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Israel Orders Deadly Attack On UN For Gathering Evidence For War Crime Trials

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Don says this alot these days.


So what? If one does read my postings with an open mind they might see that i'm presenting things in a proper fashion - i'm right. Often that is seen but too many people feel more comfortable within the delusions that they are living - they fear the truths shall be the end of them and that isn't the case - it's the inducing of an end to shadowy understandings and the dark earth environment that goes with it.

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yes, BDM, keep taking these blue "sanity pills"...


or maybe you are just one of their stooges? :idea:


Please respect the Rabbi!




Israel’s Disproportionate Response


© Rabbi Daniel Lapin


July 20, 2006


Two weeks ago Israel attacked Gaza after the kidnapping of one of her soldiers. Greece called the Israeli military action a disproportionate response. After Hezbollah forces in Lebanon kidnapped two more Israeli soldiers, the Jewish state attacked Lebanon. The European Union warned that Israel's disproportionate response can only lead to a worsening of the crisis. France's foreign minister condemned Israel's attacks on Lebanon as “a disproportionate act of war.” Russia criticized Israel's "disproportionate use of force" against Lebanon and Gaza.


Early in the summer of 1914 an obscure European aristocrat, Archduke Ferdinand was shot in Sarajevo. Within a few weeks England declared war on Germany and millions died in muddy trenches. That was a disproportionate response.


On September 1, 1939 Hitler declared war on Poland because, he claimed, some Poles attacked a minor German radio station on the border. That was a disproportionate response too. Two days later, England declared war on Germany. That was also a disproportionate response.


There are three reasons why those who call any nation’s response to anything “disproportionate” are not being statesmen they are just being silly.


The first reason is that no one person or group is in a position to determine another’s priorities. Most sane westerners did not denounce the Moslem reaction of rampage and murder to the now-famous Danish cartoons, as disproportionate. It would have been a meaningless indictment. Obviously to millions of Moslems, massacres and pillage were precisely the right response to Danish humor. We show who we are by what we react to and how we do the reacting.


The point about someone who pulls a gun on the driver who cut in front of him is not that his reaction was disproportionate. The point is that in doing so, he reveals something important about who he really is.


Different cultures do behave differently. Public school teachers have told me of their pity for those children raised in refined families who become traumatized by the callous brutality and terrifying violence they encounter for the first time in some of their new school mates.


The second reason that using the term “disproportionate” is silly is that most of the major and earth shattering events of history seem to be disproportionate responses to apparently trivial incidents. Only a fool thinks that the American War of Independence was launched by a tea tax or a shot fired on a village green in Lexington. Only a fool thinks that the War Between the States was launched by Confederate fire on a fort in Charleston Harbor.


Of course we all realize that those seemingly trivial incidents did not really trigger great upheavals all on their own. They might have been the proverbial straw that pushed things one step too far. The little incident is merely the small visible part of the iceberg. Only a fool would say that World War II was England’s disproportionate response to Hitler.


Finally, the third reason why it is silly to label as disproportionate any response is that whenever someone provokes another person, he nearly always considers the punitive response he earns to be disproportionate. It is just another way of saying, “Had I known this is how you’d react, I wouldn’t have done what I did in the first place.”


It is always our choice whether or not to aggravate and goad other people. Once we do so it is too late to complain about the response we provoked. It is a good idea for parents trying to train children not to hit one another to punish whichever child touched the other first. Parents should never allow themselves to be trapped into a debate about how hard Johnny hit Tommy and whether that first aggression justified Tommy’s disproportionate response. “But I only tapped him” said Johnny, “and he punched me.” The rule of wise parenting is this: Johnny can regulate only his own behavior. If he starts up with Tommy, even only a tap, anything could happen.


And let us not forget that different cultures view the value of a single human life quite differently. Jews and Christians deriving their values from a Bible which stresses “Choose life” regard every human life as sacred. There are obviously other cultures in the world that see things quite differently.


