Guest guest Posted July 19, 2006 Report Share Posted July 19, 2006 How to do Laxmi Puja CLEANING YOURSELF You must take a bath, and wear new, or at least clean, clothes, before starting to arrange for the actualceremony. The yajamana, should sit facing the east if the icon faces the west (purvabhimukham upaviseva). If the icon faces the east, you should sit facing the west (pascimabhimukham upaviseva). Kalasa (pot) This is a pot in the shape of an expanded vase (a lotacan be used in place of Kalash). Place water inside the Kalash. Place thebunch of 5 or 5 Mango Leaves inside the neck and place a saucer of rice ontop of the Kalash. (This Saucer represents the MOON). Place One big diya,filled with ghee, on the plate of rice resting on top of the Kalash (this represents THE SUN). Together they represent MAHA LAXMI. It is customary to setthe pot on some grains of unbroken rice. This pot represents Varuna, the God ofthe Ocean. AND LAXMI as Mother Earth. Place the other big diya on your right hands side -this one is for arti the wicks should be of the rolled up type. Another diya should be kept on the side next to Ganesh. This can be a small one, with apulled up wick. This is for the purpose of performing arati later on. It should be placed on a small platter or tari on some rice. Place a lower platform before the one on which the icons and the big diyas are placed. The red cloth should be spread on thislower platform. Now fill the other 8 (diyas) with ghee and wicks and place them around the Kalash in a Half circle with the circle towards you. Each diya is placed on a rice platform. PERFORM SODASAMATRKA PUJANAM FIRST (THE WORSHIP OF THE SIXTEEN MOTHERS) The 16 mothers are represented on the platform by 16 small heaps of rice and a NUTMEG on top. Bowing to the 16 mothers,take rice, flowers and fragrance (atar) in your hands and say: GOURI PADMA SACIMEDHA SAVITRI VIJAYA JAYA DEVASENA SVADHA SVAHA MATARO LOKAMATARAH HRSTIH PUSTISTATHATUSTI ATMANAH- KULADEVATAH GANESE NADHI KAPUJ YAH URDD HOU PUJYASCA SODA SAH Gouri, Padma, Saci, Medha, Savitri, Vijaya, Jaya,Devasena, Svadha, Svaha, Mataro, Lokamatrah, Hrstih, Pustistatha, Tusti, Atmakuladevataare the sixteen venerable mothers. Take a handful of rice, and pouring it through yourfingers on the red cloth. This is the representation for various deities as explained below: Sprinkle the flowers, rice and fragrance (atar). MAHALAXMI PUJANAM (THE WORSHIP OF MAHALAKSMI) It is only now that Laxmi herself gets worshipped.Start on this confidently and happily. DHYANAM (MEDITATION) SRI MAHA-LAXMI STOTRAM Aum Namaste-astu mahaa-maaye sree peethe sur-poojite,Shankha chakra gaddaa-haste, Mahaa Lakshmi namo-astute. O Great Mother, abode of fortune, Who artworshipped by the Devas, I salute Thee; O Mahaa Laxmi, wielder of conch,disc and mace, obeisance to Thee. Aum Namaste garu-daaroode, kolaa-sura bhayankari;Sarva paapa hare devi, Mahaa Lakshmi namo-astute. My salutations to Thee, Who ridest the Garuda andart a terror to the demon Kola; O Mahaa Laxmi remover of all miseries, myobeisance to Thee. Aum Sarvagye sarva varde, sarva dustha bhayankari;Sarva duhkha hare devi, Mahaa Laxmi namo-astute. Salutations to Thee, Who knowest all, The Giver of all boons, a terror to all the wicked, remover of all sorrow, my obscene to Thee. Aum siddhi buddhi prade devi. bhukti-muktipradaayini; Mantra moorte sadaa devi, Mahaa Laxmi namo astute. O Goddess of Wealth, giver of intelligence andsuccess and of worldly enjoyment and liberation, Thou hast always the mystic symbols as Thy forms, O Mahaa Laxmi, obeisance to Thee. Aum Aadhyanta rahite devi, aadhya-shakte maheshvari;Yogaje yoga-sambhoote, Mahaa Lakshmi namo-astute. O Mother Maheshvari, without a beginning or anend; O Primeval Energy, born of Yoga; O Mahaa Laxmi, obeisance to Thee. Aum Stoola suksham mahaa rovdre, mahaa shaktemahodaye; Mahaa paapa hare devi, Mahaa Laxmi namo-astute. O Mahaa Laxmi, who art both gross and subtle,most terrible, great power, great prosperity and great remover of allsins, obeisance to Thee. Aum Padmaa sanas-thite devi, pare brahma svaroopini;Para meshi jagan-maatar, Mahaa Laxmi namo-astute. O Devi, seated on the lotus, who art The SupremeBrahman, The Great Lord and Mother of the Universe, O Mahaa Lakshmi, obeisanceto