terror - then I'm sure that the law shall reflect the then circumstances..


yes, TODAY the state of Israel is a blatantly racist country practicing rampant state sponsored terrorism. and because of that TODAY it is shun by the entire world except USA which is controlled by the Israeli lobby.


if and when that changes, I'm sure Israel will be treated with more respect by the free world.

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Israeli Parliament Adopts Racist Marriage Laws

By Frances M. Beal

The current Israeli regime has provided further ammunition to those fighting for Palestinian sovereignty who have long promoted the slogan that “Zionism is racism” and a “form of apartheid.”

This ammo entails a newly passed law affecting Palestinian marriages that mirrors those of our own southern racists, which provides measures to strip Arab Israelis of their citizenship if they marry Palestinians. For African Americans who were subjected to a hundred years of anti-miscegenation laws promulgated by the white supremacists that ruled in Dixie, it is an all too familiar story. [Webster’s dictionary defines miscegenation as “a mixture of races; especially marriage or cohabitation between a white person and a member of another race.”]

The story first appeared in an August 3, 2003 report by the Jerusalem-based writer, Justin Huggler. It was printed in the Independent, a well-known British newspaper. This racist marriage law was passed in the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament) and goes into effect immediately.

Components of the law also include the following:

• Palestinians will be excluded from obtaining citizenship or residency. Anyone else who marries an Israeli will be entitled to Israeli citizenship.

• Israeli Arabs who marry Palestinians from the West Bank or Gaza Strip will either have to move to the occupied territories, or live apart from their husband or wife.

• Children of these unions will also be affected: from the age of 12 they will be denied citizenship or residency and forced to move out of Israel. The statute is a direct reversal of one of the provisions of the ten-year old Oslo Agreement, which allowed family reunions for Arabs inside Israel. In fact, many marriages of Palestinian Arabs with Israeli Arabs did occur. In practice, the Palestinian spouse was automatically eligible for Israeli citizenship and it was understood that Israeli citizenship would be denied in only very extreme cases.



There is nothing in there that says that the citizen will lose there citizenship if married. It is an extreme law I agree, but as a recognised state Israel has a right to its own immigration and marriage laws. I also like how you cut the quote short you can`t see anything if you only see half the story, Isn`t that what I have been telling you from the start ?


"Even though the legislation was adopted as an alleged “security measure” for one year,"


"The new law posits that citizenship will be granted only in special cases in which the Minister of the Interior is convinced that the “Palestinian applicant identifies with the state and that he or his kin contributed to the security of the state and had cooperated in the past with Israeli authorities.”

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yes, TODAY the state of Israel is a blatantly racist country practicing rampant state sponsored terrorism. and because of that TODAY it is shun by the entire world except USA which is controlled by the Israeli lobby.


if and when that changes, I'm sure Israel will be treated with more respect by the free world.


Actually Egypt, Saudi Arabia , and Jorden agree with Israel in this fight as well. They have stated that the response, while heavy handed, is within Israels rights as they were attacked.

Whats that Oh No ! There are Arabs supporting Israel, is the world ending ? Oh never mind those were not Arabs those must have been Jews pretending to be Arabs hijacking TV stations and broadcasting it was easy because we all know the Jews control the media.

Please take off your white hood when posting here, this is supposed to be a peaceful place.

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Actually Egypt, Saudi Arabia , and Jorden agree with Israel in this fight as well. They have stated that the response, while heavy handed, is within Israels rights as they were attacked..


care to post some relevant quotations from these people?



Please take off your white hood when posting here, this is supposed to be a peaceful place.


if anybody is wearing a hood here it is people like you: nameles guests posting inflamatory personal attacks from the safety of their anonimity. I use my initiated name and have to live with real consequences of what I write here.


almost the entire world condemns the barbaric atrocities committed by Israel over the years in ME. there are countless UN resolutions proving that. are they all Clansmen like I'm supposed to be?


you can be a racist bigot wearing a yarmulke. you think they only come in white hoods? do you want me to post some examples here?

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I use my initiated name and have to live with real consequences of what I write here.


Well that name doesn't mean anything to the outside world - not a thing - why not do like me - use your birth name - then I would agree that you would have to live with the so-called 'real consequences' of writing here - at this rate - you're as anonymous as the unknown guests...you cannot be tracked with that name.

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