Many of our own United States Special Forces teams maintain a code of honor about never abandoning a brother on the battle field and not leaving one of their own to fall into the hands of the enemy. Coming from the same Biblical tradition, Israel sees things in pretty much the same way.


The fourteenth chapter of Genesis describes one of the Bible’s early wars. One army did something really stupid. They captured Abraham’s nephew, Lot, and held him. Upon hearing of this, Abraham, who had been minding his own business, immediately launched an attack. He inflicted a crushing defeat upon that army. He wiped them out, recovered his nephew, and seized all the possessions of his antagonists. How silly it would be to term Abraham’s response disproportionate. How equally silly are those who call Israel’s response in these dangerous times, disproportionate




Rabbi Daniel Lapin, President of Toward Tradition, explores these issues in greater depth in his book America’s Real War.


Toward Tradition is America's leading bridge-builder between Jewish and Christian communities; spanning the divide between Christians and Jews by sculpting ancient solutions to modern problems in areas of family, faith, and fortune.


For information: Contact Rachael Whaley at (800) 591-7579

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Please respect the Rabbi!



is he one of these rabbis?


Yesha Rabbinical Council: During time of war, enemy has no innocents


The Yesha Rabbinical Council announced in response to an IDF attack in Kfar Qanna that "according to Jewish law, during a time of battle and war, there is no such term as 'innocents' of the enemy."

All of the discussions on Christian morality are weakening the spirit of the army and the nation and are costing us in the blood of our soldiers and civilians," the statement said. (Efrat Weiss)


it is not possible for me to have respect for such people. their mentality goes against all vedic injunctions regarding justice and conduct during war. the asuras of Bhagavatam displayed more honorable behavior than these so called religious leaders.

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The following is an excerpt from a lecture by His Divine Grace on Bhagavad-gita 4.19 in New York, August 5, 1966.

Nava-yauvana: Also they say that religions are the causes of war. In Lebanon now the Christians are killing the Muslims and the Muslims are killing the Christians in the name of...


Prabhupada: And the Communists are killing capitalists and capitalists are killing Communists. What is that? Is that religion? Then? How you can stop war? Because you are animal, you fight, you can give some name, either on religious ground or this philosophical ground. But because you are animal you will fight. You can give a different name. That is different thing. But because you are dogs, you'll fight. The real religion is why they will fight? Religion means to accept God. So if you are Muslim, I am Hindu, if I accept God, if You accept God, then where is fight? If we accept that God is the proprietor, God is the father, then where is the question of fight? Because we are not religious, therefore fight. Otherwise, if you accept God is the supreme father, if I accept God is the supreme, why fight? "



they are NOT religious leaders. they teach hate and injustice.

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The following is an excerpt from a lecture by His Divine Grace on Bhagavad-gita 4.19 in New York, August 5, 1966.

Nava-yauvana: Also they say that religions are the causes of war. In Lebanon now the Christians are killing the Muslims and the Muslims are killing the Christians in the name of...


Prabhupada: And the Communists are killing capitalists and capitalists are killing Communists. What is that? Is that religion? Then? How you can stop war? Because you are animal, you fight, you can give some name, either on religious ground or this philosophical ground. But because you are animal you will fight. You can give a different name. That is different thing. But because you are dogs, you'll fight. The real religion is why they will fight? Religion means to accept God. So if you are Muslim, I am Hindu, if I accept God, if You accept God, then where is fight? If we accept that God is the proprietor, God is the father, then where is the question of fight? Because we are not religious, therefore fight. Otherwise, if you accept God is the supreme father, if I accept God is the supreme, why fight? "



they are NOT religious leaders. they teach hate and injustice.


Here he is critical of followers - not the faith groups themselves and - we both accept Krishna - yet - we're not getting along - go figure?

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1200 B.C.E. - Lower Egypt’s remaining Jews are expelled at the end of the 19th Dynasty.



