Guest guest Posted July 21, 2006 Report Share Posted July 21, 2006 Namaste, All dear Friends, Sri Lakshmiji said: <<<These may sound very mundane and not talking high funda, but its all about life and living.>>> It is this mundane part we have to tackle and I feel proper study of Advaita under the right Teacher, and assimilation of the knowledge can slowly and steadily, and sooner or later help one to cross the river. For this Continuous Sravana and Manana, through regular/continuous study, attending sat sangha (including of course participating in our Group) and attending classes conducted, again again, must be undertaken. This is my strongest conviction, based on personal experience. To be very frank, I do not know what exactly this Moksha is and I am not sure whether I have any longing (Theevra mumuskhutwam) for that. I have a life to live and how I can do it in a very harmonious manner all around is all what I am concerned with. Sri Sadanandji has said: <<If truth is somewhere and I have to go there then obviously appropriate SAdhana is required>> <<<the knowledge alone is the means of assimilating the truth>>> <<<I personally that external sanyaasa is not necessary but helpful, and it may be necessary catalyst to facilitate nidhidhyAsana>>> IMVVVHU (NOT OPINION), Sanyasa is giving up of all the preconceived notions about “Aham, Idam and Ishwara” through the wisdom one gains from Advaita Knowledge. For this more than external lifestyle/appearance etc., one must gain the Courage to give up the preconceived notions to achieve the goal by assimilating the Knowledge (“Aatmana Vindate Veeryam, Vidyayaa Amrutatwam”). Neti Neti is only a Prakriya just for assimilation of the Knowledge, because what the Upanishads very clearly unfold is that there is only God (Brahman or Aatma) and there is no Anaatma. Anaatma refers only to the name and form, which are subject to change, and cannot give one what he is seeking. So what is there to negate? <<< I sometimes wonder why my father chose this particular name for me.>>> Maybe, Sri Sadaji’s father had some premonition that his son would grow up as a Sadaanand and not a “Saadaa Anand”! Thank you very much Sri Subbuji for your detailed note on “dosha darshanam”. Hari Om and warm regards, R. S. Mani Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail Beta. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2006 Report Share Posted July 21, 2006 >"R.S.MANI" <r_s_mani > > I have a question: > Why do we look at the negatives of others or why are we critical of >others? What makes us to do so? We do not do so when it comes to the >creation other than human beings? > We accept a tiger as a tiger, and we do not see any negative or positive >side in it. We see all the natural events, whether an earthquake, a >tsunami, etc. but we are not critical about that. That is the play of >nature, and we accept that. > Advaita says creation is creator itself, and we are supposed, (Sarvam >Khalu Idam Brahma), to accept and look at the entire creation as creator >rather it is the creator only that appears as the entire creation? > However, we are critical and we look for the negatives (dosha darshanam) >of others. What bothers one to do so? There must be a some valid reason for >that. > Are we trying to make one line longer by making the other line shorter!? > Hari Om Maniji -PraNAms. The answer as I see is very simple. Any thinking involving two factors - one is vasanaas and the other is will. In animals and other lower forms there is only the first and not the second. Hence the behavior is well predictable. Their behavior is predictable. In the Man, the will is also developed and we have now a conflict between these two depending on what is more powerful. Hence man's behavior is not easily predictable. There is no straightforwardness in his behavior. Hence Krishna says arjavam or straightforwardness is very important for a spiritual seeker. If one is willfully bad, then one can easily predicts his behavior and in that case there is not much conflict between the vAsanas and wills and one can avoid the person like one avoids the snakes and foxes. But most of the humans there is good ness (that is why they are born as human), and people are not normally willfully bad. They want to be good but due to pressure of vasanaas they do not behave good or they act only externally good, but the motivation for the action is driven by ones likes and dislikes. As one becomes more and more saatvik, the goodness dominates over the other since pressure of vasanaas is reduced. The evaluation of good or bad is also done by our mind with its own vasanaas coming into picture in evaluating the other's motives in the action. We can draw wrong motives even in right actions. Irrespective of others' vAsanas and motives and actions, we tend to evaluate their actions based on our vAsanas. When Dharmaraja was asked to find out if there were any bad people in this world, he came back with an answer that he could not find any. While Duryodhana was asked he came back with an answer that he could not find