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New Special Announcements Newsletter– Nature’s Astrology 7/29/06

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Announcements  -  Nature’s Astrology...


Special Events,

Course & Plans for 2006 & 2007


Dear Friends:

I’m very happy to announce our new Up-coming programs and

courses that will be starting soon.


New Astrology book:  The Stars


I’m very happy to announce

that my new book is coming to a happy conclusion!? 

I’ve been working on this book for almost 8 years and I think

you’ll be both pleased and surprised by it   The Book should be available by the Fall



Research Project - for  “The Stars


  I have to say the feature of this book that will

be the most charming is reading about the examples of real people

throughout the World, expressing in their own words what its like to be

living their Astrology.

I want to express again my deep, heart-felt appreciation for all of

you, pioneers of Astrology who have lent your time and experiences that

will end up making this book very special.

Final Stage Research


I’m coming to the end of my

research and am going to be starting the final stage. 


Jyotish/Astrology Remedies Phase: 

I’m going to be starting a 2-month research

on Jyotish & Astrological remedies that people will be receiving and

we’ll document over the next 2 months. 

Free Astrological

Remedies -


If anyone would like to receive specific

Astrological remedies for strengthening or neutralizing any negative or

malefic functioning planets; please contact us


Please have some time available to talk together with me, as well

as document the changes and improvements that will be possible over the

next 2 months.  Sign up


List address of joetisch group here..


Mastering Saturn COURSE!   I’m very happy to announce my next Jyotish, Astrology

course.  Mastering Saturn is probably the most

difficult planet of Astrology and life!  We

live in a World, hell-bent on not being in-tune with Almighty


As a result every manner of Saturn dis-ease exists and shows no

sign of subsiding in the World!

 Anxieties, worries,

delays, disappointments, dis-ease, disease, pre-mature death, losses,

grief and suffering; are all the typical Signs of Malefic Functioning


If you know anyone who’s suffering any of the negative

aspects of Saturn; let them know about this course ASAP!  Join us for this unprecented course on mastering


Go here to find out about and  to sign

up for the course:


Fees are designed to allow for all who have a sincere desire to

gain Saturn’s special Wisdoms!



Next Introductory Astrology Course   “Self-Improvement is the

Nature of Life”


haven’t had a chance to teach any general Astrology Internet courses

because of my book.  However, I’m happy

to Announce a new Course coming during the month of Sun’s transit

into the powerful sign of Leo, starting during the Next Waxing Moon!  There will be 3 Courses



For those who have a

very introductory understanding of Jyotish or know only Western


Medium Mastery   For those who know a fair amount of their charts.  This group, however, is especially designed for

those who have little understanding of the Remedial Nature of


Advanced Course  This

has been designed for those who already an expertise in Astrology.  This course will emphasize Jyotish Self-Improvement

through neutralizing and improving any of the Malefics in people’s


Topic:     Mastering Life; by Understanding

one’s Stars & Learning how to 1) Utilize our Benefic –

Strengths & 2) Transform our Malefic


The “KEY” to

life!.....IS…..learning how to live Well, one’s


All problems in life stem from not understanding even 1 or 2 of

one’s Astrological ‘parts’ and as a result, violating

those laws of nature; then, creating disappointment, frustration,

ill-health and even unhappiness!

The Key to Life is learning how to live ‘better’

one’s Astrology!

Astrology is the Ultimate

Self-Improvement Technology!

No self-improvement Philosophy, Group or practice can compare to

the powerful system of Self-Improvement through great


This is because the Nature of Life is


And, the Planets are the major Switch Boards in our human nature that were

designed by Nature for the easiest


Final Details:  Starting August 25th, 2006!  All those interested, contact me and sign up





Making Money Through Astrology!   The biggest impediment I’ve seen for people both studying and

learning their Astrology has been a lack of financial power!  As a result I’ve decided to create an  Astrology Multi-Level Financial Plan that will

reward people financially for studying Astrology, doing Astrology, taking

courses, and inspiring your friends and family to take advantage of

Astrology as well!

In the Very Near Future -

We will be setting up a

special Financial Plan so people can make money from the investment and

growth of studying Astrology!