586 B.C.E.. - First Temple in Jerusalem is destroyed by the Babylonians.


168 B.C.E. - The Romans defile the Holy Temple, erecting a statue of Zeus and sacrificing swine. Observance of the Sabbath and circumcision are banned.


0 - The Second Temple is destroyed by the Romans.


73 - Roman troops storm Masada after a 3 year siege. The Jewish inhabitants kill themselves rather than submit to Roman slavery.

<!-- Content here added by ThinkQuest: -->

135 A.D. - A Jewish diaspora begins as Hadrian bars Jews from Jerusalem and has survivors of the massacre dispersed across the empire. Those who escape are sold into slavery.


627 - Enemies of the prophet Mohammed move on Medina from Mecca and slaughter 700 Jews.


1099 - Crusaders break into Jerusalem, and set fire to a synagogue where Jews are taking refuge, burning them to death. Those who survived are sold as slaves or ransomed.

1290 - England’s Edward I exiles the country’s Jews.


1306 - Jews are expelled from France.

England whips and expels some 100,000 Jews who have remained since Edward I’s expulsion order of 1290.


1348 - Jews are blamed for spreading the Black Death by deliberately contaminating wells and by "anointing" people and houses with poison. The Jews are herded into wooden buildings and burned alive. At Strasbourg more than 2,000 Jewish scapegoats are hanged on a scaffold erected at the Jewish burying ground.

1349 - Jews are expelled from Hungary.

1391 - Seville has a pogrom in June that spreads throughout Andalusia as Spaniards seek scapegoats for the Black Death. Castilian sailors set fire to the Barcelona ghetto, and for 4 days a mob rages out of control, killing hundreds. Many Spanish Jews will accept conversion in the next few years.


1400 - 1772 - Jews are restricted from Russia.


1414 - Cologne, a town in western Germany, expels its Jews.


1421 - Jews are expelled from Austria.


1478 - Isabella of Castile launches an Inquisition against converted Jews who secretly practice their original faith, persecuting the so-called Marranos (the word originally meant pigs).


1492 - A decree issued March 31 by Ferdinand and Isabella orders Granada’s 150,000 Jews to sell their property and leave the country by July 31 "for the honor and glory of God." Ferdinand decrees November 23 that all property and assets left by the Jews belong to the Crown, even those now in Christian hands.


1497 - Jews are expelled from Portugal.


1555 - Pope Paul IV orders that Rome’s Jewish quarter be surrounded by a wall, creating the ghetto of Rome, claiming "God has imposed servitude until they should have recognized their errors".


1648 - A Ukrainian pogrom by Greek Orthodox peasants destroys hundreds of Jewish communities, killing all who will not accept the cross. The general populace joined this genocide, which degrades and tortures Jews before murdering them.


1657- Oliver Cromwell tacitly permits Jews to return to England.


1744 - Maria Theresa launches a pogrom to drive the Jews out of Bohemia and Moravia. Even where tolerated, Europe’s Jews often live under degrading conditions with regulations designed to limit their expansion and keep their status at a low level.


1772 - Jews are admitted into Russia, but are confined to the Pale of Settlement, a narrow strip of land.


1788 - Josef II orders Austrian Jews to adopt "proper recognizable surnames." They have been known until now largely by biblical patronyms and when some object to changing their names, the emperor’s officials give them such surnames as "Fresser,Pferd," and "Weinglas."


1789 - French Revolution: French National Association denounce equal rights for French Jews.


1807 - Napoleon forces leading rabbis and leaders to disavow Jewish commitments and pledge allegiance to France alone.


1881 - Russia’s new czar Aleksandr III makes Jews the scapegoats for the assassination of his father. He vows to kill one-third of the country’s Jews, drive out another third, and convert the rest, beginning a series of pogroms that will spur the emigration of millions of Jews in the next 30 years.


1893 - Antisemitism mounts in France as Jews are blamed for the collapse in 1889 of the Panama Canal Co., whose bankruptcy has cost many French investors their savings.


