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Who Amongst Us Loves Their Guru As To Carry Out His Instructions Verbatim?

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If Guru says to do something; your reply should be, "Yes, sir!"



Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.1.20






ŚrīŚukadeva Gosvāmī continued: After thus being fully instructed by Lord Brahmā, who is the spiritual master of the three worlds, Priyavrata, his own position being inferior, offered obeisances, accepted the order and carried it out with great respect.




Śrī Priyavrata was the grandson of Lord Brahmā. Therefore according to social etiquette, his position was inferior. It is the duty of the inferior to carry out the order of the superior with great respect. Priyavrata therefore immediately said, "Yes, sir. I shall carry out your order." Priyavrata is described as a mahā-bhāgavata, a great devotee. The duty of a great devotee is to carry out the order of the spiritual master, or the spiritual master of the spiritual master in the paramparā system. As described in Bhagavad-gītā (4.2), evaḿ paramparā prāptam: one has to receive the instructions of the Supreme Lord through the disciplic chain of spiritual masters. A devotee of the Lord always considers himself a servant of the servant of the servant of the Lord.




With folded hands,:pray: and simply carry out his instuctions with full faith and devotion. Why dither, speculate or calculate whether it suits you ?:confused:


Guru know best as he has taken Krsna's position in your life; he is 'the captain of the ship' to guide you out of the material tabernacle.

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