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DoShaparihArashtakam- series -2

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DoSha ParihArAShTakam


Author – Shri Sridhara Venkateshacharya popularly known as AyyavAl

from Tanjore. He lived 300 years ago.


dosha means defects, weakness, vices

parihAra means varjanam giving up.Giving up whose defects? Not

bothered giving up of others defects but our defects asmAkam doSha


AShaTakam – 8 verses.


What doShas. There is an end list of doShas but the authosr has

highlighted one doSha that is pointing out of finding doShas in

others, in other peoples weaknesses/vices, dwelling upon them,

enjoying their propagation and free distribution.

How to avoid finding fault with others?


Vesre no. 1

anyasya doShagaNanAkutukam mamaitat

AviShkaroti niyatam mayi doshavatvam

doShah punarmayi na cedakhile satIshe

doShagrahah kathamudetu mamesha tasmin


Hey Isha! Oh Lord, I seem to enjoy one job very much

anyasyagaNanAkutukam – the defect of other people and counting them.


In that kutukam I derive joy Ananadah


Oh Lord finding fault with others and talking about them is the

biggest fault that I have.


Avishkaroti niyatam finding fault with others reveals one thing in

me. What is that?


Mayi doShavatvam It reveals my doSha my defect.


How do we say that? He gives a logic for this. What is wrong in

finding fault with others? The reason the author gives that in the

scriptures and in the reliogion, we are taught to see sarvam

vishnumayam jagat/ sarvam shivamayam jagat/ sarvam devi mayam jagat/

sarvam khalu idam brahma. If we are tarainiung ourselves to see the

Lord everywhere tribhuvana vapusham vishNumIshan namAmi and if this

is my aim what should I see? NirdoSha Isvarah alone everywhere. I

must be able to see the Pure Lord everywhere. If I see many defects,

the defects are not in the Lord VisvarUpa but in my mind, due to this

I am seeing defects in the defectless Lord.

NirdoShe Ishvare doSha darshana adhYasah eva mama doShah.


There fore he says doShah punarmayi na mayi cedakhile satIshe – Ishe

akhile sati

When every thing in the world is nothing but the Lord


doShagrahah kathamudetu mamesha tasmin if in that world which is

nothing but the Lord, and I am seeing doSha, where does the defect



DoShah mayi eva. Therefore if there were no doSha in me, how will I

find fault with the lord Who is right in front of me? In this verse

he talks about dosha darshanam from the philosophical/religious angle


To be continued…..


Om namo narayanya


Lakshmi Muthuswamy

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advaitin, "lakmuthu" <lakmuthu wrote:


> DoSha ParihArAShTakam


> Author – Shri Sridhara Venkateshacharya popularly known as AyyavAl

> from Tanjore. He lived 300 years ago.




Namaste, Lakshmi-ji


Thanks and congratulations for having recalled this great man of

history to us. I am sure you know the following but I would like to

draw the attention of readers of this list to just a few facets of

the personality of the great Ayyaval through the following URL's:




(For a general biography).




(For a lecture about him by Kanchi Mahaswamigal).




(For his influence on the tradition of Recitation of God's names).





(For one of the great miraculous events associated with his name).


PraNAms to all advaitins.

PraNAms to Ayyaval.


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Sri Lakshmi-ji :


Thank you so much for introducing this Saint Shri Sridhara

Venkateshacharya popularly known as AyyavAl from Tanjore. Thank you

professor VK-ji also for giving those various links introducing this

saint and his works .


Lakshmiji, as you might know i love sanskrit stotras and i am glad

you are taking the time to translate this verse ! i am enjoying both

the 'shabdartha' and the 'Bhavartha' of the verses. Here is a good

chance to improve one's samskritam as well.


This year saw the advent of Sri subbuji to this group - now , we are

fortunate to have Sri lakshmiji enriching this great group with her

unique contributions such as this ! When Chitta stages a comeback ,

we can consider ourselves really blessed. Btw, thast remins me -

Nair-ji! Welcome back ! we did miss you and your valuable input!