1894 - A French court martial convicts Army captain Alfred Dreyfus, 35, of having passed military information to German agents. Dreyfus will later be proved innocent, but the Dreyfus case adds to the growing Antisemitism in France. Viennese journalist Theodore Herzl, 34, covers the trial and hears the Paris mob cry, "Death to the Jews!" This experience would influence Herzl to become the father of the Zionist movement which inspired the creation of the State of Israel.


1898 -"J’Accuse!" headlines the Paris newspaper L’Aurore January 18 over an open letter by novelist Emile Zola. His attack forces a new trial of Capt. Dreyfus. It is revealed that Dreyfus was the victim of an Antisemitic plot.


1913 - The Anti-Defamation League is founded by B’Nai B’rith (Sons of the Covenant) to fight anti-Semitism in America.


1915 - A new Ku Klux Klan is legally chartered in Georgia. It employs terrorist tactics against blacks, Jews, and Roman Catholics. The new leader calls his KKK a "high-class, mystic, social, patriotic, benevolent association" dedicated to "white supremacy," the protection of Southern womanhood, and "Americanism," and claims it will promote his "invisible empire." It will attract a membership of nearly 100,000 throughout the country within 6 years, concentrating political power to elect sympathetic U.S. senators, congressmen, and state officials.



</tt> Then later came the Nazi pogrom - that was to make these other events pale in comparison!



<tt>"Burn all synagogues.

Destroy all Jewish dwellings.

Confiscate the Jews' holy books.

Forbid rabbis to teach.

Forbid Jews to travel.

Forbid Jews to charge interest on loans to non-Jews and confiscate Jewish property.

Force Jews to do physical labor.

Expel the Jews from provinces where Christians live."


- Martin Luther in the pamphlet "Concerning the Jews and Their Lies." Early sixteenth century.

I think that Martin Luther embodies the nasty nature to which this thinking can sink to - let's not forget that 'he' was suppossed to be some great 'protestant and reformer' - what was he protesting? The so-called injustices of the catholic church - of which he was clergy - then he defected and did that do anything to help him reform his hate for Jews? Not apparently!


Here is a particular nasty comment from him as recorded [more than once!] within his noted pamphlet - [which can be found online]:


</tt>"Did I not tell you earlier that a Jew is such a noble, precious jewel that God and all the angels dance when he farts?"

<tt> Just see that offensive thinking and - to smear God too into it that way!

The sad part of this is that people still think his 'other' writings are worth something!


<tt>"In Morocco in 1907, a huge massacre of Jews took place in Casablanca, along with the usual embellishments-rape, women carried away into the mountains, hundreds of homes and shops burned, etc... In 1912 a big massacre in Fez...girls and women raped in front of their families, the stomachs of pregnant women slashed open, the infants ripped out of them, children smashed with crowbars... All this can be found in the newspapers of the time, including the local Arab papers."

"Roughly speaking and in the best of cases, the Jew is protected like a dog which is part of man's property, but if he raises his head or acts like a man, then he must be beaten so that he will always remember his status."


- Writings of Albert Memmi, a noted French Jewish novelist</tt>


<tt>"[The Jews are] our masters and our enemies, whom we detest... the most abominable people in the world. In short they are a totally ignorant nation who, for many years, have combined contemptible miserliness and the most revolting superstition with a violent hatred of all those nations that have tolerated them... your priests have always sacrificed human victims with their sacred hands."


- Voltaire's Dictionnaire Philosophique, in which 30 of his 118 articles described the Jews, Eighteenth Century.</tt>



<tt>"The euthanasia of Judaism can only be achieved by means of a pure, moral religion, and the abandonment of all old legal regulations."


- Immanuel Kant, major German thinker of the late eighteenth century.</tt>


<tt>"What is the secular cult of the Jew? Haggling.

What is his secular god? Money.

Well them! Emancipation from haggling and money, from practical, real Judaism would be the self-emancipation of our time! Money is the jealous God of Israel, besides which no other God may stand."


