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vegetarian or non-vegetarian

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Sai Ram,


Here is an excerpt from Swami's divine discourse which may help you.


'Once someone asked our students what type of food they like to take,

vegetarian or non-vegetarian. They replied in one voice,

"Non-vegetarian food gives rise to evil thoughts and feelings; hence

we would never touch non-vegetarian food." They are 100% vegetarians.

Even the students who used to eat non-vegetarian food earlier become

vegetarians once they join our Institute. Once someone tried to

persuade one of our students to take non-vegetarian food, saying it

contained a lot of good nutrients. But he did not budge from his

stand. He said, "I don't want such vitamins and proteins. Even

vegetarian food has all the vitamins and proteins that I need. I want

to tread the path of truth, and non-vegetarian food is not at all

conducive for spiritual progress. Along with secular education, I want

to acquire spiritual education and propagate it to the world." Many

such students are firm in their resolve to spread the Sai ideals. It

is because of such noble students that our institution has attained

worldwide fame.


Students should develop good habits right from their childhood to

enjoy good health and happiness. In this context, there is a poem that

reads as follows:


Get up early in the morning at the crowing of the cock,

Have a bath after your morning ablutions,

Wear a proper dress.

Eat properly and moderately.

Go to school and study diligently.

Earn a good name.

Don't move out when it is raining,

And never go near the murky pools.

Take part in games,

Run and play.

If you abide by all these rules,

You will have both health and wealth.

(Telugu poem)


Students should exercise restraint over their food habits. Even birds,

beasts, and animals observe certain regulations in this regard. Born

as human beings and having acquired education, is it not expected of

you to follow proper discipline with regard to food? Students who eat

non-vegetarian food right from their childhood give up that habit when

they join our institution. Even their parents are surprised at their

transformation. When one of our students went home during vacation,

his mother tried to serve him non-vegetarian food. He refused to touch

it and requested his mother not to prepare non-vegetarian items in

future. He explained to his parents the ill effects of consuming

non-vegetarian food.


Non-vegetarian food is the cause of several diseases like cancer. You

might have read in journals and newspapers that most of the people in

Singapore eat fish. Consequently, they are infected by several harmful

micro-organisms. Similar instances were reported from various parts of

Bharat. It is because of unhealthy food that people suffer from

diseases. Many are under the mistaken notion that non-vegetarian food

gives them strength, but in reality it makes them weak. Once you spoil

your health by partaking of non-vegetarian food, you will never be

able to regain your health even if you spend the rest of your life in

forests eating fruits and tubers.


These were the answers given by our students when they were asked

questions about their food habits. The explanation given by our

students made such an impact on the audience that many of them became

total vegetarians. As the food, so is the mind. As the mind, so is the

man. Hence, one must necessarily partake of sacred and sathwic (pure,

serene) food to lead a happy and healthy life. Of late, there is a

growing awareness among the Bharatiyas (Indians) about the influence

of food on one's mind. Consequently, people are changing their food

habits for the better. Our body is made up of flesh. Why should you

feed it again with flesh? Such unsacred food gives rise to unsacred



Students! It is not enough to observe regulations with regard to food

alone; you should cultivate good habits also. You should participate

in sports and games regularly. Take part in games that will help in

the blossoming of your physical and mental faculties. Healthy food and

good habits will take you to exalted position in life.


Dear Bangaru Students! Truly, you are like gold. It is not possible

to describe your sacred feelings. You speak from the depths of your

hearts. The language you speak is not ordinary. It is Atma Bhasha

(language of the spirit). You are leading your lives with sacred

feelings. However, keep away from bad company. It is said, "Tell me

your company, I shall tell you what you are.As your company, so you

become." Hence, always keep good company. Be in the company of those

who speak good words. Never utter harsh and unsacred words. If you use

unkind words, people will treat you like an enemy. If you speak softly

and sweetly, people will enjoy your company and talk to you for any

length of time. When you are in the company of others, make sure that

your body is clean and your mouth does not emit bad smell. You should

take proper care of your health in every possible way. When your body

is clean and healthy and when your thoughts, words, and deeds are

pure, you will be loved by one and all.


Students! Wherever you may go, ensure that you are presentable and

acceptable in every way. Only then will you earn the respect of

others. Always keep your mouth clean. Bad breath leads to various

diseases. Not merely that, it will cause inconvenience to others. If

your mouth emits foul smell, people try to avoid you. Hence, the

moment you get up from bed in the morning, you should brush your teeth

and clean your tongue thoroughly. When you keep your mouth fresh and

clean, you will enjoy good health. Though I don't sleep in the night,

I brush My teeth before going to bed. I brush My teeth at regular

intervals so as to keep My mouth fresh and clean. That is why I don't

have any health problem. I don't have any pain whatsoever.


You should take care that no food particle sticks between your teeth.

Some people use a hard brush to clean their teeth. As a result, their

gums start bleeding. But I use a very soft brush. Even now My teeth

are so strong that I can crack a betel nut. My students are struck

with awe and wonder when they witness My physical power.


Students! It would be a shame for you to spoil your health and submit

yourself to the hands of a doctor. Hence, each one has to take care of

one's own health. One should never be dependent on others. This is

what I teach My students quite often. Get up early in the morning, do

some jogging and exercise so as to keep your body fit. During

examination time, students try to keep themselves awake in the night

for late hours to study. They keep dozing with books in front of them.

Such studies will take you nowhere. Do not force yourself to study

when you feel sleepy. Keep the books aside and go to bed peacefully.

You should study only when your mind is fresh and attentive.


Oh man!

Do not feel proud of your education and scholarship.

If you do not offer your salutations to God and

Do not contemplate on Him with devotion,

Of what use is all your education?

(Telugu poem)


Students! First and foremost, take care of your health. Your education

will prove as mere waste if you do not maintain proper health. Do not

rest content with secular education. You should also acquire educare.

Education is related to gathering outside information, whereas educare

relates to inward transformation. Educare is that which makes the

human values blossom from within. Whether you have acquired educare or

mere education will become evident in your speech. A word of caution

in this regard: do not talk loosely. Especially when you speak to

elders, carefully frame your sentences and speak with all humility and

respect. True education is not limited to textual knowledge. You

should manifest the human values of truth, righteousness, love, peace,

and non-violence. Truth should not be confined to mere words. It

should be translated into deeds.


Students! Having come here and acquired education of the highest

standard, lead a life of virtues. Share your knowledge with others.


Let us all move together, let us all grow together,

Let us all stay united and share our knowledge

Let us live together with friendship and harmony.

(Telugu poem)


This is what you have to learn today. Always have a smiling

countenance and be a good friend to others. A good friend is one who

always has good thoughts, speaks good words, and performs good deeds.

When you lead your life in such a manner, you will be an ideal person

and a source of inspiration to others.'


Source: http://www.sathyasai.org/discour/2005/d050316.html

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