any good person on this earth. The story says one reflects ones vAsanas in ones transactions and evaluation. Hence as a part of SAdhana, when we start seeing the Lord in everyone, we will ultimately discover the Lord in us too. Our vision of the world changes and world becomes a leela vibhUti where one can play the game of life without being affected. That is the theory. If we put that in practice then we discover the truth. Hari OM! Sadananda _______________ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2006 Report Share Posted July 21, 2006 advaitin, "Kuntimaddi Sadananda" <k_sadananda wrote: > > > > > >"R.S.MANI" <r_s_mani > > > I have a question: > > Why do we look at the negatives of others or why are we critical of > >others? What makes us to do so? We do not do so when it comes to the > >creation other than human beings? > > We accept a tiger as a tiger, and we do not see any negative or positive > >side in it. We see all the natural events, whether an earthquake, a > >tsunami, etc. but we are not critical about that. That is the play of negatives (dosha Namaste S-ji, I must take you to task for your opinions being so humancentric in the universe. Humans are perhaps not the apex of the pyramid, what happens say in 50-100 years when there is no population on the planet? In the first place you say animals only operate on vasanas whilst humans have will, whatever that it is. Is it desire? If so then animals have it also. Humans mostly operate on vasanas as well, we get them from the same place the animals do--previous lifetimes. In fact RAMANA MAHARSHI SAYS that everything is predetermined, even dropping a paper on the floor, there is no time anyway. so everything the animal and the human do is actually previous vasanas. The fact that we are 98.5% Genetically Chimp hardly separates us from the animals. We have a larger hard drive or brain that's all. The concession I will make to you is that in this illusion/delusion the human desire or ego is much more developed than in most animals. However I was reading a story yesterday where a hippo rescued a baby antelope in its jaws, from crocodiles and placed it back on the bank of the river with its mother. Animals display many acts of selflessness and Daya compassion, which are hardly vasanas in the accepted animal way. Just proves again that without Daya or compassion all the other steps to liberation or null and void. Who am I?.. In the last resort animals have one ability which is much more evident in them than in humans and that is 'Love' or Sakti, and as God is Love and Love is God, where goes the animal and the human. One doesn't have to be human to become liberated. Even the sadhana 'Who am I'? results in the answer -The Sakti/Love Energy--at the Saguna Level........To wrap up I see no diference between human animal and animal...all is one...............ONS...Tony. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2006 Report Share Posted July 21, 2006 Namaste Sadananda-ji, > The answer as I see is very simple. Any thinking involving two factors - one > is vasanaas and the other is will. In animals and other lower forms > there is only the first and not the second. Hence the behavior is well > predictable. Their behavior is predictable. Can you please inform me your sources because I seriously doubt the truth of the above statements regarding will and predictability of behavior. It is not even known if humans have free will. Nor is it known that animals do not have free will. And animal behavior is not necessarily predictable nor is human behavior necessarily unpredictable. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2006 Report Share Posted July 21, 2006 Shree Narayanji - My PraNAms. There was extensive discussion on Freewill in the past and one can download the discussions. I made the statement that 'we have free will until we are free from will' . And That is the essence of sadhana too. These discussions within the realm of vyavahaara to the degree that I know. I plead ignorance beyond that. What I wrote is based on my understanding. I am however open to knowlege if you can prove that we do not have any free will (without using your free will!) Hari OM! Sadananda --- narayana_kl_71 <narayana_kl_71 > wrote: > Namaste Sadananda-ji, > > > > The answer as I see is very simple. Any thinking involving two > factors - one > > is vasanaas and the other is will. In animals and other lower > forms > > there is only the first and not the second. Hence the behavior is > well > > predictable. Their behavior is predictable. > > > Can you please inform me your sources because I seriously doubt the > truth of the above statements regarding will and predictability of > behavior. It is not even known if humans have free will. Nor is it > known that animals do not have free will. And animal behavior is not > necessarily predictable nor is human behavior necessarily > unpredictable. > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2006 Report Share Posted July 21, 2006 advaitin, kuntimaddi sadananda <kuntimaddisada wrote: > > Shree