- Karl Marx in one of his first major essays, "On the Jewish Question," mid nineteenth century.</tt>


<tt>"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist.

Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the labor leaders, and I did not speak out - because I was not a labor leader.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me."


- Reverend Martin Niemoellier, a pastor in the German Confessing Church who spent seven years in a concentration camp.</tt>


<tt>So when talking about disproportionate reactions - we need to see all of the history - of course - let's again look at these words - from the scriptures:</tt>


...so the angel that spoke with me said unto me: 'Proclaim thou, saying: Thus saith the LORD of hosts: I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy; and I am very sore displeased with the nations that are at ease; for I was but a little displeased, and they helped for evil. Therefore thus saith the LORD: I return to Jerusalem with compassions: My house shall be built in it, saith the LORD of hosts, and a line shall be stretched forth over Jerusalem. Again, proclaim, saying: Thus saith the LORD of hosts: My cities shall again overflow with prosperity; and the LORD shall yet comfort Zion, and shall yet choose Jerusalem. [Zechariah 1.14-17]


So that part - 'I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy; and I am very sore displeased with the nations that are at ease; for I was but a little displeased, and they helped for evil.' - that means that God is angry at the nations of the world for it's treatment of His exiled - because He was 'but a little displeased' and yet - the nations after the 70 C.E. exile - were to have 'helped for evil' [or helped forward the afflications] and they were 'at ease' with doing so.


<tt>I think that this should all be understood and - please try to understand what </tt><tt>Reverend Martin Niemoellierb meant in his words:</tt>


<tt>"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist.

Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the labor leaders, and I did not speak out - because I was not a labor leader.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me."</tt>

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Please respect the Rabbi!




Israel’s Disproportionate Response


© Rabbi Daniel Lapin


July 20, 2006


Two weeks ago Israel attacked Gaza after the kidnapping of one of her soldiers. Greece called the Israeli military action a disproportionate response. After Hezbollah forces in Lebanon kidnapped two more Israeli soldiers, the Jewish state attacked Lebanon. The European Union warned that Israel's disproportionate response can only lead to a worsening of the crisis. France's foreign minister condemned Israel's attacks on Lebanon as “a disproportionate act of war.” Russia criticized Israel's "disproportionate use of force" against Lebanon and Gaza.


Early in the summer of 1914 an obscure European aristocrat, Archduke Ferdinand was shot in Sarajevo. Within a few weeks England declared war on Germany and millions died in muddy trenches. That was a disproportionate response.


On September 1, 1939 Hitler declared war on Poland because, he claimed, some Poles attacked a minor German radio station on the border. That was a disproportionate response too. Two days later, England declared war on Germany. That was also a disproportionate response.


There are three reasons why those who call any nation’s response to anything “disproportionate” are not being statesmen they are just being silly.


The first reason is that no one person or group is in a position to determine another’s priorities. Most sane westerners did not denounce the Moslem reaction of rampage and murder to the now-famous Danish cartoons, as disproportionate. It would have been a meaningless indictment. Obviously to millions of Moslems, massacres and pillage were precisely the right response to Danish humor. We show who we are by what we react to and how we do the reacting.


The point about someone who pulls a gun on the driver who cut in front of him is not that his reaction was disproportionate. The point is that in doing so, he reveals something important about who he really is.


Different cultures do behave differently. Public school teachers have told me of their pity for those children raised in refined families who become traumatized by the callous brutality and terrifying violence they encounter for the first time in some of their new school mates.


The second reason that using the term “disproportionate” is silly is that most of the major and earth shattering events of history seem to be disproportionate responses to apparently trivial incidents. Only a fool thinks that the American War of Independence was launched by a tea tax or a shot fired on a village green in Lexington. Only a fool thinks that the War Between the States was launched by Confederate fire on a fort in Charleston Harbor.