This will allow anyone to develop the Financial Freedom, to be able

to follow Nature’s lead in learning how to be continually, more and

more in-tune with Nature!

We’re finalizing this financial compensation program right

now, so if anyone has any expertise in this field let me know



New Website – Nature’s Astrology!   As some of you are aware, we’ve been creating the next

generation of professional Astrology website that will serve as an


University without Walls! 

Phase 1 –

Philosophy of Astrology: 

We’ve recently finished the first phase of

this website.  This includes a basic Overview

and Understanding as to the Philosophy, Purpose, Goals and Practices of


Phase 2 – Astrological

Remedies & Remedial Measures: 

Most people think

that Astrology is mostly about Predicting Human nature and Behavior.  In the past Astrological Remedies were given only

superficial lip-service or thought not to be possible at


Witness recent ideas like 1) Feeding the birds on Saturday (to

appease Saturn).  


Today, however, we’re living during a time when the

technology of Self-Improvement is going through an amazing REVIVAL!


Today, for the first time in hundreds of years; it’s now

known how to improve and develop each and every aspect of human


As a result, for the first time,

Astrology will become known as a practical tool for the elimination of all

problems in life!

New Remedies, Prescriptions,

Remedial Measures will be added which represents the true purpose and goal of



I’m going to be developing new materials, audio tapes and

CD’s as well as written books to help people learn how to Strength



ASTROLOGERS WANTED!   In a recent career study I read it listed Astrologers as the

4th most in demand profession that will be in the very near

future!  Become a Professional Astrologer! I’m

going to be creating our first Astrology Teacher Training Program to

create professional Astrologers

100 Astrologers Wanted ASAP!  Within the next 18-24 months we’ll launch the first

World-wide business to promote Astrology throughout the World. 

10 Astrology Ambassadors!  To

reach our first goal of training 100 new Astrologers in the unique

Astrology of Nature’s Astrology; I’ll be working with 10

individuals who are interested in helping me train the first 100.  This will also be an intimate aspect to our new

financial compensation plan that will allow people to make a very good

income from the profession of Astrology!

Astrology ‘Psychic’

Network Cable & TV Shows: Do you remember the old Psychic hot-line TV shows of the

1980’s?  They were very popular in the

during those


I’ve thought for a long time that a great Astrology program

would be very powerful.  After readying at

least 100 Astrologers we’ll launch this


Be a Professional Astrologer

– Working with our Nature’s Astrology. 

First option will be

to apply your Astrological skills to a world-wide Astrology business



Become a Professional Astrologer

On your own   I’m not opposed to the idea of anyone

learning Astrology through our system for going out on your own!  This possibility will also be



Astrology & Apply to Your Own Self-Help Business.   

Astrology Training will also be available for those who are

interested in applying the Knowledge and Wisdom of Astrology to their own

practices.  This will be available for Doctors,

Educators, Healers, and anyone in the Self-Help


What is the number one problem in people’s


The lack of appreciation of one’s

Astrological nature and not knowing how to change any of the malefics in

our charts!


Astrologers Writers, Educators Wanted!   Finally I’d like to invite people who have a flair or

interest in helping us develop Educational tools in


 Development of Astrological Courses, Tapes, Materials!

Over the next 12-18 months we will be preparing a number

of wonderful educational materials to use both in one’s practice of

Astrology and especially for the public.  These

will include packages for:



Career Selection



Making Money

Developing Oneself



name but a few…..


Nature’s Astrology Newsletters!   Recently the 1,000 member joined one of our Nature’s

Astrology newsletters!  Congratulations


Over this next year I’d like to double those numbers to at

least 2,000!

 If you want to help me be really ambitious, we could shoot for


If you un-familiar with our Nature’s Astrology please go



To join, for free!

2,000 Members by Sept. 2007!        


Well, lots of exciting things on the



Here’s wishing for all of you that you gain the unique

Insight and Wisdom that you need

To become a complete success in your life and the life of all your

friends, and family, as soon as possible!




Mark Kincaid



Nature’s Astrology



Jai Guru!



New Special Announcements Newsletter – Nature’s

Astrology  7/29/06   










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