Thee. Aum Svetaambar dhare devi, naanaa lankaar bhooshite;Jagat stithte jagan maatar, Mahaa Laxmi namo-astute. O Devi, robed in white garments, and decked invarious kinds of ornaments, Thou art The Mother of the Universe and its support;O Mahaa Laxmi, obeisance to Thee. Aum Mahaa Laksham-yashtak stotram, yahahpathed-bhakti maan narah; Sarva siddhim vaapnoti, Mahaa Lakshmee prasaad taha. Whoever with devotion recite this hymn to SriMahaa Laxmi, composed in eight stanzas, attains all success through the Grace ofMahaa Laxmi Devi. Take flowers or unbroken grains of rice in yourhands. Meditate upon the goddess, saying: YA SA PADMA SANASTHA VIPULA KATI TATI PADMA PATRAYAT AKSI GAM BHIRA VARTANA BHISTANA BHARANA MITA SUBHRA VASTROTTARIYA YA LAKSMIR DIVYA RUPA IRMANI GANA KHA CITAIH SNA PITAHEMA KUMBH AIH SA NITYAM PADMA HASTA MAMA VASATU GRHE SARVA MANGALYAYUKTA SWAHA Laksmi who is seated on a lotus, has eyes as wideas lotus petals, massive hips, deep navel, and heave breasts, wears white upperand lower garments, wears jewelry, is bathed from a golden pitcher, carries alotus in her hand, and is associated with every auspicious sign, let her residein my house. Drop the flowers and the rice at the feet of thegoddess. AVAHANAM (INVOCATION) Now you have to invoke Laxmi. Avahanam is the act of invoking her. Join your hands with palms upwards, only the little fingers touching ( with open palms). Make the usual gesture of welcoming guests in, andinvite Laxmi to the household, office or factory where she is going to be worshipped and say: OM SARVA LOKASYA JANANIM SULA HASTAM TRILO CANAMSARVADE VAMA YIMI SAM DEVI MAVA HAYA MY AHAM DEVIM AVAHA YAMI SWAHA I invoke the mother of the three worlds, the three eyed one with the spear in her hand, in whom all the gods reside. I invoke the goddess. Now Kalash Puja: KALASH (VARUNA) PUJA IS THE RE-CREATION OF THE EARTHBY YOURSELF AS BRAMHA Fill the kalasha with water. Offer sandalwood powder,flowers and tulasi to decorate it. Place a coconut on top of the vessel and putyour palms over the top of it while chanting the following mantras: THE KALASH REPRESENTS THE RE-CREATION OF THE NEWEARTH OR NEW KALAPURSHA BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT HAPPY WITH THE OLD EARTH OR OLDLIFESTYLE ON EARTH KALASHASYA MUKHAE VISHNUHU KANTAE RUDRAHASAMAASHRITAHA MULAE TATRA STHITHO BRAHMA MADHYAE MAATRAGANAHASMRITAHA We worship the kalasha (vessel above which the coconut is placed) invoking Mahavishnu at the mouth of the vessel. We invokeLord Rudra (an aspect of Shiva) at the neck of the kalasha and Brahma at thebase of the vessel. We invoke the Universal Mother Goddess and Her retinue in midst of the kalasha. Thus the male and female trinities are invoked. Salutations! AUM AAJIGHRI KALASHAM MAHYAATVAA-VINSHATVINDAVAH PUNROOJEE-NIVARTASYA SAANAH; SAHASRAMDHUKSHVORU-DHAARAA PAYASVATEE PUNARMAA VISHATAA-DRIYAH. AUM ATRA GANESH VARUNA GAURYA AADI KALSHAA DHISHTITDEVATAASARVE IHAAGACHCHANTU IHA TISHTANTU SUPREETAA VARDAA BHAVANTU.ITI KALASH PRATISHTAA SRI KALASH STHAAPYA SRI KALASH DEVATAA SRIVARUNA DEVATAAYE BHYO NAMAH. AVAHANA - Invocation -Place the following ingredients on a pan leaf and insert into the Kalash BY THIS YOU ARE PLACING THE MINERALS AND RESOURCESINSIDE THE NEW EARTH Chandan (brown Sandalwood powder) Panch Amritam (a mixture of 5 ingredients) Sindoor (Red Sandalwood powder) Pushpam.(White Flowers) Hardee (Yellow Tumeric powder) Neemam (Neem Leaf) Gingelly (White Sesame Seeds) Tusi Akshat (White Uncooked Rice) Yagno Pavitam (Holy Thread) Dhan (Unshelled Rice) Dhuba Grass(Specal Grass) Lawang (Cloves) Naivediam (Mixture of Sugar, Milk Cream & Honey) Elaich (Unshelled Cardimon) Coins (silver) Supari (Betel Nuts) Vastram (Cotton Wool) Ritu-Ohal (Grapes or Raisons) AUM YAH PHALY-NEERYAA APHALAA APUSHPAA YAASHCHA PUSHPINI NOH; BRIHASPATI PRASOO TAAS TAA NO MUNCHAN TVA GVANG HASAH. Tie the thread on the Kalash - kaacha soot or Holythread is to be tied around the neck of the Kalash AUM YUVAA SUVAASAAHA PARIBEET-AAGAATSAUSREYAAN-BHAVATI JAAYAMAANAH; TAN DHEERAASAHA KAVAYA UNAYANTI SVAADHYOMANASAA DEVAYANTIH. Placing the vegetation on Earth - 5 mango leaves aretied together (or 1 bunch of 5 mango leaves are placed in the Kalash, with the stems falling inside the Kalash