Of course we all realize that those seemingly trivial incidents did not really trigger great upheavals all on their own. They might have been the proverbial straw that pushed things one step too far. The little incident is merely the small visible part of the iceberg. Only a fool would say that World War II was England’s disproportionate response to Hitler.


Finally, the third reason why it is silly to label as disproportionate any response is that whenever someone provokes another person, he nearly always considers the punitive response he earns to be disproportionate. It is just another way of saying, “Had I known this is how you’d react, I wouldn’t have done what I did in the first place.”


It is always our choice whether or not to aggravate and goad other people. Once we do so it is too late to complain about the response we provoked. It is a good idea for parents trying to train children not to hit one another to punish whichever child touched the other first. Parents should never allow themselves to be trapped into a debate about how hard Johnny hit Tommy and whether that first aggression justified Tommy’s disproportionate response. “But I only tapped him” said Johnny, “and he punched me.” The rule of wise parenting is this: Johnny can regulate only his own behavior. If he starts up with Tommy, even only a tap, anything could happen.


And let us not forget that different cultures view the value of a single human life quite differently. Jews and Christians deriving their values from a Bible which stresses “Choose life” regard every human life as sacred. There are obviously other cultures in the world that see things quite differently.


Many of our own United States Special Forces teams maintain a code of honor about never abandoning a brother on the battle field and not leaving one of their own to fall into the hands of the enemy. Coming from the same Biblical tradition, Israel sees things in pretty much the same way.


The fourteenth chapter of Genesis describes one of the Bible’s early wars. One army did something really stupid. They captured Abraham’s nephew, Lot, and held him. Upon hearing of this, Abraham, who had been minding his own business, immediately launched an attack. He inflicted a crushing defeat upon that army. He wiped them out, recovered his nephew, and seized all the possessions of his antagonists. How silly it would be to term Abraham’s response disproportionate. How equally silly are those who call Israel’s response in these dangerous times, disproportionate




Rabbi Daniel Lapin, President of Toward Tradition, explores these issues in greater depth in his book America’s Real War.


Toward Tradition is America's leading bridge-builder between Jewish and Christian communities; spanning the divide between Christians and Jews by sculpting ancient solutions to modern problems in areas of family, faith, and fortune.


For information: Contact Rachael Whaley at (800) 591-7579


That is a great essay - I like this:


We show who we are by what we react to and how we do the reacting.

The point about someone who pulls a gun on the driver who cut in front of him is not that his reaction was disproportionate. The point is that in doing so, he reveals something important about who he really is.

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yes, BDM, keep taking these blue "sanity pills"...


or maybe you are just one of their stooges? :idea:

Blue ones? Wow Krishna colored meds! Nope don't take such things and i'm sure you can figure that out!


I'm one of Krishna's 'stooges' and on that pretext I understand things in a far more broad fashion - I like this quote as rendered in my amateur attempts at graphics - which could be better but - i'm limited to 1.5 MB in file upload size at the free host [www.imageshack.us] so it limits both the size and number of frames i can place into a gif animation:




"...And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all peoples..." [Zechariah 12.3]


So that is the way it is - now that the nations of the earth rail against her God shall make her a burdensome stone - we should see that Zechariah chapter 12 texts 1-10 are telling of a time to come - if the nations try to put an end to her.


Recall this:


...so the angel that spoke with me said unto me: 'Proclaim thou, saying: Thus saith the LORD of hosts: I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy; and I am very sore displeased with the nations that are at ease; for I was but a little displeased, and they helped for evil. Therefore thus saith the LORD: I return to Jerusalem with compassions: My house shall be built in it, saith the LORD of hosts, and a line shall be stretched forth over Jerusalem. Again, proclaim, saying: Thus saith the LORD of hosts: My cities shall again overflow with prosperity; and the LORD shall yet comfort Zion, and shall yet choose Jerusalem. [Zechariah 1.14-17]


So that part - 'I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy; and I am very sore displeased with the nations that are at ease; for I was but a little displeased, and they helped for evil.' - that means that God is angry at the nations of the world for it's treatment of His exiled - because He was 'but a little displeased' and yet - the nations after the 70 C.E. exile - were to have 'helped for evil' [or helped forward the afflications] and they were 'at ease' with doing so.