Love to all





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Continued - 3


Verse 2

eShA vyathetarakRteti mamesha tasmin

kopo yadi svaparakAmamukhaprasUtA

sa ayam vyatheti mayi me na katham nu kopah

svasya vyathA svaduritaprabhavA hi sarvA

Why do I get angry with people? I get angry because they are causing me troubles and they are harming/ hurting me. They are disturbing my peace of mind.

So eShA vyathA itara kRtA “All these problems are caused only due to others/them” I do complain.- and I am angry with them. Iti mama Isha tasmin kopah the author is addressing the Lord all the way.

The very same logic can be applied further. The logic is “ whoever troubles me, I am angry with them”.

I have numerous defects in me like kAma, krodha, lobha,mada, mAtsarya, moha, raga, dvesha etc. These very defects in me are the trouble mongers. My own mind is giving me trouble because of my raga/dvesha problem and my very personality creates trouble. Shouldn’t I be angry with myself? Have I ever been angry with myself addressing my mind? Oh Mind! Why are you troubling me with raga? This dvesha in me is giving me so many problems! When I hate some one my blood pressure rises to my head. Even the very thought of them my facial expression changes. As I talk to them dvesha is written all over my face and my tone/voice changes. If my own rAgadveshAdi doShAs are causing me dukham, why am I not getting angry with my own mind?

Anger is because of svadoShah like para kAma mukha prasUtA- para viShaye kAmah krodhAh sati Doshas are caused by kAma krodha

Seyam na katham na kopah why am I not getting angry with my defects?

Because its is very clear that svasya vyathA durita prabhavA – all the suffereing I undergo are arising out of my own weaknesses, either because of the weaknesses present now or of the past including my own dushTa karma called prArabdha. Therefore I should be angry with myself and not show my anger upon others

Verse 3 kAmaprabhRtyakhiladoSha nidhermamaiShah

mayyAh doShamiti ko nu duragrahah asmin

heyatvamAlapati yah ayamalam hi kena

vyoh atha sattvavati sah ayam asatkimAha

I have got a complaint to lodge. What is the complaint? That other people have complaints about me. People are complaining about me. He/she is finding fault with me saying I am wrong.

After learning this aShtakam I should not find fault with others. I should not find fault with others, complaining, that others are finding fault with me. This is not my job.- I should not find fault with others and I should not be bothered whether others are finding fault with me or not.

Whose botheration is it? It is their botheration not mine. But I am always bothered and worried and concerned – that the others are finding fault with me.

In this verse he explains what is wrong in this. When, I look at my self, I deserve to find fault with myself. Because I have all the doShAs. If others are commenting on me, they are not uttereing any lie. They are speaking the truth. They speak what they perceive of me.Why should I be angry for that?

Who am I? I am a rich person. The author enumerates the qualification. KAma prabRtyakhiladoSha nidhih – I possess a huge nidhi – treasure house.. What is in it? Gold wealth…? No. Its filled to the brim with kAma krodhAdi sarva doshAh. All the defects are available in full measure in me.Nidheh mama eShah –

eshah –somebody is standing near me and Mayidosham Aha criticised me,

turagrahah asmin kah nu – why am I getting so wild with the other person complaining that the other person talked about my defects? He has spoken the truth about me..

heyatvam Alapati – he propagates saying not to approach me or go near me. The other people are talking about me saying that I am to be avoided.

If the other person is speaking about me like this, kena vAryah? How can he be stopped from talking? Who can stop others from complaining/discussing about me? My treasures attract.

I am rich in all the sampatti – asuri sampatti

Sattva vati mayi kim asat Aha – He has not talked about anything that is not there in me. It is not atasmin tadbuddhih, but it is tasmin tadbuddhih. So why do I get angry when others are stating facts about me? The others can gossip about me, but just because they do so, I am not supposed to talk ill of him.

To be continued

Om namo narayanaya

Lakshmi Muthuswamy






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