KALASH PRARTHANA AUM KALASHSYA MUKHEVISHNU KANTHERUDRAH SAMAASRITAH; MOOLE TATRASTHITO BRAHMAA MADYEMAATRIGANAH SMRITAAHA. THE WORSHIP OF VARUNA With flowers in your hands, pray that your Earth has berenewed Now it is the turn of Varuna, the god of the Ocean.Varuna is represented by the water you have taken in the kalasa or pot. SoVarunapujana is also known as kalasapujana. Take some water in your hand andsay: KALASE VARUNAYA NAMAH SWAHA Invoking all the places of pilgrimage in thispot, I worship it and bow to it. NOW THE NINE FORMS OF LAXMI ARE WORSHIPED - THE 8DIYAS AND THE ONE IN THE MIDDLE KNOWN AS MAHALAXMI. Do the following while chanting the mantra: Bring the deity alive - by pouring with a spoon,Panch Amritam (mixture of 5 ingredients) Aum Panch-aaamriten pas-chaach chuddod-ken Shri LammiMata samarpa-yaami swaha Offering a Seat to the deity...............AumIdam aasaanam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Touching the feet of the deity...........AumPaada-yoha paadyam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Giving deity water to drink...............AumHastayor-arghyam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Purifying area around deity with water.....AumMukhe aachman-eeyam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Energizing the deity with fluid...........AumSnaanaar-tham jalam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Now place all items on a Pan Leaf and offer to each,saying the mantra along: Vastram (Cotton Wool)................ AumVastram Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Kacha Soot (Holy Thread)............AumYajno-paveetam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Attar (Perfume).............................AumGandham Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Chandan (Brown Sandalwood).....AumChandanam prati grihayatam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Sindoor (Red Sandalwood)............AumSindooram Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Hardee (Yellow Tumeric)..............Aumhaldeeyam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Gingelly (White Sesame Seeds)...Aumgingelly Shri Lammi Mata samarapa-yaami swaha Akshat (White Uncooked Rice)....Aumakshataya Shri Lammi Mata samarapa-yaami swaha Dhan (Unshelled Rice).................Aumdhanam Shri Lammi Mata samarapa-yaami swaha Kapoor (Camphor).......................Aumkapoor Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Lawang (Cloves)..........................Aumlavang Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Elaichi (Unshelled Cardimon)......Aumelaichi Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Supari (Betel Nuts)......................Aumtaam-boolam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Ritu-Ohal (Grapes or Raisons)....Aumritu-phalam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Pushpam (White Flower)...............Aumpushpam Maalam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Neemam (Neem Leaf)..................Aumneemam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Tusi ...............................................Aumtulsee-dalam niveda-yaami Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Dhuba Grass (Specal Grass)........Aumdhubam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Naivediam (Mixture of Sugar, Milk Cream &Honey)..Aum Naivedyam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaamiswaha Coins (silver).............................Aumdakshinaam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha With an incense arti the deity..Aumdhoopamaa-ghraa-payaami Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha With a diya arti the deity........Aumdeepam darsha-yaami Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha Circle the deity with the arti of light.......Aumkarpoor-aaraarti-kayam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha ...................................................................Aumpra\ -dakshinaam Shri Lammi Mata samarpa-yaami swaha "Samarpa-yaami" means not for me but for you God * Recite Mahalaxmi Bhajan & Aarti after performing this. /article.php?screen=2 </article.php?screen=2> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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