Sounds pretty clear to me!

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Media Bias Against Israel by Reuters!






This Reuters photograph shows blatant evidence of manipulation. Notice the repeating patterns in the smoke; this is almost certainly caused by using the Photoshop "clone" tool to add more smoke to the image.


Smoke simply does not contain repeating symmetrical patterns like this, and you can see the repetition in both plumes of smoke. There's really no question about it. It's not only the plumes of smoke that were 'enhanced.' There are also cloned buildings.









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Here is a nice video showing how such " events " are regularly staged.



yes, hundreds of dead Lebanese civilians - staged!

yes, entire neigbourhoods in Beirut demolished - staged!

yes, entire villages razed to the ground - staged!

yes, indiscriminate Israeli bombing raids on Lebanon - staged!


nothing to see folks... dont stare... keep moving, keep moving...


people like YOU, dear guest, make me sick.


just because there are some murderous Arab terrorists that cowardly attack Israeli civilians from time to time, it does not mean that Jews have the license to conduct genocide in Lebanon. Their activities show that they are CERTAINLY no better than common terrorists and criminals.


and YOU and people like you, are part of it!

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Guest guest



people like YOU, dear guest, make me sick.




Good :)

Jew Haters like yourself repulse me you continue to post the same trash from the same Jew hating sites yet all my evidence is clearly supported from many different sources.


again I quote,

"citing work by EU Referendum showing numerous anomalies in the photos. "Most notably," he writes, "the dating of the various photos suggests that the same bodies were paraded before reporters on different occasions, each time as if they had just been pulled from the rubble. [in addition], some workers are wearing different gear in different photos, yet clearly carrying the same corpse."


Are people dying there ? Yes.

Is it a massacre ? Doubtful, unless you count the human shields and prisoners forced to stay at targets by Hezbulla.


Keep buying the lies that Hezbulla feeds you, I am sure that will afford you some special treatment under their laws.

If you are interested I have a friend selling some great oceanfront property in Kansas, I can post the pictures here if you want ;)

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here is one that is unbiased and undoctored:




more pictures of Israeli genocide in Lebanon here:




I hate to disrupt your bubble of self-delusion:


"More Fakery at Reuters"


Monday, July 31, 2006


'Who is this man?'


For an update on this post, see here.


qana4.jpgIf he had been a genuine rescue worker, he would deserve a medal. Mr "Green Helmet" is everywhere at Qana, rushing around pulling children out of the rubble, carting them to ambulances and even, on the front page of the Guardian, escorting "White Tee-shirt", who also performs his own cameo role, carting round the body of another unfortunate girl, emoting freely while he does so.


That photograph is credited to Nicolas Asfouri of AFP/Getty Images and the caption reads, "A man screams for help as he carries the body of a young girl after Israeli air strikes on the southern Lebanese village of Qana".


green%20helmet%20005.jpg"White Tee-shirt" is still "screaming" on the front page of The Telegraph, but in an altogether different location, this photograph attributed to Reuters. He also makes the front page of The Times and The Independent, in yet another location, with “Green Helmet” just out of shot.


The New York Times, however, has "Green Helmet" dragging the body of yet another unfortunate child from the ruins, this photograph attributed to Tyler Hicks of The New York Times. The caption reads, "Rescue workers recovered bodies at the scene of an Israeli air raid on the southern Lebanese town of Qana on Sunday".


green%20helmet%20004.jpegWe also get one more shot of the baby dragged from the rubble – yet another pose to add to the many already published. This time, "Blue Tee-shirt" is standing behind the baby's body, holding its head up to make a more dramatic picture.


