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What does mother say in the ear while hugging someone?

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Dear ones,

I just returned from meeting Amma for the first time in

Toronto. What a lovely time I had, especially being able to sit

right on the stage and watch the darshans up close. My heart was

pierced again and again, and my eyes repeatedly misted up with

emotion as I observed Amma take on the pain of others and fill them

with a sense of loving care and light. My own darshan was very sweet-

-I offered Amma a box of truffle chocolates and a fresh gardenia as a

gift, then was held very gently by her as she repeated something in

my ear. It sounded like 'Mata meru'(I couldn't quite catch that last

sound.) I know that mata means mother in Hindi. Does anyone have a

clue what the second word was and what it meant? What was very

interesting to me was how totally alone I felt with Amma in her

embrace, even in the midst of such a huge crowd. There was only

Amma, me, a loving hug and a poignant yet tender and loving look into

her eyes. As for the program--what a fabulous group of singing

swamis!! The bhajans were incredible! The venue was terrific, the

Indian food was mouth-watering, and Amma's talk was very practical

and inspiring. I am so glad that I went to meet her to have her

darshan. Because I have a guru already whom I love and trust with

all my heart, I know that my visit was not meant to be the beginning

of a guru/devotee relationship, and yet, how can one deny the

pleasure and ? I felt like a little child--totally present,

unafraid, welcomed, acknowledged and blessed by Love. All in all, a

moment to treasure, contemplate and feel thanks for. Love, Pam

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Pam, so blessed to hear about your first opportunity to be in Mother's

sacred Presence. I'm not sure what "Mata Meru" is about. Is Mount Meru

where Devi lives? Or do we call the large guru bead on a japa rosary, the

"Meru" bead?


At least half the joke, I daresay, will depend on your meditation on its own

significance to YOU. Over the years She has said all sorts of things and

variations on themes to me. Like one of Prajna's stories was just relating,

She will go back and forth between "mol, mol, mol" and "my daughter, my

daughter, my daughter." One time I was head-tripping on a notion that I was

misprounouncing my (very short syllabled) mantra, and after some

unsuccessful effort on my part to communicate verbally on the topic, Mother

seized me very firmly and with RATHER loud and precise diction boomed into

my ear, "MY Dar-Ling Dau-ghTER," and then pulled me back for a look and



I have a friend who was going through a rough period and feeling like

something of "a sinner." She swore that Mother chanted in her ear, "naughty

naughty naughty," and went into a bit of a tailspin about it. My husband

Jeff has also had times where She's carrying on to him about something

arcane and esoteric that "feels" to him like it's about transgressions or

lapses on his part.


Another time, when my husband was not present, the darshan hug went

something like "my daughter, my daughter, my daughter, my son..." and again,

a pop up, pull back, checking out my response to see if I would ask Her or

laugh or talk about him or whatever the "switcharoo" was possibly going to

engender in my reaction. I believe I was just mute and shocked and rather

confused. But Amma did give me two pieces of chocolate that time, extra

Prasad for my beloved!


Last year, on my birthday, however, I got a whole new mantra. Very mellow

and lullabyeish... Purnam, Purnam, Purnam. As in "full,whole." I don't

always remember it, that experience, but it comes back to me in a rush of

comfort at certain times. So lucky you for receiving your own personal

experience of Mother's nectarine sound vibrations echoing in that internal

drum of yours. muchlove, prashanti

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Ammachi, "Prashanti " <ammasprashanti wrote:


> Pam, so blessed to hear about your first opportunity to be in Mother's

> sacred Presence. I'm not sure what "Mata Meru" is about. Is Mount


> where Devi lives? Or do we call the large guru bead on a japa

rosary, the

> "Meru" bead?




>Dear Prashanti,

Thanks for your sweet reply. I figured out what Amma was saying

in my ear. It was 'mata mere' which means 'my mother'. She repeated

it about four or five times. I had been preparing for her darshan

while I was waiting for my token number to come up by remembering the

feelings of love I felt for my own earthly mother and how easy it is to

relate to her as my mom. I thought that it might help me remember to

open myself up to Amma in the same way. I remember listening to Amma

and thinking "What is she saying to me?" and when the word 'mata' was

repeated I thought 'Ah, it means mother' in Hindi, and then I felt a

throb/piercing feeling in my heart, I gave a little sob borne of some

deeply-felt emotion of love and longing and missing my own guru, and

immediately Amma pulled back. As I came out of her embrace, I

thought "I want to look into her eyes" and so I looked deeply into her

eyes. Then, she raised her eyebrows like she was surprised and smiled

at me, and when she did that I pulled out of the state of 'being' the

act of seeing and into 'someone' who was looking and being looked AT.

With that, she lowered her eyes to show me that instead of resting in

the Oneness of 'being' I had chosen to separate back into two people,

her and me. Such a simple gesture with such a big lesson to learn! All

in all, it was a lovely darshan and there is much to comtemplate about

the whole experience.

Many thanks for your helpful suggestions. I like the

meru 'guru bead' idea. That merits contemplating too. Love, Pam


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