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Siyar Singhi buyers -- BEWARE

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Dear Friends,


Before you buy a Siyar singhi get a DNA test done to ascertain

whether it is a genuine jackal origin or not.


I have been told by zoologists that it is the tail end of either a

squirrel or a mongoose which is being passed on as a Siyar Singhi.


As it is made out to be that Siyar Singhi is a rarest of rare things

you might be investing a huge sum into buying it . If that is so,

you might as well spend a few hundred rupees in getting a DNA test



Do not buy unless proved through DNA test that it is a genuine

jackal origin. Choose your own lab for the DNA test. Do not go by

the advice of the seller regarding where you want the test conducted.


All you need is a piece of hair for the test.





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Dear Chel and friends,

I am not an expert in Siyar Singi. However, I learnt from postings by other experts like Mr. Alok Jagawat and Mr. Arjun Pandit that its hairs continues to grow even after extraction of it from the jackal head.

Whether hairs of a squirrel tail or mongoose tail keeps on growing after extraction or removal from its body ? Certainly not. If hairs in case of 'Siyar Singi' grow (as experts say) it is a phenomenon without any scientific explanation.

I have a very good scientific background in biotechnology however with my personal experiences in the field of spirituality I have a frank opinion that there are many things happening in this world which are beyond any scientific explanation. Science is not the only answer for everything.

I was told by my spiritual Guru that the world which we all see and feel is only 20%. The rest 80% world is the unseen world, which has direct and indirect effects on our life. There is no scientific explanation for this unseen world of the 'fourth dimension'.

As far as DNA test is concerned, it is not a easy job to do. Common man knows that DNA is now a days frequently used in forensic science and to test or to confirm parentage as far as human being is concerned.

DNA Testing is scientifically known as 'DNA Finger Printing' or to develop 'Genomic Library' or 'C - DNA Library'. It is a very complicated process. 'DNA Library' is peculiar to any species. It is first necessary to develop such 'Genomic Library' for any given species for eg. Jackal here. I doubt, that in our country any laboratory has worked on Jackal to develop such 'Library'.

Even if any laboratory has worked out such 'Genomic Library', it may tell us that whether the material under study is of Jackal or not ? DNA from tail tissue and DNA from other tissues will be the same. Scientific interpretation of results is more important than running any experiment or technique. As far as DNA Test is concerned, it is a job of a hardcore Molecular Biologist and not of a Zoologist.

Thanking you and with best wishes,

Chandrashekhar Phadke


tchelappa <tchelappa (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Friends,


Before you buy a Siyar singhi get a DNA test done to ascertain

whether it is a genuine jackal origin or not.


I have been told by zoologists that it is the tail end of either a

squirrel or a mongoose which is being passed on as a Siyar Singhi.


As it is made out to be that Siyar Singhi is a rarest of rare things

you might be investing a huge sum into buying it . If that is so,

you might as well spend a few hundred rupees in getting a DNA test



Do not buy unless proved through DNA test that it is a genuine

jackal origin. Choose your own lab for the DNA test. Do not go by

the advice of the seller regarding where you want the test conducted.


All you need is a piece of hair for the test.










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