Narayanji - My PraNAms. > > There was extensive discussion on Freewill in the past and one can > download the discussions. > > I made the statement that 'we have free will until we are free from > will' . And That is the essence of sadhana too. These discussions > within the realm of vyavahaara to the degree that I know. I plead > ignorance beyond that. What I wrote is based on my understanding. I am > however open to knowlege if you can prove that we do not have any free > will (without using your free will!) > > Hari OM! > Sadananda Namaste All, IMHO, If we take Einstein and relativity etc, then physically there is no time, beyond the speed of light. (In fact quarks and sub-atomic particles travel back in time.) This is Kala or time, and 'God' is Kala or Time. So Time itself is an illusion and doesn't exist really. It is all a dream of the concept "God". So in this dream everything is really happening at the same time, it is just the play of consciousness that gives the illusion of progression and time. It is like lives, they are like a cartwheel and the lives are the spokes. Consciousness is the hub, and we concentrate consciousness on one spoke at a time, hence lives, but they all happen at once! However because consciousness has become associated with the illusion it has to free itself with free will. This entails taking responsibility for our actions , as if we were making things happen. It is said that we see our future life before taking birth, so everything that is going to happen has happened or rather is happening. So at birth a veil is drawn over our consciousness, so to speak and then we have to literally, "Act out ", the drama, as if we are making decisions , that effect a really non-existent future. So in fact when we ponder over a decision and them make it, that was the decision we had already made anyway. There was just the illusion that we were making it, so that we could take responsibility for it and learn. Learn what? Learn that we are part of a dream! So the illusion of experiencing causes pain etc and eventually the "Consciousness Realises this and wakes up------Liberated". However as Sankara says it is real enough whilst you are in it. This is where karma comes into play for at this level of relativity there is the law of "action and reaction ", that keeps the illusion going so to speak. Until you realise you are God and it is all a dream. "Understand there is no free will for individuals. They are constrained by various limitations. God alone has total free will. All others are bound in one way or another. Whatever one's efforts ,the ultimate outcome lies with Providence. Yes even the decision to work or not to work is karmic. So raising ourselves by our own effort was also karmic, the effort was the choice of the mind, a choice already having been made. I'm not saying sit down and do nothing, but if one did that would be karmic also. The Gita also talks at different levels that's why it is so popular----the different yogas. It is only the body mind complex that receives the karma anyway not the real You. My point again is we have to surrender for we are not the doer, and literally everything is preordained by karma. The only choice we have is to make the mental choice. For everything happens at once so when we do an action the opposite action is also completed, even though it doesn't manifest until a 'future' life. So our choice is to learn, so if we make the right mental choice then that happened at the same time as the bad choice and nullifies that karma for the future....However we have to play out our role until Moksha cancels all our future karmas.....ONS..Tony. Tony. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2006 Report Share Posted July 22, 2006 Tony wrote: "what happens say in 50-100 years when there is no population on the planet?" Dear Tony, Is it a prophecy? Are you Nostradamus re-incarnate? Are you a channeliser? Or are you Edgar Cayce re-incarnate? Where will all the beings go? What will happen to this planet? Are you having any visions? I am serious. Tony, such statements would threaten the wits off, of all the new borns, young children, the youth, the new and the young aspirants of Vedanta who have joined this group and the old people who are already experinecing fear. I have no problem. I am already 54 years old. I dont see myself living another 50 years!!! BhagavAn please save the planet. sarvastaratu durgANi sarvo bhadrANi pashyanatu sarvassadbuddhimApnotu sarvah sarvatra nandatu Om shAntih shAntih shAntih may everyone cross over all difficulties may eveyone see only auspiciousness may everyone obtain good/positive/ right/sattvic intellect may everyone rejoice everywhere. Vak tapas which includes spoken word and the written word and the mental chatter is an exercise/ prerequisite for all sadhakAs in the sAdhana chatushtayam - shatkasampatti om namo narayanaya Lakshmi Muthuswamy Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail Beta. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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