The picture itself is in Arab News with the caption, "A dead child, a victim of Jewish terror, is taken out of a destroyed building in Qana on Sunday. The pacifier of the child is seen hanging from the vest, a mute testimony to the innocent victim's tragic end." The photograph is attributed to EPA.


green%20helmet%20001.0.jpgA picture remarkably similar to that in The New York Times is also offered by Reuters, attributed to Zohra Bensemra. Its caption reads, "A Lebanese volunteer rescuer carries a child killed in the Israeli air raid in Qana." It looks like the same child, but "Green Helmet", seems to have swapped positions for the camera with "Grey Tee-shirt".


green%20helmet%20003.jpegGulf News, on the other hand, has "Green Helmet" carrying the body of the girl shown in the previous post, but in yet another, slightly more picturesque location. This shot carries no attribution and the caption is not related to the picture. It refers to the cessation of air strikes by the Israelis.


green%20helmet%20006.jpegBut the great tragedy for Qana, of which we are constantly reminded by the media, is that this is history apparently repeating itself. On 18 April 1996, the village was also visited by death and destruction. re-visiting the photographs of the time, however, who do we see at the centre of the action? Why, "Green Helmet" of course. This is a younger man, without his glasses, but recognisably the same man, in his now classic pose of handling a victim of an Israeli "atrocity".


His presence at Qana on Sunday, and his central, unchallenged role, cannot have been a coincidence. Is he a senior ranking Hezbollah official? If not, who is he?


* * * *


And here he is again!


green%20helmet%20007.jpgThis time, according to Reuter's Zohra Bensemra, "Green Helmet" is a Lebanese rescue worker, watching "while a bulldozers clears away the rubble of a building demolished by an Israeli air strike in Sreefa, 18 miles (30km) south east of the port-city of Tyre(Soure)". The dateline is 31 July, 2006, at 10:37 am.


Doesn't Hezbollah have anyone else the media can photograph?






So Kulapavana them are the facts....the loss of life is obvious - and so too are the staged presentation of the photos...

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Jew Haters like yourself repulse me you continue to post the same trash from the same Jew hating sites yet all my evidence is clearly supported from many different sources.


ok Jew Lover. I will post pictures of Israeli war crimes from jew-loving sites from now on. :idea:


and since you like facts: where are my posts that are hatefull to Jews? prove it! trash talks trash. show me the evidence.

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ok Jew Lover. I will post pictures of Israeli war crimes from jew-loving sites from now on. :idea:


and since you like facts: where are my posts that are hatefull to Jews? prove it! trash talks trash. show me the evidence.


"ok Jew Lover"


Proof enough ;)

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"ok Jew Lover"


Proof enough ;)


wow! did you actually come up with that on your own, or did you have to call your handlers at ADL?


calling someone a Jew-hater is actually a serious charge. in a way it implies hate on your side towards me. I will ask the moderators to look at your account closely to see who hides behind your no-name IP address. you look like a provocator to me, or at least someone who abuses his privileges on this forum.


I despise warmongers of any persuasion. Especially those who pretend to be religious people.

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wow! did you actually come up with that on your own, or did you have to call your handlers at ADL?


calling someone a Jew-hater is actually a serious charge. in a way it implies hate on your side towards me. I will ask the moderators to look at your account closely to see who hides behind your no-name IP address. you look like a provocator to me, or at least someone who abuses his privileges on this forum.


I despise warmongers of any persuasion. Especially those who pretend to be religious people.


Nope no hate here, just pointing out your bias.


If you so despise warmongers why have you yet to utter a single word about Hezbulla ? All you do is prost the same Jew blaming articles one can find anywhere on the web. Funny, go ahead and have the moderators look at me, there are several posters here that post the same things I do so you wont be able to post unchallanged regardless :)

Funny how you accuse me of being some ADL plant, do you have a reason to fear the ADL ?

Just like your type to be rebuked at every turn so their final attempt is censorship.


I only post the truth that can be researched through numerous sources while you post speculation and biased articles from shady sources ? Who is the provocatour ?

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